/** * Returns new refresh-free form for user ocupancy * * @return string */ function web_ExpressAddressOccupancyForm() { $allcities = zb_AddressGetCityAllData(); $citybox = __('City') . '<select id="citybox" name="citybox" onchange="var valuec = document.getElementById(\'citybox\').value; goajax(\'?module=expresscard&ajaxstreet=\'+valuec,\'dstreetbox\');">'; $citybox .= '<option value="99999">-</option> <!-- really ugly hack -->'; if (!empty($allcities)) { foreach ($allcities as $ic => $each) { $citybox .= '<option value="' . $each['id'] . '">' . $each['cityname'] . '</option>'; } } $citybox .= '</select>'; $citybox .= '<span id="dstreetbox"></span> <span id="dbuildbox"></span> <span id="daptbox"></span>'; return $citybox; }
/** * Returns available cities lister with some controls * * @return string */ function web_CityLister() { $allcity = zb_AddressGetCityAllData(); $cells = wf_TableCell(__('ID')); $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('City name')); $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('City alias')); $cells .= wf_TableCell(__('Actions')); $rows = wf_TableRow($cells, 'row1'); if (!empty($allcity)) { foreach ($allcity as $io => $eachcity) { $cells = wf_TableCell($eachcity['id']); $cells .= wf_TableCell($eachcity['cityname']); $cells .= wf_TableCell($eachcity['cityalias']); $acts = wf_JSAlert('?module=city&action=delete&cityid=' . $eachcity['id'], web_delete_icon(), 'Removing this may lead to irreparable results') . ' '; $acts .= wf_JSAlert('?module=city&action=edit&cityid=' . $eachcity['id'], web_edit_icon(), 'Are you serious') . ' '; $acts .= wf_Link('?module=streets', web_street_icon(), false, ''); $cells .= wf_TableCell($acts); $rows .= wf_TableRow($cells, 'row3'); } } $result = wf_TableBody($rows, '100%', 0, 'sortable'); return $result; }
/** * Returns check box cities selecor * * @return string */ public function CityChecker($admin) { $tmpCity = zb_AddressGetCityAllData(); $checker = ''; $i = 0; if (!empty($tmpCity)) { if (file_exists(self::PERMISSION_PATH . $admin)) { $data = file_get_contents(self::PERMISSION_PATH . $admin); if (!empty($data)) { $eachId = explode(",", $data); foreach ($tmpCity as $io => $each) { $checked = false; foreach ($eachId as $id) { if ($each['id'] == $id) { $checked = true; } } $checker .= $this->CheckInput("city[{$i}]", $each['cityname'], $each['id'], true, $checked); $i++; } } } else { foreach ($tmpCity as $io => $each) { $checker .= $this->CheckInput("city[{$i}]", $each['cityname'], $each['id'], true, false); $i++; } } $checker .= wf_delimiter(0); $checker .= wf_Submit(__('Send')); } $form = wf_Form('', 'POST', $checker); return $form; }