/** * Template Name: Default Dark * Description: A version of the default form template for dark themes. */ ?> <!-- Strong Testimonials: Default Dark Form Template --> <div class="strong-view strong-form default-dark-form <?php wpmtst_container_class(); ?> "> <div id="wpmtst-form"> <p class="required-notice"> <span class="required symbol"></span><?php wpmtst_form_message('required-field'); ?> </p> <form <?php wpmtst_form_info(); ?> > <?php wpmtst_form_setup(); ?> <?php do_action('wpmtst_form_before_fields'); ?>
function wpmtst_form_captcha() { $errors = WPMST()->get_form_errors(); $form_options = get_option('wpmtst_form_options'); if ($form_options['captcha']) { // Only display Captcha label if properly configured. $captcha_html = apply_filters('wpmtst_captcha', $form_options['captcha']); if ($captcha_html) { ?> <div class="wpmtst-captcha"> <label for="wpmtst_captcha"><?php wpmtst_form_message('captcha'); ?> </label><span class="required symbol"></span> <div> <?php echo $captcha_html; ?> <?php if (isset($errors['captcha'])) { ?> <p><label class="error"><?php echo $errors['captcha']; ?> </label></p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } } }