예제 #1
function svenk_check_whitelisted_domain($success, $url, $keyword, $title)
    /* This filter works like that: Return $success if everything is fine,
       return something else or die if not.
       Unfortunately the filter is called *before* the URL is escaped properly,
       so we have to do this twice (https://github.com/YOURLS/YOURLS/blob/master/includes/functions.php#L185). */
    $url = yourls_escape(yourls_sanitize_url(yourls_encodeURI($url)));
    $url_host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
    if (!$url_host) {
        // we cannot even determine the host part of the $url, fail silently.
        // This more or less replaces Line191 in the functions.php file.
        # yourls_die('During Whitelist check, cannot determine host of URL', 'Forbidden', 403);
        return array('status' => 'fail', 'code' => 'error:nourl', 'message' => 'During whitelist check, cannot determine host of URL. Probably missing or malformed URL', 'errorCode' => 400);
    /* make sure this is present: The configuration of whitelisted domains */
    global $allowed_domains;
    foreach ($allowed_domains as $allowed_domain) {
        if (isset($allowed_domain['regexp'])) {
            // check if this whitelist entry catches the $url_host by regexp
            if (preg_match($allowed_domain['regexp'], $url_host)) {
                return $success;
        } elseif (isset($allowed_domain['domain'])) {
            // check if this whitelist entry allows the $url_host by domain end test
            if (svenk_endsWith($url_host, $allowed_domain['domain'])) {
                return $success;
    /* URL is not whitelisted. Fail verbosely */
    return array('status' => 'fail', 'code' => 'error:whitelist', 'message' => 'This domain is not whitelisted.', 'errorCode' => 400);
    #yourls_die('This domain is not whitelisted', 'Forbidden', 403);
예제 #2
 * Add a new link in the DB, either with custom keyword, or find one
function yourls_add_new_link($url, $keyword = '', $title = '')
    // Allow plugins to short-circuit the whole function
    $pre = yourls_apply_filter('shunt_add_new_link', false, $url, $keyword, $title);
    if (false !== $pre) {
        return $pre;
    $url = yourls_encodeURI($url);
    $url = yourls_escape(yourls_sanitize_url($url));
    if (!$url || $url == 'http://' || $url == 'https://') {
        $return['status'] = 'fail';
        $return['code'] = 'error:nourl';
        $return['message'] = yourls__('Missing or malformed URL');
        $return['errorCode'] = '400';
        return yourls_apply_filter('add_new_link_fail_nourl', $return, $url, $keyword, $title);
    // Prevent DB flood
    $ip = yourls_get_IP();
    // Prevent internal redirection loops: cannot shorten a shortened URL
    if (yourls_get_relative_url($url)) {
        if (yourls_is_shorturl($url)) {
            $return['status'] = 'fail';
            $return['code'] = 'error:noloop';
            $return['message'] = yourls__('URL is a short URL');
            $return['errorCode'] = '400';
            return yourls_apply_filter('add_new_link_fail_noloop', $return, $url, $keyword, $title);
    yourls_do_action('pre_add_new_link', $url, $keyword, $title);
    $strip_url = stripslashes($url);
    $return = array();
    // duplicates allowed or new URL => store it
    if (yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls() || !($url_exists = yourls_url_exists($url))) {
        if (isset($title) && !empty($title)) {
            $title = yourls_sanitize_title($title);
        } else {
            $title = yourls_get_remote_title($url);
        $title = yourls_apply_filter('add_new_title', $title, $url, $keyword);
        // Custom keyword provided
        if ($keyword) {
            yourls_do_action('add_new_link_custom_keyword', $url, $keyword, $title);
            $keyword = yourls_escape(yourls_sanitize_string($keyword));
            $keyword = yourls_apply_filter('custom_keyword', $keyword, $url, $title);
            if (!yourls_keyword_is_free($keyword)) {
                // This shorturl either reserved or taken already
                $return['status'] = 'fail';
                $return['code'] = 'error:keyword';
                $return['message'] = yourls_s('Short URL %s already exists in database or is reserved', $keyword);
            } else {
                // all clear, store !
                yourls_insert_link_in_db($url, $keyword, $title);
                $return['url'] = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'url' => $strip_url, 'title' => $title, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $ip);
                $return['status'] = 'success';
                $return['message'] = yourls_s('%s added to database', yourls_trim_long_string($strip_url));
                $return['title'] = $title;
                $return['html'] = yourls_table_add_row($keyword, $url, $title, $ip, 0, time());
                $return['shorturl'] = YOURLS_SITE . '/' . $keyword;
            // Create random keyword
        } else {
            yourls_do_action('add_new_link_create_keyword', $url, $keyword, $title);
            $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            $id = yourls_get_next_decimal();
            $ok = false;
            do {
                $keyword = yourls_int2string($id);
                $keyword = yourls_apply_filter('random_keyword', $keyword, $url, $title);
                if (yourls_keyword_is_free($keyword)) {
                    if (@yourls_insert_link_in_db($url, $keyword, $title)) {
                        // everything ok, populate needed vars
                        $return['url'] = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'url' => $strip_url, 'title' => $title, 'date' => $timestamp, 'ip' => $ip);
                        $return['status'] = 'success';
                        $return['message'] = yourls_s('%s added to database', yourls_trim_long_string($strip_url));
                        $return['title'] = $title;
                        $return['html'] = yourls_table_add_row($keyword, $url, $title, $ip, 0, time());
                        $return['shorturl'] = YOURLS_SITE . '/' . $keyword;
                    } else {
                        // database error, couldnt store result
                        $return['status'] = 'fail';
                        $return['code'] = 'error:db';
                        $return['message'] = yourls_s('Error saving url to database');
                    $ok = true;
            } while (!$ok);
        // URL was already stored
    } else {
        yourls_do_action('add_new_link_already_stored', $url, $keyword, $title);
        $return['status'] = 'fail';
        $return['code'] = 'error:url';
        $return['url'] = array('keyword' => $url_exists->keyword, 'url' => $strip_url, 'title' => $url_exists->title, 'date' => $url_exists->timestamp, 'ip' => $url_exists->ip, 'clicks' => $url_exists->clicks);
        $return['message'] = yourls_s('%s already exists in database', yourls_trim_long_string($strip_url));
        $return['title'] = $url_exists->title;
        $return['shorturl'] = YOURLS_SITE . '/' . $url_exists->keyword;
    yourls_do_action('post_add_new_link', $url, $keyword, $title);
    $return['statusCode'] = 200;
    // regardless of result, this is still a valid request
    return yourls_apply_filter('add_new_link', $return, $url, $keyword, $title);