$error[] = 'YOURLS already installed.'; // check if .htaccess exists, recreate otherwise. No error checking. if (!file_exists(YOURLS_ABSPATH . '/.htaccess')) { yourls_create_htaccess(); } } // Start install if possible and needed if (isset($_REQUEST['install']) && count($error) == 0) { // Create/update .htaccess file if (yourls_create_htaccess()) { $success[] = 'File <tt>.htaccess</tt> successfully created/updated.'; } else { $warning[] = 'Could not write file <tt>.htaccess</tt> in YOURLS root directory. You will have to do it manually. See <a href="http://yourls.org/htaccess">how</a>.'; } // Create SQL tables $install = yourls_create_sql_tables(); if (isset($install['error'])) { $error = array_merge($error, $install['error']); } if (isset($install['success'])) { $success = array_merge($success, $install['success']); } } // Start output yourls_html_head('install', 'Install YOURLS'); ?> <div id="login"> <form method="post" action="?"><?php // reset any QUERY parameters ?> <p>
<?php define('YOURLS_ADMIN', true); define('YOURLS_INSTALLING', true); require_once __DIR__ . '/includes/load-yourls.php'; require_once YOURLS_INC . '/functions-install.php'; yourls_create_sql_tables();