<?php if (have_comments()) { ?> <?php // Get comments title $comments_number = number_format_i18n(get_comments_number()); if ('1' == $comments_number) { $comments_title = esc_html__('This Post Has One Comment', 'total'); } else { $comments_title = sprintf(esc_html__('This Post Has %s Comments', 'total'), $comments_number); } $comments_title = apply_filters('wpex_comments_title', $comments_title); // Display comments heading wpex_heading(array('content' => $comments_title, 'tag' => 'h2', 'classes' => array('comments-title'), 'apply_filters' => 'comments')); ?> <ol class="comment-list"> <?php // List comments wp_list_comments(array('style' => 'ol', 'avatar_size' => 50, 'format' => 'html5')); ?> </ol><!-- .comment-list --> <?php // Display comment navigation - WP 4.4.0 if (function_exists('the_comments_navigation')) { ?> <?php the_comments_navigation(array('prev_text' => '<span class="fa fa-angle-left"></span>', 'next_text' => '<span class="fa fa-angle-right"></span>'));
<div class="wpex-social-share-wrap clr position-<?php echo $position; if ('full-screen' == wpex_global_obj('post_layout')) { echo ' container'; } ?> "> <?php // Display heading if enabled if (wpex_get_mod('social_share_heading_enable', true) && 'horizontal' == $position) { ?> <?php wpex_heading(array('content' => $heading, 'tag' => 'div', 'classes' => array('social-share-title'), 'apply_filters' => 'social_share')); ?> <?php } ?> <ul class="wpex-social-share position-<?php echo $position; ?> style-<?php echo $style; ?> clr"> <?php
<div class="<?php echo $wrap_classes; ?> "<?php vcex_unique_id($unique_id); ?> > <?php // Display header if enabled if ($header) { ?> <?php wpex_heading(array('content' => $header, 'tag' => 'h2', 'classes' => array('vcex-recent-news-header'))); ?> <?php } ?> <?php // Loop through posts $count = '0'; while ($wpex_query->have_posts()) { // Get post from query $wpex_query->the_post(); // Add to counter $count++; // Create new post object.
<?php /** * Blog single post related heading * * @package Total WordPress theme * @subpackage Partials * @version 3.3.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // Output heading wpex_heading(array('content' => wpex_blog_related_heading(), 'tag' => 'div', 'classes' => array('related-posts-title'), 'apply_filters' => 'blog_related'));
// Add container to the wrap classes for full-screen layouts to center it if ('full-screen' == wpex_global_obj('post_layout')) { $wrap_classes[] = 'container'; } // Turn classes into a string $wrap_classes = implode(' ', $wrap_classes); ?> <section id="portfolio-single-related" class="<?php echo esc_attr($wrap_classes); ?> "> <?php // Output heading wpex_heading(array('content' => wpex_portfolio_related_heading(), 'tag' => 'h2', 'classes' => array('related-portfolio-posts-heading'), 'apply_filters' => 'portfolio_related')); ?> <div class="wpex-row wpex-clr"> <?php // Define post counter $wpex_count = '0'; // Loop through posts foreach ($wpex_related_query->posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); // Add to counter $wpex_count++; // Include template (use include to pass variables) if ($template = locate_template('partials/portfolio/portfolio-entry.php')) { include $template;
?> "> <?php // Get heading text $heading = wpex_get_mod('staff_related_title', __('Related Staff', 'wpex')); // Fallback $heading = $heading ? $heading : __('Related Staff', 'wpex'); // Translate heading with WPML $heading = wpex_translate_theme_mod('staff_related_title', $heading); // If Heading text isn't empty if ($heading) { ?> <?php // Display heading wpex_heading(array('content' => $heading, 'tag' => 'h2', 'classes' => array('related-staff-posts-heading'), 'apply_filters' => 'staff_related')); ?> <?php } ?> <div class="wpex-row clr"> <?php $wpex_count = 0; ?> <?php foreach ($wpex_related_query->posts as $post) { setup_postdata($post); ?> <?php $wpex_count++;