예제 #1
 public function save()
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         return new \WP_Error('validation-error', esc_html__('Could not validate record data.', 'stream'));
     return wp_stream_get_instance()->db->insert((array) $this);
예제 #2
 * Version 3.0.0
 * Update from 1.4.9
 * @param string $db_version
 * @param string $current_version
 * @return string
function wp_stream_update_300($db_version, $current_version)
    global $wpdb;
    // Get only the author_meta values that are double-serialized
    $plugin = wp_stream_get_instance();
    $prefix = $plugin->install->table_prefix;
    return $current_version;
예제 #3
  * Class constructor.
  * @param int          $user_id   The user ID.
  * @param array|string $user_meta The user meta array, or a serialized string of user meta.
 function __construct($user_id, $user_meta = array())
     $this->id = absint($user_id);
     $this->meta = maybe_unserialize($user_meta);
     if ($this->id) {
         $this->user = new \WP_User($this->id);
     $this->plugin = wp_stream_get_instance();
 public function __construct()
     if (!class_exists('WP_Stream\\Plugin')) {
         add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'stream_not_found_notice'));
         return false;
     $this->stream = wp_stream_get_instance();
     $this->options = $this->stream->settings->options;
     add_filter('wp_stream_settings_option_fields', array($this, 'options'));
     if (empty($this->options['papertrail_destination'])) {
         add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'destination_undefined_notice'));
     } else {
         add_action('wp_stream_record_inserted', array($this, 'log'), 10, 2);
예제 #5
 * Version 3.0.0
 * Update from 1.4.9
 * @param string $db_version
 * @param string $current_version
 * @return string
function wp_stream_update_auto_300($db_version, $current_version)
    global $wpdb;
    // Get only the author_meta values that are double-serialized
    $wpdb->query("RENAME TABLE {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream TO {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_tmp, {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_context TO {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_context_tmp");
    $plugin = wp_stream_get_instance();
    $stream_entries = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_tmp");
    foreach ($stream_entries as $entry) {
        $context = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_context_tmp WHERE record_id = %s LIMIT 1", $entry->ID));
        $new_entry = array('site_id' => $entry->site_id, 'blog_id' => $entry->blog_id, 'user_id' => $entry->author, 'user_role' => $entry->author_role, 'summary' => $entry->summary, 'created' => $entry->created, 'connector' => $context->connector, 'context' => $context->context, 'action' => $context->action, 'ip' => $entry->ip);
        if ($entry->object_id && 0 !== $entry->object_id) {
            $new_entry['object_id'] = $entry->object_id;
        $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'stream', $new_entry);
    $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_tmp, {$wpdb->base_prefix}stream_context_tmp");
    return $current_version;
예제 #6
  * Insert a record
  * @param array $recordarr
  * @return int
 public function insert($recordarr)
     if (defined('WP_IMPORTING') && WP_IMPORTING) {
         return false;
      * Filter allows modification of record information
      * @param array $recordarr
      * @return array
     $recordarr = apply_filters('wp_stream_record_array', $recordarr);
     if (empty($recordarr)) {
         return false;
     global $wpdb;
     $fields = array('object_id', 'site_id', 'blog_id', 'user_id', 'user_role', 'created', 'summary', 'ip', 'connector', 'context', 'action');
     $data = array_intersect_key($recordarr, array_flip($fields));
     $data = array_filter($data);
     $result = $wpdb->insert($this->table, $data);
     if (1 !== $result) {
          * Fires on a record insertion error
          * @param array $recordarr
          * @param mixed $result
         do_action('wp_stream_record_insert_error', $recordarr, $result);
         return $result;
     $record_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
     // Insert record meta
     foreach ((array) $recordarr['meta'] as $key => $vals) {
         // If associative array, serialize it, otherwise loop on its members
         $vals = is_array($vals) && 0 !== key($vals) ? array($vals) : $vals;
         foreach ((array) $vals as $val) {
             $val = maybe_serialize($val);
             $this->insert_meta($record_id, $key, $val);
     // API.logit($recordarr);
     // API::logit('yeah');
     // wp_stream_get_instance()->api->logit('yeah!!!');
     // $this->api->logit($recordarr);
      * Fires after a record has been inserted
      * @param int   $record_id
      * @param array $recordarr
     do_action('wp_stream_record_inserted', $record_id, $recordarr);
     return absint($record_id);
  * Catch registeration of post_types after initial loading, to cache its labels
  * @action registered_post_type
  * @param string $post_type Post type slug
  * @param array  $args      Arguments used to register the post type
 public function _registered_post_type($post_type, $args)
     $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
     $label = $post_type_obj->label;
     wp_stream_get_instance()->connectors->term_labels['stream_context'][$post_type] = $label;
  * Catch registration of taxonomies after inital loading, so we can cache its labels
  * @action registered_taxonomy
  * @param string $taxonomy          Taxonomy slug
  * @param array|string $object_type Object type or array of object types
  * @param array|string $args        Array or string of taxonomy registration arguments
 public function _registered_taxonomy($taxonomy, $object_type, $args)
     $taxonomy_obj = (object) $args;
     $label = get_taxonomy_labels($taxonomy_obj)->name;
     $this->context_labels[$taxonomy] = $label;
     wp_stream_get_instance()->connectors->term_labels['stream_context'][$taxonomy] = $label;
예제 #9
  * Log handler
  * @param string $message sprintf-ready error message string
  * @param array $args     sprintf (and extra) arguments to use
  * @param int $object_id  Target object id
  * @param string $context Context of the event
  * @param string $action  Action of the event
  * @param int $user_id    User responsible for the event
  * @return bool
 public function log($message, $args, $object_id, $context, $action, $user_id = null)
     $class = get_called_class();
     $connector = str_replace(array('WP_Stream\\', 'Connector_'), array('', ''), $class);
     $data = apply_filters('wp_stream_log_data', compact('connector', 'message', 'args', 'object_id', 'context', 'action', 'user_id'));
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $connector = $data['connector'];
         $message = $data['message'];
         $args = $data['args'];
         $object_id = $data['object_id'];
         $context = $data['context'];
         $action = $data['action'];
         $user_id = $data['user_id'];
     return call_user_func_array(array(wp_stream_get_instance()->log, 'log'), compact('connector', 'message', 'args', 'object_id', 'context', 'action', 'user_id'));
예제 #10
  * Checks for a Stream connection and displays an error or success message.
  * @return void
 private function connection()
     $query = wp_stream_get_instance()->db->query->query(array('records_per_page' => 1, 'fields' => 'created'));
     if (!$query) {
         WP_CLI::error(esc_html__('SITE IS DISCONNECTED', 'stream'));
예제 #11
  * Add action links to Stream drop row in admin list screen
  * @filter wp_stream_action_links_{connector}
  * @param array $links   Previous links registered
  * @param Record $record Stream record
  * @return array             Action links
 public function action_links($links, $record)
     $context_labels = $this->get_context_labels();
     $plugin = wp_stream_get_instance();
     $rules = array('stream' => array('menu_slug' => 'wp_stream', 'submenu_slug' => $plugin->admin->settings_page_slug, 'url' => function ($rule, $record) use($plugin) {
         $option_key = $record->get_meta('option_key', true);
         $url_tab = null;
         if ('' !== $option_key) {
             foreach ($plugin->settings->get_fields() as $tab_name => $tab_properties) {
                 foreach ($tab_properties['fields'] as $field) {
                     $field_key = sprintf('%s_%s', $tab_name, $field['name']);
                     if ($field_key === $option_key) {
                         $url_tab = $tab_name;
                         break 2;
         return add_query_arg(array('page' => $rule['submenu_slug'], 'tab' => $url_tab), admin_url('admin.php'));
     }, 'applicable' => function ($submenu, $record) {
         return $record->context === 'wp_stream';
     }), 'background_header' => array('menu_slug' => 'themes.php', 'submenu_slug' => function ($record) {
         return str_replace('_', '-', $record->context);
     }, 'url' => function ($rule, $record) {
         return add_query_arg('page', $rule['submenu_slug']($record), admin_url($rule['menu_slug']));
     }, 'applicable' => function ($submenu, $record) {
         return in_array($record->context, array('custom_header', 'custom_background'));
     }), 'general' => array('menu_slug' => 'options-general.php', 'submenu_slug' => function ($record) {
         return sprintf('options-%s.php', $record->context);
     }, 'url' => function ($rule, $record) {
         return admin_url($rule['submenu_slug']($record));
     }, 'applicable' => function ($submenu, $record) {
         return !empty($submenu['options-general.php']);
     }), 'network' => array('menu_slug' => 'settings.php', 'submenu_slug' => function ($record) {
         return 'settings.php';
     }, 'url' => function ($rule, $record) {
         return network_admin_url($rule['menu_slug']);
     }, 'applicable' => function ($submenu, $record) {
         if (!$record->blog_id) {
             return !empty($submenu['settings.php']);
         return false;
     if ('settings' !== $record->context && in_array($record->context, array_keys($context_labels))) {
         global $submenu;
         $applicable_rules = array_filter($rules, function ($rule) use($submenu, $record) {
             return call_user_func($rule['applicable'], $submenu, $record);
         if (!empty($applicable_rules)) {
             // The first applicable rule wins
             $rule = array_shift($applicable_rules);
             $menu_slug = $rule['menu_slug'];
             $submenu_slug = is_object($rule['submenu_slug']) && $rule['submenu_slug'] instanceof Closure ? $rule['submenu_slug']($record) : $rule['submenu_slug'];
             $url = $rule['url']($rule, $record);
             if (isset($submenu[$menu_slug])) {
                 $found_submenus = wp_list_filter($submenu[$menu_slug], array(2 => $submenu_slug));
             if (!empty($found_submenus)) {
                 $target_submenu = array_pop($found_submenus);
                 list($menu_title, $capability) = $target_submenu;
                 if (current_user_can($capability)) {
                     $url = apply_filters('wp_stream_action_link_url', $url, $record);
                     $text = sprintf(esc_html__('Edit %s Settings', 'stream'), $context_labels[$record->context]);
                     $field_name = $record->get_meta('option_key', true);
                     if ('' === $field_name) {
                         $field_name = $record->get_meta('option', true);
                     if ('' !== $field_name) {
                         $url = sprintf('%s#%s%s', rtrim(preg_replace('/#.*/', '', $url), '/'), self::HIGHLIGHT_FIELD_URL_HASH_PREFIX, $field_name);
                     $links[$text] = $url;
     return $links;
  * Tracks comment creation
  * @action wp_insert_comment
  * @param int $comment_id
  * @param object $comment
 public function callback_wp_insert_comment($comment_id, $comment)
     if (in_array($comment->comment_type, $this->get_ignored_comment_types())) {
     $user_id = $this->get_comment_author($comment, 'id');
     $user_name = $this->get_comment_author($comment, 'name');
     $post_id = $comment->comment_post_ID;
     $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
     $post_title = ($post = get_post($post_id)) ? "\"{$post->post_title}\"" : esc_html__('a post', 'stream');
     $comment_status = 1 === $comment->comment_approved ? esc_html__('approved automatically', 'stream') : esc_html__('pending approval', 'stream');
     $is_spam = false;
     // Auto-marked spam comments
     $options = wp_stream_get_instance()->settings->options;
     $ak_tracking = isset($options['advanced_akismet_tracking']) ? $options['advanced_akismet_tracking'] : false;
     if (class_exists('Akismet') && $ak_tracking && \Akismet::matches_last_comment($comment)) {
         $ak_last_comment = \Akismet::get_last_comment();
         if ('true' === $ak_last_comment['akismet_result']) {
             $is_spam = true;
             $comment_status = esc_html__('automatically marked as spam by Akismet', 'stream');
     $comment_type = mb_strtolower($this->get_comment_type_label($comment_id));
     if ($comment->comment_parent) {
         $parent_user_id = get_comment_author($comment->comment_parent, 'id');
         $parent_user_name = get_comment_author($comment->comment_parent, 'name');
         $this->log(_x('Reply to %1$s\'s %5$s by %2$s on %3$s %4$s', "1: Parent comment's author, 2: Comment author, 3: Post title, 4: Comment status, 5: Comment type", 'stream'), compact('parent_user_name', 'user_name', 'post_title', 'comment_status', 'comment_type', 'post_id', 'parent_user_id'), $comment_id, $post_type, 'replied', $user_id);
     } else {
         $this->log(_x('New %4$s by %1$s on %2$s %3$s', '1: Comment author, 2: Post title 3: Comment status, 4: Comment type', 'stream'), compact('user_name', 'post_title', 'comment_status', 'comment_type', 'post_id', 'is_spam'), $comment_id, $post_type, $is_spam ? 'spammed' : 'created', $user_id);
예제 #13

namespace WP_Stream;

// Load Carbon to Handle dates much easier
if (!class_exists('Carbon\\Carbon')) {
    require_once wp_stream_get_instance()->locations['inc_dir'] . 'lib/Carbon.php';
use Carbon\Carbon;
class Date_Interval
     * Contains an array of all available intervals
     * @var array $intervals
    public $intervals;
     * Class constructor
    public function __construct()
        // Get all default intervals
        $this->intervals = $this->get_predefined_intervals();
     * @return mixed|void
    public function get_predefined_intervals()
        $timezone = get_option('timezone_string');
 public function admin_enqueue_scripts($hook)
     if (0 === strpos($hook, 'seo_page_')) {
         $stream = wp_stream_get_instance();
         $src = $stream->locations['url'] . '/ui/js/wpseo-admin.js';
         wp_enqueue_script('stream-connector-wpseo', $src, array('jquery'), $stream->get_version());
 public function get_stream()
     // Filters
     $allowed_params = array('connector', 'context', 'action', 'author', 'author_role', 'object_id', 'search', 'date', 'date_from', 'date_to', 'record__in', 'blog_id', 'ip');
     $sections = isset($_POST['sections']) ? maybe_unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['sections'])) : array();
     if (!is_array($sections)) {
         $sections = array();
     //return $sections;
     $other_tokens = isset($_POST['other_tokens']) ? maybe_unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['other_tokens'])) : array();
     if (!is_array($other_tokens)) {
         $other_tokens = array();
     //return $other_tokens;
     $args = array();
     foreach ($allowed_params as $param) {
         if (self::$mainwpChildReports) {
             $paramval = mainwp_wp_stream_filter_input(INPUT_POST, $param);
         } else {
             $paramval = wp_stream_filter_input(INPUT_POST, $param);
         if ($paramval || '0' === $paramval) {
             $args[$param] = $paramval;
     foreach ($args as $arg => $val) {
         if (!in_array($arg, $allowed_params)) {
     // to fix bug
     $exclude_connector_posts = true;
     if (isset($sections['body']) && isset($sections['body']['section_token']) && is_array($sections['body']['section_token'])) {
         foreach ($sections['body']['section_token'] as $sec) {
             if (strpos($sec, "[section.posts") !== false) {
                 $exclude_connector_posts = false;
     if ($exclude_connector_posts) {
         if (isset($sections['header']) && isset($sections['header']['section_token']) && is_array($sections['header']['section_token'])) {
             foreach ($sections['header']['section_token'] as $sec) {
                 if (strpos($sec, "[section.posts") !== false) {
                     $exclude_connector_posts = false;
     if ($exclude_connector_posts) {
         if (isset($sections['footer']) && isset($sections['footer']['section_token']) && is_array($sections['footer']['section_token'])) {
             foreach ($sections['footer']['section_token'] as $sec) {
                 if (strpos($sec, "[section.posts") !== false) {
                     $exclude_connector_posts = false;
     if ($exclude_connector_posts) {
         if (isset($other_tokens['body']) && is_array($other_tokens['body'])) {
             foreach ($other_tokens['body'] as $sec) {
                 if (strpos($sec, "[post.") !== false) {
                     $exclude_connector_posts = false;
     if ($exclude_connector_posts) {
         if (isset($other_tokens['header']) && is_array($other_tokens['header'])) {
             foreach ($other_tokens['header'] as $sec) {
                 if (strpos($sec, "[post.") !== false) {
                     $exclude_connector_posts = false;
     if ($exclude_connector_posts) {
         if (isset($other_tokens['footer']) && is_array($other_tokens['footer'])) {
             foreach ($other_tokens['footer'] as $sec) {
                 if (strpos($sec, "[post.") !== false) {
                     $exclude_connector_posts = false;
     if ($exclude_connector_posts) {
         $args['connector__not_in'] = array('posts');
     ///// end fix /////
     $args['action__not_in'] = array('login');
     // fix for Stream 3
     if (3 !== self::$streamVersionNumber) {
         $args['fields'] = 'with-meta';
         if (isset($args['date_from'])) {
             $args['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $args['date_from']);
         if (isset($args['date_to'])) {
             $args['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $args['date_to']);
     } else {
         if (isset($args['date_from'])) {
             $args['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d', $args['date_from']);
         if (isset($args['date_to'])) {
             $args['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', $args['date_to']);
     $args['records_per_page'] = 9999;
     //        error_log(print_r($args, true));
     if (self::$mainwpChildReports) {
         $records = mainwp_wp_stream_query($args);
     } else {
         if (149 === self::$streamVersionNumber) {
             $records = wp_stream_query($args);
         } else {
             if (3 === self::$streamVersionNumber) {
                 $records = wp_stream_get_instance()->db->query->query($args);
     if (!is_array($records)) {
         $records = array();
     //return $records;
     //$other_tokens_data = $this->get_other_tokens_data($records, $other_tokens);
     if (isset($other_tokens['header']) && is_array($other_tokens['header'])) {
         $other_tokens_data['header'] = $this->get_other_tokens_data($records, $other_tokens['header']);
     if (isset($other_tokens['body']) && is_array($other_tokens['body'])) {
         $other_tokens_data['body'] = $this->get_other_tokens_data($records, $other_tokens['body']);
     if (isset($other_tokens['footer']) && is_array($other_tokens['footer'])) {
         $other_tokens_data['footer'] = $this->get_other_tokens_data($records, $other_tokens['footer']);
     $sections_data = array();
     if (isset($sections['header']) && is_array($sections['header']) && !empty($sections['header'])) {
         foreach ($sections['header']['section_token'] as $index => $sec) {
             $tokens = $sections['header']['section_content_tokens'][$index];
             $sections_data['header'][$index] = $this->get_section_loop_data($records, $tokens, $sec);
     if (isset($sections['body']) && is_array($sections['body']) && !empty($sections['body'])) {
         foreach ($sections['body']['section_token'] as $index => $sec) {
             $tokens = $sections['body']['section_content_tokens'][$index];
             $sections_data['body'][$index] = $this->get_section_loop_data($records, $tokens, $sec);
     if (isset($sections['footer']) && is_array($sections['footer']) && !empty($sections['footer'])) {
         foreach ($sections['footer'] as $index => $sec) {
             $tokens = $sections['footer']['section_content_tokens'][$index];
             $sections_data['footer'][$index] = $this->get_section_loop_data($records, $tokens, $sec);
     $information = array('other_tokens_data' => $other_tokens_data, 'sections_data' => $sections_data);
     return $information;
예제 #16
  * Log handler
  * @param string $message sprintf-ready error message string
  * @param array $args     sprintf (and extra) arguments to use
  * @param int $object_id  Target object id
  * @param string $context Context of the event
  * @param string $action  Action of the event
  * @param int $user_id    User responsible for the event
  * @return bool
 public function log($message, $args, $object_id, $context, $action, $user_id = null)
     $connector = $this->name;
     $data = apply_filters('wp_stream_log_data', compact('connector', 'message', 'args', 'object_id', 'context', 'action', 'user_id'));
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $connector = $data['connector'];
         $message = $data['message'];
         $args = $data['args'];
         $object_id = $data['object_id'];
         $context = $data['context'];
         $action = $data['action'];
         $user_id = $data['user_id'];
     return call_user_func_array(array(wp_stream_get_instance()->log, 'log'), compact('connector', 'message', 'args', 'object_id', 'context', 'action', 'user_id'));
예제 #17
  * Return a Gravatar image as an HTML element.
  * This function will not return an avatar if "Show Avatars" is unchecked in Settings > Discussion.
  * @param int $size (optional) Size of Gravatar to return (in pixels), max is 512, default is 80
  * @return string|bool  An img HTML element, or false if avatars are disabled
 function get_avatar_img($size = 80)
     if (!get_option('show_avatars')) {
         return false;
     if (0 === $this->id) {
         $stream = wp_stream_get_instance();
         $url = $stream->locations['url'] . 'ui/stream-icons/wp-cli.png';
         $avatar = sprintf('<img alt="%1$s" src="%2$s" class="avatar avatar-%3$s photo" height="%3$s" width="%3$s">', esc_attr($this->get_display_name()), esc_url($url), esc_attr($size));
     } else {
         if ($this->is_deleted() && isset($this->meta['user_email'])) {
             $email = $this->meta['user_email'];
             $avatar = get_avatar($email, $size);
         } else {
             $avatar = get_avatar($this->id, $size);
     return $avatar;
예제 #18
  * Helper function to query the marketplace API via wp_remote_request.
  * @param string The url to access.
  * @param string The method of the request.
  * @param array  The headers sent during the request.
  * @param bool   Allow API calls to be cached.
  * @param int    Set transient expiration in seconds.
  * @return object The results of the wp_remote_request request.
 protected function remote_request($url = '', $args = array(), $allow_cache = true, $expiration = 300)
     if (empty($url) || empty(get_option('api_key'))) {
         return false;
     // error_log("url: ".json_encode($url));
     $defaults = array('headers' => array(), 'method' => 'GET', 'body' => '', 'sslverify' => true);
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $args['headers']['Stream-Site-API-Key'] = get_option('api_key');
     $args['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
     add_filter('http_api_transports', array(__CLASS__, 'http_api_transport_priority'), 10, 3);
     $transient = 'wp_stream_' . md5($url);
     // error_log("args:".json_encode($args));
     // error_log("url:".$url);
     if ('GET' === $args['method'] && $allow_cache) {
         if (false === ($request = get_transient($transient))) {
             $request = wp_remote_request($url, $args);
             set_transient($transient, $request, $expiration);
     } else {
         $request = wp_remote_request($url, $args);
     remove_filter('http_api_transports', array(__CLASS__, 'http_api_transport_priority'), 10);
     // Return early if the request is non blocking
     if (isset($args['blocking']) && false === $args['blocking']) {
         return true;
     if (!is_wp_error($request)) {
          * Filter the request data of the API response.
          * Does not fire on non-blocking requests.
          * @since 2.0.0
          * @param string $url
          * @param array  $args
          * @return array
         $data = apply_filters('wp_stream_api_request_data', json_decode($request['body']), $url, $args);
         // Loose comparison needed
         if (200 == $request['response']['code'] || 201 == $request['response']['code']) {
             return $data;
         } else {
             // Disconnect if unauthorized or no longer exists, loose comparison needed
             if (403 == $request['response']['code'] || 410 == $request['response']['code']) {
             $this->errors['errors']['http_code'] = $request['response']['code'];
         if (isset($data->error)) {
             $this->errors['errors']['api_error'] = $data->error;
     } else {
         $this->errors['errors']['remote_request_error'] = $request->get_error_message();
         wp_stream_get_instance()->admin->notice(sprintf('<strong>%s</strong> %s.', __('Stream API Error.', 'stream'), $this->errors['errors']['remote_request_error']));
     if (!empty($this->errors)) {
     return false;