function xml_response($data = array(), $root = 'response', $indent = 0) { $tab = str_repeat("\t", $indent); $do_root = !empty($root); $xml = $do_root ? "{$tab}<{$root}>\n" : ""; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $xml .= xml_response($value, $key, $indent + 1); } else { if (is_numeric($key)) { $key = 'index'; } $xml .= "{$tab}\t<{$key}>"; // one extra tab is added to nest under its root node if (strpos($value, '<') || strpos($value, '>') || strpos($value, '&')) { $xml .= "<![CDATA[{$value}]]>"; } else { $xml .= $value; } $xml .= "</{$key}>\n"; } } if ($do_root) { $xml .= "{$tab}</{$root}>\n"; } return $xml; }
function mysqlConnection() { //$mysql_host, $mysql_user_name, $mysql_password, $mysql_db_name){ if (!mysql_connect($GLOBALS["mysql_host"], $GLOBALS["mysql_user_name"], $GLOBALS["mysql_password"])) { xml_response('false', 'true', 'Erro do servidor', 'Não foi possível conectar ao banco de dados.', 'OK'); exit; } if (!mysql_select_db($GLOBALS["mysql_db_name"])) { xml_response('false', 'true', 'Erro do servidor', 'Não foi possível consultar o banco de dados.', 'OK'); exit; } }
**/ include '../configs.php'; include "../lang/{$LANG}.php"; include 'common.php'; $dir = $_POST['dir']; $file = $_POST['file']; $directory = $PUBLIC_HTML_DIR . $dir; $path = $directory . $file; if ($dir == "") { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['select_dir'])); } if (!is_writable($directory)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['no_permission'])); } if (!validate_path($dir)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['invalid_dir'] . " [b]({$directory})[/b]")); } //cheking file name if (ereg("[^a-zA-Z0-9._ -]", $file) || substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['invalid_dirname'])); } //check is file name exists if (file_exists($directory . $file)) { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['dir_exists'])); } umask(02); if (mkdir($directory . $file, 0775)) { die(xml_response('done', "[b]'{$file}'[/b] " . $DLG['dir_add_success'])); } die(xml_response('error', "[b]'{$file}'[/b] " . $DLG['dir_add_failure']));
function mysqlConnection($mysql_host, $mysql_user_name, $mysql_password, $mysql_db_name) { if (!mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user_name, $mysql_password)) { xml_response('false', 'true', 'Remote Server Error', 'Could not connect to MySQL. Please try again later.', 'OK'); exit; } if (!mysql_select_db($mysql_db_name)) { xml_response('false', 'true', 'Remote Server Error', 'Could not select the database in MySQL. Please try again later.', 'OK'); exit; } }
function retornaMensagem($valida, $show_alert, $titulo, $msg, $botao) { xml_response($valida, $show_alert, $titulo, $msg, $botao); }
} if (!file_exists($path)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['file_not_found'] . " [b]({$file})[/b]")); } if (!validate_path($path)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['invalid_dir'] . " [b]({$dir}{$file})[/b]")); } if (!is_writable($path)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['no_permission'] . " [b]({$file})[/b]")); } $new_filename = format_filename($new_name); if (ereg("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]", $new_filename)) { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['invalid_filename'])); } $info = swampy_pathinfo($path); $ext = $info['extension'] != "" ? "." . $info['extension'] : ""; $nfile = $new_filename . $ext; if (file_exists($directory . $nfile)) { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['file_exists'])); } foreach ($IMAGE_FORMATS as $format) { $ext = $format['ext'] ? "." . $format['ext'] : "." . $info['extension']; $format_path = $directory . $format['dir'] . $info['filename'] . $ext; if (file_exists($format_path)) { if (!rename($format_path, $directory . $format['dir'] . $new_filename . $ext)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['rename_failure'])); } } } die(xml_response('done', "[b]'{$file}'[/b] {$DLG['rename_success']} [b]'{$nfile}'[/b]"));
$path = $directory . $file; if ($file == "") { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['select_file'])); } if (!file_exists($path)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['file_not_found'] . " [b]({$file})[/b]")); } if (!validate_path($path)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['invalid_dir'] . " [b]({$dir}{$file})[/b]")); } if (is_dir($path)) { die(xml_response('alert', $DLG['not_file'] . " [b]({$file})[/b]")); } if (!is_writable($path)) { die(xml_response('error', $DLG['no_permission'] . " [b]({$file})[/b]")); } if ($_POST['confirm']) { $info = swampy_pathinfo($path); //Deletes all posibal same image formats foreach ($IMAGE_FORMATS as $format) { $ext = $format['ext'] ? "." . $format['ext'] : "." . $info['extension']; $format_path = $directory . $format['dir'] . $info['filename'] . $ext; if (file_exists($format_path)) { unlink($format_path); } } if (file_exists($path) && !unlink($path)) { die(xml_response('error', "[b]'{$file}'[/b] " . $DLG['file_delete_failure'])); } die(xml_response('done', "[b]'{$file}'[/b] " . $DLG['file_delete_success'])); }
} else { array_push($ofiles, $file); } } $files = array_merge($odirs, $ofiles); /* Parent dir */ $parent_dir = str_replace(basename($dir) . "/", "", $dir); if (validate_path($parent_dir)) { $xml = "\t<file type='parent' dir='{$parent_dir}' file='' extension='' size='' dimentions='' bg=''>{$DLG['up']}</file>\n"; } // echo "<div onDblClick=\"browser.enterDir('$parent_dir');\" class='fim-thumb'>\n\t<div class='image ext-parent'></div>\n\t<div class='filename'>{$DLG['up']}</div>\n</div>\n"; /* Prints file thubms */ foreach ($files as $file) { $xml .= fileXML($file); } die(xml_response('data', $xml)); function fileXML($file) { global $HOST, $PUBLIC_HTML_DIR, $IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, $IMAGE_FORMATS, $dir, $directory, $DLG; if (substr($file, 0, 1) == ".") { return; } $path = $directory . $file; $pathinfo = swampy_pathinfo($path); $size = ""; $dimentions = ""; if (is_dir($path)) { $filename = $file; $extension = $DLG['dir']; $ext = "dir"; $type = "dir";
function output_result($code, $message = array(), $json = true) { $data = array(); if (!is_array($message)) { $data = array('code' => $code, 'message' => $message); } else { $data = array_merge(array('code' => $code), $message); } if ($json) { header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript"); print json_encode($data); } else { header("Content-Type: text/xml", true); print xml_response($data); } exit; }
$device_uuid8 = $_POST['device_uuid8']; } if (isset($_POST['form_version'])) { if (version_compare($_POST['form_version'], '2.0', '<')) { $show_alert = "true"; // true or false $title = "Novo formulário disponível"; // Text for the pop up alert $message = "Olá, há um novo formulário 'Vistoria' disponivel para download. Por favor, baixe e instale."; //Message body for the pop up alert $version = "2.0"; // Newer version $form_url = ""; // If there is no <form_url> element, the button does not turn into a download link. $button_label = "Download"; xml_response('true', $title, $message, $version, $form_url, 'OK'); } } } /** * Send XML Response. * * @param string $success String for success or failure ('true' is success, 'false' is failure) * @param string $show_alert String for showing alert on FormEntry Touch ('true' to show, 'false' to not show) * @param string $title String for displaying title of alert on FormEntry Touch * @param string $message String for displaying body message of alert on FormEntry Touch * @param string $version String for information FormEntry Touch of the version at the server * @param string $form_url String fully qualified URL of the new form (.form file) * @param string $button_label String for displaying button label of alert on FormEntry Touch */ function xml_response($show_alert = 'true', $title = 'Novo formulário disponível', $message = 'Olá, há um novo formulário de Vistoria disponivel', $version = '1.1', $form_url = NULL, $button_label = 'OK')