예제 #1
  * finish recording log
  * @return void
 function actFinish()
     if (!$this->query) {
     $this->act_finish = getMicroTime();
     $elapsed_time = $this->act_finish - $this->act_start;
     $this->elapsed_time = $elapsed_time;
     $GLOBALS['__db_elapsed_time__'] += $elapsed_time;
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     $log = array();
     $log['query'] = $this->query;
     $log['elapsed_time'] = $elapsed_time;
     $log['connection'] = $this->connection;
     $log['query_id'] = $this->query_id;
     $log['module'] = $site_module_info->module;
     $log['act'] = Context::get('act');
     $log['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $bt = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.6', '>=') ? debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) : debug_backtrace();
     foreach ($bt as $no => $call) {
         if ($call['function'] == 'executeQuery' || $call['function'] == 'executeQueryArray') {
             $call_no = $no;
             $log['called_file'] = $bt[$call_no]['file'] . ':' . $bt[$call_no]['line'];
             $log['called_file'] = str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $log['called_file']);
             $log['called_method'] = $bt[$call_no]['class'] . $bt[$call_no]['type'] . $bt[$call_no]['function'];
     // leave error log if an error occured (if __DEBUG_DB_OUTPUT__ is defined)
     if ($this->isError()) {
         $log['result'] = 'Failed';
         $log['errno'] = $this->errno;
         $log['errstr'] = $this->errstr;
         if (__DEBUG_DB_OUTPUT__ == 1) {
             $debug_file = _XE_PATH_ . "files/_debug_db_query.php";
             $buff = array();
             if (!file_exists($debug_file)) {
                 $buff[] = '<?php exit(); ?' . '>';
             $buff[] = print_r($log, TRUE);
             @file_put_contents($log_file, implode("\n", $buff) . "\n\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
     } else {
         $log['result'] = 'Success';
     $log_args = new stdClass();
     $log_args->query = $this->query;
     $log_args->query_id = $this->query_id;
     $log_args->caller = $log['called_method'] . '() in ' . $log['called_file'];
     $log_args->connection = $log['connection'];
     writeSlowlog('query', $elapsed_time, $log_args);
예제 #2
  * call a trigger
  * @param string $trigger_name trigger's name to call
  * @param string $called_position called position
  * @param object $obj an object as a parameter to trigger
  * @return Object
  * */
 function triggerCall($trigger_name, $called_position, &$obj)
     // skip if not installed
     if (!Context::isInstalled()) {
         return new Object();
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $triggers = $oModuleModel->getTriggers($trigger_name, $called_position);
     if (!$triggers || count($triggers) < 1) {
         return new Object();
     //store before trigger call time
     $before_trigger_time = NULL;
     if (__LOG_SLOW_TRIGGER__ > 0) {
         $before_trigger_time = microtime(true);
     foreach ($triggers as $item) {
         $module = $item->module;
         $type = $item->type;
         $called_method = $item->called_method;
         // todo why don't we call a normal class object ?
         $oModule = getModule($module, $type);
         if (!$oModule || !method_exists($oModule, $called_method)) {
         $before_each_trigger_time = microtime(true);
         $output = $oModule->{$called_method}($obj);
         $after_each_trigger_time = microtime(true);
         $elapsed_time_trigger = $after_each_trigger_time - $before_each_trigger_time;
         $slowlog = new stdClass();
         $slowlog->caller = $trigger_name . '.' . $called_position;
         $slowlog->called = $module . '.' . $called_method;
         $slowlog->called_extension = $module;
         if ($trigger_name != 'XE.writeSlowlog') {
             writeSlowlog('trigger', $elapsed_time_trigger, $slowlog);
         if (is_object($output) && method_exists($output, 'toBool') && !$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
     return new Object();
예제 #3
  * @brief Widget name and argument and produce a result and Return the results
  * Tags used in templateHandler $this-&gt; execute() will be replaced by the code running
  * $Javascript_mode is true when editing your page by the code for handling Includes photos
 function execute($widget, $args, $javascript_mode = false, $escaped = true)
     // Save for debug run-time widget
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $start = getMicroTime();
     $before = microtime(true);
     // urldecode the value of args haejum
     $object_vars = get_object_vars($args);
     if (count($object_vars)) {
         foreach ($object_vars as $key => $val) {
             if (in_array($key, array('widgetbox_content', 'body', 'class', 'style', 'widget_sequence', 'widget', 'widget_padding_left', 'widget_padding_top', 'widget_padding_bottom', 'widget_padding_right', 'widgetstyle', 'document_srl'))) {
             if ($escaped) {
                 $args->{$key} = utf8RawUrlDecode($val);
      * Widgets widgetContent/widgetBox Wanted If you are not content
     $widget_content = '';
     if ($widget != 'widgetContent' && $widget != 'widgetBox') {
         if (!is_dir(sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . 'widgets/%s/', $widget))) {
         // Hold the contents of the widget parameter
         $widget_content = $this->getCache($widget, $args);
     if ($widget == 'widgetBox') {
         $widgetbox_content = $args->widgetbox_content;
      * Wanted specified by the administrator of the widget style
     // Sometimes the wrong code, background-image: url (none) can be heard but none in this case, the request for the url so unconditionally Removed
     $style = preg_replace('/url\\((.+)(\\/?)none\\)/is', '', $args->style);
     // Find a style statement that based on the internal margin dropping pre-change
     $widget_padding_left = $args->widget_padding_left;
     $widget_padding_right = $args->widget_padding_right;
     $widget_padding_top = $args->widget_padding_top;
     $widget_padding_bottom = $args->widget_padding_bottom;
     $inner_style = sprintf("padding:%dpx %dpx %dpx %dpx !important;", $widget_padding_top, $widget_padding_right, $widget_padding_bottom, $widget_padding_left);
      * Wanted widget output
     $widget_content_header = '';
     $widget_content_body = '';
     $widget_content_footer = '';
     // If general call is given on page styles should return immediately dreamin '
     if (!$javascript_mode) {
         if ($args->id) {
             $args->id = ' id="' . $args->id . '" ';
         switch ($widget) {
             // If a direct orthogonal addition information
             case 'widgetContent':
                 if ($args->document_srl) {
                     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
                     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($args->document_srl);
                     $body = $oDocument->getContent(false, false, false, false);
                 } else {
                     $body = base64_decode($args->body);
                 // Change the editor component
                 $oEditorController = getController('editor');
                 $body = $oEditorController->transComponent($body);
                 $widget_content_header = sprintf('<div class="xe-widget-wrapper ' . $args->css_class . '" %sstyle="%s"><div style="%s">', $args->id, $style, $inner_style);
                 $widget_content_body = $body;
                 $widget_content_footer = '</div></div>';
                 // If the widget box; it could
             // If the widget box; it could
             case 'widgetBox':
                 $widget_content_header = sprintf('<div class="xe-widget-wrapper ' . $args->css_class . '" %sstyle="%s;"><div style="%s"><div>', $args->id, $style, $inner_style);
                 $widget_content_body = $widgetbox_content;
                 // If the General wijetil
             // If the General wijetil
                 $widget_content_header = sprintf('<div class="xe-widget-wrapper ' . $args->css_class . '" %sstyle="%s">', $args->id, $style);
                 $widget_content_body = sprintf('<div style="*zoom:1;%s">%s</div>', $inner_style, $widget_content);
                 $widget_content_footer = '</div>';
         // Edit page is called when a widget if you add the code for handling
     } else {
         switch ($widget) {
             // If a direct orthogonal addition information
             case 'widgetContent':
                 if ($args->document_srl) {
                     $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
                     $oDocument = $oDocumentModel->getDocument($args->document_srl);
                     $body = $oDocument->getContent(false, false, false);
                 } else {
                     $body = base64_decode($args->body);
                 // by args
                 $attribute = array();
                 if ($args) {
                     foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
                         if (in_array($key, array('class', 'style', 'widget_padding_top', 'widget_padding_right', 'widget_padding_bottom', 'widget_padding_left', 'widget', 'widgetstyle', 'document_srl'))) {
                         if (strpos($val, '|@|') > 0) {
                             $val = str_replace('|@|', ',', $val);
                         $attribute[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false));
                 $oWidgetController = getController('widget');
                 $widget_content_header = sprintf('<div class="widgetOutput ' . $args->css_class . '" widgetstyle="%s" style="%s" widget_padding_left="%s" widget_padding_right="%s" widget_padding_top="%s" widget_padding_bottom="%s" widget="widgetContent" document_srl="%d" %s>' . '<div class="widgetResize"></div>' . '<div class="widgetResizeLeft"></div>' . '<div class="widgetBorder">' . '<div style="%s">', $args->widgetstyle, $style, $args->widget_padding_left, $args->widget_padding_right, $args->widget_padding_top, $args->widget_padding_bottom, $args->document_srl, implode(' ', $attribute), $inner_style);
                 $widget_content_body = $body;
                 $widget_content_footer = sprintf('</div>' . '</div>' . '<div class="widgetContent" style="display:none;width:1px;height:1px;overflow:hidden;">%s</div>' . '</div>', base64_encode($body));
                 // If the widget box; it could
             // If the widget box; it could
             case 'widgetBox':
                 // by args
                 $attribute = array();
                 if ($args) {
                     foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
                         if (in_array($key, array('class', 'style', 'widget_padding_top', 'widget_padding_right', 'widget_padding_bottom', 'widget_padding_left', 'widget', 'widgetstyle', 'document_srl'))) {
                         if (!is_numeric($val) && (!is_string($val) || strlen($val) == 0)) {
                         if (strpos($val, '|@|') > 0) {
                             $val = str_replace('|@|', ',', $val);
                         $attribute[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false));
                 $widget_content_header = sprintf('<div class="widgetOutput ' . $args->css_class . '" widgetstyle="%s" widget="widgetBox" style="%s;" widget_padding_top="%s" widget_padding_right="%s" widget_padding_bottom="%s" widget_padding_left="%s" %s >' . '<div class="widgetBoxResize"></div>' . '<div class="widgetBoxResizeLeft"></div>' . '<div class="widgetBoxBorder"><div class="nullWidget" style="%s">', $args->widgetstyle, $style, $widget_padding_top, $widget_padding_right, $widget_padding_bottom, $widget_padding_left, implode(' ', $attribute), $inner_style);
                 $widget_content_body = $widgetbox_content;
                 // If the General wijetil
             // If the General wijetil
                 // by args
                 $attribute = array();
                 if ($args) {
                     $allowed_key = array('class', 'style', 'widget_padding_top', 'widget_padding_right', 'widget_padding_bottom', 'widget_padding_left', 'widget');
                     foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
                         if (in_array($key, $allowed_key)) {
                         if (!is_numeric($val) && (!is_string($val) || strlen($val) == 0)) {
                         if (strpos($val, '|@|') > 0) {
                             $val = str_replace('|@|', ',', $val);
                         $attribute[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false));
                 $widget_content_header = sprintf('<div class="widgetOutput ' . $args->css_class . '" widgetstyle="%s" style="%s" widget_padding_top="%s" widget_padding_right="%s" widget_padding_bottom="%s" widget_padding_left="%s" widget="%s" %s >' . '<div class="widgetResize"></div>' . '<div class="widgetResizeLeft"></div>' . '<div class="widgetBorder">', $args->widgetstyle, $style, $widget_padding_top, $widget_padding_right, $widget_padding_bottom, $widget_padding_left, $widget, implode(' ', $attribute));
                 $widget_content_body = sprintf('<div style="%s">%s</div>', $inner_style, $widget_content);
                 $widget_content_footer = '</div></div>';
     // Compile the widget style.
     if ($args->widgetstyle) {
         $widget_content_body = $this->compileWidgetStyle($args->widgetstyle, $widget, $widget_content_body, $args, $javascript_mode);
     $output = $widget_content_header . $widget_content_body . $widget_content_footer;
     // Debug widget creation time information added to the results
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $GLOBALS['__widget_excute_elapsed__'] += getMicroTime() - $start;
     $after = microtime(true);
     $elapsed_time = $after - $before;
     $slowlog = new stdClass();
     $slowlog->caller = "widget.execute";
     $slowlog->called = $widget;
     $slowlog->called_extension = $widget;
     writeSlowlog('widget', $elapsed_time, $slowlog);
     // Return result
     return $output;
$addon_time_log = new stdClass();
$addon_time_log->caller = $called_position;
$addon_time_log->called = "mobile";
$addon_time_log->called_extension = "mobile";
writeSlowlog("addon", $after_time - $before_time, $addon_time_log);
$before_time = microtime(true);
$rm = '';
$ml = array();
$addon_file = './addons/resize_image/resize_image.addon.php';
if (file_exists($addon_file)) {
    if ($rm === 'no_run_selected') {
        if (!isset($ml[$_m])) {
            $addon_info = unserialize(base64_decode(''));
            @(include $addon_file);
    } else {
        if (isset($ml[$_m]) || count($ml) === 0) {
            $addon_info = unserialize(base64_decode(''));
            @(include $addon_file);
$after_time = microtime(true);
$addon_time_log = new stdClass();
$addon_time_log->caller = $called_position;
$addon_time_log->called = "resize_image";
$addon_time_log->called_extension = "resize_image";
writeSlowlog("addon", $after_time - $before_time, $addon_time_log);