
defined('ABSPATH') or exit;
 * Remove articles with custom-field "hidden_from_archive" and value "1" form overview pages.
add_action('pre_get_posts', function (WP_Query $query) {
    // make sure we have something to act on.. static pages don't have the globals
    if (empty($query->query)) {
    // detect overview pages
    if (!$query->is_tax(array('wpkb-category', 'wpkb-keyword')) && !$query->is_post_type_archive('wpkb-article') && !$query->is_page(wpkb('options')->get('custom_archive_page_id'))) {
    $query->set('meta_query', array('relation' => 'OR', array('key' => 'hidden_from_archive', 'value' => false, 'type' => 'BOOLEAN'), array('key' => 'hidden_from_archive', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS')));
// define version
define('WPKB_FILE', __FILE__);
define('WPKB_VERSION', '1.2');
// load composer autoloader
if (!function_exists('wpkb')) {
    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// load constants, filters, actions & shortcodes
require __DIR__ . '/src/default-actions.php';
require __DIR__ . '/src/default-filters.php';
require __DIR__ . '/src/shortcodes.php';
// instantiate object tree
global $wpkb;
$wpkb = wpkb();
$wpkb['options'] = $options = new Options('wpkb', array('custom_archive_page_id' => 0));
$router = new Router($options->get('custom_archive_page_id', 0));
$wpkb['plugin'] = $plugin = new Plugin(WPKB_VERSION, __FILE__, __DIR__);
$wpkb['categories'] = new Term_List('wpkb-category');
$wpkb['keywords'] = new Term_List('wpkb-keyword');
// search
$wpkb['search'] = $search = new Search($plugin);
// breadcrumbs
$wpkb['breadcrumbs'] = function () use($router) {
    return new Breadcrumbs\Crumbs($router->archive_page);
// code highlighting
$highlighting = new CodeHighlighting($plugin);
예제 #3
 * @return string
function wpkb_breadcrumbs()
    return wpkb('breadcrumbs');