if (preg_match("@^([{$pattern}]+)/?\$@", $request, $matches)) { $keyword = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword($keyword); yourls_do_action('load_template_go', $keyword); require_once YOURLS_ABSPATH . '/yourls-go.php'; exit; } // Stats: if (preg_match("@^([{$pattern}]+)\\+(all)?/?\$@", $request, $matches)) { $keyword = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $keyword = yourls_sanitize_keyword($keyword); $aggregate = isset($matches[2]) ? (bool) $matches[2] && yourls_allow_duplicate_longurls() : false; yourls_do_action('load_template_infos', $keyword); require_once YOURLS_ABSPATH . '/yourls-infos.php'; exit; } // Prefix-n-Shorten sends to bookmarklet (doesn't work on Windows) if (preg_match("@^[a-zA-Z]+://.+@", $request, $matches)) { $url = yourls_sanitize_url($matches[0]); if ($parse = yourls_get_protocol_slashes_and_rest($url, array('up', 'us', 'ur'))) { yourls_do_action('load_template_redirect_admin', $url); $parse = array_map('rawurlencode', $parse); // Redirect to /admin/index.php?up=<url protocol>&us=<url slashes>&ur=<url rest> yourls_redirect(yourls_add_query_arg($parse, yourls_admin_url('index.php')), 302); exit; } } // Past this point this is a request the loader could not understand yourls_do_action('loader_failed', $request); yourls_redirect(YOURLS_SITE, 302); exit;
function mu_table_add_row($keyword, $url, $title = '', $ip, $clicks, $timestamp) { $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string($keyword); $display_keyword = htmlentities($keyword); $url = yourls_sanitize_url($url); $display_url = htmlentities(yourls_trim_long_string($url)); $title_url = htmlspecialchars($url); $title = yourls_sanitize_title($title); $display_title = yourls_trim_long_string($title); $title = htmlspecialchars($title); $id = yourls_string2htmlid($keyword); // used as HTML #id $date = date('M d, Y H:i', $timestamp + YOURLS_HOURS_OFFSET * 3600); $clicks = number_format($clicks, 0, '', ''); $shorturl = YOURLS_SITE . '/' . $keyword; $statlink = $shorturl . '+'; if (yourls_is_ssl()) { $statlink = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $statlink); } if ($title) { $display_link = "<a href=\"{$url}\" title=\"{$title}\">{$display_title}</a><br/><small><a href=\"{$url}\" title=\"{$title_url}\">{$display_url}</a></small>"; } else { $display_link = "<a href=\"{$url}\" title=\"{$title_url}\">{$display_url}</a>"; } $delete_link = yourls_nonce_url('delete-link_' . $id, yourls_add_query_arg(array('id' => $id, 'action' => 'delete', 'keyword' => $keyword), muAdminUrl('admin-ajax.php'))); $edit_link = yourls_nonce_url('edit-link_' . $id, yourls_add_query_arg(array('id' => $id, 'action' => 'edit', 'keyword' => $keyword), muAdminUrl('admin-ajax.php'))); $actions = <<<ACTION <a href="{$statlink}" id="statlink-{$id}" title="Stats" class="button button_stats">Stats</a><a href="" id="share-button-{$id}" name="share-button" title="Share" class="button button_share" onclick="toggle_share('{$id}');return false;">Share</a><a href="{$edit_link}" id="edit-button-{$id}" name="edit-button" title="Edit" class="button button_edit" onclick="edit('{$id}');return false;">Edit</a><a href="{$delete_link}" id="delete-button-{$id}" name="delete-button" title="Delete" class="button button_delete" onclick="remove('{$id}');return false;">Delete</a> ACTION; $actions = yourls_apply_filter('action_links', $actions, $keyword, $url, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp); $row = <<<ROW <tr id="id-{$id}"><td id="keyword-{$id}" class="keyword"><a href="{$shorturl}">{$display_keyword}</a></td><td id="url-{$id}" class="url">{$display_link}</td><td id="timestamp-{$id}" class="timestamp">{$date}</td><td id="ip-{$id}" class="ip">{$ip}</td><td id="clicks-{$id}" class="clicks">{$clicks}</td><td class="actions" id="actions-{$id}">{$actions}<input type="hidden" id="keyword_{$id}" value="{$keyword}"/></td></tr> ROW; $row = yourls_apply_filter('table_add_row', $row, $keyword, $url, $title, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp); return $row; }
/** * Return an "Add" row for the main table * * @return string HTML of the edit row */ function yourls_table_add_row($keyword, $url, $title = '', $ip, $clicks, $timestamp) { $keyword = yourls_sanitize_string($keyword); $id = yourls_string2htmlid($keyword); // used as HTML #id $shorturl = yourls_link($keyword); $statlink = yourls_statlink($keyword); $delete_link = yourls_nonce_url('delete-link_' . $id, yourls_add_query_arg(array('id' => $id, 'action' => 'delete', 'keyword' => $keyword), yourls_admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); $edit_link = yourls_nonce_url('edit-link_' . $id, yourls_add_query_arg(array('id' => $id, 'action' => 'edit', 'keyword' => $keyword), yourls_admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); // Action link buttons: the array $actions = array('stats' => array('href' => $statlink, 'id' => "statlink-{$id}", 'title' => yourls_esc_attr__('Stats'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Stats')), 'share' => array('href' => '', 'id' => "share-button-{$id}", 'title' => yourls_esc_attr__('Share'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Share'), 'onclick' => "toggle_share('{$id}');return false;"), 'edit' => array('href' => $edit_link, 'id' => "edit-button-{$id}", 'title' => yourls_esc_attr__('Edit'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Edit'), 'onclick' => "edit_link_display('{$id}');return false;"), 'delete' => array('href' => $delete_link, 'id' => "delete-button-{$id}", 'title' => yourls_esc_attr__('Delete'), 'anchor' => yourls__('Delete'), 'onclick' => "remove_link('{$id}');return false;")); $actions = yourls_apply_filter('table_add_row_action_array', $actions); // Action link buttons: the HTML $action_links = ''; foreach ($actions as $key => $action) { $onclick = isset($action['onclick']) ? 'onclick="' . $action['onclick'] . '"' : ''; $action_links .= sprintf('<a href="%s" id="%s" title="%s" class="%s" %s>%s</a>', $action['href'], $action['id'], $action['title'], 'button button_' . $key, $onclick, $action['anchor']); } $action_links = yourls_apply_filter('action_links', $action_links, $keyword, $url, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp); if (!$title) { $title = $url; } $protocol_warning = ''; if (!in_array(yourls_get_protocol($url), array('http://', 'https://'))) { $protocol_warning = yourls_apply_filter('add_row_protocol_warning', '<span class="warning" title="' . yourls__('Not a common link') . '">★</span>'); } // Row cells: the array $cells = array('keyword' => array('template' => '<a href="%shorturl%">%keyword_html%</a>', 'shorturl' => yourls_esc_url($shorturl), 'keyword_html' => yourls_esc_html($keyword)), 'url' => array('template' => '<a href="%long_url%" title="%title_attr%">%title_html%</a><br/><small>%warning%<a href="%long_url%">%long_url_html%</a></small>', 'long_url' => yourls_esc_url($url), 'title_attr' => yourls_esc_attr($title), 'title_html' => yourls_esc_html(yourls_trim_long_string($title)), 'long_url_html' => yourls_esc_html(yourls_trim_long_string($url)), 'warning' => $protocol_warning), 'timestamp' => array('template' => '%date%', 'date' => date('M d, Y H:i', $timestamp + YOURLS_HOURS_OFFSET * 3600)), 'ip' => array('template' => '%ip%', 'ip' => $ip), 'clicks' => array('template' => '%clicks%', 'clicks' => yourls_number_format_i18n($clicks, 0, '', '')), 'actions' => array('template' => '%actions% <input type="hidden" id="keyword_%id%" value="%keyword%"/>', 'actions' => $action_links, 'id' => $id, 'keyword' => $keyword)); $cells = yourls_apply_filter('table_add_row_cell_array', $cells, $keyword, $url, $title, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp); // Row cells: the HTML. Replace every %stuff% in 'template' with 'stuff' value. $row = "<tr id=\"id-{$id}\">"; foreach ($cells as $cell_id => $elements) { $callback = new yourls_table_add_row_callback($elements); $row .= sprintf('<td class="%s" id="%s">', $cell_id, $cell_id . '-' . $id); $row .= preg_replace_callback('/%([^%]+)?%/', array($callback, 'callback'), $elements['template']); // For the record, in PHP 5.3+ we don't need to introduce a class in order to pass additional parameters // to the callback function. Instead, we would have used the 'use' keyword : // $row .= preg_replace_callback( '/%([^%]+)?%/', function( $match ) use ( $elements ) { return $elements[ $match[1] ]; }, $elements['template'] ); $row .= '</td>'; } $row .= "</tr>"; $row = yourls_apply_filter('table_add_row', $row, $keyword, $url, $title, $ip, $clicks, $timestamp); return $row; }
/** * Add a nonce to a URL. If URL omitted, adds nonce to current URL * */ function yourls_nonce_url($action, $url = false, $name = 'nonce', $user = false) { $nonce = yourls_create_nonce($action, $user); return yourls_add_query_arg($name, $nonce, $url); }
foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { if ($plugin[$value]) { $data[$field] = $plugin[$value]; } else { $data[$field] = '(no info)'; } unset($plugin[$value]); } $plugindir = trim(dirname($file), '/'); if (yourls_is_active_plugin($file)) { $class = 'active'; $action_url = yourls_nonce_url('manage_plugins', yourls_add_query_arg(array('action' => 'deactivate', 'plugin' => $plugindir))); $action_anchor = 'Deactivate'; } else { $class = 'inactive'; $action_url = yourls_nonce_url('manage_plugins', yourls_add_query_arg(array('action' => 'activate', 'plugin' => $plugindir))); $action_anchor = 'Activate'; } // Other "Fields: Value" in the header? Get them too if ($plugin) { foreach ($plugin as $extra_field => $extra_value) { $data['desc'] .= "<br/>\n<em>{$extra_field}</em>: {$extra_value}"; unset($plugin[$extra_value]); } } $data['desc'] .= "<br/><small>plugin file location: {$file}</small>"; printf("<tr class='plugin %s'><td class='plugin_name'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td><td class='plugin_version'>%s</td><td class='plugin_desc'>%s</td><td class='plugin_author'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td><td class='plugin_actions actions'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td></tr>", $class, $data['uri'], $data['name'], $data['version'], $data['desc'], $data['author_uri'], $data['author'], $action_url, $action_anchor); } ?> </tbody> </table>
/** * Yourls filter table_add_row_action_array * * @param $data * @return array */ public function filter_table_add_row_action_array() { global $url_result; list($actions) = func_get_args(); if (!isset($url_result)) { return array(); } if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT_OTHER)) { if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT, $url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_PROJECTS})) { if ($url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_USER_CREATE} && YOURLS_USER !== $url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_USER_CREATE}) { unset($actions['edit']); } } } if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_DELETE_OTHER)) { if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_DELETE, $url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_PROJECTS})) { if ($url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_USER_CREATE} && YOURLS_USER !== $url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_USER_CREATE}) { unset($actions['delete']); } } } if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT_PROJECT)) { return $actions; } if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT_OTHER)) { if (!$this->_hasPermission(self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT_PROJECT, $url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_PROJECTS})) { if ($url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_USER_CREATE} && YOURLS_USER !== $url_result->{self::SETTING_URL_USER_CREATE}) { return $actions; } } } $id = yourls_string2htmlid($this->_keyword); $href = yourls_nonce_url('laemmi_edit_ldapgroup_' . $id, yourls_add_query_arg(['action' => 'laemmi_edit_ldapgroup', 'keyword' => $this->_keyword], yourls_admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); $actions['laemmi_edit_ldapgroup'] = ['href' => $href, 'id' => '', 'title' => yourls__('Edit Projects', self::APP_NAMESPACE), 'anchor' => 'edit_ldapgroup', 'onclick' => '']; return $actions; }
/** * Filter table_add_row_action_array * * @return mixed */ public function filter_table_add_row_action_array() { list($actions) = func_get_args(); $permissions = $this->helperGetAllowedPermissions(); if (!isset($permissions[self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT_COMMENT]) && !isset($permissions[self::PERMISSION_ACTION_EDIT_LABEL])) { return $actions; } $id = yourls_string2htmlid($this->_keyword); $href = yourls_nonce_url('laemmi_edit_comment_label_' . $id, yourls_add_query_arg(['action' => 'laemmi_edit_comment_label', 'keyword' => $this->_keyword], yourls_admin_url('admin-ajax.php'))); $actions['laemmi_edit_comment_label'] = ['href' => $href, 'id' => '', 'title' => yourls__('Edit comment & label', self::APP_NAMESPACE), 'anchor' => 'edit_comment_label', 'onclick' => '']; return $actions; }