예제 #1
$ws['rainYear'] = wsConvertRainfall($wx['rainYear'], $from);
$ws['rainDayMnth'] = $wx['rainDayMnth'] * 1.0;
$ws['rainDayYear'] = $wx['rainDayYear'] * 1.0;
$ws['rainDaysWithNo'] = $wx['rainDaysWithNo'] * 1.0;
# ------------------------------------------ EVAPOTRANSPIRATION --------
$ws['etToday'] = wsConvertRainfall($wx['etToday'], $from);
$ws['etYday'] = wsConvertRainfall($wx['etYday'], $fromYday);
# ------------------------------------------ wind  ---------------------
$from = trim(strtolower($wx['fromwind']));
// =' km/h', =' kts', =' m/s', =' mph'
$fromYday = $wx['fromwindYday'];
$ws['windAct'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['windAct'], $from);
$ws['windActDsc'] = $wx['windActDsc'];
$ws['windActDir'] = $wx['windActDir'];
$ws['windAvgDir'] = $wx['windAvgDir'];
$ws['windBeafort'] = wsBeaufortNumber($wx['windAct'], $from);
$ws['gustAct'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['gustAct'], $from);
$ws['gustMaxToday'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['gustMaxToday'], $from);
$ws['gustMaxTodayTime'] = wview_time($wx['gustMaxTodayTime']);
$ws['gustMaxYday'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['gustMaxYday'], $fromYday);
$ws['gustMaxYdayTime'] = $wx['gustMaxYdayTime'];
$ws['gustMaxMonth'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['gustMaxMonth'], $from);
$ws['gustMaxMonthTime'] = wview_ymd($wx['gustMaxMonthTime']);
$ws['gustMaxYear'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['gustMaxYear'], $from);
$ws['gustMaxYearTime'] = wview_ymd($wx['gustMaxYearTime']);
$ws['gustMaxAll'] = wsConvertWindspeed($wx['gustMaxAll'], $from);
$ws['gustMaxAllTime'] = wview_ymd($wx['gustMaxAllTime']);
if ($ws['gustAct'] < $ws['windAct']) {
    $ws['gustAct'] = $ws['windAct'];
# ------------------------------------------  UV   ---------------------
예제 #2
function myWind($array = '')
    global $SITE, $windIcons, $windlimit;
    if (!is_array($array)) {
        return '<td>' . langtransstr('Wind') . '</td>';
    $windspeed = $array['windSpeed'];
    $windDir = trim($array['windDir']);
    $windBftNr = wsBeaufortNumber($windspeed, $SITE['uomWind']);
    $windBftText = wsBeaufortText($windBftNr);
    $windBftColor = wsBeaufortColor($windBftNr);
    if (is_numeric($windDir)) {
        $windDir = wsConvertWinddir($windDir);
    $windTekst = '<span style="margin: 0 0 5px 0; width: 100%; font-size: 90%; background-color: ' . $windBftColor . ';">' . round($windspeed) . $SITE['uomWind'];
    if ($windBftNr >= $windlimit) {
        $windTekst = '<span style="border: solid 1px; color: black; background-color: ' . $windBftColor . ';">&nbsp;' . langtransstr($windBftText) . '&nbsp;</span><br />' . $windTekst;
    $windTekst .= '</span></td>';
    $return = '<td style="min-width: 60px;"><img style="height: 32px;    width: 32px;" src="' . $windIcons . $windDir . '.png" alt=""/><br />' . $windTekst;
    #	$tip 	= '<td style="text-align: right;">'.langtransstr('Wind').':&nbsp;</td><td>'.langtransstr($windDir).' '.round($windspeed).$SITE['uomWind'].'</td>';
    $tip = '<td style="text-align: right;">' . langtransstr('Wind') . ':&nbsp;</td><td>' . langtransstr($windDir) . '<br />' . langtransstr($windBftText) . '-' . round($windspeed) . $SITE['uomWind'] . '</td>';
    return array($return, $tip);
예제 #3
// <et_day>0.007</et_day>
$ws['etMonth'] = wsConvertRainfall((string) $xml->et_month, $from);
// <et_month>0.46</et_month>
$ws['etYear'] = wsConvertRainfall((string) $xml->et_year, $from);
// <et_year>22.55</et_year>
# ------------------------------------------ wind  ---------------------
$to = $SITE['uomWind'];
$from = 'mph';
$ws['windActDeg'] = (string) $davis->wind_degrees;
// <wind_degrees>184</wind_degrees>
$ws['windAvgDir'] = $ws['windActDir'] = $ws['windActDeg'];
#$ws['windActDsc']	= (string) $davis -> wind_dir;                                  // <wind_dir>South</wind_dir>
$ws['windActDsc'] = wsConvertWinddir($ws['windActDeg']);
$ws['windAct'] = wsConvertWindspeed((string) $xml->wind_ten_min_avg_mph, $from);
// <wind_ten_min_avg_mph>1</wind_ten_min_avg_mph>
$ws['windBeafort'] = wsBeaufortNumber((string) $xml->wind_ten_min_avg_mph, $from);
#$ws['gustAct']		= wsConvertWindspeed((string)$xml->wind_kt, 	        'kts'); // <wind_kt>1</wind_kt>
$ws['gustAct'] = wsConvertWindspeed((string) $xml->wind_mph, $from);
// <wind_mph>1</wind_mph>
$ws['gustMaxToday'] = wsConvertWindspeed((string) $xml->wind_day_high_mph, $from);
// <wind_day_high_mph>9</wind_day_high_mph>
$ws['gustMaxMonth'] = wsConvertWindspeed((string) $xml->wind_month_high_mph, $from);
// <wind_month_high_mph>22</wind_month_high_mph>
$ws['gustMaxYear'] = wsConvertWindspeed((string) $xml->wind_year_high_mph, $from);
// <wind_year_high_mph>27</wind_year_high_mph>
$ws['gustMaxTodayTime'] = wdDate((string) $xml->relative_humidity_in_day_high_time);
// <wind_day_high_time>12:38am</wind_day_high_time>
if ($ws['gustAct'] <= $ws['windAct']) {
    $ws['gustAct'] = $ws['windAct'];
# ------------------------------------------  UV   ---------------------
예제 #4
$conditionicon = '<img class="colImgCCN" src="' . $ccnIconUrl . '" alt="' . $condDescAlt . '" title="' . $condDescAlt . '"/>';
$conditioniconM = '<img class="colimg"    src="' . $ccnIconUrl . '" alt="' . $condDescAlt . '" title="' . $condDescAlt . '" style ="width: 26px; height: 26px;"/>';
$string1 .= "\r\najaxVars['ajaxconditionicon']   = '" . $conditionicon . "';\r\najaxVars['ajaxconditioniconMobi'] = '" . $conditioniconM . "';\r\najaxVars['ajaxcurrentcond']     = '" . $condDesc . "';\r\najaxVars['ajaxcurrentcondalt']  = '" . $condDescAlt . "';";
#  ---------------------------  Rain items
$unit = ' ' . langtransstr(trim($uomRain));
$decPrecip = $SITE['decPrecip'];
$string1 .= "\r\najaxVars['ajaxrain']            = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainToday'], $decPrecip) . $unit . "';\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainNoU']         = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainToday'], $decPrecip) . "';\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainrateNoU']     = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainRateAct'], $decPrecip) . "';";
if (isset($ws['rainHour'])) {
    $string1 .= "\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainratehrNoU']   = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainHour'], $decPrecip) . "';\t\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainratehr']      = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainHour'], $decPrecip) . $unit . "';";
} else {
    $string1 .= "\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainratehrNoU']   = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainRateAct'], $decPrecip) . "';\t\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainratehr']      = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainRateAct'], $decPrecip) . $unit . "';";
$string1 .= "\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainmo']          = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainMonth'], $decPrecip) . $unit . "';\r\najaxVars['ajaxrainyr']          = '" . wsNumber($ws['rainYear'], $decPrecip) . $unit . "';";
#  ---------------------------  wind items
if ($ws['windBeafort'] == '') {
    $ws['windBeafort'] = wsBeaufortNumber($ws['windAct'], $SITE['uomWind']);
$beaufortText = langtransstr(wsBeaufortText($ws['windBeafort']));
$convertText = $beaufortText;
if ($ws['windAct'] + $ws['gustAct'] < 0.1 || $ws['windActDsc'] == '---') {
    $wrDsc = 'calm';
    // use calm
    $wrtext = $convertText;
} else {
    $wrDsc = $ws['windActDsc'];
    $wrtext = langtransstr('Wind from') . " " . langtransstr($ws['windActDsc']);
$wr1 = $SITE['imgAjaxDir'] . 'wr-' . $SITE['lang'] . '-' . $wrDsc . '.png';
$wr2 = $SITE['imgAjaxDir'] . 'wind-' . $wrDsc . '.gif';
$text1 = '<img class="colImgWind" src="' . $wr1 . '" title="' . $wrtext . '" alt="' . $wrtext . '"/>';
$text2 = '<img src="' . $wr2 . '" style="height: 14px; width: 14px;" title="' . $wrtext . '" alt="' . $wrtext . '"/>';
예제 #5
function load_realtime_file($realtime_all, &$error_display)
    global $SITE, $ws, $wsDebug, $fileTimeUpload;
    if ($SITE['realtime'] != 'none') {
        if (!isset($SITE['realtime_file'])) {
            $error_display = 'realtime = ' . $SITE['realtime'] . ' but: no realtime-file specified. ';
            ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $error_display . '- continue  -->');
        if (!is_file($SITE['realtime_file'])) {
            $error_display = 'realtime = ' . $SITE['realtime'] . ' but: no ' . $SITE['realtime_file'] . ' found. ';
            ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $error_display . '- continue  -->');
        if (isset($SITE['realtime_file2']) && !is_file($SITE['realtime_file2'])) {
            $error_display = 'realtime file 2 = ' . $SITE['realtime_file2'] . ' but: no ' . $SITE['realtime_file2'] . ' found. ';
            ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $error_display . '- continue  -->');
    ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $SITE['realtime_file'] . ' try to load.  -->');
    $string = file_get_contents($SITE['realtime_file']);
    $filetime = filemtime($SITE['realtime_file']);
    if (isset($fileTimeUpload)) {
        if (30 + $filetime < $fileTimeUpload) {
            ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): realtime file to old Tagfile = ' . $fileTimeUpload . ' realtimefile = ' . $filetime . ' -->');
    switch ($SITE['realtime']) {
        case 'wflash':
            $pos = strpos(substr($string, 0, 10), 'F=');
            if (!$pos === false) {
                $string = substr($string, $pos + 2);
            $arr_rt = explode(",", $string);
            $fromTemp = 'F';
            // ='&deg;C', ='&deg;F'
            $fromWind = 'mPh';
            // =' km/h', =' kts', =' m/s', =' mph'
            $fromRain = 'in';
            // =' mm', =' in'
            $fromBaro = 'inHg';
            // =' hPa', =' mb', =' inHg'
            $ws['rtTime'] = wdDate(trim($arr_rt[1]));
            $ws['tempAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[9], $fromTemp);
            $ws['tempActInside'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[8], $fromTemp);
            #               $ws['tempDelta']	= (string)wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[37],    $fromTemp);
            $temp1hourAgo = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[9], $fromTemp, $fromTemp) - (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[37], $fromTemp, $fromTemp);
            $ws['tempDelta'] = $ws['tempAct'] - wsConvertTemperature($temp1hourAgo, $fromTemp);
            $ws['dewpAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[24], $fromTemp);
            $ws['appTemp'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[29], $fromTemp);
            # ??
            $ws['chilAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[21], $fromTemp);
            $ws['heatAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[23], $fromTemp);
            $ws['windAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt[4], $fromWind);
            $ws['windActDir'] = 1.0 * $arr_rt[3];
            $ws['gustAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt[5], $fromWind);
            $ws['windBeafort'] = (string) wsBeaufortNumber($ws['windAct'], $SITE['uomWind']);
            $ws['windActDir'] = (string) round($arr_rt[3]);
            $ws['baroAct'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt[25], $fromBaro);
            $ws['baroDelta'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt[53], $fromBaro);
            $ws['humiAct'] = (string) round($arr_rt[7]);
            $ws['humiInAct'] = (string) round($arr_rt[6]);
            $ws['uvAct'] = (string) round($arr_rt[19], 1);
            #               $ws['uvMaxToday']       = (string)round($arr_rt[46],1);
            $ws['solarAct'] = (string) round($arr_rt[20], 1);
            # process wflash2.txt
            if (isset($SITE['realtime_file2'])) {
                ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $SITE['realtime_file2'] . ' try to load.  -->');
                $string = file_get_contents($SITE['realtime_file2']);
                $pos = strpos(substr($string, 0, 10), 'S=');
                if (!$pos === false) {
                    $string = substr($string, 9);
                $arr_rt = explode(",", substr($string, 2));
                $rtdate = wdDate(trim($arr_rt[0]));
                if ($rtdate > $ws['rtTime']) {
                    $ws['rtTime'] = $rtdate;
                $ws['tempMinToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[92], $fromTemp);
                $ws['tempMaxToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[36], $fromTemp);
                $ws['dewpMinToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[107], $fromTemp);
                $ws['dewpMaxToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[51], $fromTemp);
                $ws['chilMinToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[104], $fromTemp);
                $ws['heatMaxToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[50], $fromTemp);
                $ws['gustMaxToday'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt[32], $fromWind);
                $ws['windAvgDir'] = (string) $arr_rt[2];
                $ws['baroMinToday'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt[108], $fromBaro);
                $ws['baroMaxToday'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt[52], $fromBaro);
                $ws['rainToday'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt[254], $fromRain);
                $ws['rainRateAct'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt[257], $fromRain);
                $ws['rainRateToday'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt[150], $fromRain);
                $ws['humiMinToday'] = (string) round($arr_rt[90]);
                $ws['humiMaxToday'] = (string) round($arr_rt[34]);
                $ws['windAvgDir'] = (string) round($arr_rt[2]);
                $ws['solarMaxToday'] = (string) $arr_rt[47];
                $ws['uvMaxToday'] = (string) round($arr_rt[46], 1);
            // eo realtimefile 2
        case 'json':
            $oldDegree = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252//TRANSLIT', '°');
            // clean for nonjson characters
            $from = array('&deg;', '°', $oldDegree);
            $string = str_replace($from, '', $string);
            if ($SITE['WXsoftware'] == 'WC') {
                // uses decimal , no point
                $string = str_replace(',', '.', $string);
                $string = str_replace('|', ',', $string);
            $arr_rt = json_decode($string, true);
            $fromTemp = str_replace('&#176;', '', $arr_rt['tempunit']);
            $fromWind = $arr_rt['windunit'];
            $fromRain = $arr_rt['rainunit'];
            $fromBaro = $arr_rt['pressunit'];
            $ws['rtTime'] = wdDate($arr_rt['date']);
            $ws['tempAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['temp'], $fromTemp);
            // "temp":"4,6",
            $ws['tempActInside'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['intemp'], $fromTemp);
            // "intemp":"18,7",
            $ws['dewpAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['dew'], $fromTemp);
            // "dew":"3,3",
            $ws['appTemp'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['apptemp'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['chilAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['wchill'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['windAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt['wlatest'], $fromWind);
            $ws['windBeafort'] = (string) wsBeaufortNumber($ws['windAct'], $SITE['uomWind']);
            $ws['gustAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt['wgust'], $fromWind);
            $ws['windActDir'] = (string) $arr_rt['bearing'];
            $ws['windAvgDir'] = (string) $arr_rt['avgbearing'];
            $ws['baroAct'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt['press'], $fromBaro);
            $ws['rainToday'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt['rfall'], $fromRain);
            $ws['rainRateAct'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt['rrate'], $fromRain);
            $ws['humiAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['hum'];
            $ws['humiInAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['inhum'];
            $ws['uvAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['UV'];
            if ($ws['uvAct'] > $ws['uvMaxToday']) {
                $ws['uvMaxToday'] = $ws['uvAct'];
            $ws['solarAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['SolarRad'];
            if ($ws['solarAct'] > $ws['solarMaxToday']) {
                $ws['solarMaxToday'] = $ws['solarAct'];
        case 'cltrw':
            $oldDegree = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252//TRANSLIT', '°');
            $from = array('&deg;', '°', $oldDegree);
            $string = trim(str_replace($from, '', $string));
            $string = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+[\\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $string);
            $arr_rt = explode(" ", $string);
            if ($arr_rt[0] != '12345') {
                $errorfile = substr($string, 0, 20);
                ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): This file (' . $SITE['realtime_file'] . ') seems not to be a ' . $SITE['realtime'] . ' type file  
' . $errorfile . ' -->');
            $fromTemp = 'c';
            $fromWind = 'kts';
            $fromRain = 'mm';
            $fromBaro = 'hpa';
            $arr = explode('-', $arr_rt['32']);
            $last = count($arr) - 1;
            $time = trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $arr[$last]));
            $ws['rtTime'] = wdDate($time);
            $ws['tempAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['4'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['tempActInside'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['12'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['dewpAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['72'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['appTemp'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['130'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['chilAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['44'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['windAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt['1'], $fromWind);
            $ws['windBeafort'] = (string) wsBeaufortNumber($ws['windAct'], $SITE['uomWind']);
            $ws['gustAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt['2'], $fromWind);
            $ws['windActDir'] = (string) $arr_rt['3'];
            $ws['windAvgDir'] = (string) $arr_rt['117'];
            $ws['baroAct'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt['6'], $fromBaro);
            $ws['rainToday'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt['7'], $fromRain);
            $ws['rainRateAct'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt['10'], $fromRain);
            $ws['humiAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['5'];
            $ws['uvAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['79'];
            $ws['solarAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['127'];
        case 'http':
            $pos = strpos(substr($string, 0, 20), '|', 0);
            if (!$pos) {
                $split_char = ',';
            } else {
                $split_char = '|';
            $arr_rt = explode($split_char, $string);
            #	$arr_rt[nr]
            #       0       1		2		3		4       5		6		7		8		9
            # [hh]:[mm],[th0temp-act],[th0temp-dmin],[th0temp-dmax],[thb0temp-act],[th0dew-act],[th0dew-dmin],[th0dew-dmax],[wind0chill-act],[wind0chill-dmin],
            #	10		11			12		13		14		15		16		17			18		19
            # [wind0wind-act],[wind0avgwind-act],[wind0wind-max10],[wind0wind-dmax],[wind0dir-act],[wind0dir-avg10:--],[thb0seapress-act],[thb0seapress-dmin],[thb0seapress-dmax],[thb0seapress-ymin],
            #	20		21			22		23		24	   25		26		27		28		29
            # [thb0seapress-ymax],[rain0total-daysum],[rain0rate-act],[rain0rate-dmax],[th0hum-act],[th0hum-dmin],[th0hum-dmax],[thb0hum-act],[th0temp-val60:--],[th0temp-dmintime],
            #	30		31			32		33		34			35		36		37				38			39
            # [th0temp-dmaxtime],[th0dew-dmintime],[th0dew-dmaxtime],[wind0chill-dmin],[rain0rate-dmaxtime],[th0hum-dmintime],[th0hum-dmaxtime],[thb0seapress-dmintime],[thb0seapress-dmaxtime],[thb0seapress-val60:--],
            #		40		41			42		43		44		45		46			47		48				49
            # [wind0wind-act=bft.0],[wind0wind-dmaxtime],[wind0avgwind-dmax],[uv0index-act:--],[sol0rad-act:--],[sol0rad-hmax:--],[sol0rad-dmax:--],[mbsystem-swversion],[mbsystem-buildnum],[YYYY]:[MM]:[DD]:[Uhh]:[Umm]:[Uss]
            #       50
            $ws['rtTime'] = wdDate(trim($arr_rt['0']));
            $ws['tempAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[1], 'c');
            $ws['dewpAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[5], 'c');
            $ws['chilAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[8], 'c');
            $ws['chilMinToday'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt[9], 'c');
            $ws['windAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt[11], 'm/s');
            $ws['windBeafort'] = (string) wsBeaufortNumber($ws['windAct'], $SITE['uomWind']);
            $ws['gustAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt[12], 'm/s');
            $ws['windActDir'] = (string) $arr_rt[14];
            $ws['windAvgDir'] = (string) $arr_rt[15];
            $ws['baroAct'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt[16], 'hpa');
            $ws['rainToday'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt[21], 'mm');
            $ws['rainRateAct'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt[22], 'mm');
            $ws['humiAct'] = (string) $arr_rt[24];
            $ws['humiInAct'] = (string) $arr_rt[27];
            $ws['uvAct'] = (string) $arr_rt[43];
            $ws['solarAct'] = (string) $arr_rt[44];
        case 'weatherlink':
            #echo $string; exit;
            $arr = explode("\n", $string);
            #                var_dump ($arr); exit;
            $end = count($arr);
            for ($n = 0; $n < $end; $n++) {
                $line = trim($arr[$n]);
                if ($line == '') {
                $substr = substr($line, 1, 5);
                if ($substr == '-----') {
                if (substr($line, 0, 1) != '|') {
                list($skip, $name, $content) = explode('|', $line . '|');
                $name = trim($name);
                $content = trim($content);
                #                       if ($content  == '' ) {ws_message (  $startEcho.$tagsScript.'('.__LINE__.'):empty line '.$n.' name '.$name .$endEcho.PHP_EOL;continue; }
                $arr_rt[$name] = $content;
            #                var_dump ($arr_rt); exit;
            $oldDegree = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252//TRANSLIT', '°');
            $from = array('&deg;', '°', $oldDegree);
            $arr_rt['tempunit'] = str_replace($from, '', $arr_rt['tempunit']);
            $arr_rt['windunit'] = str_replace('r', '', $arr_rt['windunit']);
            $fromTemp = $arr_rt['tempunit'];
            $fromWind = $arr_rt['windunit'];
            $fromRain = $arr_rt['rainunit'];
            $fromBaro = $arr_rt['pressunit'];
            $ws['rtTime'] = wdDate($arr_rt['date']);
            $ws['rtVersion'] = $arr_rt['rtVersion'];
            $ws['tempAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['temp'], $fromTemp);
            // "temp":"4,6",
            $ws['tempActInside'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['intemp'], $fromTemp);
            // "intemp":"18,7",
            $ws['dewpAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['dew'], $fromTemp);
            // "dew":"3,3",
            $ws['chilAct'] = (string) wsConvertTemperature($arr_rt['wchill'], $fromTemp);
            $ws['windAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt['wlatest'], $fromWind);
            $ws['windBeafort'] = (string) wsBeaufortNumber($ws['windAct'], $SITE['uomWind']);
            $ws['gustAct'] = (string) wsConvertWindspeed($arr_rt['wgust'], $fromWind);
            $ws['windActDir'] = (string) $arr_rt['bearing'];
            $ws['windAvgDir'] = (string) $arr_rt['avgbearing'];
            $ws['baroAct'] = (string) wsConvertBaro($arr_rt['press'], $fromBaro);
            $ws['rainToday'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt['rfall'], $fromRain);
            $ws['rainRateAct'] = (string) wsConvertRainfall($arr_rt['rrate'], $fromRain);
            $ws['humiAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['hum'];
            $ws['uvAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['UV'];
            if ($ws['uvAct'] > $ws['uvMaxToday']) {
                $ws['uvMaxToday'] = $ws['uvAct'];
            $ws['solarAct'] = (string) $arr_rt['SolarRad'];
            if ($ws['solarAct'] > $ws['solarMaxToday']) {
                $ws['solarMaxToday'] = $ws['solarAct'];
            ws_message($realtime_all . '(' . __LINE__ . '): unknown realtime type ' . $SITE['realtime'] . ' found    -->');