
echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Uninstall Business Directory', 'admin uninstall', 'WPBDM'));


_ex("Uninstall completed.", 'admin uninstall', "WPBDM");
<p><a href="<?php 
echo admin_url();
_ex('Return to Dashboard.', 'admin uninstall', 'WPBDM');

echo wpbdp_admin_footer();
예제 #2

echo wpbdp_admin_header(null, 'csv-export');

echo wpbdp_admin_notices();

<a name="exporterror"></a>
<div class="error" style="display: none;"><p>
_ex('An unknown error occurred during the export. Please make sure you have enough free disk space and memory available to PHP. Check your error logs for details.', 'admin csv-export', 'WPBDM');

<div class="step-1">

<div class="wpbdp-note"><p>
$notice = _x("Please note that the export process is a resource intensive task. If your export does not succeed try disabling other plugins first and/or increasing the values of the 'memory_limit' and 'max_execution_time' directives in your server's php.ini configuration file.", 'admin csv-export', 'WPBDM');
$notice = str_replace(array('memory_limit', 'max_execution_time'), array('<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.memory-limit" target="_blank">memory_limit</a>', '<a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.max-execution-time" target="_blank">max_execution_time</a>'), $notice);
echo $notice;

_ex('Export Configuration', 'admin csv-export', 'WPBDM');
예제 #3

echo wpbdp_admin_header();

<div id="wpbdp-admin-debug-info-page">
_ex('The following information can help BD developers debug possible problems with your setup.', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM');
_ex('The debug information does not contain personal or sensitive information such as passwords or private keys.', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM');
<p style="text-align: right;">
	<a href="<?php 
echo esc_url(add_query_arg('download', '1'));
" class="button button-primary"><?php 
_ex('Download Debug Information', 'debug-info', 'WPBDM');

<h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
foreach ($debug_info as $section_id => &$section) {
	<a class="nav-tab" href="<?php 
    echo $section_id;
예제 #4

echo wpbdp_admin_header(null, null, array(array(_x('Add New Form Field', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'), esc_url(add_query_arg('action', 'addfield'))), array(_x('Preview Form', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'), esc_url(add_query_arg('action', 'previewform')))));

_ex('Here, you can create new fields for your listings, edit or delete existing ones, change the order and visibility of the fields as well as configure special options for them.', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM');
<br />
echo str_replace('<a>', '<a href="http://businessdirectoryplugin.com/docs/#admin-form-fields" target="_blank">', _x('Please see the <a>Form Fields documentation</a> for more details.', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'));


echo wpbdp_admin_footer();
예제 #5

echo wpbdp_admin_header(__('Business Directory Settings', 'WPBDM'), 'admin-settings');
<script type="text/javascript">
foreach ($wpbdp_settings->get_dependencies('type=requires-true') as $s => $data_) {
    $parent = array_pop($data_);
WPBDP_Admin.settings.add_requirement( '<?php 
    echo $s;
', '<?php 
    echo $parent;
', 'boolean-true' );

<h3 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
if (isset($_REQUEST['settings-updated'])) {
	<div class="updated fade">
    _e('Settings updated.', 'WPBDM');
예제 #6

echo wpbdp_admin_header(null, 'admin-fees', wpbdp_get_option('payments-on') ? array(array(_x('Add New Listing Fee', 'fees admin', 'WPBDM'), esc_url(add_query_arg('action', 'addfee')))) : null);

if (!wpbdp_get_option('payments-on')) {
    <div class="wpbdp-note"><p>
    _ex('Payments are currently turned off.', 'fees admin', 'WPBDM');
<br />
    echo str_replace('<a>', '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wpbdp_admin_settings&groupid=payment') . '">', _x('To manage fees you need to go to the <a>Manage Options - Payment</a> page and check the box next to \'Turn On Payments\' under \'Payment Settings\'.', 'fees admin', 'WPBDM'));
} else {
        <div class="fees-order">
            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="wpbdp-admin-fees-set-order" />
    wp_nonce_field('change fees order');
예제 #7

function _defaults_or($defs, $k, $v)
    if (array_key_exists($k, $defs)) {
        return $defs[$k];
    return $v;

echo wpbdp_admin_header(null, 'csv-import', array(array(_x('Help', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), '#help'), array(_x('See an example CSV import file', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), esc_url(add_query_arg('action', 'example-csv')))));


<div class="wpbdp-note">
_ex('Here, you can import data into your directory using the CSV format.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM');
<br />
echo str_replace('<a>', '<a href="http://businessdirectoryplugin.com/docs/#admin-import" target="_blank">', _x('We strongly recommend reading our <a>CSV import documentation</a> first to help you do things in the right order.', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'));

<form id="wpbdp-csv-import-form" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Delete Listing Fee', 'fees admin', 'WPBDM'));

echo sprintf(_x('Are you sure you want to delete the "%s" fee?', 'fees admin', 'WPBDM'), $fee->label);

<form action="" method="POST">
	<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $fee->id;
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="doit" value="1" />
submit_button(_x('Delete Fee', 'fee admin', 'WPBDM'), 'delete');

echo wpbdp_admin_footer();
예제 #9
 private function example_csv()
     echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Example CSV Import File', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), null, array(array(_x('← Return to "CSV Import"', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'), esc_url(remove_query_arg('action')))));
     $posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => WPBDP_POST_TYPE, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'numberposts' => 10));
     //echo sprintf('<input type="button" value="%s" />', _x('Copy CSV', 'admin csv-import', 'WPBDM'));
     echo '<textarea class="wpbdp-csv-import-example" rows="30">';
     $fields_api = wpbdp_formfields_api();
     $short_names = $fields_api->get_short_names();
     foreach ($short_names as $name) {
         echo $name . ',';
     echo 'username';
     echo "\n";
     if (count($posts) >= 5) {
         foreach ($posts as $post) {
             foreach (array_keys($short_names) as $field_id) {
                 $field = $fields_api->get_field($field_id);
                 $value = $field->plain_value($post->ID);
                 echo str_replace(',', ';', $value);
                 echo ',';
             echo get_the_author_meta('user_login', $post->post_author);
             echo "\n";
     } else {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
             foreach ($short_names as $field_id => $shortname) {
                 $field = $fields_api->get_field($field_id);
                 echo sprintf('"%s"', $this->example_data_for_field($field, $shortname));
                 echo ',';
             echo sprintf('"%s"', $this->example_data_for_field(null, 'user'));
             echo "\n";
     echo '</textarea>';
     echo wpbdp_admin_footer();
예제 #10

echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Transactions', 'admin transactions', 'WPBDM'), 'admin-transactions');


echo wpbdp_admin_footer();
예제 #11
 private function previewForm()
     require_once WPBDP_PATH . 'core/view-submit-listing.php';
     if (wpbdp()->has_module('featuredlevels')) {
         wpbdp_admin()->messages[] = _x('This is a preview of the form as it will appear during "Submit a Listing". The users may not see all fields from "Manage Form Fields" because you have "Featured Levels" active and this is showing the base level.', 'formfields-preview', 'WPBDM');
     $html = '';
     $html .= wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Form Preview', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'), 'formfields-preview', array(array(_x('← Return to "Manage Form Fields"', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'), esc_url(remove_query_arg('action')))));
     $html .= wpbdp_admin_notices();
     $controller = new WPBDP_Submit_Listing_Page(0, true);
     $html .= $controller->preview_listing_fields_form();
     $html .= wpbdp_admin_footer();
     echo $html;

echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Add Form Field', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM'));

<form id="wpbdp-formfield-form" action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="field[id]" value="<?php 
echo $field->get_id();
" />
    <input type="hidden" name="field[weight]" value="<?php 
echo $field->get_weight();
" />

    <table class="form-table">
            <!-- association -->
                <th scope="row">
                    <label> <?php 
_ex('Field Association', 'form-fields admin', 'WPBDM');
 <span class="description">(required)</span></label>
$field_association_info = $field_associations[$field->get_association()];
예제 #13
 public function upgrade_page()
     echo wpbdp_admin_header(__('Business Directory - Manual Upgrade', 'WPBDM'), 'manual-upgrade', null, false);
     echo '<div class="step-upgrade">';
     echo '<p>';
     _e('Business Directory features are currently disabled because the plugin needs to perform a manual upgrade before it can be used.', 'WPBDM');
     echo '<br />';
     _e('Click "Start Upgrade" and wait until the process finishes.', 'WPBDM');
     echo '</p>';
     echo '<p>';
     echo '<a href="#" class="start-upgrade button button-primary">' . _x('Start Upgrade', 'manual-upgrade', 'WPBDM') . '</a>';
     echo ' ';
     echo '<a href="#" class="pause-upgrade button">' . _x('Pause Upgrade', 'manual-upgrade', 'WPBDM') . '</a>';
     echo '</p>';
     echo '<textarea id="manual-upgrade-progress" rows="20" style="width: 90%; font-family: courier, monospaced; font-size: 12px;" readonly="readonly"></textarea>';
     echo '</div>';
     echo '<div class="step-done" style="display: none;">';
     echo '<p>' . _x('The upgrade was sucessfully performed. Business Directory Plugin is now available.', 'manual-upgrade', 'WPBDM') . '</p>';
     printf('<a href="%s" class="button button-primary">%s</a>', admin_url('admin.php?page=wpbdp_admin'), _x('Go to "Directory Admin"', 'manual-upgrade', 'WPBDM'));
     echo '</div>';
     echo wpbdp_admin_footer();

echo wpbdp_admin_header(_x('Uninstall Business Directory Plugin', 'uninstall', 'WPBDM'), 'admin-uninstall');


echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/uninstall-capture-form.tpl.php');

echo wpbdp_admin_footer();