예제 #1
	function form( $instance ) {
		extract( $instance );
		$title    = ( isset( $title ) ) ? ( $title ) : ( null );
		$type     = ( isset( $type ) ) ? ( $type ) : ( null );
		$category = ( isset( $category ) ) ? ( $category ) : ( null );
		$count    = ( isset( $count ) && 0 < absint( $count ) ) ? ( absint( $count ) ) : ( 6 );
		$layout   = ( isset( $layout ) ) ? ( $layout ) : ( null );

		//HTML to display widget settings form
		<p class="wm-desc"><?php _e( 'Displays list of projects from all or specific categories.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></p>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Title:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'List type:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<select class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'type' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>">
				$options = array(
					'rand' => __( 'Random items', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					'date' => __( 'Recent items', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
				foreach ( $options as $optId => $option ) {
					<option <?php echo 'value="'. $optId . '" '; selected( $type, $optId ); ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'category' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Projects source (category):', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<select class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'category' ); ?>[]" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'category' ); ?>" multiple="multiple">
				$options = wm_tax_array( array(
						'allCountPost' => 'wm_projects',
						'allText'      => __( 'All projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'parentsOnly'  => true,
						'return'       => 'term_id',
						'tax'          => 'project-category',
					) );
				foreach ( $options as $optId => $option ) {
					<option <?php echo 'value="'. $optId . '" ';
					if ( is_array( $category ) && in_array( $optId, $category ) )
						echo 'selected="selected"';
					elseif ( ! is_array( $category ) )
						selected( $category, $optId );
					?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
			<small><?php _e( 'Hold down [CTRL] key for multiselection', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ?></small>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'count' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Projects count:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<input class="text-center" type="number" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'count' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'count' ); ?>" value="<?php echo $count; ?>" size="5" maxlength="2" />

			<input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'layout' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'layout' ); ?>" type="checkbox" <?php checked( $layout, 'on' ); ?>/>
			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'layout' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Display details', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label>
	} // /form
예제 #2
	function wm_meta_page_options() {
		global $portfolioLayout, $sidebarPosition, $websiteLayoutEmpty;

		$skin            = ( ! wm_option( 'design-skin' ) ) ? ( 'default.css' ) : ( wm_option( 'design-skin' ) );
		$prefix          = '';
		$prefixBg        = 'background-';
		$prefixBgHeading = 'heading-background-';
		$fontFile        = ( ! file_exists( WM_FONT . 'custom/config.json' ) ) ? ( WM_FONT . 'fontello/config.json' ) : ( WM_FONT . 'custom/config.json' );
		$fontIcons       = wm_fontello_classes( $fontFile );

		//Get icons
		$menuIcons = array();
		$menuIcons[''] = __( '- select icon -', 'lespaul_domain_adm' );
		foreach ( $fontIcons as $icon ) {
			$menuIcons[$icon] = ucwords( str_replace( '-', ' ', substr( $icon, 4 ) ) );

		$widgetsButtons = ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) ? ( '<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'widgets.php">' . __( 'Manage widget areas', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a> <a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=' . WM_THEME_SHORTNAME . '-options">' . __( 'Create new widget areas', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>' ) : ( '' );

		//Page settings
		$metaPageOptions = $availableSliders = array();

		$availableSliders['none']     = __( '- no slider -', 'lespaul_domain_adm' );
		$availableSliders['video']    = __( 'Video', 'lespaul_domain_adm' );
		$availableSliders['static']   = __( 'Static featured image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' );
		if ( ! wm_option( 'slider-custom-remove' ) )
			$availableSliders['custom'] = __( 'Custom slider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' );

		//Redirect settings
		if ( ! wm_option( 'contents-page-template-redirect-php' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"type" => "section-open",
					"section-id" => "redirect-section",
					"title" => __( 'Redirect', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"onlyfor" => array( 'page-template/redirect.php' )
						"type" => "box",
						"content" => __( 'No page content will be displayed. The page will be automatically redirected to URL set below.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),

						"type" => "text",
						"id" => $prefix."redirect-link",
						"label" => __( 'Redirect link', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'URL where the page will be automatically redirected to', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"validate" => "url"
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."redirect-page",
						"label" => __( '...or choose a page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Select a page to redirect to', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => wm_pages(),
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."redirect-status",
						"label" => __( 'Redirect status', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Select which redirect method to use', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'301' => __( 'Permanent redirect (301)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'302' => __( 'Temporary redirect (302)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"type" => "section-close"

		//Map settings
		if ( ! wm_option( 'contents-page-template-map-php' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"type" => "section-open",
					"section-id" => "map-section",
					"title" => __( 'Map', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"onlyfor" => array( 'page-template/map.php' )
						"type" => "box",
						"content" => '
							<h4>' . __( 'This page will display a map', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>
							' . sprintf( __( 'View map page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-map.png" class="fancybox"' ),

						"type" => "additems",
						"id" => $prefix."map-gps",
						"label" => __( 'Map locations GPS and info', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Insert the GPS geographic coordinates into first field (latitude and longitude separated with comma "40.123, -73.123") and location info into second field (you can use HTML) The location info will be displayed after clicking the location marker.<br />The first location coordinates will be used to center the map. If you do not want to display the map centering marker, insert "-" (minus sign) into first location info field.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '<br /><a href="http://webmandesign.eu/getgps/" class="fancybox iframe">' . __( 'You can use external app to find geographic coordinates.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>',
						"field-labels" => array( __( 'Location GPS', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), __( 'Location info text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ),
						"field" => "attributes"

						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."map-center",
						"label" => __( 'Always center map on location', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Map will always center the first GPS location even after dragging', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"value" => 1
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."map-style",
						"label" => __( 'Use default map styling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets default Google Map styling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '<br /><br />',
						"value" => "default"
						"type" => "slider",
						"id" => $prefix."map-zoom",
						"label" => __( 'Map zoom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Map zoom on location', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => 10,
						"min" => 1,
						"max" => 19,
						"step" => 1,
						"validate" => "absint"
						"type" => "slider",
						"id" => $prefix."map-height",
						"label" => __( 'Map height', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets map height in pixels', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => 300,
						"min" => 100,
						"max" => 1000,
						"step" => 10,
						"validate" => "absint"
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."map-top",
						"label" => __( 'Map beneath header', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'You can move map beneath the website header just by selecting the option below', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"type" => "section-close"

		//Blog section
		if ( ! wm_option( 'contents-home-php' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"type" => "section-open",
					"section-id" => "blog-section",
					"title" => __( 'Blog', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"onlyfor" => array( 'blog-page', 'home.php' )
						"type" => "box",
						"content" => '
							<h4>' . __( 'This page will display blog posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>
							<p>' . sprintf( __( 'View blog page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-blog.png" class="fancybox"' ) . ' ' . __( 'The actual content of the page will be displayed above blog posts list. You can set blog posts list options below.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</p>
							<a class="button-primary confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'post-new.php">' . __( 'Add new post', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>
							<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'edit.php">' . __( 'Edit posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>
							<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=category">' . __( 'Edit post categories', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>
							<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=post_tag">' . __( 'Edit post tags', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>

						"type" => "slider",
						"id" => $prefix."blog-posts-count",
						"label" => __( 'Number of posts to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the number of posts listed on this page only. Other archives will display posts according to WordPress settings. <br />Value of "-1" will display all posts. When you set the value of "0", WordPress settings are applied.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => get_option( 'posts_per_page' ),
						"min" => -1,
						"max" => 25,
						"step" => 1,
						"validate" => "int"
						"type" => "hr"

						"type" => "additems",
						"id" => $prefix."blog-cats",
						"label" => __( 'Posts source', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'You can choose to display all posts or posts from specific categories. <br />Press [+] button to add a category and select the category name from dropdown list.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "0",
						"field" => "select",
						"options" => wm_tax_array()
						"conditional" => array(
							"field" => $prefix."blog-cats",
							"value" => "",
							"type" => "not"
						"type" => "radio",
						"id" => $prefix."blog-cats-action",
						"label" => __( 'Exclude / use categories', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Choose whether above categories should be excluded or used (does not apply on "All posts")', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'category__in'     => __( 'Posts just from these categories', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'category__not_in' => __( 'Exclude posts from these categories', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						"default" => "category__in"
						"type" => "hr"

						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."blog-layout",
						"label" => __( 'Blog layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the blog posts list layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
								""                   => __( 'Media on top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								" media-left"        => __( 'Media left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								" media-right"       => __( 'Media right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								" zigzag"            => __( 'Zigzag', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								" masonry-container" => __( 'Masonry (Pinterest style)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => ""
						"conditional" => array(
							"field" => $prefix."blog-layout",
							"value" => " masonry-container",
						"type" => "slider",
						"id" => $prefix."blog-masonry-size",
						"label" => __( 'Number of columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the number of post columns for masonry blog layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => 3,
						"min" => 2,
						"max" => 4,
						"step" => 1,
						"validate" => "absint"
					"type" => "section-close"

		//Portfolio settings
		if ( 'disable' != wm_option( 'cp-role-projects' ) && ! wm_option( 'contents-page-template-portfolio-php' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"type" => "section-open",
					"section-id" => "portfolio-section",
					"title" => __( 'Portfolio', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"onlyfor" => array( 'page-template/portfolio.php' )
						"type" => "box",
						"content" => '
							<h4>' . __( 'This page will display portfolio of your projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>
							<p>' . sprintf( __( 'View portfolio page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-portfolio.png" class="fancybox"' ) . ' ' . __( 'The actual content of the page will be displayed above projects list. You can set projects list options below.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</p>
							<a class="button-primary confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'post-new.php?post_type=wm_projects">' . __( 'Add new project', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>
							<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'edit.php?post_type=wm_projects">' . __( 'Edit projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>
							<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'edit-tags.php?taxonomy=project-category&amp;post_type=wm_projects">' . __( 'Edit project categories', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a>

						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."portfolio-category",
						"label" => __( 'Projects main category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Select whether to display all projects or just the ones from specific main category (only first level categories can be chosen)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => wm_tax_array( array(
								'allCountPost' => 'wm_projects',
								'allText'      => __( 'All projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'parentsOnly'  => true,
								'tax'          => 'project-category',
							) ),
						"default" => ""
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."portfolio-filter",
						"label" => __( 'Display filter', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Use animated filtering on the projects list', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						"type" => "space",
						"type" => "slider",
						"id" => $prefix."portfolio-count",
						"label" => __( 'Number of projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'This will affect the number of projects listed on the page. Set "-1" to display all items, set "0" to use default WordPress settings.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => get_option( 'posts_per_page' ),
						"min" => -1,
						"max" => 32,
						"step" => 1,
						"validate" => "int"
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."portfolio-pagination",
						"label" => __( 'Display pagination', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'By default the pagination on projects list is disabled. You can enable it with this setting.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						"type" => "space",
						"type" => "layouts",
						"id" => $prefix."portfolio-columns",
						"label" => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Choose how many columns should the projects list be split to', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => $portfolioLayout,
						"default" => ""
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."portfolio-order",
						"label" => __( 'List ordering', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Choose how projects should be ordered', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'new'    => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'name'   => __( 'Alphabetically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'random' => __( 'Random selection', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
					"type" => "section-close"

		//Landing page settings
		if ( ! wm_option( 'contents-page-template-landing-php' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"type" => "section-open",
					"section-id" => "landing-section",
					"title" => __( 'Landing page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"onlyfor" => array( 'page-template/landing.php' )
						"type" => "box",
						"content" => '
							<h4>' . __( 'This is a special landing page layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>
							<p>' . sprintf( __( 'View landing page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-landing.png" class="fancybox"' ) . ' ' . __( 'Please note that a new navigation menu location was created for this page. This allows you to display diferent menu on this page as oppose to the rest of the website. If no menu assigned, only logo and header text area (set below) will be displayed in header.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</p>
							<a class="button confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'nav-menus.php">' . __( 'Assign a menu to', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ' <strong>"' . get_the_title() . '" ' . __( 'page navigation', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</strong></a>

						"type" => "textarea",
						"id" => $prefix."landing-header-right",
						"label" => __( 'Header text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Text in area right from logo in website header. You can use (C) to display &copy; sign, (R) for &reg;, (TM) for &trade;, YEAR for current year or SEARCH to display a search form.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => wm_option( 'header-right' ),
						"cols" => 60,
						"validate" => "lineBreakHTML",
						"rows" => 5
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."landing-above-footer-widgets",
						"label" => __( 'Above footer widgets area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets above footer widgets area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => wm_widget_areas(),
						"default" => ""
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."landing-footer-widgets",
						"label" => __( 'Footer widgets area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets footer widgets area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => wm_widget_areas(),
						"default" => ""
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "textarea",
						"id" => $prefix."landing-credits",
						"label" => __( 'Credits / copyright text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Leave empty to display default text. Use (C) to display &copy; sign, (R) for &reg;, (TM) for &trade; or YEAR for current year.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"cols" => 60,
						"validate" => "lineBreakHTML",
						"rows" => 3
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "textarea",
						"id" => $prefix."landing-tracking",
						"label" => __( 'Custom tracking code', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Google Analytics custom tracking code (the default one will be replaced) - include <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> HTML tag', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"validate" => "lineBreakSpace",
						"class" => "code",
						"cols" => 60,
						"rows" => 3
					"type" => "section-close"

		//Under construction settings
		if ( ! wm_option( 'contents-page-template-construction-php' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"type" => "section-open",
					"section-id" => "construction-section",
					"title" => __( 'Under construction', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"onlyfor" => array( 'page-template/construction.php' )
						"type" => "box",
						"content" => '
							<h4>' . __( 'Countdown timer will be displayed on this page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>
							<p>' . sprintf( __( 'View under construction page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-under-construction.png" class="fancybox"' ) . ' ' . __( 'The page displays information of when your website is about to be lounched. You can set the date, when it is planned to go live and the countdown timer will be displayed.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</p>
							<a class="button-primary confirm" href="' . get_admin_url() . 'options-reading.php">' . __( 'Set this page as homepage', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</a> (' . __( 'do not forget to <strong>save/update the page first</strong>', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ')
						"type" => "datepicker",
						"id" => $prefix."construction-date",
						"label" => __( 'Date', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set the date when the website will be ready', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"class" => "future"
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."construction-time",
						"label" => __( 'Optional time', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set the exact hour when the website will be ready', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
								"00:00" => "00:00",
								"01:00" => "01:00",
								"02:00" => "02:00",
								"03:00" => "03:00",
								"04:00" => "04:00",
								"05:00" => "05:00",
								"06:00" => "06:00",
								"07:00" => "07:00",
								"08:00" => "08:00",
								"09:00" => "09:00",
								"10:00" => "10:00",
								"11:00" => "11:00",
								"12:00" => "12:00",
								"13:00" => "13:00",
								"14:00" => "14:00",
								"15:00" => "15:00",
								"16:00" => "16:00",
								"17:00" => "17:00",
								"18:00" => "18:00",
								"19:00" => "19:00",
								"20:00" => "20:00",
								"21:00" => "21:00",
								"22:00" => "22:00",
								"23:00" => "23:00"
						"default" => "00:00"
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "textarea",
						"id" => $prefix."construction-header-right",
						"label" => __( 'Header text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Text in area right from logo in website header. You can use (C) to display &copy; sign, (R) for &reg;, (TM) for &trade;, YEAR for current year or SEARCH to display a search form.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => wm_option( 'header-right' ),
						"validate" => "lineBreakHTML",
						"cols" => 60,
						"rows" => 5
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."construction-timer-widgets",
						"label" => __( 'Below timer widgets area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the widget area below countdown timer', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => wm_widget_areas(),
						"default" => ""
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "textarea",
						"id" => $prefix."construction-credits",
						"label" => __( 'Credits / copyright text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Leave empty to display default text. Use (C) to display &copy; sign, (R) for &reg;, (TM) for &trade; or YEAR for current year.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"validate" => "lineBreakHTML",
						"cols" => 60,
						"rows" => 3
					"type" => "section-close"

		array_push( $metaPageOptions,

			//General settings
				"type" => "section-open",
				"section-id" => "general-section",
				"title" => __( 'General', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
				"exclude" => array( 'page-template/construction.php', 'page-template/redirect.php' )
				//default page tpl
						"id" => "pagetemplate-default",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-open"
							"type" => "box",
							"content" => sprintf( __( 'View default page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-default.png" class="fancybox"' )
						"conditional" => array(
							"field" => "page_template",
							"value" => "default"
						"id" => "pagetemplate-default",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"

				//sections page tpl
						"id" => "pagetemplate-sections",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-open"
							"type" => "box",
							"content" => sprintf( __( 'View sections page <a %1s>layout structure</a>. Please note that you have to use the %2s shortcode to wrap content on this page template. Otherwise the page layout may be broken.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-sections.png" class="fancybox"', '<code>[section class="TEXT"&#93; TEXT [/section&#93;</code>' )
						"conditional" => array(
							"field" => "page_template",
							"value" => "page-template/sections.php"
						"id" => "pagetemplate-sections",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"

				//sitemap page tpl
						"id" => "pagetemplate-sitemap",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-open"
							"type" => "box",
							"content" => sprintf( __( 'View sitemap page <a %s>layout structure</a>.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'href="' . WM_ASSETS_ADMIN . 'img/layouts/page-sitemap.png" class="fancybox"' )
						"conditional" => array(
							"field" => "page_template",
							"value" => "page-template/sitemap.php"
						"id" => "pagetemplate-sitemap",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"

					"type" => "checkbox",
					"id" => $prefix."no-heading",
					"label" => __( 'Disable main heading', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"desc" => __( 'Hides post/page main heading - the title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"value" => "true"
						"type" => "space"
						"type" => "textarea",
						"id" => $prefix."subheading",
						"label" => __( 'Subtitle', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'If defined, the specially styled subtitle will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"validate" => "lineBreakHTML",
						"rows" => 2,
						"cols" => 57
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."main-heading-alignment",
						"label" => __( 'Main heading alignment', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set the text alignment in main heading area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
								""       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								"left"   => __( 'Left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								"center" => __( 'Center', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								"right"  => __( 'Right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => ""
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."main-heading-icon",
						"label" => __( 'Main heading icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Select an icon to display in main heading area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => $menuIcons,
						"icons" => true
					"type" => "hr"

					"type" => "checkbox",
					"id" => $prefix."toggle-header-position",
					"label" => __( 'Toggle header position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"desc" => __( 'Sticks the header to the top when it is not and vice versa (sticky header is not used when slider or map is beneath it)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"value" => "true"

					"id" => $prefix."general-settings-not-on-landing",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-open"

			if ( is_active_sidebar( 'top-bar-widgets' ) )
				array_push( $metaPageOptions,
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."no-top-bar",
						"label" => __( 'Disable top bar', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Disables top bar widget area on this page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"value" => "true"

			if ( 'none' != wm_option( 'general-breadcrumbs' ) )
				array_push( $metaPageOptions,
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."breadcrumbs",
						"label" => __( 'Disable breadcrumbs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Disables breadcrumbs navigation on this page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"value" => "true"

			if ( is_active_sidebar( 'above-footer-widgets' ) )
				array_push( $metaPageOptions,
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefix."no-above-footer-widgets",
						"label" => __( 'Disable widgets above footer', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Hides widget area above footer', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"value" => "true"

			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => "attachments-list",
						"label" => __( 'Display post attachments list', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Displays links to download all post attachments except images', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"value" => "true"
					"conditional" => array(
						"field" => "page_template",
						"value" => "page-template/landing.php",
						"type" => "not"
					"id" => $prefix."general-settings-not-on-landing",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"
					"type" => "hr"

					"type" => "layouts",
					"id" => $prefix."boxed",
					"label" => __( 'Page layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"desc" => __( 'Choose layout for this page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"options" => $websiteLayoutEmpty

			if ( wm_option( 'access-client-area' ) )
			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
					"id" => $prefix."not-on-landing",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-open"
						"type" => "hr"
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefix."restrict-access",
						"label" => __( 'Restrict access', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Restricts access to certain users or user groups', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => wm_users(),
						"optgroups" => true
					"conditional" => array(
						"field" => "page_template",
						"value" => "page-template/map.php,page-template/portfolio.php,page-template/sections.php,page-template/sitemap.php,default",
					"id" => $prefix."not-on-landing",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"

			array_push( $metaPageOptions,
				"type" => "section-close"

			//Slider settings
				"type" => "section-open",
				"section-id" => "slider-section",
				"title" => __( 'Slider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
				"exclude" => array( 'page-template/redirect.php', 'page-template/map.php' )
					"type" => "box",
					"content" => '
						<h4>' . __( 'Choose what slider to display on this page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>
						' . __( 'You can display in a slider area any slider (plugin) that supports insertion by shortcode.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),

					"type" => "select",
					"id" => $prefix."slider-type",
					"label" => __( 'Enable slider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"desc" => __( 'Select a slider type from the dropdown list below', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"options" => $availableSliders,
					"default" => "none"

						"id" => $prefix."slider-settings",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-open"

							"conditional" => array(
								"field" => $prefix."slider-type",
								"value" => "static"
							"type" => "checkbox",
							"id" => $prefix."slider-static-stretch",
							"label" => __( 'Stretch (fit) the image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"desc" => __( 'Image fits the full website width', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '<br /><br />',
							"value" => "fullwidth"

							"conditional" => array(
								"field" => $prefix."slider-type",
								"value" => "video"
							"type" => "text",
							"id" => $prefix."slider-video-url",
							"label" => __( 'Video URL', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"desc" => sprintf( __( 'Enter full video URL (<a%s>supported video portals</a> and Screenr videos only)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), ' href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds#Okay.2C_So_What_Sites_Can_I_Embed_From.3F" target="_blank"' ) . '<br />' . __( 'If you set featured image, it will be used as video cover image. The video starts to play after clicking the image (for Vimeo and YouTube videos only).', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"validate" => "url"

							"conditional" => array(
								"field" => $prefix."slider-type",
								"value" => "custom"
							"type" => "text",
							"id" => $prefix."slider-custom-shortcode",
							"label" => __( 'Custom slider shortcode', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"desc" => __( 'Most of custom slider plugins let you display the slider using shortcode. Please, insert such slider shortcode into this text field. The slider will then be displayed in main slider area of the website.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),

							"conditional" => array(
								"field" => $prefix."slider-type",
								"value" => "custom"
							"type" => "checkbox",
							"id" => $prefix."slider-width",
							"label" => __( 'Fit website width', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"desc" => __( 'Stretches the slider full website width', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '<br /><br />',
							"value" => "fullwidth"

							"type" => "color",
							"id" => $prefix."slider-bg-color",
							"label" => __( 'Slider background color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"desc" => __( 'Sets the custom slider background color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"validate" => "color",
							"default" => ""
							"type" => "checkbox",
							"id" => $prefix."slider-top",
							"label" => __( 'Slider beneath header', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							"desc" => __( 'You can move slider beneath the website header just by selecting the option below', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),

						"conditional" => array(
							"field" => $prefix."slider-type",
							"value" => "static,video,custom"
						"id" => $prefix."slider-settings",
						"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"
				"type" => "section-close"

			//Sidebar settings
				"type" => "section-open",
				"section-id" => "sidebar-section",
				"title" => __( 'Sidebar', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
				"exclude" => array( 'page-template/sitemap.php', 'page-template/construction.php', 'page-template/redirect.php', 'page-template/sections.php' )
					"type" => "box",
					"content" => '<h4>' . __( 'Choose a sidebar and its position on the post/page', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '</h4>' . $widgetsButtons,

					"type" => "layouts",
					"id" => $prefix."layout",
					"label" => __( 'Sidebar position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"desc" => __( 'Choose a sidebar position on the post/page (set the first one to use the theme default settings)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"options" => $sidebarPosition,
					"default" => ""
					"type" => "select",
					"id" => $prefix."sidebar",
					"label" => __( 'Choose a sidebar', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"desc" => __( 'Select a widget area used as a sidebar for this post/page (if not set, the dafault theme settings will apply)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					"options" => wm_widget_areas(),
					"default" => ""
				"type" => "section-close"

			//Design - website background settings
				"type" => "section-open",
				"section-id" => "background-settings",
				"title" => __( 'Backgrounds', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
				"exclude" => array( 'page-template/redirect.php' )
					"type" => "heading4",
					"content" => __( 'Main heading area background', 'lespaul_domain_panel' )
					"id" => $prefix."bg-heading",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-open",
					"class" => "toggle box"
						"type" => "slider",
						"id" => $prefixBgHeading."padding",
						"label" => __( 'Section padding', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Top and bottom padding size applied on the section (leave zero for default)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => 0,
						"min" => 1,
						"max" => 100,
						"step" => 1,
						"validate" => "absint"
						"type" => "color",
						"id" => $prefixBgHeading."color",
						"label" => __( 'Text color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the custom main heading text color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"validate" => "color"
						"type" => "color",
						"id" => $prefixBgHeading."bg-color",
						"label" => __( 'Background color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the custom main heading background color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"validate" => "color"
						"type" => "image",
						"id" => $prefixBgHeading."bg-img-url",
						"label" => __( 'Custom background image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'To upload a new image, press the [+] button and use the Media Uploader as you would be adding an image into post', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"readonly" => true,
						"imgsize" => 'mobile'
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefixBgHeading."bg-img-position",
						"label" => __( 'Background image position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set background image position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'50% 50%'   => __( 'Center', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'50% 0'     => __( 'Center horizontally, top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'50% 100%'  => __( 'Center horizontally, bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'0 0'       => __( 'Left, top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'0 50%'     => __( 'Left, center vertically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'0 100%'    => __( 'Left, bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'100% 0'    => __( 'Right, top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'100% 50%'  => __( 'Right, center vertically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'100% 100%' => __( 'Right, bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => '50% 0'
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefixBgHeading."bg-img-repeat",
						"label" => __( 'Background image repeat', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set background image repeating', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'no-repeat' => __( 'Do not repeat', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'repeat'    => __( 'Repeat', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'repeat-x'  => __( 'Repeat horizontally', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'repeat-y'  => __( 'Repeat vertically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						"default" => 'no-repeat'
					"id" => $prefix."bg-heading",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"

					"type" => "heading4",
					"content" => __( 'Page background', 'lespaul_domain_panel' )
					"id" => $prefix."bg",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-open",
					"class" => "toggle box"
						"type" => "color",
						"id" => $prefixBg."bg-color",
						"label" => __( 'Background color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Sets the custom website background color.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '<br />' . __( 'Please always set this to reset any possible background styles applied on main HTML element.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"validate" => "color"
						"type" => "image",
						"id" => $prefixBg."bg-img-url",
						"label" => __( 'Custom background image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'To upload a new image, press the [+] button and use the Media Uploader as you would be adding an image into post', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => "",
						"readonly" => true,
						"imgsize" => 'mobile'
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefixBg."bg-img-position",
						"label" => __( 'Background image position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set background image position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'50% 50%'   => __( 'Center', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'50% 0'     => __( 'Center horizontally, top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'50% 100%'  => __( 'Center horizontally, bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'0 0'       => __( 'Left, top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'0 50%'     => __( 'Left, center vertically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'0 100%'    => __( 'Left, bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'100% 0'    => __( 'Right, top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'100% 50%'  => __( 'Right, center vertically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'100% 100%' => __( 'Right, bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"default" => '50% 0'
						"type" => "select",
						"id" => $prefixBg."bg-img-repeat",
						"label" => __( 'Background image repeat', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set background image repeating', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'no-repeat' => __( 'Do not repeat', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'repeat'    => __( 'Repeat', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'repeat-x'  => __( 'Repeat horizontally', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'repeat-y'  => __( 'Repeat vertically', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						"default" => 'no-repeat'
						"type" => "radio",
						"id" => $prefixBg."bg-img-attachment",
						"label" => __( 'Background image attachment', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Set background image attachment', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"options" => array(
							'fixed'  => __( 'Fixed position', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'scroll' => __( 'Move on scrolling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						"default" => 'fixed'
						"type" => "checkbox",
						"id" => $prefixBg."bg-img-fit-window",
						"label" => __( 'Fit browser window width', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"desc" => __( 'Makes the image to scale to browser window width. Note that background image position and repeat options does not apply when this is checked.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						"value" => "true"
					"id" => $prefix."bg",
					"type" => "inside-wrapper-close"
				"type" => "section-close"


		return $metaPageOptions;
예제 #3
	public function form( $instance ) {
		extract( $instance );
		$title         = ( isset( $title ) ) ? ( $title ) : ( null );
		$type          = ( isset( $type ) ) ? ( $type ) : ( null );
		$excerptLength = ( isset( $excerptLength ) ) ? ( absint( $excerptLength ) ) : ( 10 );
		$category      = ( isset( $category ) ) ? ( $category ) : ( null );
		$count         = ( isset( $count ) && 0 < absint( $count ) ) ? ( absint( $count ) ) : ( 5 );
		$date          = ( isset( $date ) ) ? ( $date ) : ( null );

		//HTML to display widget settings form
		<p class="wm-desc"><?php _e( 'Displays advanced posts list. You can set multiple post categories, just press [CTRL] key and click the category names.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ?><br /><?php _e( 'Please note that this widget does not display Quote and Status post formats.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ?></p>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Title:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ?></label><br />
			<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'List type:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<select class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'type' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'type' ); ?>">
				$options = array(
					'date,DESC,publish'          => __( 'Recent posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					'comment_count,DESC,publish' => __( 'Popular posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					'rand,DESC,publish'          => __( 'Random posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
					'date,DESC,future'           => __( 'Upcoming posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
				foreach ( $options as $optId => $option ) {
					<option <?php echo 'value="'. $optId . '" '; selected( $type, $optId ); ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'excerptLength' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Excerpt length in:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<select class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'excerptLength' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'excerptLength' ); ?>">
				$options = array(
					0  => 0,
					5  => 5,
					10 => 10,
					15 => 15,
					20 => 20,
					25 => 25,
					30 => 30,
					35 => 35,
					40 => 40
				foreach ( $options as $optId => $option ) {
					<option <?php echo 'value="'. $optId . '" '; selected( $excerptLength, $optId ); ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'category' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Posts source (category):', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label><br />
			<select class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'category' ); ?>[]" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'category' ); ?>" multiple="multiple">
				$options = wm_tax_array( array( 'return' => 'term_id' ) );
				foreach ( $options as $optId => $option ) {
					<option <?php echo 'value="'. $optId . '" ';
					if ( is_array( $category ) && in_array( $optId, $category ) )
						echo 'selected="selected"';
						selected( $category, $optId );
					?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
			<small><?php _e( 'Hold down [CTRL] key for multiselection', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ?></small>

			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'count' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Posts count:', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) ?></label><br />
			<input class="text-center" type="number" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'count' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'count' ); ?>" value="<?php echo $count; ?>" size="5" maxlength="2" />

			<input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'date' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'date' ); ?>" type="checkbox" <?php checked( $date, 'on' ); ?>/>
			<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'date' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Disable publish date', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ); ?></label>
	} // /form
예제 #4
		function wm_shortcode_generator_tabs() {
			global $socialIconsArray;

			$fontFile  = ( ! file_exists( WM_FONT . 'custom/config.json' ) ) ? ( WM_FONT . 'fontello/config.json' ) : ( WM_FONT . 'custom/config.json' );
			$fontIcons = wm_fontello_classes( $fontFile );

			//Get Content Module posts
			$wm_modules_posts = get_posts( array(
				'post_type'   => 'wm_modules',
				'order'       => 'ASC',
				'orderby'     => 'title',
				'numberposts' => -1,
				) );
			$modulePosts = array( '' => '' );
			foreach ( $wm_modules_posts as $post ) {
				$modulePosts[$post->post_name] = $post->post_title;

				$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'content-module-tag' );
				if ( ! is_wp_error( $terms ) && ! empty( $terms ) ) {
					$moduleTags = array();
					foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
						if ( isset( $term->name ) )
							$moduleTags[] = $term->name;
					$modulePosts[$post->post_name] .= sprintf( __( ' (tags: %s)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), implode( ', ', $moduleTags ) );

			//Get testimonials (quote posts)
			$wm_testimonial_posts = get_posts( array(
					'post_status' => array( 'private', 'publish' ),
					'order'       => 'ASC',
					'orderby'     => 'title',
					'numberposts' => -1,
					'tax_query'   => array( array(
						'taxonomy' => 'post_format',
						'field'    => 'slug',
						'terms'    => 'post-format-quote',
						) )
				) );
			$testimonialPosts = array( '' => '' );
			foreach ( $wm_testimonial_posts as $post ) {
				$testimonialPosts[$post->post_name] = $post->post_title;

				$cats = get_the_category( $post->ID );
				if ( $cats ) {
					$testimonialCats = array();
					foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
						if ( isset( $cat->name ) )
							$testimonialCats[] = $cat->name;
					$testimonialPosts[$post->post_name] .= ' (' . implode( ', ', $testimonialCats ) . ')';

			//Get icons
			$menuIcons = array();
			$menuIconsEmpty = array( '' => '' );
			foreach ( $fontIcons as $icon ) {
				$menuIcons[$icon] = ucwords( str_replace( '-', ' ', substr( $icon, 4 ) ) );

			$wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs = array(

						'id' => 'accordion',
						'name' => __( 'Accordion', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Please, copy the <code>[accordion_item title=""][/accordion_item]</code> sub-shortcode as many times as you need. But keep them wrapped in <code>[accordion][/accordion]</code> parent shortcode.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'auto' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Automatic accordion', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select whether the accordion should automatically animate. You can also set the automatic animation speed in miliseconds if you set a number greater than 1000 for this attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[accordion{{auto}}] [accordion_item title="TEXT"]TEXT[/accordion_item] [/accordion]'

						'id' => 'box',
						'name' => __( 'Box', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'color' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose box color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'blue'   => __( 'Blue', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'gray'   => __( 'Gray', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'green'  => __( 'Green', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'orange' => __( 'Orange', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'red'    => __( 'Red', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'icon' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose an icon for this box', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''         => __( 'No icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'cancel'   => __( 'Cancel icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'check'    => __( 'Check icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'info'     => __( 'Info icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'question' => __( 'Question icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'warning'  => __( 'Warning icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'title' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional box title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'transparent' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Opacity', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Whether box background is colored or not', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Opaque', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Transparent', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'hero' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Hero box', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Specially styled hero box', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Normal box', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Hero box', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[box{{color}}{{title}}{{icon}}{{transparent}}{{hero}}{{style}}]TEXT[/box]'

				//Big text
						'id' => 'big_text',
						'name' => __( 'Big text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[big_text{{style}}]TEXT[/big_text]'

						'id' => 'button',
						'name' => __( 'Button', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'url' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Link URL', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Button link URL address', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'color' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose button color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'blue'   => __( 'Blue', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'gray'   => __( 'Gray', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'green'  => __( 'Green', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'orange' => __( 'Orange', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'red'    => __( 'Red', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Button size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'm'  => __( 'Medium', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									's'  => __( 'Small', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'l'  => __( 'Large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'xl' => __( 'Extra large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'left'  => __( 'Left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'new_window' => array(
								'label' => __( 'New window', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Open URL address in new window when button clicked', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'icon' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Icon image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select optional button icon image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array_merge( $menuIconsEmpty, $menuIcons ),
								'image-before' => true,
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
							'id' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional HTML "id" parameter', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional HTML "id" parameter for additional custom styling or JavaScript actions.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[button{{url}}{{color}}{{size}}{{style}}{{align}}{{new_window}}{{icon}}{{id}}]TEXT[/button]'

				//Call to action
						'id' => 'cta',
						'name' => __( 'Call to action', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'title' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional call to action title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'subtitle' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional subtitle', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional call to action subtitle', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'button_url' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Button URL', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Button link URL address', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'button_text' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Button text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Button text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'button_color' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Button color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose button color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'blue'   => __( 'Blue', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'gray'   => __( 'Gray', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'green'  => __( 'Green', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'orange' => __( 'Orange', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'red'    => __( 'Red', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'new_window' => array(
								'label' => __( 'New window', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Open URL address in new window when button clicked', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'color' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Area color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose call to action area color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Transparent', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'blue'   => __( 'Blue', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'gray'   => __( 'Gray', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'green'  => __( 'Green', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'orange' => __( 'Orange', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'red'    => __( 'Red', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[call_to_action{{title}}{{subtitle}}{{button_text}}{{button_url}}{{button_color}}{{new_window}}{{color}}{{style}}]TEXT[/call_to_action]'

						'id' => 'columns',
						'name' => __( 'Columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Column size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select column size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'1OPTGROUP'   =>  __( 'Halfs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'1/2'      => '1/2',
										'1/2 last' => '1/2' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1/OPTGROUP'  => '',
									'2OPTGROUP'   =>  __( 'Thirds', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'1/3'      => '1/3',
										'1/3 last' => '1/3' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'2/3'      => '2/3',
										'2/3 last' => '2/3' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'2/OPTGROUP'  => '',
									'3OPTGROUP'   =>  __( 'Quarters', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'1/4'      => '1/4',
										'1/4 last' => '1/4' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'3/4'      => '3/4',
										'3/4 last' => '3/4' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'3/OPTGROUP'  => '',
									'4OPTGROUP'   =>  __( 'Fifths', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'1/5'      => '1/5',
										'1/5 last' => '1/5' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'2/5'      => '2/5',
										'2/5 last' => '2/5' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'3/5'      => '3/5',
										'3/5 last' => '3/5' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'4/5'      => '4/5',
										'4/5 last' => '4/5' . __( ' last in row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'4/OPTGROUP'  => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[column{{size}}]TEXT[/column]'

				//Content Modules
						'id' => 'content_module',
						'name' => __( 'Content Module', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'module' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Content Module', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select Content Module to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => $modulePosts
							'randomize' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Or randomize from', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a tag from where random content module will be chosen', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => '',
										'allText'      => __( 'Select tag', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'hierarchical' => '0',
										'tax'          => 'content-module-tag',
									) )
							'no_thumb' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Thumb', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select whether you want the thumbnail image to be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Show', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Hide', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
							'no_title' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select whether you want the module title to be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Show', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Hide', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
							'layout' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose which layout to use', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'center' => __( 'Centered', 'lespaul_domain_adm' )
						'output-shortcode' => '[content_module{{module}}{{randomize}}{{no_thumb}}{{no_title}}{{layout}} /]'

				//Countdown timer
						'id' => 'countdown',
						'name' => __( 'Countdown timer', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'time' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Time <small>YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm</small>', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Insert the time in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" format (Y = year, M = month, D = day, H = hours, m = minutes)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Timer size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select timer size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'xl' => __( 'Extra large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'l'  => __( 'Large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'm'  => __( 'Medium', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									's'  => __( 'Small', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[countdown{{time}}{{size}} /]'

						'id' => 'divider',
						'name' => __( 'Divider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'type' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Type of divider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''              => __( 'Default divider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'dashed'        => __( 'Dashed border', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'diagonal'      => __( 'Diagonal stripes border', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'dotted'        => __( 'Dotted border', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'fading'        => __( 'Fading on sides', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'star'          => __( 'Double border with star in the middle', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'shadow-top'    => __( 'Shadow top', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'shadow-bottom' => __( 'Shadow bottom', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'plain'         => __( 'No border (usefull to create a space)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'space_before' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Space before divider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Top margin. Insert only number.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'space_after' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Space after divider', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Bottom margin. Insert only number.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'opacity' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Opacity', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Percentual value of divider opacity - 0 = transparent, 100 = opaque', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''    => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'5'  => 5,
									'10' => 10,
									'15' => 15,
									'20' => 20,
									'25' => __( '25 = default value', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'30' => 30,
									'35' => 35,
									'40' => 40,
									'45' => 45,
									'50' => 50,
									'55' => 55,
									'60' => 60,
									'65' => 65,
									'70' => 70,
									'75' => 75,
									'80' => 80,
									'85' => 85,
									'90' => 90,
									'95' => 95,
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[divider{{type}}{{space_before}}{{space_after}}{{opacity}}{{style}} /]'

						'id' => 'dropcaps',
						'name' => __( 'Dropcaps', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'type' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Dropcap type', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select prefered dropcap styling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Basic dropcap', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'round'  => __( 'Rounded dropcap', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'square' => __( 'Squared dropcap', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'leaf'   => __( 'Leaf dropcap', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[dropcap{{type}}{{style}}]A[/dropcap]'

					'faq' => array(
						'id' => 'faq',
						'name' => __( 'FAQ', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'You can include a description of the list created with the shortcode. Just place the text between opening and closing shortcode tag.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'category' => array(
								'label' => __( 'FAQ category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a category from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => 'wm_faq',
										'allText'      => __( 'All FAQs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'tax'          => 'faq-category',
									) )
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select order in which items will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'name'   => __( 'By name', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'new'    => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'random' => __( 'Randomly', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Description align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Description text alignement (when used - it will disable the filter)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'left'  => __( 'Description text on the left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Description text on the right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[faq{{category}}{{order}}{{align}}][/faq]'

						'id' => 'gallery',
						'name' => __( 'Gallery', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Please upload images for the post/page gallery via "Add Media" button above visual editor.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'columns' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Number of gallery columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									1 => 1,
									2 => 2,
									3 => 3,
									4 => 4,
									5 => 5,
									6 => 6,
									7 => 7,
									8 => 8,
									9 => 9,
							'flexible' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Flexibile layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Preserves images aspect ratio and uses masonry display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'frame' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Framed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Display frame around images', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'remove' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Remove', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Image order numbers separated with commas (like "1,2,5" will remove first, second and fifth image from gallery)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'sardine' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Sardine', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Removes margins around images', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[gallery{{columns}}{{flexible}}{{frame}}{{remove}}{{sardine}} /]'

				//Huge text
						'id' => 'huge_text',
						'name' => __( 'Huge text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[huge_text{{style}}]TEXT[/huge_text]'

						'id' => 'icon',
						'name' => __( 'Icons', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Only predefined icons included in icon font can be displayed with this shortcode.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'type' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Icon type', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select one of predefined icons', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => $menuIcons,
								'image-before' => true,
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Icon size in pixels', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Insert just a number', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[icon{{type}}{{size}}{{style}} /]'

						'id' => 'lists',
						'name' => __( 'Lists', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'bullet' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Bullet type', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select list bullet type', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => $menuIcons,
								'image-before' => true,
						'output-shortcode' => '[list{{bullet}}]' . __( 'Unordered list goes here', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '[/list]'

				//Last update
						'id' => 'lastupdate',
						'name' => __( 'Last update', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Displays the date when most recent blog post or project was added.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'item' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Items to watch', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'What item group will be watched for last update date', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''        => __( 'Blog posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'project' => __( 'Projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'format' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Date format', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => "",
								'value' => array(
									get_option( 'date_format' ) => date( get_option( 'date_format' ) ),
									'F j, Y'                    => date( 'F j, Y' ),
									'M j, Y'                    => date( 'M j, Y' ),
									'jS F Y'                    => date( 'jS F Y' ),
									'jS M Y'                    => date( 'jS M Y' ),
									'j F Y'                     => date( 'j F Y' ),
									'j M Y'                     => date( 'j M Y' ),
									'j. n. Y'                   => date( 'j. n. Y' ),
									'j. F Y'                    => date( 'j. F Y' ),
									'j. M Y'                    => date( 'j. M Y' ),
									'Y/m/d'                     => date( 'Y/m/d' ),
									'm/d/Y'                     => date( 'm/d/Y' ),
									'd/m/Y'                     => date( 'd/m/Y' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[last_update{{format}}{{item}} /]'

				//Login form
						'id' => 'login',
						'name' => __( 'Login form', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'stay' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Redirection', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Where the user will be redirected to after successful log in', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Go to homepage', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Stay here', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[login{{stay}} /]'

					'logos' => array(
						'id' => 'logos',
						'name' => __( 'Logos', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'You can include a description of the list created with the shortcode. Just place the text between opening and closing shortcode tag.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'category' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Logos category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a category from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => 'wm_logos',
										'allText'      => __( 'All logos', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'tax'          => 'logos-category',
									) )
							'columns' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select number of columns to lay out the list', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'2' => __( '2 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'3' => __( '3 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'4' => __( '4 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'5' => __( '5 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'6' => __( '6 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'7' => __( '7 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'8' => __( '8 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'9' => __( '9 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'count' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Logo count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Number of items to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select order in which items will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'name'   => __( 'By name', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'new'    => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'random' => __( 'Randomly', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Description align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional list description alignement', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'left'  => __( 'Description text on the left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Description text on the right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'scroll' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Horizontal scroll', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'To enable automatic scroll insert a pause time in miliseconds (minimal value is 1000). To enable manual scroll just insert any text or a number from 1 to 999. Please note that "count" parameter should be greater than "columns" parameter for scroll to work.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'scroll_stack' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Scroll method', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Whether to scroll items one by one or the whole stack', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'One by one', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Stack', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'grayscale' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Grayscale', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'By default logo images are grayscale, turn to color when mouse hovers', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Keep grayscale', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'0' => __( 'Turn off', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[logos{{category}}{{columns}}{{count}}{{order}}{{align}}{{grayscale}}{{scroll}}{{scroll_stack}}][/logos]'

						'id' => 'marker',
						'name' => __( 'Marker', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'color' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose marker color', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'blue'   => __( 'Blue', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'gray'   => __( 'Gray', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'green'  => __( 'Green', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'orange' => __( 'Orange', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'red'    => __( 'Red', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[marker{{color}}{{style}}]TEXT[/marker]'

						'id' => 'posts',
						'name' => __( 'Posts', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Does not display Quote and Status posts. You can include a description of the list created with the shortcode. Just place the text between opening and closing shortcode tag.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'category' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Posts category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a category from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array()
							'columns' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select number of columns to lay out the list', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'2' => __( '2 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'3' => __( '3 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'4' => __( '4 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'5' => __( '5 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'6' => __( '6 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'count' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Posts count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Number of items to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
							'excerpt_length' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Excerpt length', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'In words', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => '',
									'0' => 0,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
									'16' => 16,
									'17' => 17,
									'18' => 18,
									'19' => 19,
									'20' => 20,
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select order in which items will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'name'   => __( 'By name', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'new'    => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'random' => __( 'Randomly', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Description align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional list description alignement', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'left'  => __( 'Description text on the left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Description text on the right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'scroll' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Horizontal scroll', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'To enable automatic scroll insert a pause time in miliseconds (minimal value is 1000). To enable manual scroll just insert any text or a number from 1 to 999. Please note that "count" parameter should be greater than "columns" parameter for scroll to work.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'scroll_stack' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Scroll method', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Whether to scroll items one by one or the whole stack', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'One by one', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Stack', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'thumb' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Thumbnail image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'0' => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[posts{{category}}{{columns}}{{count}}{{excerpt_length}}{{order}}{{align}}{{thumb}}{{scroll}}{{scroll_stack}}][/posts]'

				//Price table
					'prices' => array(
						'id' => 'price_table',
						'name' => __( 'Price Table', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'table' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Select table', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select price table to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => '',
										'allText'      => __( 'Select price table', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'hierarchical' => '0',
										'tax'          => 'price-table',
									) )
						'output-shortcode' => '[prices{{table}} /]'

					'projects' => array(
						'id' => 'projects',
						'name' => __( 'Projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'You can include a description of the list created with the shortcode. Just place the text between opening and closing shortcode tag. Filter will be disabled when scroll effect in use.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'category' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Projects category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a category from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => 'wm_projects',
										'allText'      => __( 'All projects', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'parentsOnly'  => true,
										'tax'          => 'project-category',
									) )
							'tag' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Projects tag (optional)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select an optional project tag from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => '',
										'allText'      => __( 'Any tag', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'parentsOnly'  => true,
										'tax'          => 'project-tag',
									) )
							'columns' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select number of columns to lay out the list', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'1' => __( '1 column', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'2' => __( '2 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'3' => __( '3 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'4' => __( '4 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'5' => __( '5 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'6' => __( '6 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'count' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Projects count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Number of items to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'' => __( 'All projects (in category)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select order in which items will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'name'   => __( 'By name', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'new'    => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'random' => __( 'Randomly', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Description align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional list description alignement', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'left'  => __( 'Description text on the left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Description text on the right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'filter' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Projects filter', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional projects filter', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'No filter', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Animated filtering', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'scroll' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Horizontal scroll', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'To enable automatic scroll insert a pause time in miliseconds (minimal value is 1000). To enable manual scroll just insert any text or a number from 1 to 999. Please note that "count" parameter should be greater than "columns" parameter for scroll to work.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . ' ' . __( 'Filter will be disabled when scroll in use.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'scroll_stack' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Scroll method', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Whether to scroll items one by one or the whole stack', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'One by one', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Stack', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'thumb' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Thumbnail image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'0' => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'excerpt_length' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Excerpt words count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
						'output-shortcode' => '[projects{{align}}{{filter}}{{columns}}{{count}}{{category}}{{order}}{{thumb}}{{scroll}}{{excerpt_length}}{{scroll_stack}}{{tag}}][/projects]'

				//Project attributes
					'projectAtts' => array(
						'id' => 'project_attributes',
						'name' => __( 'Project attributes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Use on project page only. Displays table of project attributes.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'title' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Attributes table title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
						'output-shortcode' => '[project_attributes{{title}} /]'

						'id' => 'pullquote',
						'name' => __( 'Pullquote', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose pullquote alignment', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'left'  => __( 'Left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[pullquote{{align}}{{style}}]TEXT[/pullquote]'

				//Raw / pre
						'id' => 'raw',
						'name' => __( 'Raw preformated text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'This shortcode has no settings.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(),
						'output-shortcode' => '[raw]TEXT[/raw]'

						'id' => 'screen',
						'name' => __( 'Screen', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'This shortcode will display content on specific screen sizes only.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Screen size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'desktop'             => __( 'Desktop', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'tablet'              => __( 'Tablet', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'min tablet'          => __( 'Minimum tablet', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'phone'               => __( 'Phone', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'phone landscape'     => __( 'Phone landscape', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'min phone landscape' => __( 'Minimum phone landscape', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'phone portrait'      => __( 'Phone portrait', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[screen{{size}}]TEXT[/screen]'

				//Search form
						'id' => 'search-form',
						'name' => __( 'Search form', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'This shortcode has no settings.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(),
						'output-shortcode' => '[search_form /]'

						'id' => 'section',
						'name' => __( 'Section', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Use on "Sections" page template only! This will split the page into sections. You can set a custom CSS class and then style the sections individually. You can use "alt" class for alternative section styling.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'class' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Class', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional CSS class name', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[section{{class}}{{style}}]TEXT[/section]'

				//Separator heading
						'id' => 'separator_heading',
						'name' => __( 'Separator heading', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Heading size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose one of HTML heading sizes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'' => __( 'Default size (2)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									1  => 1,
									2  => 2,
									3  => 3,
									4  => 4,
									5  => 5,
									6  => 6,
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose text alignment', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''         => __( 'Default (left)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'center'   => __( 'Center', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'opposite' => __( 'Opposite (right)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'type' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Type / styling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Choose separator heading styling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''        => __( 'Default (uniform)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'uniform' => __( 'Uniform - each heading is the same', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'normal'  => __( 'Normal - keeps heading styles', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'id' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Id attribute', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional HTML id attribute', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
						'output-shortcode' => '[separator_heading{{size}}{{align}}{{type}}{{id}}]TEXT[/separator_heading]'

				//Small text
						'id' => 'small_text',
						'name' => __( 'Small text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional CSS style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Custom CSS rules inserted into "style" attribute.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => '',
						'output-shortcode' => '[small_text{{style}}]TEXT[/small_text]'

				//Social icons
						'id' => 'social',
						'name' => __( 'Social', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'url' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Link URL', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Social icon link URL address', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'icon' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select icon to be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array_combine( $socialIconsArray, $socialIconsArray )
							'title' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Title text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'This text will be displayed when mouse hovers over the icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'size' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Icon size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select icon size', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									's'  => __( 'Small', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'm'  => __( 'Medium', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'l'  => __( 'Large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'xl' => __( 'Extra large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'rel' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Optional link relation', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'This will set up the link "rel" HTML attribute', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
						'output-shortcode' => '[social{{url}}{{icon}}{{title}}{{size}}{{rel}} /]'

					'staff' => array(
						'id' => 'staff',
						'name' => __( 'Staff', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'You can include a description of the list created with the shortcode. Just place the text between opening and closing shortcode tag.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'department' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Department', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a department from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array(
										'allCountPost' => 'wm_staff',
										'allText'      => __( 'All staff', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
										'tax'          => 'department',
									) )
							'columns' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select number of columns to lay out the list', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'2' => __( '2 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'3' => __( '3 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'4' => __( '4 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'5' => __( '5 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'6' => __( '6 columns', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'count' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Staff count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Number of items to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
									'16' => 16,
									'17' => 17,
									'18' => 18,
									'19' => 19,
									'20' => 20,
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select order in which items will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Default', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'name'   => __( 'By name', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'new'    => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'random' => __( 'Randomly', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'align' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Description align', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional list description alignement', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'left'  => __( 'Description text on the left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'right' => __( 'Description text on the right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'thumb' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Thumbnail image', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'0' => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[staff{{department}}{{columns}}{{count}}{{order}}{{align}}{{thumb}}][/staff]'

						'id' => 'subpages',
						'name' => __( 'Subpages', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'depth' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Hierarchy levels', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select the depth of page hierarchy to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'0' => __( 'All levels', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									'menu'  => __( 'By menu order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'title' => __( 'By title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'parents' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Display parents?', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[subpages{{depth}}{{order}}{{parents}} /]'

						'id' => 'table',
						'name' => __( 'Table', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'For simple data tables use the shortcode below.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ) . '<br />' . __( 'However, if you require more control over your table you can use sub-shortcodes for table row (<code>[trow][/trow]</code> or <code>[trow_alt][/trow_alt]</code> for alternatively styled table row), table cell (<code>[tcell][/tcell]</code>) and table heading cell (<code>[tcell_heading][/tcell_heading]</code>). All wrapped in <code>[table][/table]</code> parent shortcode.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'cols' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Heading row', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Titles of columns, separated with separator character. This is required to determine the number of columns for the table.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'data' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Table data', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Table cells data separated with separator character. Will be automatically aligned into columns (depending on "Heading row" setting).', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
							'separator' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Separator character', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Individual table cell data separator used in previous input fields', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ';'
							'heading_col' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Heading column', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'If you wish to display a whole column of the table as a heading, set its order number here', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => '',
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10
							'class' => array(
								'label' => __( 'CSS class', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Optional custom css class applied on the table HTML tag', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
						'output-shortcode' => '[table{{class}}{{cols}}{{data}}{{separator}}{{heading_col}} /]'

						'id' => 'tabs',
						'name' => __( 'Tabs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'Please, copy the <code>[tab title="" icon=""][/tab]</code> sub-shortcode as many times as you need. But keep them wrapped in <code>[tabs][/tabs]</code> parent shortcode.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'type' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Tabs type', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select tabs styling', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''              => __( 'Normal tabs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'fullwidth'     => __( 'Full width tabs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'vertical'      => __( 'Vertical tabs', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'vertical tour' => __( 'Vertical tabs - tour', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'icon' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Tab icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select optional tab icon', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array_merge( $menuIconsEmpty, $menuIcons ),
								'image-before' => true,
						'output-shortcode' => '[tabs{{type}}] [tab title="TEXT"{{icon}}]TEXT[/tab] [/tabs]'

					'testimonials' => array(
						'id' => 'testimonials',
						'name' => __( 'Testimonials', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'This shortcode will display Quote posts. If featured image of the post set, it will be used as quoted person photo (please upload square images only).', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'category' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a category from where the list will be populated', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_tax_array( array( 'allText' =>  __( 'select category', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), 'allCountPost' => '' ) )
							'count' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Testimonials count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Number of items to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'1' => 1,
									'2' => 2,
									'3' => 3,
									'4' => 4,
									'5' => 5,
									'6' => 6,
									'7' => 7,
									'8' => 8,
									'9' => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
							'order' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Order', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select order in which items will be displayed', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''       => __( 'Newest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'old'    => __( 'Oldest first', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'random' => __( 'Randomly', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'speed' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Speed in seconds', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Time to display one testimonial in seconds', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''  => '',
									'3'  => 3,
									'4'  => 4,
									'5'  => 5,
									'6'  => 6,
									'7'  => 7,
									'8'  => 8,
									'9'  => 9,
									'10' => 10,
									'11' => 11,
									'12' => 12,
									'13' => 13,
									'14' => 14,
									'15' => 15,
									'16' => 16,
									'17' => 17,
									'18' => 18,
									'19' => 19,
									'20' => 20,
							'layout' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Layout', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''      => __( 'Normal', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'large' => __( 'Large', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'stack' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Animated stack count', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'How many testimonials to display at once (use with animated testimonials only)', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									'' => 1,
									2  => 2,
									3  => 3,
									4  => 4,
							'private' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Display private posts?', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
							'testimonial' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Single testimonial', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Set this only if you want to display a single testimonial post', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => $testimonialPosts
						'output-shortcode' => '[testimonials{{testimonial}}{{category}}{{count}}{{order}}{{speed}}{{stack}}{{private}} /]'

						'id' => 'toggles',
						'name' => __( 'Toggles', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'title' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Toggle title', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => ''
							'open' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Open by default?', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => '',
								'value' => array(
									''      => '',
									''  => __( 'No', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'1' => __( 'Yes', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[toggle{{title}}{{open}}]TEXT[/toggle]'

				//Uppercase text
						'id' => 'uppercase',
						'name' => __( 'Uppercase text', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => __( 'This shortcode has no settings.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(),
						'output-shortcode' => '[uppercase]TEXT[/uppercase]'

						'id' => 'video',
						'name' => __( 'Video', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'desc' => sprintf( __( '<a%s>Supported video portals</a> and Screenr videos.', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ), ' href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds#Okay.2C_So_What_Sites_Can_I_Embed_From.3F" target="_blank"' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'url' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Video URL', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Insert video URL address here', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => ''
						'output-shortcode' => '[video{{url}} /]'

				//Widget areas
						'id' => 'widgetarea',
						'name' => __( 'Widget area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'settings' => array(
							'area' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Area to display', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Select a widget area from dropdown menu', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => wm_widget_areas()
							'style' => array(
								'label' => __( 'Style', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'desc'  => __( 'Widgets layout of the widget area', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
								'value' => array(
									''              => __( 'Horizontal', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'vertical'      => __( 'Vertical', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'sidebar-left'  => __( 'Sidebar left', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
									'sidebar-right' => __( 'Sidebar right', 'lespaul_domain_adm' ),
						'output-shortcode' => '[widgets{{area}}{{style}} /]'


			//remove shortcodes from array if Custom Posts or Post Formats disabled
				if ( 'disable' === wm_option( 'cp-role-faq' ) )
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['faq'] );
				if ( 'disable' === wm_option( 'cp-role-logos' ) )
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['logos'] );
				if ( 'disable' === wm_option( 'cp-role-prices' ) )
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['prices'] );
				if ( 'disable' === wm_option( 'cp-role-projects' ) ) {
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['projects'] );
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['projectAtts'] );
				if ( 'disable' === wm_option( 'cp-role-staff' ) )
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['staff'] );
				if ( wm_option( 'blog-no-format-quote' ) )
					unset( $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs['testimonials'] );

			return $wmShortcodeGeneratorTabs;