예제 #1
function woo_ce_export_dataset( $export_type = null, &$output = null ) {

	global $export;

	$separator = $export->delimiter;
	$line_ending = woo_ce_get_line_ending();
	$export->columns = array();
	$export->total_rows = 0;
	$export->total_columns = 0;

	$troubleshooting_url = 'http://www.visser.com.au/documentation/store-exporter-deluxe/usage/';

	set_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_running', time(), woo_ce_get_option( 'timeout', MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) );

	// Load up the fatal error notice if we 500 Internal Server Error (memory), hit a server timeout or encounter a fatal PHP error
	add_action( 'shutdown', 'woo_ce_fatal_error' );

	// Drop in our content filters here
	add_filter( 'sanitize_key', 'woo_ce_sanitize_key' );

	switch( $export_type ) {

		// Products
		case 'product':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_product_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_product_field( $key );
			if( $export->gallery_unique ) {
				$export->fields = woo_ce_unique_product_gallery_fields( $export->fields );
				$export->columns = woo_ce_unique_product_gallery_columns( $export->columns, $export->fields );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $products = woo_ce_get_products( $export->args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $products );
				// XML export
				if( $export->export_format == 'xml' ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $products as $product ) {
							$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_product_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							$product = woo_ce_get_product_data( $product, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $product->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $product->$field, $export_type, $field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $product->$field ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $product->$field ) ) );
				} else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' ) {
					// RSS export
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $products as $product ) {
							$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							$product = woo_ce_get_product_data( $product, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $field ) {
								if( isset( $product->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $product->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $field ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $product->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $field ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $product->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					foreach( $products as $key => $product ) {
						$products[$key] = woo_ce_get_product_data( $product, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
					$output = $products;
				unset( $products, $product );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Categories
		case 'category':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_category_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_category_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			$category_args = array(
				'orderby' => ( isset( $export->args['category_orderby'] ) ? $export->args['category_orderby'] : 'ID' ),
				'order' => ( isset( $export->args['category_order'] ) ? $export->args['category_order'] : 'ASC' ),
			if( $categories = woo_ce_get_product_categories( $category_args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $categories );
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $categories as $category ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_category_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $category->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $category->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $category->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $category->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					$output = $categories;
				unset( $categories, $category );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Tags
		case 'tag':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_tag_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_tag_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			$tag_args = array(
				'orderby' => ( isset( $export->args['tag_orderby'] ) ? $export->args['tag_orderby'] : 'ID' ),
				'order' => ( isset( $export->args['tag_order'] ) ? $export->args['tag_order'] : 'ASC' ),
			if( $tags = woo_ce_get_product_tags( $tag_args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $tags );
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_tag_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $tag->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $tag->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $tag->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $tag->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					$output = $tags;
				unset( $tags, $tag );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Brands
		case 'brand':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_brand_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_brand_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			$brand_args = array(
				'orderby' => ( isset( $export->args['brand_orderby'] ) ? $export->args['brand_orderby'] : 'ID' ),
				'order' => ( isset( $export->args['brand_order'] ) ? $export->args['brand_order'] : 'ASC' ),
			if( $brands = woo_ce_get_product_brands( $brand_args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $brands );
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $brands as $brand ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_brand_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $brand->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $brand->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $brand->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $brand->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					$output = $brands;
				unset( $brands, $brand );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Orders
		case 'order':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_order_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				// Do not apply Field Editor changes to the unique Order Items Formatting rule
				if( $export->args['order_items'] == 'unique' )
					remove_filter( 'woo_ce_order_fields', 'woo_ce_override_order_field_labels', 11 );
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_order_field( $key );
				// Do not apply Field Editor changes to the unique Order Items Formatting rule
				if( $export->args['order_items'] == 'unique' )
					add_filter( 'woo_ce_order_fields', 'woo_ce_override_order_field_labels', 11 );
			if( $export->args['order_items'] == 'unique' ) {
				$export->fields = woo_ce_unique_order_item_fields( $export->fields );
				$export->columns = woo_ce_unique_order_item_columns( $export->columns, $export->fields );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $orders = woo_ce_get_orders( 'order', $export->args ) ) {
				$export->total_columns = $size = count( $export->columns );
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $orders as $order ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_order_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							$child->addAttribute( 'id', $order );
							$order = woo_ce_get_order_data( $order, 'order', $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							if( in_array( $export->args['order_items'], array( 'combined', 'unique' ) ) ) {
								// Order items formatting: SPECK-IPHONE|INCASE-NANO|-
								foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
									if( isset( $order->$field ) ) {
										if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
											if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $order->$field ) )
												$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $order->$field ) ) );
												$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $order->$field ) ) );
							} else if( $export->args['order_items'] == 'individual' ) {
								// Order items formatting: SPECK-IPHONE<br />INCASE-NANO<br />-
								if( !empty( $order->order_items ) ) {
									$order->order_items_product_id = '';
									$order->order_items_variation_id = '';
									$order->order_items_sku = '';
									$order->order_items_name = '';
									$order->order_items_variation = '';
									$order->order_items_description = '';
									$order->order_items_excerpt = '';
									$order->order_items_tax_class = '';
									$order->order_items_quantity = '';
									$order->order_items_total = '';
									$order->order_items_subtotal = '';
									$order->order_items_rrp = '';
									$order->order_items_stock = '';
									$order->order_items_tax = '';
									$order->order_items_tax_subtotal = '';
									$order->order_items_type = '';
									$order->order_items_category = '';
									$order->order_items_tag = '';
									$order->order_items_total_sales = '';
									$order->order_items_weight = '';
									$order->order_items_total_weight = '';
									foreach( $order->order_items as $order_item ) {
										// Add Order Item weight to Shipping Weight
										if( $order_item->total_weight != '' )
											$order->shipping_weight = $order->shipping_weight + $order_item->total_weight;
										$order->order_items_product_id = $order_item->product_id;
										$order->order_items_variation_id = $order_item->variation_id;
										if( empty( $order_item->sku ) )
											$order_item->sku = '';
										$order->order_items_sku = $order_item->sku;
										$order->order_items_name = $order_item->name;
										$order->order_items_variation = $order_item->variation;
										$order->order_items_description = woo_ce_format_description_excerpt( $order_item->description );
										$order->order_items_excerpt = woo_ce_format_description_excerpt( $order_item->excerpt );
										$order->order_items_tax_class = $order_item->tax_class;
										$order->total_quantity += $order_item->quantity;
										$order->order_items_quantity = $order_item->quantity;
										$order->order_items_total = $order_item->total;
										$order->order_items_subtotal = $order_item->subtotal;
										$order->order_items_rrp = $order_item->rrp;
										$order->order_items_stock = $order_item->stock;
										$order->order_items_tax = $order_item->tax;
										$order->order_items_tax_subtotal = $order_item->tax_subtotal;
										$order->order_items_type = $order_item->type;
										$order->order_items_category = $order_item->category;
										$order->order_items_tag = $order_item->tag;
										$order->order_items_total_sales = $order_item->total_sales;
										$order->order_items_weight = $order_item->weight;
										$order->order_items_total_weight = $order_item->total_weight;
										$order = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_order_items_individual', $order, $order_item );
										foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
											if( isset( $order->$field ) ) {
												if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
													if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $order->$field ) )
														$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $order->$field ) ) );
														$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $order->$field ) ) );
									unset( $order->order_items );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					if( $export->args['order_items'] == 'individual' )
						$output = array();
					foreach( $orders as $order ) {
						if( in_array( $export->args['order_items'], array( 'combined', 'unique' ) ) ) {
							// Order items formatting: SPECK-IPHONE|INCASE-NANO|-
							$output[] = woo_ce_get_order_data( $order, 'order', $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
						} else if( $export->args['order_items'] == 'individual' ) {
							// Order items formatting: SPECK-IPHONE<br />INCASE-NANO<br />-
							$order = woo_ce_get_order_data( $order, 'order', $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							if( !empty( $order->order_items ) ) {
								foreach( $order->order_items as $order_item ) {
									// Add Order Item weight to Shipping Weight
									if( $order_item->total_weight != '' )
										$order->shipping_weight = $order->shipping_weight + $order_item->total_weight;
									$order->order_items_product_id = $order_item->product_id;
									$order->order_items_variation_id = $order_item->variation_id;
									if( empty( $order_item->sku ) )
										$order_item->sku = '';
									$order->order_items_sku = $order_item->sku;
									$order->order_items_name = $order_item->name;
									$order->order_items_variation = $order_item->variation;
									$order->order_items_description = $order_item->description;
									$order->order_items_excerpt = $order_item->excerpt;
									$order->order_items_tax_class = $order_item->tax_class;
									$order->total_quantity += $order_item->quantity;
									$order->order_items_quantity = $order_item->quantity;
									$order->order_items_total = $order_item->total;
									$order->order_items_subtotal = $order_item->subtotal;
									$order->order_items_rrp = $order_item->rrp;
									$order->order_items_stock = $order_item->stock;
									$order->order_items_tax = $order_item->tax;
									$order->order_items_tax_subtotal = $order_item->tax_subtotal;
									$order->order_items_type = $order_item->type;
									$order->order_items_category = $order_item->category;
									$order->order_items_tag = $order_item->tag;
									$order->order_items_total_sales = $order_item->total_sales;
									$order->order_items_weight = $order_item->weight;
									$order->order_items_total_weight = $order_item->total_weight;
									$order = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_order_items_individual', $order, $order_item );
									// This fixes the Order Items for this Order Items Formatting rule
									$output[] = (object)(array)$order;
				unset( $orders, $order );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Customers
		case 'customer':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_customer_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_customer_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $customers = woo_ce_get_orders( 'customer', $export->args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $customers );
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $customers as $customer ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_customer_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $customer->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $customer->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $customer->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $customer->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					$output = $customers;
				unset( $customers, $customer );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Users
		case 'user':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_user_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_user_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $users = woo_ce_get_users( $export->args ) ) {
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					$export->total_rows = count( $users );
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $users as $user ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_user_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							$user = woo_ce_get_user_data( $user, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $user->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $user->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $user->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $user->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					foreach( $users as $key => $user )
						$users[$key] = woo_ce_get_user_data( $user, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
					$output = $users;
				unset( $users, $user );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Coupons
		case 'coupon':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_coupon_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_coupon_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $coupons = woo_ce_get_coupons( $export->args ) ) {
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					$export->total_rows = count( $coupons );
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $coupons as $coupon ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_coupon_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							$coupon = woo_ce_get_coupon_data( $coupon, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $coupon->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $coupon->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $coupon->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $coupon->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					foreach( $coupons as $key => $coupon ) {
						$coupons[$key] = woo_ce_get_coupon_data( $coupon, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
					$output = $coupons;
				unset( $coupons, $coupon );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Subscriptions
		case 'subscription':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_subscription_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_subscription_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $subscriptions = woo_ce_get_subscriptions( $export->args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $subscriptions );
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $subscriptions as $subscription ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
							$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_subscription_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $subscription->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $subscription->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $subscription->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $subscription->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					$output = $subscriptions;
				unset( $subscriptions, $subscription );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Product Vendors
		case 'product_vendor':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_product_vendor_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_product_vendor_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $product_vendors = woo_ce_get_product_vendors( $export->args ) ) {
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					$export->total_rows = count( $product_vendors );
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $product_vendors as $product_vendor ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_product_vendor_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							$product_vendor = woo_ce_get_product_vendor_data( $product_vendor, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $product_vendor->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $product_vendor->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $product_vendor->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $product_vendor->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					foreach( $product_vendors as $key => $product_vendor ) {
						$product_vendors[$key] = woo_ce_get_product_vendor_data( $product_vendor, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
					$output = $product_vendors;
				unset( $product_vendors, $product_vendor );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Commissions
		case 'commission':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_commission_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_commission_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $commissions = woo_ce_get_commissions( $export->args ) ) {
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					$export->total_rows = count( $commissions );
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $commissions as $commission ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_commission_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							$commission = woo_ce_get_commission_data( $commission, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $commission->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $commission->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $commission->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $commission->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					foreach( $commissions as $key => $commission ) {
						$commissions[$key] = woo_ce_get_commission_data( $commission, $export->args, array_keys( $export->fields ) );
					$output = $commissions;
				unset( $commissions, $commission );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Shipping Classes
		case 'shipping_class':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_shipping_class_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_shipping_class_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $shipping_classes = woo_ce_get_shipping_classes( $export->args ) ) {
				// XML, RSS export
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {
					$export->total_rows = count( $shipping_classes );
					if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
						foreach( $shipping_classes as $shipping_class ) {
							if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
								$child = $output->addChild( apply_filters( 'woo_ce_export_xml_shipping_class_node', sanitize_key( $export_type ) ) );
							else if( $export->export_format == 'rss' )
								$child = $output->addChild( 'item' );
							foreach( array_keys( $export->fields ) as $key => $field ) {
								if( isset( $shipping_class->$field ) ) {
									if( !is_array( $field ) ) {
										if( woo_ce_is_xml_cdata( $shipping_class->$field ) )
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ) )->addCData( esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $shipping_class->$field ) ) );
											$child->addChild( sanitize_key( $export->columns[$key] ), esc_html( woo_ce_sanitize_xml_string( $shipping_class->$field ) ) );
				} else {
					// PHPExcel export
					$output = $shipping_classes;
				unset( $shipping_classes, $shipping_class );
			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();

		// Attributes
		case 'attribute':
			$fields = woo_ce_get_attribute_fields( 'summary' );
			if( $export->fields = array_intersect_assoc( (array)$export->fields, $fields ) ) {
				foreach( $export->fields as $key => $field )
					$export->columns[] = woo_ce_get_attribute_field( $key );
			$export->total_columns = $size = count( $export->columns );
			$export->data_memory_start = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			if( $attributes = woo_ce_get_attributes( $export->args ) ) {
				$export->total_rows = count( $attributes );
				// Generate the export headers
				if( $export->header_formatting && in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'csv', 'xls' ) ) ) {
					for( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ ) {
						if( $i == ( $size - 1 ) )
							$output .= woo_ce_escape_csv_value( $export->columns[$i], $export->delimiter, $export->escape_formatting ) . $line_ending;
							$output .= woo_ce_escape_csv_value( $export->columns[$i], $export->delimiter, $export->escape_formatting ) . $separator;
				if( !empty( $export->fields ) ) {
					foreach( $atributes as $attribute ) {

						if( $export->export_format == 'xml' )
							$child = $output->addChild( $export->type, 0, -1 );

			$export->data_memory_end = woo_ce_current_memory_usage();
			unset( $export->fields );


	// Remove our content filters here to play nice with other Plugins
	remove_filter( 'sanitize_key', 'woo_ce_sanitize_key' );

	// Remove our fatal error notice so not to conflict with the CRON or scheduled export engine	
	remove_action( 'shutdown', 'woo_ce_fatal_error' );

	// Export completed successfully
	delete_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_running' );

	// Check if we're using PHPExcel or generic export engine
	if( WOO_CD_DEBUG || in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) ) {

		// Check that the export file is populated, export columns have been assigned and rows counted
		if( !empty( $output ) && $export->total_rows && $export->total_columns ) {
			if( WOO_CD_DEBUG && !in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx' ) ) && ( !$export->cron && !$export->scheduled_export ) ) {
				if( in_array( $export->export_format, array( 'xml', 'rss' ) ) )
					$output = woo_ce_format_xml( $output );
				$response = set_transient( WOO_CD_PREFIX . '_debug_log', base64_encode( $output ), woo_ce_get_option( 'timeout', MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) );
				if( $response !== true ) {
					$message = __( 'The export contents were too large to store in a single WordPress transient, use the Volume offset / Limit volume options to reduce the size of your export and try again.', 'woo_ce' ) . ' (<a href="' . $troubleshooting_url . '" target="_blank">' . __( 'Need help?', 'woo_ce' ) . '</a>)';
					if( function_exists( 'woo_cd_admin_notice' ) )
						woo_cd_admin_notice( $message, 'error' );
						error_log( sprintf( '[store-exporter-deluxe] woo_ce_export_dataset() - %s', $message ) );
				} else {
					return true;
			} else {
				return $output;

	} else {
		return $output;

예제 #2
function woo_ce_get_orders( $export_type = 'order', $args = array() ) {

	global $export;

	$limit_volume = -1;
	$offset = 0;

	if( $args ) {
		$order_ids = ( isset( $args['order_ids'] ) ? $args['order_ids'] : false );
		$payment = ( isset( $args['order_payment'] ) ? $args['order_payment'] : false );
		$shipping = ( isset( $args['order_shipping'] ) ? $args['order_shipping'] : false );
		$user_roles = ( isset( $args['order_user_roles'] ) ? $args['order_user_roles'] : false );
		$coupons = ( isset( $args['order_coupons'] ) ? $args['order_coupons'] : false );
		$product = ( isset( $args['order_product'] ) ? $args['order_product'] : false );
		$product_category = ( isset( $args['order_category'] ) ? $args['order_category'] : false );
		$product_tag = ( isset( $args['order_tag'] ) ? $args['order_tag'] : false );
		$product_brand = ( isset( $args['order_brand'] ) ? $args['order_brand'] : false );
		$limit_volume = ( isset( $args['limit_volume'] ) ? $args['limit_volume'] : false );
		$offset = $args['offset'];
		$orderby = ( isset( $args['order_orderby'] ) ? $args['order_orderby'] : 'ID' );
		$order = ( isset( $args['order_order'] ) ? $args['order_order'] : 'ASC' );
		$order_dates_filter = ( isset( $args['order_dates_filter'] ) ? $args['order_dates_filter'] : false );
		switch( $order_dates_filter ) {

			case 'today':
				$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n' ), date( 'd' ) ) );
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n' ), date( 'd' ) ) );

			case 'yesterday':
				$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( '-2 days' ) ), date( 'd', strtotime( '-2 days' ) ) ) );
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( '-1 days' ) ), date( 'd', strtotime( '-1 days' ) ) ) );

			case 'current_week':
				$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( 'this Monday' ) ), date( 'd', strtotime( 'this Monday' ) ) ) );
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( 'next Sunday' ) ), date( 'd', strtotime( 'next Sunday' ) ) ) );

			case 'last_week':
				$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( 'last Monday' ) ), date( 'd', strtotime( 'last Monday' ) ) ) );
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( 'last Sunday' ) ), date( 'd', strtotime( 'last Sunday' ) ) ) );

			case 'current_month':
				$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n' ), 1 ) );
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( '+1 month' ) ), 0 ) );

			case 'last_month':
				$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n', strtotime( '-1 month' ) ), 1 ) );
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'n' ), 0 ) );

			case 'manual':
				$order_dates_from = woo_ce_format_order_date( $args['order_dates_from'] );
				$order_dates_to = woo_ce_format_order_date( $args['order_dates_to'] );

			case 'variable':
				$order_filter_date_variable = $args['order_dates_filter_variable'];
				$order_filter_date_variable_length = $args['order_dates_filter_variable_length'];
				if( $order_filter_date_variable !== false && $order_filter_date_variable_length !== false ) {
					$timestamp = strtotime( sprintf( '-%d %s', $order_filter_date_variable, $order_filter_date_variable_length ) );
					$order_dates_from = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( date( 'H', $timestamp ), date( 'i', $timestamp ), date( 's', $timestamp ), date( 'n', $timestamp ), date( 'd', $timestamp ), date( 'Y', $timestamp ) ) );
					$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', time() );
					unset( $order_filter_date_variable, $order_filter_date_variable_length, $timestamp );

				$order_dates_from = false;
				$order_dates_to = false;

		if( !empty( $order_dates_from ) && !empty( $order_dates_to ) ) {
			$order_dates_to = explode( '-', $order_dates_to );
			// Check that a valid date was provided
			if( isset( $order_dates_to[0] ) && isset( $order_dates_to[1] ) && isset( $order_dates_to[2] ) )
				$order_dates_to = date( 'd-m-Y', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $order_dates_to[1], $order_dates_to[0]+1, $order_dates_to[2] ) );
				$order_dates_to = false;
		$order_status = ( isset( $args['order_status'] ) ? $args['order_status'] : array() );
		$user_ids = ( isset( $args['order_customer'] ) ? $args['order_customer'] : false );
		$billing_country = ( isset( $args['order_billing_country'] ) ? $args['order_billing_country'] : false );
		$shipping_country = ( isset( $args['order_shipping_country'] ) ? $args['order_shipping_country'] : false );
		$order_items = $args['order_items'];
	$post_type = 'shop_order';
	$args = array(
		'post_type' => $post_type,
		'orderby' => $orderby,
		'order' => $order,
		'offset' => $offset,
		'posts_per_page' => $limit_volume,
		'fields' => 'ids',
		'suppress_filters' => false
	$woocommerce_version = woo_get_woo_version();
	// Check if this is a pre-WooCommerce 2.2 instance
	if( version_compare( $woocommerce_version, '2.2' ) >= 0 )
		$args['post_status'] = ( function_exists( 'wc_get_order_statuses' ) ? apply_filters( 'woo_ce_order_post_status', array_keys( wc_get_order_statuses() ) ) : 'any' );
		$args['post_status'] = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_order_post_status', 'publish' );
	if( !empty( $order_ids ) ) {
		$order_ids = explode( ',', $order_ids );
		// Check if we're looking up a Sequential Order Number
		if( class_exists( 'WC_Seq_Order_Number' ) || class_exists( 'WC_Seq_Order_Number_Pro' ) ) {
			$args['meta_query'][] = array(
				'key' => ( class_exists( 'WC_Seq_Order_Number_Pro' ) ? '_order_number_formatted' : '_order_number' ),
				'value' => $order_ids
		} else {
			$size = count( $order_ids );
			if( $size > 1 )
				$args['post__in'] = array_map( 'absint', $order_ids );
				$args['p'] = absint( $order_ids[0] );
	if( !empty( $payment ) ) {
		$args['meta_query'][] = array(
			'key' => '_payment_method',
			'value' => $payment
	if( !empty( $order_status ) ) {
		// Check if this is a WooCommerce 2.2+ instance (new Post Status)
		if( version_compare( $woocommerce_version, '2.2' ) >= 0 ) {
			$args['post_status'] = $order_status;
			if( $export->cron ) {
				// Something weird is going on so we'll override WordPress on this one
				$args['post_status'] = implode( ',', $order_status );
				$args['suppress_filters'] = false;
				add_filter( 'posts_where' , 'woo_ce_wp_query_order_where_override' );
		} else {
			$term_taxonomy = 'shop_order_status';
			$args['tax_query'] = array(
					'taxonomy' => $term_taxonomy,
					'field' => 'slug',
					'terms' => $order_status
	if( !empty( $user_ids ) ) {
		// Check if we're dealing with a string or list of users
		if( is_string( $user_ids ) )
			$user_ids = explode( ',', $user_ids );
		$size = count( $user_ids );
		$user_emails = array();
		foreach( $user_ids as $user_id ) {
			if( $user = get_userdata( $user_id ) )
				$user_emails[] = $user->user_email;
		if( !empty( $user_emails ) ) {
			$args['meta_query'][] = array(
				'key' => '_billing_email',
				'value' => $user_emails
		unset( $user_id, $size, $user_emails );
	if( !empty( $billing_country ) ) {
		$args['meta_query'][] = array(
			'key' => '_billing_country',
			'value' => $billing_country
	if( !empty( $shipping_country ) ) {
		$args['meta_query'][] = array(
			'key' => '_shipping_country',
			'value' => $shipping_country
	// Filter Order dates by dropping those outside the date range
	if( !empty( $order_dates_from ) && !empty( $order_dates_to ) ) {
		$args['date_query'] = array(
				'column' => 'post_date_gmt',
				'before' => $order_dates_to,
				'after' => $order_dates_from,
				'inclusive' => true
	if( $order_dates_filter == 'last_export' ) {
		$args['meta_query'][] = array(
			'key' => '_woo_cd_exported',
			'value' => 1,
			'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
	$orders = array();

	// Allow other developers to bake in their own filters
	$args = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_get_orders_args', $args );

	$order_ids = new WP_Query( $args );
	// Something weird is going on so we'll override WordPress on this one
	if( !empty( $order_status ) && $export->cron && version_compare( $woocommerce_version, '2.2' ) >= 0 )
		remove_filter( 'posts_where' , 'woo_ce_wp_query_order_where_override' );
	if( $order_ids->posts ) {
		foreach( $order_ids->posts as $order_id ) {

			// Get WooCommerce Order details
			$order = woo_ce_get_order_wc_data( $order_id );

			// Filter Orders by User Roles
			$order->user_id = get_post_meta( $order->id, '_customer_user', true );
			if( $user_roles ) {
				$user_ids = array();
				$size = count( $export->args['order_user_roles'] );
				for( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ ) {
					$args = array(
						'role' => $export->args['order_user_roles'][$i],
						'fields' => 'ID'
					$user_id = get_users( $args );
					$user_ids = array_merge( $user_ids, $user_id );
				if( !in_array( $order->user_id, $user_ids ) ) {
					unset( $order );

			// Filter Orders by Coupons
			$order->coupon_code = woo_ce_get_order_assoc_coupon( $order->id );
			if( $coupons ) {
				$coupon_ids = array();
				$size = count( $export->args['order_coupons'] );
				for( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ )
					$coupon_ids[] = get_the_title( $coupons[$i] );
				if( !in_array( $order->coupon_code, $coupon_ids ) ) {
					unset( $order );


			// Filter Orders by Product
			if( $product ) {
				if( $order_items = woo_ce_get_order_item_ids( $order->id ) ) {
					$product_ids = array();
					foreach( $order_items as $order_item ) {
						$product_ids = array_merge( $product_ids, (array)$order_item->product_id );
					if( count( array_intersect( $product, $product_ids ) ) == 0 ) {
						unset( $order );
				} else {
					// If the Order has no Order Items assigned to it we can safely remove it from the export
					unset( $order );
				unset( $order_items );

			// Filter Orders by Product Category
			if( $product_category ) {
				if( $order_items = woo_ce_get_order_item_ids( $order->id ) ) {
					$term_taxonomy = 'product_cat';
					$args = array(
						'fields' => 'ids'
					$category_ids = array();
					foreach( $order_items as $order_item ) {
						if( $product_categories = wp_get_post_terms( $order_item->product_id, $term_taxonomy, $args ) ) {
							$category_ids = array_merge( $category_ids, $product_categories );
							unset( $product_categories );
					if( count( array_intersect( $product_category, $category_ids ) ) == 0 ) {
						unset( $order );
					unset( $category_ids );
				} else {
					// If the Order has no Order Items assigned to it we can safely remove it from the export
					unset( $order );
				unset( $order_items );

			// Filter Orders by Product Tag
			if( $product_tag ) {
				if( $order_items = woo_ce_get_order_item_ids( $order->id ) ) {
					$term_taxonomy = 'product_tag';
					$args = array(
						'fields' => 'ids'
					$tag_ids = array();
					foreach( $order_items as $order_item ) {
						if( $product_tags = wp_get_post_terms( $order_item->product_id, $term_taxonomy, $args ) ) {
							$tag_ids = array_merge( $tag_ids, $product_tags );
							unset( $product_tags );
					if( empty( $tag_ids ) || count( array_intersect( $product_tag, $tag_ids ) ) == 0 ) {
						unset( $order );
					unset( $tag_ids );
				} else {
					// If the Order has no Order Items assigned to it we can safely remove it from the export
					unset( $order );
				unset( $order_items );

			// Filter Orders by Product Brand
			if( $product_brand ) {
				if( $order_items = woo_ce_get_order_item_ids( $order->id ) ) {
					$term_taxonomy = apply_filters( 'woo_ce_brand_term_taxonomy', 'product_brand' );
					$args = array(
						'fields' => 'ids'
					$brand_ids = array();
					foreach( $order_items as $order_item ) {
						if( $product_brands = wp_get_post_terms( $order_item->product_id, $term_taxonomy, $args ) ) {
							$brand_ids = array_merge( $brand_ids, $product_brands );
							unset( $product_brands );
					if( empty( $brand_ids ) || count( array_intersect( $product_brand, $brand_ids ) ) == 0 ) {
						unset( $order );
					unset( $brand_ids );
				} else {
					// If the Order has no Order Items assigned to it we can safely remove it from the export
					unset( $order );
				unset( $order_items );

			// Filter Orders by Shipping Method
			if( $shipping ) {
				$shipping_id = woo_ce_get_order_assoc_shipping_method_id( $order->id );
				if( !in_array( $shipping_id, $shipping ) ) {
					unset( $order );
				unset( $shipping_id );

			$orders[] = $order_id;

			// Mark this Order as exported if Since last export Date filter is used
			if( $order_dates_filter == 'last_export' ) {
				update_post_meta( $order_id, '_woo_cd_exported', 1 );
				// Add an Order Note
				$note = __( 'Order was exported successfully.', 'woo_ce' );
				$order->add_order_note( $note );
				unset( $note );

		$export->total_rows = count( $orders );
		unset( $order_ids, $order_id );
	switch( $export_type ) {

		case 'order':
			if( WOO_CD_DEBUG !== true ) {
				if( $order_dates_filter == 'last_export' ) {
					// Save the Order ID's list to a WordPress Transient incase the export fails
					woo_ce_update_option( 'exported', $orders );
			return $orders;

		case 'customer':
			$customers = array();
			if( !empty( $orders ) ) {
				foreach( $orders as $order_id ) {
					$order = woo_ce_get_order_data( $order_id, 'customer', $export->args );
					if( $duplicate_key = woo_ce_is_duplicate_customer( $customers, $order ) ) {
						$customers[$duplicate_key]->total_spent = $customers[$duplicate_key]->total_spent + woo_ce_format_price( get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_total', true ) );
						if( strtolower( $order->payment_status ) == 'completed' )
					} else {
						$customers[$order_id] = $order;
						$customers[$order_id]->total_spent = woo_ce_format_price( get_post_meta( $order_id, '_order_total', true ) );
						$customers[$order_id]->completed_orders = 0;
						if( strtolower( $order->payment_status ) == 'completed' )
							$customers[$order_id]->completed_orders = 1;
						$customers[$order_id]->total_orders = 1;
			return $customers;

