예제 #1
 function import()
     $post_date = $this->published;
     $post_content = $this->content;
     $post_title = $this->title;
     $post_author = $this->author;
     $post_status = $this->isDraft ? 'draft' : 'publish';
     //AGC:24/10/2013 Turn off the pingbacks
     $post_pingback = Blogger_Importer::POST_PINGBACK;
     // N.B. Clean up of $post_content is now part of the sanitize class
     // Check for duplication part of calling function
     $post = compact('post_date', 'post_content', 'post_author', 'post_title', 'post_status', 'post_pingback');
     $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
     if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
         return $post_id;
     wp_create_categories(array_map('addslashes', $this->categories), $post_id);
     add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_blog', $this->blogurl, true);
     add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_author', $this->bloggerauthor, true);
     if (!$this->isDraft && isset($this->bookmark)) {
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_permalink', $this->bookmark, true);
     add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_internal', $this->old_permalink, true);
     if (isset($this->geotags)) {
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_latitude', $this->geotags['geo_latitude']);
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_longitude', $this->geotags['geo_longitude']);
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_public', 1);
         if (isset($this->geotags['geo_address'])) {
             add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_address', $this->geotags['geo_address']);
     return $post_id;
예제 #2
  * Insert post
  * @param  array $post_object The post object.
  * @return mixed The post id or WP_Error object.
  * @since  0.1.0
 public static function insert_post($post)
     // unset all empty fields
     foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
         if (!is_array($value) && !strlen($value)) {
         } elseif (is_array($value) && !count($value)) {
     // insert and set category
     if (isset($post['post_category']) && is_array($post['post_category']) && count($post['post_category'])) {
         $post['post_category'] = wp_create_categories($post['post_category']);
     if (isset($post['post_date']) && $post['post_date']) {
         $post['post_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post['post_date']));
     // setup author
     if (isset($post['post_author']) && !intval($post['post_author'])) {
         $field = apply_filters('acsv_get_user_by_field', 'login');
         $u = get_user_by($field, $post['post_author']);
         if ($u) {
             $post['post_author'] = $u->ID;
         } else {
     // setup post ID
     if (isset($post['ID']) && !intval($post['ID'])) {
     // set default to the post.
     foreach (Defaults\Config::get_post_defaults() as $key => $value) {
         if (!isset($post[$key])) {
             $post[$key] = $value;
     $helper = new \Megumi\WP\Post\Helper($post);
     $post_id = $helper->insert();
     if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
         return $post_id;
     } else {
         do_action('acsv_after_insert_post', $post_id, $post, $helper);
         return $post_id;
예제 #3
 function save_post(&$post, &$comments, &$pings)
     // Reset the counter
     $post = get_object_vars($post);
     $post = add_magic_quotes($post);
     $post = (object) $post;
     if ($post_id = post_exists($post->post_title, '', $post->post_date)) {
         echo '<li>';
         printf(__('Post <em>%s</em> already exists.'), stripslashes($post->post_title));
     } else {
         echo '<li>';
         printf(__('Importing post <em>%s</em>...'), stripslashes($post->post_title));
         if ('' != trim($post->extended)) {
             $post->post_content .= "\n<!--more-->\n{$post->extended}";
         $post->post_author = $this->checkauthor($post->post_author);
         //just so that if a post already exists, new users are not created by checkauthor
         $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
         if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
             return $post_id;
         // Add categories.
         if (0 != count($post->categories)) {
             wp_create_categories($post->categories, $post_id);
         // Add tags or keywords
         if (1 < strlen($post->post_keywords)) {
             // Keywords exist.
             printf(__('<br />Adding tags <i>%s</i>...'), stripslashes($post->post_keywords));
             wp_add_post_tags($post_id, $post->post_keywords);
     $num_comments = 0;
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $comment = get_object_vars($comment);
         $comment = add_magic_quotes($comment);
         if (!comment_exists($comment['comment_author'], $comment['comment_date'])) {
             $comment['comment_post_ID'] = $post_id;
             $comment = wp_filter_comment($comment);
     if ($num_comments) {
         printf(' ' . __ngettext('(%s comment)', '(%s comments)', $num_comments), $num_comments);
     $num_pings = 0;
     foreach ($pings as $ping) {
         $ping = get_object_vars($ping);
         $ping = add_magic_quotes($ping);
         if (!comment_exists($ping['comment_author'], $ping['comment_date'])) {
             $ping['comment_content'] = "<strong>{$ping['title']}</strong>\n\n{$ping['comment_content']}";
             $ping['comment_post_ID'] = $post_id;
             $ping = wp_filter_comment($ping);
     if ($num_pings) {
         printf(' ' . __ngettext('(%s ping)', '(%s pings)', $num_pings), $num_pings);
     echo "</li>";
function cfgp_do_categories($clone_id, $cur_cats_names)
    /* $cur_cats_names should be an array of category names only */
    if (!function_exists('wp_create_categories')) {
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/admin.php';
    /* This function creates the cats if they don't exist, and
     * 	then assigns them to the post ID that's passed. */
    $cats_results = wp_create_categories($cur_cats_names, $clone_id);
    if (is_array($cats_results) && !empty($cats_results)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
	function import_posts() {
		global $wpdb, $current_user;

		$importdata = file($this->file); // Read the file into an array
		$importdata = implode('', $importdata); // squish it
		$importdata = str_replace(array ("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $importdata);

		preg_match_all('|(<item[^>]+>(.*?)</item>)|is', $importdata, $posts);
		$posts = $posts[1];
		echo '<ol>';
		foreach ($posts as $post) {
			preg_match('|<item type=\"(.*?)\">|is', $post, $post_type);
			$post_type = $post_type[1];
			if($post_type == "photo") {
				preg_match('|<photoFilename>(.*?)</photoFilename>|is', $post, $post_title);
			} else {
				preg_match('|<title>(.*?)</title>|is', $post, $post_title);
			$post_title = $wpdb->escape(trim($post_title[1]));

			preg_match('|<pubDate>(.*?)</pubDate>|is', $post, $post_date);
			$post_date = strtotime($post_date[1]);
			$post_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_date);

			preg_match_all('|<category>(.*?)</category>|is', $post, $categories);
			$categories = $categories[1];

			$cat_index = 0;
			foreach ($categories as $category) {
				$categories[$cat_index] = $wpdb->escape($this->unhtmlentities($category));

			if(strcasecmp($post_type, "photo") === 0) {
				preg_match('|<sizedPhotoUrl>(.*?)</sizedPhotoUrl>|is', $post, $post_content);
				$post_content = '<img src="'.trim($post_content[1]).'" />';
				$post_content = $this->unhtmlentities($post_content);
			} else {
				preg_match('|<body>(.*?)</body>|is', $post, $post_content);
				$post_content = str_replace(array ('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', trim($post_content[1]));
				$post_content = $this->unhtmlentities($post_content);

			// Clean up content
			$post_content = preg_replace('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|e', "'<' . strtolower('$1')", $post_content);
			$post_content = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $post_content);
			$post_content = str_replace('<hr>', '<hr />', $post_content);
			$post_content = $wpdb->escape($post_content);

			$post_author = $current_user->ID;
			preg_match('|<postStatus>(.*?)</postStatus>|is', $post, $post_status);
			$post_status = trim($post_status[1]);

			echo '<li>';
			if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
				printf(__('Post <em>%s</em> already exists.'), stripslashes($post_title));
			} else {
				printf(__('Importing post <em>%s</em>...'), stripslashes($post_title));
				$postdata = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_status');
				$post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
				if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) {
					return $post_id;
				if (!$post_id) {
					_e("Couldn't get post ID");
					echo '</li>';
				if(0 != count($categories))
					wp_create_categories($categories, $post_id);

			preg_match_all('|<comment>(.*?)</comment>|is', $post, $comments);
			$comments = $comments[1];

			if ( $comments ) {
				$comment_post_ID = (int) $post_id;
				$num_comments = 0;
				foreach ($comments as $comment) {
					preg_match('|<body>(.*?)</body>|is', $comment, $comment_content);
					$comment_content = str_replace(array ('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', trim($comment_content[1]));
					$comment_content = $this->unhtmlentities($comment_content);

					// Clean up content
					$comment_content = preg_replace('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|e', "'<' . strtolower('$1')", $comment_content);
					$comment_content = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $comment_content);
					$comment_content = str_replace('<hr>', '<hr />', $comment_content);
					$comment_content = $wpdb->escape($comment_content);

					preg_match('|<pubDate>(.*?)</pubDate>|is', $comment, $comment_date);
					$comment_date = trim($comment_date[1]);
					$comment_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($comment_date));

					preg_match('|<author>(.*?)</author>|is', $comment, $comment_author);
					$comment_author = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author[1]));

					$comment_author_email = NULL;

					$comment_approved = 1;
					// Check if it's already there
					if (!comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date)) {
						$commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_date', 'comment_content', 'comment_approved');
						$commentdata = wp_filter_comment($commentdata);
			if ( $num_comments ) {
				echo ' ';
				printf( __ngettext('%s comment', '%s comments', $num_comments), $num_comments );
			echo '</li>';
		echo '</ol>';
 function process_posts()
     ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", true);
     $h = new RS_CSV_Helper();
     $handle = $h->fopen($this->file, 'r');
     if ($handle == false) {
         echo '<p><strong>' . __('Failed to open file.', 'really-simple-csv-importer') . '</strong></p>';
         return false;
     $is_first = true;
     $post_statuses = get_post_stati();
     echo '<ol>';
     while (($data = $h->fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
         if ($is_first) {
             $h->parse_columns($this, $data);
             $is_first = false;
         } else {
             echo '<li>';
             $post = array();
             $is_update = false;
             $error = new WP_Error();
             // (string) (required) post type
             $post_type = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_type');
             if ($post_type) {
                 if (post_type_exists($post_type)) {
                     $post['post_type'] = $post_type;
                 } else {
                     $error->add('post_type_exists', sprintf(__('Invalid post type "%s".', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), $post_type));
             } else {
                 echo __('Note: Please include post_type value if that is possible.', 'really-simple-csv-importer') . '<br>';
             // (int) post id
             $post_id = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'ID');
             $post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_id');
             if ($post_id) {
                 $post_exist = get_post($post_id);
                 if (is_null($post_exist)) {
                     // if the post id is not exists
                     $post['import_id'] = $post_id;
                 } else {
                     if (!$post_type || $post_exist->post_type == $post_type) {
                         $post['ID'] = $post_id;
                         $is_update = true;
                     } else {
                         $error->add('post_type_check', sprintf(__('The post type value from your csv file does not match the existing data in your database. post_id: %d, post_type(csv): %s, post_type(db): %s', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), $post_id, $post_type, $post_exist->post_type));
             // (string) post slug
             $post_name = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_name');
             if ($post_name) {
                 $post['post_name'] = $post_name;
             // (login or ID) post_author
             $post_author = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_author');
             if ($post_author) {
                 if (is_numeric($post_author)) {
                     $user = get_user_by('id', $post_author);
                 } else {
                     $user = get_user_by('login', $post_author);
                 if (isset($user) && is_object($user)) {
                     $post['post_author'] = $user->ID;
             // (string) publish date
             $post_date = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_date');
             if ($post_date) {
                 $post['post_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post_date));
             $post_date_gmt = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_date_gmt');
             if ($post_date_gmt) {
                 $post['post_date_gmt'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post_date_gmt));
             // (string) post status
             $post_status = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_status');
             if ($post_status) {
                 if (in_array($post_status, $post_statuses)) {
                     $post['post_status'] = $post_status;
             // (string) post password
             $post_password = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_password');
             if ($post_password) {
                 $post['post_password'] = $post_password;
             // (string) post title
             $post_title = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_title');
             if ($post_title) {
                 $post['post_title'] = $post_title;
             // (string) post content
             $post_content = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_content');
             if ($post_content) {
                 $post['post_content'] = $post_content;
             // (string) post excerpt
             $post_excerpt = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_excerpt');
             if ($post_excerpt) {
                 $post['post_excerpt'] = $post_excerpt;
             // (int) post parent
             $post_parent = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_parent');
             if ($post_parent) {
                 $post['post_parent'] = $post_parent;
             // (int) menu order
             $menu_order = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'menu_order');
             if ($menu_order) {
                 $post['menu_order'] = $menu_order;
             // (string) comment status
             $comment_status = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'comment_status');
             if ($comment_status) {
                 $post['comment_status'] = $comment_status;
             // (string, comma separated) slug of post categories
             $post_category = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_category');
             if ($post_category) {
                 $categories = preg_split("/,+/", $post_category);
                 if ($categories) {
                     $post['post_category'] = wp_create_categories($categories);
             // (string, comma separated) name of post tags
             $post_tags = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_tags');
             if ($post_tags) {
                 $post['post_tags'] = $post_tags;
             // (string) post thumbnail image uri
             $post_thumbnail = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_thumbnail');
             $meta = array();
             $tax = array();
             // add any other data to post meta
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value !== false && isset($this->column_keys[$key])) {
                     // check if meta is custom taxonomy
                     if (substr($this->column_keys[$key], 0, 4) == 'tax_') {
                         // (string, comma divided) name of custom taxonomies
                         $customtaxes = preg_split("/,+/", $value);
                         $taxname = substr($this->column_keys[$key], 4);
                         $tax[$taxname] = array();
                         foreach ($customtaxes as $key => $value) {
                             $tax[$taxname][] = $value;
                     } else {
                         $meta[$this->column_keys[$key]] = $value;
              * Filter post data.
              * @param array $post (required)
              * @param bool $is_update
             $post = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_post', $post, $is_update);
              * Filter meta data.
              * @param array $meta (required)
              * @param array $post
              * @param bool $is_update
             $meta = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_meta', $meta, $post, $is_update);
              * Filter taxonomy data.
              * @param array $tax (required)
              * @param array $post
              * @param bool $is_update
             $tax = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_tax', $tax, $post, $is_update);
              * Filter thumbnail URL or path.
              * @since 1.3
              * @param string $post_thumbnail (required)
              * @param array $post
              * @param bool $is_update
             $post_thumbnail = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_thumbnail', $post_thumbnail, $post, $is_update);
              * Option for dry run testing
              * @since 0.5.7
              * @param bool false
             $dry_run = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_dry_run', false);
             if (!$error->get_error_codes() && $dry_run == false) {
                  * Get Alternative Importer Class name.
                  * @since 0.6
                  * @param string Class name to override Importer class. Default to null (do not override).
                 $class = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_class', null);
                 // save post data
                 if ($class && class_exists($class, false)) {
                     $importer = new $class();
                     $result = $importer->save_post($post, $meta, $tax, $post_thumbnail, $is_update);
                 } else {
                     $result = $this->save_post($post, $meta, $tax, $post_thumbnail, $is_update);
                 if ($result->isError()) {
                     $error = $result->getError();
                 } else {
                     $post_object = $result->getPost();
                     if (is_object($post_object)) {
                          * Fires adter the post imported.
                          * @since 1.0
                          * @param WP_Post $post_object
                         do_action('really_simple_csv_importer_post_saved', $post_object);
                     echo esc_html(sprintf(__('Processing "%s" done.', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), $post_title));
             // show error messages
             foreach ($error->get_error_messages() as $message) {
                 echo esc_html($message) . '<br>';
             echo '</li>';
     echo '</ol>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('All Done.', 'really-simple-csv-importer') . '</h3>';
예제 #7
 function import_posts()
     echo '<ol>';
     foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
         echo "<li>" . __('Importing post...', 'rss-importer');
         if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
             _e('Post already imported', 'rss-importer');
         } else {
             $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
             if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
                 return $post_id;
             if (!$post_id) {
                 _e('Couldn&#8217;t get post ID', 'rss-importer');
             if (0 != count($categories)) {
                 wp_create_categories($categories, $post_id);
             _e('Done!', 'rss-importer');
         echo '</li>';
     echo '</ol>';
 function create_post($data)
     $output = "<li>" . __('Importing post...');
     $data = array_merge($this->defaults, $data);
     $status = isset($_POST['lightspeed_publish_state']) ? $_POST['lightspeed_publish_state'] : $this->defaults['lightspeed_publish_state'];
     $type = isset($_POST['lightspeed_post_type']) && $_POST['lightspeed_post_type'] !== '' ? $_POST['lightspeed_post_type'] : $this->defaults['lightspeed_post_type'];
     $language = isset($_POST['lightspeed_language']) && $_POST['lightspeed_language'] !== '' ? $_POST['lightspeed_language'] : $this->defaults['lightspeed_language'];
     $categories = array();
     // Lightspeed has a different column for every category
     if ($data[$language . '_Category_1'] != '') {
         $categories[] = $this->create_category($data[$language . '_Category_1']);
     if ($data[$language . '_Category_2'] != '') {
         $categories[] = $this->create_category($data[$language . '_Category_2']);
     if ($data[$language . '_Category_3'] != '') {
         $categories[] = $this->create_category($data[$language . '_Category_3']);
     $new_post = array('post_name' => wp_strip_all_tags($data[$language . '_Title_Short']), 'post_title' => wp_strip_all_tags($data[$language . '_Title_Long']), 'post_content' => convert_chars($data[$language . '_Description_Short']), 'post_status' => $status, 'post_type' => $type, 'post_category' => $categories);
     // We don't need to store this in the Custom Meta
     unset($data['Body (HTML)']);
     // pages don't have tags or categories
     if ('page' !== $type) {
         $new_post['tags_input'] = $data['Tags'];
     if ($id = post_exists($new_post['post_title'], $new_post['post_content'])) {
         $new_post['ID'] = (int) $id;
         // Update Post
         $id = wp_update_post($new_post);
         if (is_wp_error($id)) {
             return $id;
         if (!$id) {
             $output .= "Couldn't get post ID";
             return false;
         // Add Custom Fields
         //foreach($data as $key => $value) { update_post_meta($id, sanitize_user('Shopify '.$key), esc_attr($value)); }
         $output .= 'Updated !' . ' <a href="' . get_permalink($id) . '" target="blank">View ' . $data['Title'] . '</a>';
     } else {
         // A post does not yet exist.
         // Create Post
         $id = wp_insert_post($new_post);
         // Add Custom Fields
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             add_post_meta($id, sanitize_user('Shopify ' . $key), esc_attr($value));
         $output .= 'Done !' . ' <a href="' . get_permalink($id) . '">View ' . $data['Title'] . '</a>';
     // If you want to import categories, here we go!
     if (isset($_POST['shopify_importer_import_categories']) && $_POST['shopify_importer_import_categories'] == 'yes') {
         $categories = explode(',', $data['Vendor']);
         if (0 != count($categories)) {
             wp_create_categories($categories, $id);
     $output .= '</li>';
     return $output;
예제 #9

	<li>Add categories</li>
		<li>$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, array('name' => $cat_name, 'slug' => $cat_slug, 'term_group' => 0) );</li>
		<li>$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array('term_id' => '1', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'description' => '', 'parent' => 0, 'count' => 1));</li>
		<li>A lot easier than this</li>
		<li>the cats won't show up in nav until posts are in cat</li>
		<li>Strangely, it seeems that the categories have the same ids across blogs.</li>
    $catids = wp_create_categories($blcats);
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
	<li>Change theme in options table</li>
    $curth = 'custom daily globe theme';
		<li>current_theme: <?php 
    echo $curth;
    $dgl = 'dailyglobe';
예제 #10
 static function createPost($new_post, $post_custom, $post_category, $post_featured_image, $upload_dir, $post_tags)
     global $current_user;
     $wprocket_fields = array('lazyload', 'lazyload_iframes', 'minify_html', 'minify_css', 'minify_js', 'cdn');
     $wprocket_activated = false;
     if (MainWP_Child_WP_Rocket::isActivated()) {
         if (function_exists('get_rocket_option')) {
             $wprocket_activated = true;
             foreach ($wprocket_fields as $field) {
                 if (!isset($post_custom['_rocket_exclude_' . $field])) {
                     // check not exclude only
                     if (!get_rocket_option($field)) {
                         $post_custom['_rocket_exclude_' . $field] = array(true);
                         // set as excluded
     if (!$wprocket_activated) {
         foreach ($wprocket_fields as $field) {
             if (isset($post_custom['_rocket_exclude_' . $field])) {
                 unset($post_custom['_rocket_exclude_' . $field]);
     //Set up a new post (adding addition information)
     $usr = get_user_by('login', $_POST['user']);
     //$new_post['post_author'] = $current_user->ID;
     $is_robot_post = false;
     if (isset($_POST['isMainWPRobot']) && !empty($_POST['isMainWPRobot'])) {
         $is_robot_post = true;
     $post_author = isset($new_post['post_author']) ? $new_post['post_author'] : $usr->ID;
     if ($is_robot_post) {
         if (1 === $post_author) {
             $new_post['post_author'] = $usr->ID;
         } else {
             if (!is_numeric($post_author)) {
                 $user_author = get_user_by('login', $post_author);
                 if ($user_author) {
                     $post_author = $user_author->ID;
                 } else {
                     $random_password = wp_generate_password($length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false);
                     $post_author = wp_create_user($post_author, $random_password, $post_author . '@asdf.com');
     } else {
         if (isset($new_post['custom_post_author']) && !empty($new_post['custom_post_author'])) {
             $_author = get_user_by('login', $new_post['custom_post_author']);
             if (!empty($_author)) {
                 $new_post['post_author'] = $_author->ID;
             } else {
                 $new_post['post_author'] = $usr->ID;
     $post_author = !empty($post_author) ? $post_author : $usr->ID;
     $new_post['post_author'] = $post_author;
     $is_ezine_post = !empty($post_custom['_ezine_post_article_source']) ? true : false;
     $terms = $new_post['_ezin_post_category'];
     $is_post_plus = isset($post_custom['_mainwp_post_plus']) ? true : false;
     $wp_error = null;
     if ($is_ezine_post || $is_post_plus) {
         if (isset($new_post['post_date_gmt']) && !empty($new_post['post_date_gmt'])) {
             $post_date_timestamp = strtotime($new_post['post_date_gmt']) + get_option('gmt_offset') * 60 * 60;
             $new_post['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_date_timestamp);
             $new_post['post_status'] = $post_date_timestamp <= current_time('timestamp') ? 'publish' : 'future';
         } else {
             $new_post['post_status'] = 'publish';
     $wpr_options = isset($_POST['wpr_options']) ? $_POST['wpr_options'] : array();
     //Search for all the images added to the new post
     //some images have a href tag to click to navigate to the image.. we need to replace this too
     $foundMatches = preg_match_all('/(<a[^>]+href=\\"(.*?)\\"[^>]*>)?(<img[^>\\/]*src=\\"((.*?)(png|gif|jpg|jpeg))\\")/ix', $new_post['post_content'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     if (($foundMatches > 0 || $is_robot_post && isset($wpr_options['wpr_save_images']) && 'Yes' === $wpr_options['wpr_save_images']) && !$is_ezine_post) {
         //We found images, now to download them so we can start balbal
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             $hrefLink = $match[2];
             $imgUrl = $match[4];
             if (!isset($upload_dir['baseurl']) || 0 !== strripos($imgUrl, $upload_dir['baseurl'])) {
             if (preg_match('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', $imgUrl, $imgMatches)) {
                 $search = $imgMatches[0];
                 $replace = '.' . $match[6];
                 $originalImgUrl = str_replace($search, $replace, $imgUrl);
             } else {
                 $originalImgUrl = $imgUrl;
             try {
                 $downloadfile = MainWP_Helper::uploadImage($originalImgUrl);
                 $localUrl = $downloadfile['url'];
                 $linkToReplaceWith = dirname($localUrl);
                 if ('' !== $hrefLink) {
                     $server = get_option('mainwp_child_server');
                     $serverHost = parse_url($server, PHP_URL_HOST);
                     if (!empty($serverHost) && strpos($hrefLink, $serverHost) !== false) {
                         $serverHref = 'href="' . $serverHost;
                         $replaceServerHref = 'href="' . parse_url($localUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME) . '://' . parse_url($localUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
                         $new_post['post_content'] = str_replace($serverHref, $replaceServerHref, $new_post['post_content']);
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($hrefLink, 'http') !== false) {
                             $lnkToReplace = dirname($hrefLink);
                             if ('http:' !== $lnkToReplace && 'https:' !== $lnkToReplace) {
                                 $new_post['post_content'] = str_replace($lnkToReplace, $linkToReplaceWith, $new_post['post_content']);
                 $lnkToReplace = dirname($imgUrl);
                 if ('http:' !== $lnkToReplace && 'https:' !== $lnkToReplace) {
                     $new_post['post_content'] = str_replace($lnkToReplace, $linkToReplaceWith, $new_post['post_content']);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($is_post_plus) {
         $random_publish_date = isset($post_custom['_saved_draft_random_publish_date']) ? $post_custom['_saved_draft_random_publish_date'] : false;
         $random_publish_date = is_array($random_publish_date) ? current($random_publish_date) : null;
         if (!empty($random_publish_date)) {
             $random_date_from = isset($post_custom['_saved_draft_publish_date_from']) ? $post_custom['_saved_draft_publish_date_from'] : 0;
             $random_date_from = is_array($random_date_from) ? current($random_date_from) : 0;
             $random_date_to = isset($post_custom['_saved_draft_publish_date_to']) ? $post_custom['_saved_draft_publish_date_to'] : 0;
             $random_date_to = is_array($random_date_to) ? current($random_date_to) : 0;
             $now = current_time('timestamp');
             if (empty($random_date_from)) {
                 $random_date_from = $now;
             if (empty($random_date_to)) {
                 $random_date_to = $now;
             if ($random_date_from === $now && $random_date_from === $random_date_to) {
                 $random_date_to = $now + 7 * 24 * 3600;
             if ($random_date_from > $random_date_to) {
                 $tmp = $random_date_from;
                 $random_date_from = $random_date_to;
                 $random_date_to = $tmp;
             $random_timestamp = rand($random_date_from, $random_date_to);
             $post_status = $random_timestamp <= current_time('timestamp') ? 'publish' : 'future';
             $new_post['post_status'] = $post_status;
             $new_post['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $random_timestamp);
     if (isset($post_tags) && '' !== $post_tags) {
         $new_post['tags_input'] = $post_tags;
     //Save the post to the wp
     remove_filter('content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
     // to fix brake scripts or html
     $post_status = $new_post['post_status'];
     $new_post['post_status'] = 'auto-draft';
     $new_post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post, $wp_error);
     //Show errors if something went wrong
     if (is_wp_error($wp_error)) {
         return $wp_error->get_error_message();
     if (empty($new_post_id)) {
         return 'Undefined error';
     wp_update_post(array('ID' => $new_post_id, 'post_status' => $post_status));
     if (!empty($terms)) {
         wp_set_object_terms($new_post_id, array_map(intval, $terms), 'category');
     $permalink = get_permalink($new_post_id);
     $seo_ext_activated = false;
     if (class_exists('WPSEO_Meta') && class_exists('WPSEO_Admin')) {
         $seo_ext_activated = true;
     //Set custom fields
     $not_allowed = array('_slug', '_tags', '_edit_lock', '_selected_sites', '_selected_groups', '_selected_by', '_categories', '_edit_last', '_sticky');
     $not_allowed[] = '_mainwp_boilerplate_sites_posts';
     $not_allowed[] = '_ezine_post_keyword';
     $not_allowed[] = '_ezine_post_display_sig';
     $not_allowed[] = '_ezine_post_remove_link';
     $not_allowed[] = '_ezine_post_grab_image';
     $not_allowed[] = '_ezine_post_grab_image_placement';
     $not_allowed[] = '_ezine_post_template_id';
     $not_allowed[] = '_mainwp_post_plus';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_as_draft';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_categories';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_tags';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_random_privelege';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_random_category';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_random_publish_date';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_publish_date_from';
     $not_allowed[] = '_saved_draft_publish_date_to';
     $not_allowed[] = '_post_to_only_existing_categories';
     $not_allowed[] = '_mainwp_robot_post_comments';
     $post_to_only_existing_categories = false;
     foreach ($post_custom as $meta_key => $meta_values) {
         if (!in_array($meta_key, $not_allowed)) {
             foreach ($meta_values as $meta_value) {
                 if (strpos($meta_key, "_mainwp_spinner_") === 0) {
                 // not save
                 if (!$seo_ext_activated) {
                     // if Wordpress SEO plugin is not activated do not save yoast post meta
                     if (strpos($meta_key, '_yoast_wpseo_') === false) {
                         add_post_meta($new_post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
                 } else {
                     add_post_meta($new_post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);
         } else {
             if ('_sticky' === $meta_key) {
                 foreach ($meta_values as $meta_value) {
                     if ('sticky' === base64_decode($meta_value)) {
             } else {
                 if ('_post_to_only_existing_categories' === $meta_key) {
                     if (isset($meta_values[0]) && $meta_values[0]) {
                         $post_to_only_existing_categories = true;
     // yoast seo extension
     if ($seo_ext_activated) {
         $_seo_opengraph_image = isset($post_custom[WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'opengraph-image']) ? $post_custom[WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'opengraph-image'] : array();
         $_seo_opengraph_image = current($_seo_opengraph_image);
         $_server_domain = '';
         $_server = get_option('mainwp_child_server');
         if (preg_match('/(https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+\\/).+/', $_server, $matchs)) {
             $_server_domain = isset($matchs[1]) ? $matchs[1] : '';
         // upload image if it on the server
         if (!empty($_seo_opengraph_image) && strpos($_seo_opengraph_image, $_server_domain) !== false) {
             try {
                 $upload = MainWP_Helper::uploadImage($_seo_opengraph_image);
                 //Upload image to WP
                 if (null !== $upload) {
                     update_post_meta($new_post_id, WPSEO_Meta::$meta_prefix . 'opengraph-image', $upload['url']);
                     //Add the image to the post!
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     //If categories exist, create them (second parameter of wp_create_categories adds the categories to the post)
     include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php';
     //Contains wp_create_categories
     if (isset($post_category) && '' !== $post_category) {
         $categories = explode(',', $post_category);
         if (count($categories) > 0) {
             if (!$post_to_only_existing_categories) {
                 $post_category = wp_create_categories($categories, $new_post_id);
             } else {
                 $cat_ids = array();
                 foreach ($categories as $cat) {
                     if ($id = category_exists($cat)) {
                         $cat_ids[] = $id;
                 if (count($cat_ids) > 0) {
                     wp_set_post_categories($new_post_id, $cat_ids);
     //If featured image exists - set it
     if (null !== $post_featured_image) {
         try {
             $upload = MainWP_Helper::uploadImage($post_featured_image);
             //Upload image to WP
             if (null !== $upload) {
                 update_post_meta($new_post_id, '_thumbnail_id', $upload['id']);
                 //Add the thumbnail to the post!
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // post plus extension process
     if ($is_post_plus) {
         $random_privelege = isset($post_custom['_saved_draft_random_privelege']) ? $post_custom['_saved_draft_random_privelege'] : null;
         $random_privelege = is_array($random_privelege) ? current($random_privelege) : null;
         $random_privelege_base = base64_decode($random_privelege);
         $random_privelege = maybe_unserialize($random_privelege_base);
         if (is_array($random_privelege) && count($random_privelege) > 0) {
             $random_post_authors = array();
             foreach ($random_privelege as $role) {
                 $users = get_users(array('role' => $role));
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     $random_post_authors[] = $user->ID;
             if (count($random_post_authors) > 0) {
                 $key = array_rand($random_post_authors);
                 wp_update_post(array('ID' => $new_post_id, 'post_author' => $random_post_authors[$key]));
         $random_category = isset($post_custom['_saved_draft_random_category']) ? $post_custom['_saved_draft_random_category'] : false;
         $random_category = is_array($random_category) ? current($random_category) : null;
         if (!empty($random_category)) {
             $cats = get_categories(array('type' => 'post', 'hide_empty' => 0));
             $random_cats = array();
             if (is_array($cats)) {
                 foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                     $random_cats[] = $cat->term_id;
             if (count($random_cats) > 0) {
                 $key = array_rand($random_cats);
                 wp_set_post_categories($new_post_id, array($random_cats[$key]), false);
     // end of post plus
     // MainWP Robot
     if ($is_robot_post) {
         $all_comments = $post_custom['_mainwp_robot_post_comments'];
         MainWP_Child_Robot::Instance()->wpr_insertcomments($new_post_id, $all_comments);
     $ret['success'] = true;
     $ret['link'] = $permalink;
     $ret['added_id'] = $new_post_id;
     return $ret;
예제 #11
 function import_post($entry)
     global $importing_blog;
     foreach ($entry->links as $link) {
         // save the self link as meta
         if ($link['rel'] == 'self') {
             $postself = $link['href'];
             $parts = parse_url($link['href']);
             $entry->old_permalink = $parts['path'];
         // get the old URI for the page when available
         if ($link['rel'] == 'alternate') {
             $parts = parse_url($link['href']);
             $entry->bookmark = $parts['path'];
         // save the replies feed link as meta (ignore the comment form one)
         if ($link['rel'] == 'replies' && false === strpos($link['href'], '#comment-form')) {
             $postreplies = $link['href'];
     //Check if we are double cleaning here? Does the Simplepie already do all this?
     $post_date = $entry->published;
     $post_content = trim(addslashes($this->no_apos(@html_entity_decode($entry->content, ENT_COMPAT, get_option('blog_charset')))));
     $post_title = trim(addslashes($this->no_apos($this->min_whitespace($entry->title))));
     $post_status = $entry->isDraft ? 'draft' : 'publish';
     // N.B. Clean up of $post_content is now part of the sanitize class
     // Checks for duplicates
     if (isset($this->blogs[$importing_blog]['posts'][$entry->old_permalink])) {
     } elseif ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
         $this->blogs[$importing_blog]['posts'][$entry->old_permalink] = $post_id;
     } else {
         $post = compact('post_date', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_status');
         $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
         if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
             return $post_id;
         wp_create_categories(array_map('addslashes', $entry->categories), $post_id);
         $author = $this->no_apos(strip_tags($entry->author));
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_blog', $this->blogs[$importing_blog]['host'], true);
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_author', $author, true);
         //Use the page id if available or the blogger internal id if it's a draft
         if ($entry->isDraft | !isset($entry->bookmark)) {
             add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_permalink', $entry->old_permalink, true);
         } else {
             add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_permalink', $entry->bookmark, true);
         add_post_meta($post_id, '_blogger_self', $postself, true);
         if (isset($entry->geotags)) {
             add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_latitude', $entry->geotags['geo_latitude']);
             add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_longitude', $entry->geotags['geo_longitude']);
             if (isset($entry->geotags['geo_address'])) {
                 add_post_meta($post_id, 'geo_address', $entry->geotags['geo_address']);
         $this->blogs[$importing_blog]['posts'][$entry->old_permalink] = $post_id;
 function process_posts()
     $h = new RS_CSV_Helper();
     $handle = $h->fopen($this->file, 'r');
     if ($handle == false) {
         echo '<p><strong>' . __('Failed to open file.', 'rs-csv-importer') . '</strong></p>';
         return false;
     $is_first = true;
     echo '<ol>';
     while (($data = $h->fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
         if ($is_first) {
             $h->parse_columns($this, $data);
             $is_first = false;
         } else {
             echo '<li>';
             $post = array();
             $is_update = false;
             $error = new WP_Error();
             // (string) (required) post type
             $post_type = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_type');
             if ($post_type) {
                 if (post_type_exists($post_type)) {
                     $post['post_type'] = $post_type;
                 } else {
                     $error->add('post_type_exists', sprintf(__('The post type %s is not exists. Please check your csv data.', 'rs-csv-importer'), $post_type));
             } else {
                 echo __('Note: Please include post_type value if that is possible.', 'rs-csv-importer') . '<br>';
             // (int) post id
             $post_id = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'ID');
             $post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_id');
             if ($post_id) {
                 $post_exist = get_post($post_id);
                 if (is_null($post_exist)) {
                     // if the post id is not exists
                     $post['import_id'] = $post_id;
                 } else {
                     if (!$post_type || $post_exist->post_type == $post_type) {
                         $post['ID'] = $post_id;
                         $is_update = true;
                     } else {
                         $error->add('post_type_check', sprintf(__('The post id %d is exists, but post types does not match.', 'rs-csv-importer'), $post_id));
             // (string) post slug
             $post_name = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_name');
             if ($post_name) {
                 $post['post_name'] = $post_name;
             // (login or ID) post_author
             $post_author = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_author');
             if ($post_author) {
                 if (is_numeric($post_author)) {
                     $user = get_user_by('id', $post_author);
                 } else {
                     $user = get_user_by('login', $post_author);
                 if (isset($user) && is_object($user)) {
                     $post['post_author'] = $user->ID;
             // (string) publish date
             $post_date = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_date');
             if ($post_date) {
                 $post['post_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post_date));
             // (string) post status
             $post_status = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_status');
             if ($post_status) {
                 $post['post_status'] = $post_status;
             // (string) post title
             $post_title = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_title');
             if ($post_title) {
                 $post['post_title'] = $post_title;
             // (string) post content
             $post_content = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_content');
             if ($post_content) {
                 $post['post_content'] = $post_content;
             // (string) post excerpt
             $post_excerpt = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_excerpt');
             if ($post_excerpt) {
                 $post['post_excerpt'] = $post_excerpt;
             // (int) post parent
             $post_parent = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_parent');
             if ($post_parent) {
                 $post['post_parent'] = $post_parent;
             // (int) menu order
             $menu_order = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'menu_order');
             if ($menu_order) {
                 $post['menu_order'] = $menu_order;
             // (string, comma divided) slug of post categories
             $post_category = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_category');
             if ($post_category) {
                 $categories = preg_split("/,+/", $post_category);
                 if ($categories) {
                     $post['post_category'] = wp_create_categories($categories);
             // (string, comma divided) name of post tags
             $post_tags = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_tags');
             if ($post_tags) {
                 $tags = preg_split("/,+/", $post_tags);
                 if ($tags) {
                     $post['post_tags'] = $tags;
             // (string) post thumbnail image uri
             $post_thumbnail = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_thumbnail');
             if (parse_url($post_thumbnail, PHP_URL_SCHEME)) {
                 $post_thumbnail = remote_get_file($post_thumbnail);
             $meta = array();
             $tax = array();
             // add any other data to post meta
             foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value !== false && isset($this->column_keys[$key])) {
                     // check if meta is custom taxonomy
                     if (substr($this->column_keys[$key], 0, 4) == 'tax_') {
                         // (string, comma divided) name of custom taxonomies
                         $customtaxes = preg_split("/,+/", $value);
                         $taxname = substr($this->column_keys[$key], 4);
                         $tax[$taxname] = array();
                         foreach ($customtaxes as $key => $value) {
                             $tax[$taxname][] = $value;
                     } else {
                         $meta[$this->column_keys[$key]] = $value;
              * Filter post data.
              * @param array $post (required)
              * @param bool $is_update
             $post = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_post', $post, $is_update);
              * Filter meta data.
              * @param array $meta (required)
              * @param array $post
              * @param bool $is_update
             $meta = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_meta', $meta, $post, $is_update);
              * Filter taxonomy data.
              * @param array $tax (required)
              * @param array $post
              * @param bool $is_update
             $tax = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_tax', $tax, $post, $is_update);
              * Option for dry run
              * @param bool false
             $dry_run = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_dry_run', false);
             if (!$error->get_error_codes() && $dry_run == false) {
                 // save post data
                 $result = $this->save_post($post, $meta, $tax, $post_thumbnail, $is_update);
                 if ($result) {
                     echo esc_html(sprintf(__('Processing "%s" done.', 'rs-csv-importer'), $post_title));
                 } else {
                     $error->add('save_post', __('An error occurred while saving the post to database.', 'rs-csv-importer'));
             // show error messages
             foreach ($error->get_error_messages() as $message) {
                 echo esc_html($message) . '<br>';
             echo '</li>';
     echo '</ol>';
     echo '<h3>' . __('All Done.', 'rs-csv-importer') . '</h3>';
예제 #13
function tp_write_post($v, $opt)
    $tpo = get_option('tp_options');
    $post_template_excerpt = $tpo['excerpt'];
    $post_template_content = $tpo['content'];
    $post_status = !empty($tpo['status']) ? $tpo['status'] : 'publish';
    $vid = !empty($v->id) ? $v->id : $opt['video_id'];
    $tp_tags = array("%tp_player%", "%tp_id%", "%tp_title%", "%tp_thumbnail%", "%tp_description%", "%tp_url%");
    $tag_values = array(tp_player($vid), $vid, $v->snippet->title, $v->snippet->thumbnails->high->url, $v->snippet->description, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" . $vid);
    $post_template_excerpt = str_replace($tp_tags, $tag_values, $post_template_excerpt);
    $post_template_content = str_replace($tp_tags, $tag_values, $post_template_content);
    $post_category = explode(',', trim($opt['cat'], " \n\t\r\v,"));
    $tp_post = array('post_title' => $v->snippet->title, 'post_content' => nl2br($post_template_content), 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post_type' => $tpo['type'], 'post_name' => sanitize_title($v->snippet->title), 'post_category' => $post_category, 'post_excerpt' => nl2br($post_template_excerpt));
    $post_id = wp_insert_post($tp_post);
    if ($tpo['customfield']) {
        foreach ($tp_tags as $k => $meta_key) {
            add_post_meta($post_id, str_replace("%", "", $meta_key), $tag_values[$k]);
    wp_create_categories($post_category, $post_id);
예제 #14
 function create($args)
     global $wpdb;
      * algorithm
      * 1. create post using wp_insert_post (insert tags also here itself)
      * 2. use wp_create_categories() to create(not exists) and insert in the post
      * 3. insert meta values
     include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php';
     include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php';
     include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
     $post_struct = $args['post_data'];
     $post_data = $post_struct['post_data'];
     $new_custom = $post_struct['post_extras']['post_meta'];
     $post_categories = explode(',', $post_struct['post_extras']['post_categories']);
     $post_atta_img = $post_struct['post_extras']['post_atta_images'];
     $post_upload_dir = $post_struct['post_extras']['post_upload_dir'];
     $post_checksum = $post_struct['post_extras']['post_checksum'];
     $post_featured_img = $post_struct['post_extras']['featured_img'];
     $upload = wp_upload_dir();
     // create dynamic url RegExp
     $iwp_base_url = parse_url($post_upload_dir['url']);
     $iwp_regexp_url = $iwp_base_url['host'] . $iwp_base_url['path'];
     $rep = array('/', '+', '.', ':', '?');
     $with = array('\\/', '\\+', '\\.', '\\:', '\\?');
     $iwp_regexp_url = str_replace($rep, $with, $iwp_regexp_url);
     // rename all src ../wp-content/ with hostname/wp-content/
     $iwp_mmb_dot_url = '..' . $iwp_mmb_base_url['path'];
     $iwp_mmb_dot_url = str_replace($rep, $with, $iwp_mmb_dot_url);
     $dot_match_count = preg_match_all('/(<a[^>]+href=\\"([^"]+)\\"[^>]*>)?(<\\s*img.[^\\/>]*src="([^"]*' . $iwp_mmb_dot_url . '[^\\s]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp))"[^>]*>)/ixu', $post_data['post_content'], $dot_get_urls, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     if ($dot_match_count > 0) {
         foreach ($dot_get_urls as $dot_url) {
             $match_dot = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $dot_url[4]) . '/';
             $replace_dot = 'http://' . $iwp_mmb_base_url['host'] . substr($dot_url[4], 2, strlen($dot_url[4]));
             $post_data['post_content'] = preg_replace($match_dot, $replace_dot, $post_data['post_content']);
             if ($dot_url[1] != '') {
                 $match_dot_a = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $dot_url[2]) . '/';
                 $replace_dot_a = 'http://' . $iwp_mmb_base_url['host'] . substr($dot_url[2], 2, strlen($dot_url[2]));
                 $post_data['post_content'] = preg_replace($match_dot_a, $replace_dot_a, $post_data['post_content']);
     //to find all the images
     $match_count = preg_match_all('/(<a[^>]+href=\\"([^"]+)\\"[^>]*>)?(<\\s*img.[^\\/>]*src="([^"]+' . $iwp_mmb_regexp_url . '[^\\s]+\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp))"[^>]*>)/ixu', $post_data['post_content'], $get_urls, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     //$html = $params['postContent'];
     //		$doc = new DOMDocument();
     //		@$doc->loadHTML($html);
     //		$tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('img');
     //		foreach ($tags as $tag) {
     //			  $img[]['src'] = str_replace('\"','',$tag->getAttribute('src'));
     //		}
     if ($match_count > 0) {
         $attachments = array();
         $post_content = $post_data['post_content'];
         foreach ($get_urls as $get_url_k => $get_url) {
             // unset url in attachment array
             foreach ($post_atta_img as $atta_url_k => $atta_url_v) {
                 $match_patt_url = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, substr($atta_url_v['src'], 0, strrpos($atta_url_v['src'], '.'))) . '/';
                 if (preg_match($match_patt_url, $get_url[4])) {
             $pic_from_other_site = $get_urls[$get_url_k][4];
             /* if(strpos($pic_from_other_site,'exammple.com') === false){
             if (isset($get_urls[$get_url_k][6])) {
                 // url have parent, don't download this url
                 if ($get_url[1] != '') {
                     // change src url
                     $s_mmb_mp = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $get_url[4]) . '/';
                     $s_img_atta = wp_get_attachment_image_src($get_urls[$get_url_k][6]);
                     $s_mmb_rp = $s_img_atta[0];
                     $post_content = preg_replace($s_mmb_mp, $s_mmb_rp, $post_content);
                     // change attachment url
                     if (preg_match('/attachment_id/i', $get_url[2])) {
                         $iwp_mmb_mp = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $get_url[2]) . '/';
                         $iwp_mmb_rp = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/?attachment_id=' . $get_urls[$get_url_k][6];
                         $post_content = preg_replace($iwp_mmb_mp, $iwp_mmb_rp, $post_content);
             $no_thumb = '';
             if (preg_match('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', $get_url[4])) {
                 $no_thumb = preg_replace('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', '.' . $get_url[5], $get_url[4]);
             } else {
                 $no_thumb = $get_url[4];
             if (isset($upload['error']) && !empty($upload['error'])) {
                 return array('error' => $upload['error']);
             $file_name = basename($no_thumb);
             $tmp_file = download_url($no_thumb);
             if (is_wp_error($tmp_file)) {
                 return array('error' => $tmp_file->get_error_message());
             $attach_upload['url'] = $upload['url'] . '/' . $file_name;
             $attach_upload['path'] = $upload['path'] . '/' . $file_name;
             $renamed = @rename($tmp_file, $attach_upload['path']);
             if ($renamed === true) {
                 $match_pattern = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $get_url[4]) . '/';
                 $replace_pattern = $attach_upload['url'];
                 $post_content = preg_replace($match_pattern, $replace_pattern, $post_content);
                 if (preg_match('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', $get_url[4])) {
                     $match_pattern = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, preg_replace('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', '.' . $get_url[5], $get_url[4])) . '/';
                     $post_content = preg_replace($match_pattern, $replace_pattern, $post_content);
                 $attachment = array('post_title' => $file_name, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image/' . $get_url[5], 'guid' => $attach_upload['url']);
                 // Save the data
                 $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $attach_upload['path']);
                 $attachments[$attach_id] = 0;
                 // featured image
                 if ($post_featured_img != '') {
                     $feat_img_url = '';
                     if (preg_match('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', $post_featured_img)) {
                         $feat_img_url = substr($post_featured_img, 0, strrpos($post_featured_img, '.') - 8);
                     } else {
                         $feat_img_url = substr($post_featured_img, 0, strrpos($post_featured_img, '.'));
                     $m_feat_url = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $feat_img_url) . '/';
                     if (preg_match($m_feat_url, $get_url[4])) {
                         $post_featured_img = '';
                         $attachments[$attach_id] = $attach_id;
                 // set $get_urls value[6] - parent atta_id
                 foreach ($get_urls as $url_k => $url_v) {
                     if ($get_url_k != $url_k) {
                         $s_get_url = '';
                         if (preg_match('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', $url_v[4])) {
                             $s_get_url = substr($url_v[4], 0, strrpos($url_v[4], '.') - 8);
                         } else {
                             $s_get_url = substr($url_v[4], 0, strrpos($url_v[4], '.'));
                         $m_patt_url = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $s_get_url) . '/';
                         if (preg_match($m_patt_url, $get_url[4])) {
                             array_push($get_urls[$url_k], $attach_id);
                 $some_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_upload['path']);
                 wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $some_data);
                 //changing href of a tag
                 if ($get_url[1] != '') {
                     $iwp_mmb_mp = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $get_url[2]) . '/';
                     if (preg_match('/attachment_id/i', $get_url[2])) {
                         $iwp_mmb_rp = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/?attachment_id=' . $attach_id;
                         $post_content = preg_replace($iwp_mmb_mp, $iwp_mmb_rp, $post_content);
             } else {
                 return array('error' => "Cannot create attachment file in " . $attach_upload['path'] . " Please set correct permissions.");
         $post_data['post_content'] = $post_content;
     if (count($post_atta_img)) {
         foreach ($post_atta_img as $img) {
             $file_name = basename($img['src']);
             if (isset($upload['error']) && !empty($upload['error'])) {
                 return array('error' => $upload['error']);
             $tmp_file = download_url($img['src']);
             if (is_wp_error($tmp_file)) {
                 return array('error' => $tmp_file->get_error_message());
             $attach_upload['url'] = $upload['url'] . '/' . $file_name;
             $attach_upload['path'] = $upload['path'] . '/' . $file_name;
             $renamed = @rename($tmp_file, $attach_upload['path']);
             if ($renamed === true) {
                 $atta_ext = end(explode('.', $file_name));
                 $attachment = array('post_title' => $file_name, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image/' . $atta_ext, 'guid' => $attach_upload['url']);
                 // Save the data
                 $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $attach_upload['path']);
                 wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_upload['path']));
                 $attachments[$attach_id] = 0;
                 // featured image
                 if ($post_featured_img != '') {
                     $feat_img_url = '';
                     if (preg_match('/-\\d{3}x\\d{3}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4}$/', $post_featured_img)) {
                         $feat_img_url = substr($post_featured_img, 0, strrpos($post_featured_img, '.') - 8);
                     } else {
                         $feat_img_url = substr($post_featured_img, 0, strrpos($post_featured_img, '.'));
                     $m_feat_url = '/' . str_replace($rep, $with, $feat_img_url) . '/';
                     if (preg_match($m_feat_url, $img['src'])) {
                         $post_featured_img = '';
                         $attachments[$attach_id] = $attach_id;
             } else {
                 return array('error' => "Cannot create attachment file in " . $attach_upload['path'] . " Please set correct permissions.");
     //Prepare post data and temporarily remove content filters before insert post
     $user = $this->iwp_mmb_get_user_info($args['username']);
     if ($user && $user->ID) {
         $post_data['post_author'] = $user->ID;
     //remove filter which can brake scripts or html
     remove_filter('content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
     //check for edit post
     $post_result = 0;
     if (isset($post_data['iwp_post_edit']) && $post_data['iwp_post_edit']) {
         if ($post_data['iwp_match_by'] == 'title') {
             $match_by = "post_title = '" . $post_data['post_title'] . "'";
         } else {
             $match_by = "post_name = '" . $post_data['post_name'] . "'";
         $query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$match_by} AND post_status NOT IN('inherit','auto-draft','draft') LIMIT 1";
         $post_result = $wpdb->get_var($query);
     if ($post_result) {
         //update existing post
         $post_data['ID'] = $post_result;
         $post_id = wp_update_post($post_data);
         //check for previous attachments
         $atta_allimages =& get_children('post_type=attachment&post_parent=' . $post_id);
         if (!empty($atta_allimages)) {
             foreach ($atta_allimages as $image) {
     } else {
         if ($post_data['iwp_post_edit'] && $post_data['iwp_force_publish']) {
             $post_id = wp_insert_post($post_data);
         } elseif ($post_data['iwp_post_edit'] && !$post_data['iwp_force_publish']) {
             return array('error' => "Post not found.");
         } else {
             $post_id = wp_insert_post($post_data);
     if (count($attachments)) {
         foreach ($attachments as $atta_id => $featured_id) {
             $result = wp_update_post(array('ID' => $atta_id, 'post_parent' => $post_id));
             if ($featured_id > 0) {
                 $new_custom['_thumbnail_id'] = array($featured_id);
     // featured image
     if ($post_featured_img != '') {
         $file_name = basename($post_featured_img);
         if (isset($upload['error']) && !empty($upload['error'])) {
             return array('error' => $upload['error']);
         $tmp_file = download_url($post_featured_img);
         if (is_wp_error($tmp_file)) {
             return array('error' => $tmp_file->get_error_message());
         $attach_upload['url'] = $upload['url'] . '/' . $file_name;
         $attach_upload['path'] = $upload['path'] . '/' . $file_name;
         $renamed = @rename($tmp_file, $attach_upload['path']);
         if ($renamed === true) {
             $atta_ext = end(explode('.', $file_name));
             $attachment = array('post_title' => $file_name, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/' . $atta_ext, 'guid' => $attach_upload['url']);
             // Save the data
             $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $attach_upload['path']);
             wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_upload['path']));
             $new_custom['_thumbnail_id'] = array($attach_id);
         } else {
             return array('error' => "Cannot create attachment file in " . $attach_upload['path'] . " Please set correct permissions.");
     if ($post_id && is_array($post_categories)) {
         //insert categories
         $cat_ids = wp_create_categories($post_categories, $post_id);
     //get current custom fields
     $cur_custom = get_post_custom($post_id);
     //check which values doesnot exists in new custom fields
     $diff_values = array_diff_key($cur_custom, $new_custom);
     if (is_array($diff_values)) {
         foreach ($diff_values as $meta_key => $value) {
             delete_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key);
     //insert new post meta
     foreach ($new_custom as $meta_key => $value) {
         if (strpos($meta_key, '_mmb') === 0 || strpos($meta_key, '_edit') === 0) {
         } else {
             update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $value[0]);
     return $post_id;
예제 #15
	function import_posts() {
		echo '<ol>';

		foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
			echo "<li>".__('Importing post...');


			if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
				_e('Post already imported');
			} else {
				$post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
				if (!$post_id) {
					_e("Couldn't get post ID");

				if (0 != count($categories))
					wp_create_categories($categories, $post_id);
				_e('Done !');
			echo '</li>';

		echo '</ol>';

예제 #16
 function import_post($entry)
     global $importing_blog;
     // The old permalink is all Blogger gives us to link comments to their posts.
     if (isset($entry->draft)) {
         $rel = 'self';
     } else {
         $rel = 'alternate';
     foreach ($entry->links as $link) {
         if ($link['rel'] == $rel) {
             $parts = parse_url($link['href']);
             $entry->old_permalink = $parts['path'];
     $post_date = $this->convert_date($entry->published);
     $post_content = trim(addslashes($this->no_apos(html_entity_decode($entry->content))));
     $post_title = trim(addslashes($this->no_apos($this->min_whitespace($entry->title))));
     $post_status = isset($entry->draft) ? 'draft' : 'publish';
     // Clean up content
     $post_content = preg_replace('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|e', "'<' . strtolower('\$1')", $post_content);
     $post_content = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $post_content);
     $post_content = str_replace('<hr>', '<hr />', $post_content);
     // Checks for duplicates
     if (isset($this->blogs[$importing_blog]['posts'][$entry->old_permalink])) {
     } elseif ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, $post_content, $post_date)) {
         $this->blogs[$importing_blog]['posts'][$entry->old_permalink] = $post_id;
     } else {
         $post = compact('post_date', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_status');
         $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
         if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
             return $post_id;
         wp_create_categories(array_map('addslashes', $entry->categories), $post_id);
         $author = $this->no_apos(strip_tags($entry->author));
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_blog', $this->blogs[$importing_blog]['host'], true);
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_author', $author, true);
         add_post_meta($post_id, 'blogger_permalink', $entry->old_permalink, true);
         $this->blogs[$importing_blog]['posts'][$entry->old_permalink] = $post_id;
 function process_posts()
     global $wpdb;
     $i = -1;
     echo '<ol>';
     foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
         // There are only ever one of these
         $post_title = $this->get_tag($post, 'title');
         $post_date = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:post_date');
         $post_date_gmt = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:post_date_gmt');
         $comment_status = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:comment_status');
         $ping_status = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:ping_status');
         $post_status = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:status');
         $post_parent = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:post_parent');
         $post_type = $this->get_tag($post, 'wp:post_type');
         $guid = $this->get_tag($post, 'guid');
         $post_author = $this->get_tag($post, 'dc:creator');
         $post_content = $this->get_tag($post, 'content:encoded');
         $post_content = str_replace(array('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', $post_content);
         $post_content = preg_replace('|<(/?[A-Z]+)|e', "'<' . strtolower('\$1')", $post_content);
         $post_content = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $post_content);
         $post_content = str_replace('<hr>', '<hr />', $post_content);
         preg_match_all('|<category>(.*?)</category>|is', $post, $categories);
         $categories = $categories[1];
         $cat_index = 0;
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $categories[$cat_index] = $wpdb->escape($this->unhtmlentities(str_replace(array('<![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', $category)));
         if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, '', $post_date)) {
             echo '<li>';
             printf(__('Post <i>%s</i> already exists.'), stripslashes($post_title));
         } else {
             echo '<li>';
             printf(__('Importing post <i>%s</i>...'), stripslashes($post_title));
             $post_author = $this->checkauthor($post_author);
             //just so that if a post already exists, new users are not created by checkauthor
             $postdata = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'guid', 'post_parent', 'post_type');
             $comment_post_ID = $post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
             // Add categories.
             if (0 != count($categories)) {
                 wp_create_categories($categories, $post_id);
         // Now for comments
         preg_match_all('|<wp:comment>(.*?)</wp:comment>|is', $post, $comments);
         $comments = $comments[1];
         $num_comments = 0;
         if ($comments) {
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                 $comment_author = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_author');
                 $comment_author_email = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_author_email');
                 $comment_author_IP = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_author_IP');
                 $comment_author_url = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_author_url');
                 $comment_date = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_date');
                 $comment_date_gmt = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_date_gmt');
                 $comment_content = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_content');
                 $comment_approved = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_approved');
                 $comment_type = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_type');
                 $comment_parent = $this->get_tag($comment, 'wp:comment_parent');
                 if (!comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date)) {
                     $commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_date', 'comment_date_gmt', 'comment_content', 'comment_approved', 'comment_type', 'comment_parent');
         if ($num_comments) {
             printf(' ' . __('(%s comments)'), $num_comments);
         // Now for post meta
         preg_match_all('|<wp:postmeta>(.*?)</wp:postmeta>|is', $post, $postmeta);
         $postmeta = $postmeta[1];
         if ($postmeta) {
             foreach ($postmeta as $p) {
                 $key = $this->get_tag($p, 'wp:meta_key');
                 $value = $this->get_tag($p, 'wp:meta_value');
                 add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $value);
     echo '</ol>';
     echo '<h3>' . sprintf(__('All done.') . ' <a href="%s">' . __('Have fun!') . '</a>', get_option('home')) . '</h3>';
예제 #18
 function process_posts()
     global $wpdb;
     $i = -1;
     echo "<ol>";
     foreach ($this->posts as $post) {
         if ('' != trim($post)) {
             // Take the pings out first
             preg_match("|(-----\n\nPING:.*)|s", $post, $pings);
             $post = preg_replace("|(-----\n\nPING:.*)|s", '', $post);
             // Then take the comments out
             preg_match("|(-----\nCOMMENT:.*)|s", $post, $comments);
             $post = preg_replace("|(-----\nCOMMENT:.*)|s", '', $post);
             // We ignore the keywords
             $post = preg_replace("|(-----\nKEYWORDS:.*)|s", '', $post);
             // We want the excerpt
             preg_match("|-----\nEXCERPT:(.*)|s", $post, $excerpt);
             $excerpt = $wpdb->escape(trim($excerpt[1]));
             $post = preg_replace("|(-----\nEXCERPT:.*)|s", '', $post);
             // We're going to put extended body into main body with a more tag
             preg_match("|-----\nEXTENDED BODY:(.*)|s", $post, $extended);
             $extended = trim($extended[1]);
             if ('' != $extended) {
                 $extended = "\n<!--more-->\n{$extended}";
             $post = preg_replace("|(-----\nEXTENDED BODY:.*)|s", '', $post);
             // Now for the main body
             preg_match("|-----\nBODY:(.*)|s", $post, $body);
             $body = trim($body[1]);
             $post_content = $wpdb->escape($body . $extended);
             $post = preg_replace("|(-----\nBODY:.*)|s", '', $post);
             // Grab the metadata from what's left
             $metadata = explode("\n", $post);
             foreach ($metadata as $line) {
                 preg_match("/^(.*?):(.*)/", $line, $token);
                 $key = trim($token[1]);
                 $value = trim($token[2]);
                 // Now we decide what it is and what to do with it
                 switch ($key) {
                     case '':
                     case 'AUTHOR':
                         $post_author = $value;
                     case 'TITLE':
                         $post_title = $wpdb->escape($value);
                     case 'STATUS':
                         // "publish" and "draft" enumeration items match up; no change required
                         $post_status = $value;
                         if (empty($post_status)) {
                             $post_status = 'publish';
                     case 'ALLOW COMMENTS':
                         $post_allow_comments = $value;
                         if ($post_allow_comments == 1) {
                             $comment_status = 'open';
                         } else {
                             $comment_status = 'closed';
                     case 'CONVERT BREAKS':
                         $post_convert_breaks = $value;
                     case 'ALLOW PINGS':
                         $post_allow_pings = trim($meta[2][0]);
                         if ($post_allow_pings == 1) {
                             $post_allow_pings = 'open';
                         } else {
                             $post_allow_pings = 'closed';
                     case 'PRIMARY CATEGORY':
                         if (!empty($value)) {
                             $post_categories[] = $wpdb->escape($value);
                     case 'CATEGORY':
                         if (!empty($value)) {
                             $post_categories[] = $wpdb->escape($value);
                     case 'DATE':
                         $post_modified = strtotime($value);
                         $post_modified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_modified);
                         $post_modified_gmt = get_gmt_from_date("{$post_modified}");
                         $post_date = $post_modified;
                         $post_date_gmt = $post_modified_gmt;
                         // echo "\n$key: $value";
                 // end switch
             // End foreach
             // Let's check to see if it's in already
             if ($post_id = post_exists($post_title, '', $post_date)) {
                 echo '<li>';
                 printf(__('Post <i>%s</i> already exists.'), stripslashes($post_title));
             } else {
                 echo '<li>';
                 printf(__('Importing post <i>%s</i>...'), stripslashes($post_title));
                 $post_author = $this->checkauthor($post_author);
                 //just so that if a post already exists, new users are not created by checkauthor
                 $postdata = compact('post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt');
                 $post_id = wp_insert_post($postdata);
                 // Add categories.
                 if (0 != count($post_categories)) {
                     wp_create_categories($post_categories, $post_id);
             $comment_post_ID = $post_id;
             // Now for comments
             $comments = explode("-----\nCOMMENT:", $comments[0]);
             $num_comments = 0;
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                 if ('' != trim($comment)) {
                     // Author
                     preg_match("|AUTHOR:(.*)|", $comment, $comment_author);
                     $comment_author = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author[1]));
                     $comment = preg_replace('|(\\n?AUTHOR:.*)|', '', $comment);
                     preg_match("|EMAIL:(.*)|", $comment, $comment_author_email);
                     $comment_author_email = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author_email[1]));
                     $comment = preg_replace('|(\\n?EMAIL:.*)|', '', $comment);
                     preg_match("|IP:(.*)|", $comment, $comment_author_IP);
                     $comment_author_IP = trim($comment_author_IP[1]);
                     $comment = preg_replace('|(\\n?IP:.*)|', '', $comment);
                     preg_match("|URL:(.*)|", $comment, $comment_author_url);
                     $comment_author_url = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author_url[1]));
                     $comment = preg_replace('|(\\n?URL:.*)|', '', $comment);
                     preg_match("|DATE:(.*)|", $comment, $comment_date);
                     $comment_date = trim($comment_date[1]);
                     $comment_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($comment_date));
                     $comment = preg_replace('|(\\n?DATE:.*)|', '', $comment);
                     $comment_content = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment));
                     $comment_content = str_replace('-----', '', $comment_content);
                     // Check if it's already there
                     if (!comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date)) {
                         $commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_date', 'comment_content');
                         $commentdata = wp_filter_comment($commentdata);
             if ($num_comments) {
                 printf(__('(%s comments)'), $num_comments);
             // Finally the pings
             // fix the double newline on the first one
             $pings[0] = str_replace("-----\n\n", "-----\n", $pings[0]);
             $pings = explode("-----\nPING:", $pings[0]);
             $num_pings = 0;
             foreach ($pings as $ping) {
                 if ('' != trim($ping)) {
                     // 'Author'
                     preg_match("|BLOG NAME:(.*)|", $ping, $comment_author);
                     $comment_author = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author[1]));
                     $ping = preg_replace('|(\\n?BLOG NAME:.*)|', '', $ping);
                     preg_match("|IP:(.*)|", $ping, $comment_author_IP);
                     $comment_author_IP = trim($comment_author_IP[1]);
                     $ping = preg_replace('|(\\n?IP:.*)|', '', $ping);
                     preg_match("|URL:(.*)|", $ping, $comment_author_url);
                     $comment_author_url = $wpdb->escape(trim($comment_author_url[1]));
                     $ping = preg_replace('|(\\n?URL:.*)|', '', $ping);
                     preg_match("|DATE:(.*)|", $ping, $comment_date);
                     $comment_date = trim($comment_date[1]);
                     $comment_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($comment_date));
                     $ping = preg_replace('|(\\n?DATE:.*)|', '', $ping);
                     preg_match("|TITLE:(.*)|", $ping, $ping_title);
                     $ping_title = $wpdb->escape(trim($ping_title[1]));
                     $ping = preg_replace('|(\\n?TITLE:.*)|', '', $ping);
                     $comment_content = $wpdb->escape(trim($ping));
                     $comment_content = str_replace('-----', '', $comment_content);
                     $comment_content = "<strong>{$ping_title}</strong>\n\n{$comment_content}";
                     $comment_type = 'trackback';
                     // Check if it's already there
                     if (!comment_exists($comment_author, $comment_date)) {
                         $commentdata = compact('comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_date', 'comment_content', 'comment_type');
                         $commentdata = wp_filter_comment($commentdata);
             if ($num_pings) {
                 printf(__('(%s pings)'), $num_pings);
             echo "</li>";
     echo '</ol>';
     echo '<h3>' . sprintf(__('All done. <a href="%s">Have fun!</a>'), get_option('home')) . '</h3>';
 function _import_post_to_db($post)
     $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
     if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
         return $post_id;
     if (!$post_id) {
         _e('Couldn&#8217;t get post ID', 'powerpress');
         return false;
     if (0 != count($categories)) {
         wp_create_categories($categories, $post_id);
     if (!empty($enclosure['url'])) {
         $encstring = $enclosure['url'] . "\n" . $enclosure['length'] . "\n" . $enclosure['type'];
         $serialize = array();
         if (!empty($enclosure['duration']) && function_exists('powerpress_raw_duration')) {
             $serialize['duration'] = powerpress_raw_duration($enclosure['duration']);
         if (!empty($enclosure['keywords'])) {
             $serialize['keywords'] = $enclosure['keywords'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['summary'])) {
             $serialize['summary'] = $enclosure['summary'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['subtitle'])) {
             $serialize['subtitle'] = $enclosure['subtitle'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['author'])) {
             $serialize['author'] = $enclosure['author'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['itunes_image'])) {
             $serialize['itunes_image'] = $enclosure['itunes_image'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['block'])) {
             $serialize['block'] = $enclosure['block'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['cc'])) {
             $serialize['cc'] = $enclosure['cc'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['order'])) {
             $serialize['order'] = $enclosure['order'];
         if (!empty($enclosure['explicit'])) {
             $serialize['explicit'] = $enclosure['explicit'];
         if (!empty($serialize)) {
             $encstring .= "\n" . serialize($serialize);
         $meta_id = add_post_meta($post_id, 'enclosure', $encstring, true);
         if ($meta_id) {
             if (empty($GLOBALS['pp_migrate_media_urls'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['pp_migrate_media_urls'] = array();
             $GLOBALS['pp_migrate_media_urls'][$meta_id] = $enclosure['url'];
     return true;