function generate_tag_cloud($post_type)
     global $wpdb;
     // database calls must be sensitive to multisite
     $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = %s", $post_type);
     $attachment_ids = $wpdb->get_col($query);
     $terms = wp_get_object_terms($attachment_ids, 'post_tag', array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC'));
     $tags = array();
     // limit to 45 tags
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         $tags[$term->term_id] = $term;
         if (count($tags) >= 45) {
     if (empty($tags)) {
         die(__('No tags found!', THEMEDOMAIN));
     if (is_wp_error($tags)) {
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         $tags[$key]->link = '#';
         $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
     // We need raw tag names here, so don't filter the output
     $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('filter' => 0));
     if (empty($return)) {
     echo $return;
  * Displays the 'tagcloud' display type
  * @param stdClass|C_Displayed_Gallery|C_DataMapper_Model $displayed_gallery
 function index_action($displayed_gallery, $return = FALSE)
     $display_settings = $displayed_gallery->display_settings;
     $application = $this->object->get_registry()->get_utility('I_Router')->get_routed_app();
     $tag = $this->param('gallerytag');
     // we're looking at a tag, so show images w/that tag as a thumbnail gallery
     if (!is_home() && !empty($tag)) {
         return $this->object->get_registry()->get_utility('I_Displayed_Gallery_Renderer')->display_images(array('source' => 'tags', 'container_ids' => array(esc_attr($tag)), 'display_type' => $display_settings['display_type'], 'original_display_type' => $displayed_gallery->display_type, 'original_settings' => $display_settings));
     $defaults = array('exclude' => '', 'format' => 'list', 'include' => $displayed_gallery->get_term_ids_for_tags(), 'largest' => 22, 'link' => 'view', 'number' => $display_settings['number'], 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'name', 'smallest' => 8, 'taxonomy' => 'ngg_tag', 'unit' => 'pt');
     $args = wp_parse_args('', $defaults);
     // Always query top tags
     $tags = get_terms($args['taxonomy'], array_merge($args, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         $tags[$key]->link = $this->object->set_param_for($application->get_routed_url(TRUE), 'gallerytag', $tag->slug);
         $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
     $params = $display_settings;
     $params['inner_content'] = $displayed_gallery->inner_content;
     $params['storage'] =& $storage;
     $params['tagcloud'] = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args);
     $params['displayed_gallery_id'] = $displayed_gallery->id();
     $params = $this->object->prepare_display_parameters($displayed_gallery, $params);
     return $this->object->render_partial('photocrati-nextgen_basic_tagcloud#nextgen_basic_tagcloud', $params, $return);
예제 #3
 public function test_topic_count_text_callback()
     register_taxonomy('wptests_tax', 'post');
     $terms = $this->factory->term->create_many(2, array('taxonomy' => 'wptests_tax'));
     $posts = $this->factory->post->create_many(2);
     wp_set_post_terms($posts[0], $terms, 'wptests_tax');
     wp_set_post_terms($posts[1], array($terms[1]), 'wptests_tax');
     $term_objects = $this->retrieve_terms(array('include' => $terms), 'wptests_tax');
     $actual = wp_generate_tag_cloud($term_objects, array('format' => 'array', 'topic_count_text_callback' => array($this, 'topic_count_text_callback')));
     $this->assertContains("title='1 foo'", $actual[0]);
     $this->assertContains("title='2 foo'", $actual[1]);
예제 #4
     } else {
     $tags = get_terms($taxonomy, array('number' => 45, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC'));
     if (empty($tags)) {
         die(__('No tags found!'));
     if (is_wp_error($tags)) {
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         $tags[$key]->link = '#';
         $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
     // We need raw tag names here, so don't filter the output
     $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('filter' => 0));
     if (empty($return)) {
     echo $return;
 case 'add-comment':
     if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
     $search = isset($_POST['s']) ? $_POST['s'] : false;
     $status = isset($_POST['comment_status']) ? $_POST['comment_status'] : 'all';
     $per_page = isset($_POST['per_page']) ? (int) $_POST['per_page'] + 8 : 28;
     $start = isset($_POST['page']) ? intval($_POST['page']) * $per_page - 1 : $per_page - 1;
예제 #5
<div id="download-page-tags" class="download_group">
	<div class="download_tags">
echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags);
function install_dashboard()
    printf(__('Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format via <a href="%s">this page</a>.'), self_admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=upload'));


    _e('Popular tags');
	<p class="install-help"><?php 
    _e('You may also browse based on the most popular tags in the Plugin Directory:');
    $api_tags = install_popular_tags();
    echo '<p class="popular-tags">';
    if (is_wp_error($api_tags)) {
        echo $api_tags->get_error_message();
    } else {
        //Set up the tags in a way which can be interpreted by wp_generate_tag_cloud()
        $tags = array();
        foreach ((array) $api_tags as $tag) {
            $tags[$tag['name']] = (object) array('link' => esc_url(self_admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=tag&s=' . urlencode($tag['name']))), 'name' => $tag['name'], 'id' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($tag['name']), 'count' => $tag['count']);
        echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('single_text' => __('%s plugin'), 'multiple_text' => __('%s plugins')));
    echo '</p><br class="clear" />';
예제 #7
 * nggTagCloud() - return a tag cloud based on the wp core tag cloud system
 * @param array $args
 * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file, look for gallery-$template
 * @return the content
function nggTagCloud($args = '', $template = '')
    global $nggRewrite;
    // $_GET from wp_query
    $tag = get_query_var('gallerytag');
    $pageid = get_query_var('pageid');
    // look for gallerytag variable
    if ($pageid == get_the_ID() || !is_home()) {
        if (!empty($tag)) {
            $slug = esc_attr($tag);
            $out = nggShowGalleryTags($slug);
            return $out;
    $defaults = array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 45, 'format' => 'flat', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'link' => 'view', 'taxonomy' => 'ngg_tag');
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $tags = get_terms($args['taxonomy'], array_merge($args, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
    // Always query top tags
    foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
        $tags[$key]->link = $nggRewrite->get_permalink(array('gallerytag' => $tag->slug));
        $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
    $out = '<div class="ngg-tagcloud">' . wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args) . '</div>';
    return $out;
 function widget($args, $instance)
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
     echo $before_widget;
     if ($title) {
         echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
     echo '<div class="gtags gtags-widget">';
     echo wp_generate_tag_cloud(gtags_make_tags(null, $instance['exclude'], $instance['include']), gtags_cloud_args());
     echo '</div>';
     echo $after_widget;
  * @ticket 5172
 public function test_should_include_tag_link_position_class()
     register_taxonomy('wptests_tax', 'post');
     $term_ids = self::factory()->term->create_many(3, array('taxonomy' => 'wptests_tax'));
     $p = self::factory()->post->create();
     wp_set_post_terms($p, $term_ids, 'wptests_tax');
     $term_objects = get_terms('wptests_tax', array('include' => $term_ids));
     $cloud = wp_generate_tag_cloud($term_objects);
     preg_match_all('|tag\\-link\\-position-([0-9]+)|', $cloud, $matches);
     $this->assertSame(array(1, 2, 3), array_map('intval', $matches[1]));
 function widget($args, $instance)
     global $site_categories, $current_site;
     $data = get_site_transient('site-categories-cloud-data-' . $this->number);
     if (!$data) {
         $defaults = array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 45, 'format' => 'flat', 'separator' => "\n", 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'link' => 'view', 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'echo' => true);
         $instance = wp_parse_args($instance, $defaults);
         if (isset($instance['category']) && intval($instance['category'])) {
             $instance['child_of'] = $instance['category'];
         $tags = get_terms(SITE_CATEGORIES_TAXONOMY, $instance);
         // Always query top tags
         if (isset($instance['include_parent']) && $instance['include_parent'] == "on") {
             $parent_tag = get_term_by('id', $instance['category'], SITE_CATEGORIES_TAXONOMY);
             if (!empty($parent_tag) && !is_wp_error($parent_tag)) {
                 //echo "parent_tag<pre>"; print_r($parent_tag); echo "</pre>";
                 $tags[] = $parent_tag;
         if (empty($tags) || is_wp_error($tags)) {
         foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
             $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
             if (isset($site_categories->opts['landing_page_rewrite']) && $site_categories->opts['landing_page_rewrite'] == true) {
                 $tags[$key]->link = trailingslashit($site_categories->opts['landing_page_slug']) . $tag->slug;
             } else {
                 $tags[$key]->link = $site_categories->opts['landing_page_slug'] . '&amp;category_name=' . $tag->slug;
         $data = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $instance);
         // Here's where those top tags get sorted according to $args
         set_site_transient('site-categories-cloud-data-' . $this->number, $data, 30);
     if ($data) {
         echo $before_widget;
         $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
         if ($title) {
             echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
         echo $data;
         echo $after_widget;
예제 #11

require_once './wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/ngg-config.php';
require_once './inc/php/cfg.php';
$tags = get_terms('ngg_tag');
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
    $tag->link = $cfg['siteurl'] . 'tag/' . $tag->term_id . '-' . $tag->slug . '.html';
$args = array('smallest' => 20, 'largest' => 100, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 100, 'format' => 'flat', 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'RAND');
$tags_display = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args);
$page_title = 'FOTO';
$title = 'Tags' . $cfg['sitetitle'];
require_once './inc/html/head.html';
<div id='main'>
echo $tags_display;
require_once './inc/html/foot.html';
예제 #12
function install_themes_dashboard()
    _e('Search for themes by keyword, author, or tag.');

    install_theme_search_form('<a href="' . add_query_arg('show-help', !isset($_REQUEST['show-help'])) . '" onclick="jQuery(\'#search-help\').toggle(); return false;">' . __('[need help?]') . '</a>');
<div id="search-help" style="display: <?php 
    echo isset($_REQUEST['show-help']) ? 'block' : 'none';
    _e('You may search based on 3 criteria:');
<br />
    _e('<strong>Term:</strong> Searches theme names and descriptions for the specified term');
<br />
    _e('<strong>Tag:</strong> Searches for themes tagged as such');
<br />
    _e('<strong>Author:</strong> Searches for themes created by the Author, or which the Author contributed to.');

    _e('Advanced Search');
    _e('Tag filter goes here');

    _e('Popular tags');
    _e('You may also browse based on the most popular tags in the Theme Directory:');
    $api_tags = install_themes_popular_tags();
    //Set up the tags in a way which can be interprated by wp_generate_tag_cloud()
    $tags = array();
    foreach ((array) $api_tags as $tag) {
        $tags[$tag['name']] = (object) array('link' => clean_url(admin_url('theme-install.php?tab=search&type=tag&s=' . urlencode($tag['name']))), 'name' => $tag['name'], 'id' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($tag['name']), 'count' => $tag['count']);
    echo '<p>';
    echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('single_text' => __('%d theme'), 'multiple_text' => __('%d themes')));
    echo '</p><br class="clear" />';
예제 #13
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     $cache = array();
     if (!$this->is_preview()) {
         $cache = wp_cache_get('stt2extat_widget_terms_list', 'widget');
     if (!is_array($cache)) {
         $cache = array();
     if (!isset($args['widget_id'])) {
         $args['widget_id'] = $this->id;
     if (isset($cache[$args['widget_id']])) {
         echo $cache[$args['widget_id']];
     $title = __('Popular Terms', 'stt2extat');
     $post_id = null;
     $sort = isset($instance['sort']) ? $instance['sort'] : 'count';
     $obj = get_queried_object();
     $tax = $cloud = false;
     $tax_query = $args_cloud = array();
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'taxonomy':
             if (!isset($obj->term_id)) {
                 return null;
             $title .= ' in ' . $obj->name;
             $tax_query = array('tax_query' => array('tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => $obj->taxonomy, 'terms' => $obj->term_id))));
             $sort = 'count';
             $tax = true;
         case 'post_id':
             if (!is_single()) {
                 return null;
             $title .= __(' Post', 'stt2extat');
             $post_id = $obj->ID;
             $sort = 'count';
         case 'term_id':
             $title = __('Recent Terms', 'stt2extat');
         case 'recent':
             if (!is_single()) {
                 return null;
             $title = __('Recent Terms Post', 'stt2extat');
             $post_id = $obj->ID;
             $sort = 'term_id';
         case 'term_cloud':
             $title = __('Term Cloud', 'stt2extat');
             $args_cloud = apply_filters('stt2extat_tag_cloud_args', array());
             $sort = 'count';
             $cloud = true;
             $title = $title;
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty($instance['title']) ? $title : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
     $interval = isset($instance['interval']) ? $instance['interval'] : 'all';
     $number = isset($instance['number']) ? $instance['number'] : 5;
     $count = isset($instance['count']) ? $instance['count'] : 'tooltips';
     $convert = isset($instance['convert']) ? $instance['convert'] : 'n';
     $args_query = array('sort' => $sort, 'number' => $number, 'order' => 'DESC', 'p' => $post_id);
     $args_interval = apply_filters('stt2extat_widget_interval_time', array('date_query' => array('after' => $interval)));
     if ('all' != $interval) {
         $args_query = wp_parse_args($args_interval, $args_query);
     if ('count' == $sort && $tax) {
         $args_query = wp_parse_args($tax_query, $args_query);
     $set = array('text_header' => '', 'html_heading' => '', 'display' => 'ul', 'count' => $count, 'convert' => $convert);
     $args_query = wp_parse_args($args_query, $set);
     $result = stt2extat_terms_list($args_query, $widget = (object) array('is_widget' => true, 'cloud' => wp_validate_boolean($cloud)));
     if ('count' == $sort && $cloud) {
         // use args_query['number']
         $args_cloud['filter'] = false;
         $args_cloud['topic_count_text'] = _n_noop('%s hit', '%s hits');
         if (has_filter('stt2extat_term_count', 'stt2extat_count_posts')) {
             $args_cloud['topic_count_text'] = _n_noop('%s topic', '%s topics');
         if ('n' == $args_query['count']) {
             $args_cloud['topic_count_text'] = '';
         $result = wp_generate_tag_cloud($result, $args_cloud);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         echo $args['before_widget'];
         if ($title) {
             echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title'];
         echo $result;
         echo $args['after_widget'];
     if (!$this->is_preview()) {
         $cache[$args['widget_id']] = ob_get_flush();
         wp_cache_set('stt2extat_widget_terms_list', $cache, 'widget', 3600);
     } else {
        the_content(__('&rsaquo; Continue reading'));
        the_tags('<p class="tags">Tags: ', ', ', '</p>');
        edit_post_link('[edit post]', '<p>', '</p>');
        the_time('l, F jS, Y');
        the_category(', ');
        comments_popup_link(__('No Comments'), __('1 Comment'), __('% Comments'));
    next_posts_link('&laquo; Previous Entries');
    previous_posts_link('Next Entries &raquo;');
} else {
<h3>Not found!</h3>
    _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.');
    include TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php";
<? include("footer.php"); ?>
예제 #15
  * This function mimics the WordPress function wp_tag_cloud()
  * because we cannot hook into the function without receiving errors.
  * As of 1.1, you can define 'link' as 'cpt_post' if you want the term's
  * link to take you to the CPT's post page instead of the term archive.
  * @since 1.0
  * @uses $cpt_onomy
  * @param array|string $args Optional. Override default arguments.
  * @return array Generated tag cloud, only if no failures and 'array' is set for the 'format' argument.
 public function wp_tag_cloud($args = NULL)
     global $cpt_onomy;
     $defaults = array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 45, 'format' => 'flat', 'separator' => "\n", 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'link' => 'view', 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'echo' => true);
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $tags = get_terms($args['taxonomy'], array_merge($args, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
     // Always query top tags
     if (empty($tags) || is_wp_error($tags)) {
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         if ('edit' == $args['link']) {
             $link = $cpt_onomy->get_edit_term_link($tag->term_id, $tag->taxonomy);
         } elseif ('cpt_post' == $args['link']) {
             $link = get_permalink($tag->term_id);
         } else {
             $link = $cpt_onomy->get_term_link(intval($tag->term_id), $tag->taxonomy);
         if (is_wp_error($link)) {
             return false;
         $tags[$key]->link = $link;
         $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
     $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args);
     // Here's where those top tags get sorted according to $args
     $return = apply_filters('wp_tag_cloud', $return, $args);
     if ('array' == $args['format'] || empty($args['echo'])) {
         return $return;
     echo $return;
예제 #16
function install_dashboard()
    _e('Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format via this page.');

    install_search_form('<a href="' . add_query_arg('show-help', !isset($_REQUEST['show-help'])) . '" onclick="jQuery(\'#search-help\').toggle(); return false;">' . __('[need help?]') . '</a>');
	<div id="search-help" style="display: <?php 
    echo isset($_REQUEST['show-help']) ? 'block' : 'none';
	<p>	<?php 
    _e('You may search based on 3 criteria:');
<br />
    _e('<strong>Term:</strong> Searches plugins names and descriptions for the specified term');
<br />
    _e('<strong>Tag:</strong> Searches for plugins tagged as such');
<br />
    _e('<strong>Author:</strong> Searches for plugins created by the Author, or which the Author contributed to.');

    _e('Install a plugin in .zip format');
    _e('If you have a plugin in a .zip format, You may install it by uploading it here.');
	<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=upload');
		<input type="file" name="pluginzip" />
		<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php 
    _e('Install Now');
" />

    _e('Popular tags');
    _e('You may also browse based on the most popular tags in the Plugin Directory:');
    $api_tags = install_popular_tags();
    //Set up the tags in a way which can be interprated by wp_generate_tag_cloud()
    $tags = array();
    foreach ((array) $api_tags as $tag) {
        $tags[$tag['name']] = (object) array('link' => clean_url(admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=tag&s=' . urlencode($tag['name']))), 'name' => $tag['name'], 'id' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($tag['name']), 'count' => $tag['count']);
    echo '<p>';
    echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('single_text' => __('%d plugin'), 'multiple_text' => __('%d plugins')));
    echo '</p><br class="clear" />';
예제 #17
 * Display tag cloud.
 * The text size is set by the 'smallest' and 'largest' arguments, which will
 * use the 'unit' argument value for the CSS text size unit. The 'format'
 * argument can be 'flat' (default), 'list', or 'array'. The flat value for the
 * 'format' argument will separate tags with spaces. The list value for the
 * 'format' argument will format the tags in a UL HTML list. The array value for
 * the 'format' argument will return in PHP array type format.
 * The 'orderby' argument will accept 'name' or 'count' and defaults to 'name'.
 * The 'order' is the direction to sort, defaults to 'ASC' and can be 'DESC'.
 * The 'number' argument is how many tags to return. By default, the limit will
 * be to return the top 45 tags in the tag cloud list.
 * The 'topic_count_text_callback' argument is a function, which, given the count
 * of the posts  with that tag, returns a text for the tooltip of the tag link.
 * The 'exclude' and 'include' arguments are used for the {@link get_tags()}
 * function. Only one should be used, because only one will be used and the
 * other ignored, if they are both set.
 * @since 2.3.0
 * @param array|string $args Optional. Override default arguments.
 * @return array Generated tag cloud, only if no failures and 'array' is set for the 'format' argument.
function wp_tag_cloud($args = '')
    $defaults = array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 45, 'format' => 'flat', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'link' => 'view');
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $tags = get_tags(array_merge($args, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
    // Always query top tags
    if (empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
        if ('edit' == $args['link']) {
            $link = get_edit_tag_link($tag->term_id);
        } else {
            $link = get_tag_link($tag->term_id);
        if (is_wp_error($link)) {
            return false;
        $tags[$key]->link = $link;
        $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
    $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args);
    // Here's where those top tags get sorted according to $args
    $return = apply_filters('wp_tag_cloud', $return, $args);
    if ('array' == $args['format']) {
        return $return;
    echo $return;
예제 #18
 * @since 2.7.0
function install_dashboard()
    printf(__('Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="%1$s">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format by clicking the button at the top of this page.'), '');


	<div class="plugins-popular-tags-wrapper">
    _e('Popular tags');
    _e('You may also browse based on the most popular tags in the Plugin Directory:');
    $api_tags = install_popular_tags();
    echo '<p class="popular-tags">';
    if (is_wp_error($api_tags)) {
        echo $api_tags->get_error_message();
    } else {
        //Set up the tags in a way which can be interpreted by wp_generate_tag_cloud()
        $tags = array();
        foreach ((array) $api_tags as $tag) {
            $url = self_admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=tag&s=' . urlencode($tag['name']));
            $data = array('link' => esc_url($url), 'name' => $tag['name'], 'slug' => $tag['slug'], 'id' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($tag['name']), 'count' => $tag['count']);
            $tags[$tag['name']] = (object) $data;
        echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('single_text' => __('%s plugin'), 'multiple_text' => __('%s plugins')));
    echo '</p><br class="clear" /></div>';
예제 #19
 * Generates an ideas tag cloud
 * Used when writing a new idea to allow the author to choose
 * one or more popular idea tags.
 * @package WP Idea Stream
 * @subpackage core/functions
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @param  integer $number number of tag to display
 * @param  array   $args   the tag cloud args
 * @uses   get_terms()
 * @uses   wp_idea_stream_get_tag()
 * @uses   wp_parse_args()
 * @uses   wp_idea_stream_tag_cloud_args()
 * @uses   wp_generate_tag_cloud()
 * @return array           associative array containing the number of tags and the content of the cloud.
function wp_idea_stream_generate_tag_cloud($number = 10, $args = array())
    $tags = get_terms(wp_idea_stream_get_tag(), apply_filters('wp_idea_stream_generate_tag_cloud_args', array('number' => $number, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
    if (empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
        $tags[$key]->link = '#';
        $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, wp_idea_stream_tag_cloud_args(array('taxonomy' => wp_idea_stream_get_tag())));
    $retarray = array('number' => count($tags), 'tagcloud' => wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args));
    return apply_filters('wp_idea_stream_generate_tag_cloud', $retarray);
예제 #20
function wp_tag_cloud($args = '')
    $defaults = array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 45, 'format' => 'flat', 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '');
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $tags = get_tags(array_merge($args, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
    // Always query top tags
    if (empty($tags)) {
    $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args);
    // Here's where those top tags get sorted according to $args
    if (is_wp_error($return)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        echo apply_filters('wp_tag_cloud', $return, $args);
예제 #21
     * Output the main landing page for the Sputnik administration screen.
    protected static function dashboard()
        _e('Some text about WPEconomy goes here! This will eventually be replaced with a dashboard-like interface, including latest news, etc.', 'wpsc');

        _e('Search', 'wpsc');
		<p class="install-help"><?php 
        _e('Search for plugins by keyword.', 'wpsc');

        _e('Popular tags');
		<p class="install-help"><?php 
        _e('You may also browse based on the most popular tags on the store:', 'wpsc');
        echo '<p class="popular-tags">';
        try {
            $api_tags = Sputnik::get_tags();
            //Set up the tags in a way which can be interpreted by wp_generate_tag_cloud()
            $tags = array();
            foreach ($api_tags as $tag) {
                $tags[$tag->name] = (object) array('link' => esc_url(self::build_url(array('tab' => 'search', 's' => urlencode($tag->name)))), 'name' => $tag->name, 'id' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($tag->name), 'count' => $tag->count);
            echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('single_text' => __('%s plugin', 'wpsc'), 'multiple_text' => __('%s plugins', 'wpsc')));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
        echo '</p><br class="clear" />';
 * Display tag cloud.
 * The text size is set by the 'smallest' and 'largest' arguments, which will
 * use the 'unit' argument value for the CSS text size unit. The 'format'
 * argument can be 'flat' (default), 'list', or 'array'. The flat value for the
 * 'format' argument will separate tags with spaces. The list value for the
 * 'format' argument will format the tags in a UL HTML list. The array value for
 * the 'format' argument will return in PHP array type format.
 * The 'orderby' argument will accept 'name' or 'count' and defaults to 'name'.
 * The 'order' is the direction to sort, defaults to 'ASC' and can be 'DESC'.
 * The 'number' argument is how many tags to return. By default, the limit will
 * be to return the top 45 tags in the tag cloud list.
 * The 'topic_count_text' argument is a nooped plural from _n_noop() to generate the
 * text for the tooltip of the tag link.
 * The 'topic_count_text_callback' argument is a function, which given the count
 * of the posts with that tag returns a text for the tooltip of the tag link.
 * The 'post_type' argument is used only when 'link' is set to 'edit'. It determines the post_type
 * passed to edit.php for the popular tags edit links.
 * The 'exclude' and 'include' arguments are used for the get_tags() function. Only one
 * should be used, because only one will be used and the other ignored, if they are both set.
 * @since 2.3.0
 * @param array|string|null $args Optional. Override default arguments.
 * @return void|array Generated tag cloud, only if no failures and 'array' is set for the 'format' argument.
 *                    Otherwise, this function outputs the tag cloud.
function wp_tag_cloud($args = '')
    $defaults = array('smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'number' => 45, 'format' => 'flat', 'separator' => "\n", 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'link' => 'view', 'taxonomy' => 'post_tag', 'post_type' => '', 'echo' => true);
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
    $tags = get_terms($args['taxonomy'], array_merge($args, array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC')));
    // Always query top tags
    if (empty($tags) || is_wp_error($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
        if ('edit' == $args['link']) {
            $link = get_edit_term_link($tag->term_id, $tag->taxonomy, $args['post_type']);
        } else {
            $link = get_term_link(intval($tag->term_id), $tag->taxonomy);
        if (is_wp_error($link)) {
        $tags[$key]->link = $link;
        $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
    $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, $args);
    // Here's where those top tags get sorted according to $args
     * Filters the tag cloud output.
     * @since 2.3.0
     * @param string $return HTML output of the tag cloud.
     * @param array  $args   An array of tag cloud arguments.
    $return = apply_filters('wp_tag_cloud', $return, $args);
    if ('array' == $args['format'] || empty($args['echo'])) {
        return $return;
    echo $return;
예제 #23
 case 'get-tagcloud':
     if (!current_user_can('manage_categories')) {
     $tags = get_tags(array('number' => 45, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC'));
     if (empty($tags)) {
         die(__('No tags found!'));
     if (is_wp_error($tags)) {
     foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
         $tags[$key]->link = '#';
         $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
     $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags);
     if (empty($return)) {
     echo $return;
 case 'add-comment':
     if (!current_user_can('edit_post', $id)) {
     $search = isset($_POST['s']) ? $_POST['s'] : false;
     $start = isset($_POST['page']) ? intval($_POST['page']) * 25 - 1 : 24;
     $status = isset($_POST['comment_status']) ? $_POST['comment_status'] : false;
     $mode = isset($_POST['mode']) ? $_POST['mode'] : 'detail';
예제 #24
 * Ajax handler for getting a tagcloud.
 * @since 3.1.0
function wp_ajax_get_tagcloud()
    if (!isset($_POST['tax'])) {
    $taxonomy = sanitize_key($_POST['tax']);
    $tax = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
    if (!$tax) {
    if (!current_user_can($tax->cap->assign_terms)) {
    $tags = get_terms($taxonomy, array('number' => 45, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC'));
    if (empty($tags)) {
    if (is_wp_error($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
        $tags[$key]->link = '#';
        $tags[$key]->id = $tag->term_id;
    // We need raw tag names here, so don't filter the output
    $return = wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('filter' => 0));
    if (empty($return)) {
    echo $return;
예제 #25
function install_dashboard()
    _e('Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. You may automatically install plugins from the <a href="">WordPress Plugin Directory</a> or upload a plugin in .zip format via this page.');

	<p class="install-help"><?php 
    _e('Search for plugins by keyword, author, or tag.');

    _e('Popular tags');
	<p class="install-help"><?php 
    _e('You may also browse based on the most popular tags in the Plugin Directory:');
    $api_tags = install_popular_tags();
    //Set up the tags in a way which can be interprated by wp_generate_tag_cloud()
    $tags = array();
    foreach ((array) $api_tags as $tag) {
        $tags[$tag['name']] = (object) array('link' => esc_url(admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=tag&s=' . urlencode($tag['name']))), 'name' => $tag['name'], 'id' => sanitize_title_with_dashes($tag['name']), 'count' => $tag['count']);
    echo '<p class="popular-tags">';
    echo wp_generate_tag_cloud($tags, array('single_text' => __('%d plugin'), 'multiple_text' => __('%d plugins')));
    echo '</p><br class="clear" />';