function showPackageDetail(&$clsRpt, &$package) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $lPackageID = $package->lKeyID; $attributes = new stdClass(); $attributes->divID = 'aucPackage' . $lPackageID; $attributes->divImageID = 'aucDiv' . $lPackageID; $attributes->lUnderscoreWidth = 600; openBlock('Package ' . str_pad($lPackageID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ': ' . $package->strPackageSafeName . strLinkView_AuctionPackageRecord($lPackageID, 'View package record', true), strLinkAdd_AuctionItem($lPackageID, 'Add item to this package', true) . ' ' . strLinkAdd_AuctionItem($lPackageID, 'Add item to this package', false), $attributes); echoT('<br>'); if ($package->lNumItems == 0) { echoT('<i>There are currently no items in the package <b>"' . $package->strPackageSafeName . '"</b><br><br>'); } else { writeAuctionItemsTable($package, $package->items, false); } $attributes = new stdClass(); $attributes->bCloseDiv = true; closeBlock($attributes); }
<?php echoT(strLinkAdd_AuctionItem($lPackageID, 'Add new item to this package', true) . ' ' . strLinkAdd_AuctionItem($lPackageID, 'Add new item to this package', false) . '<br><br>'); if ($lNumItems == 0) { echoT('<i>There are currently no items in the package <b>"' . $package->strPackageSafeName . '"</b><br><br>'); return; } else { writeAuctionItemsTable($package, $items, false); }