 * Delete the specified post from the triple store.
 * @param array|int $post An array of post data
function rl_delete_post($post)
    $post_id = is_numeric($post) ? $post : $post->ID;
    // hide all entities that are not referenced by any published post.
    foreach (wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id) as $entity_id) {
        // check if there is at least one referencing post published.
        $is_published = array_reduce(wl_core_get_related_post_ids($entity_id), function ($carry, $item) {
            $post = get_post($item);
            return $carry || 'publish' === $post->post_status;
        // set the entity to draft if no referencing posts are published.
        if (!$is_published) {
            wl_update_post_status($entity_id, 'draft');
    // get the entity URI (valid also for posts)
    $uri_esc = wl_sparql_escape_uri(wl_get_entity_uri($post_id));
    wl_write_log("rl_delete_post [ post id :: {$post_id} ][ uri esc :: {$uri_esc} ]");
    // create the SPARQL statement by joining the SPARQL prefixes and deleting any known predicate.
    $stmt = rl_sparql_prefixes();
    foreach (wl_predicates() as $predicate) {
        $stmt .= "DELETE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . } WHERE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . };\n" . "DELETE { ?s {$predicate} <{$uri_esc}> . } WHERE { ?s {$predicate} <{$uri_esc}> . };\n";
    // if the post is an entity and has exported properties, delete the related predicates.
    if (WL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME === $post->post_type) {
        $type = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_get_type($post->ID);
        if (isset($type['custom_fields'])) {
            foreach ($type['custom_fields'] as $field => $params) {
                // TODO: enclose in <> only if predicate starts with http(s)://
                $predicate = '<' . $params['predicate'] . '>';
                $stmt .= "DELETE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . } WHERE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . };\n";
    // finally execute the query.
    function testEntityWithAlternativeLabelIsProperlyOverridden()
        $original_label = uniqid('entity-original', true);
        // Create an entity
        $entity_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity-1', $original_label, 'draft', 'entity');
        // Check that there are no related posts for the entity
        $related_post_ids = wl_core_get_related_post_ids($entity_id, array("predicate" => "what"));
        $this->assertCount(0, $related_post_ids);
        // Generate e label and set it as alternative label for the new entity
        $alternative_label = uniqid('entity-alternative', true);
        Wordlift_Entity_Service::get_instance()->set_alternative_labels($entity_id, $alternative_label);
        // Check that the alternative label is properly set
        $labels = Wordlift_Entity_Service::get_instance()->get_alternative_labels($entity_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $labels);
        $this->assertContains($alternative_label, $labels);
        // Force post status to publish: this triggers the save_post hook
        wl_update_post_status($entity_id, 'publish');
        // Check that entity label is properly mapped on entity post title
        $this->assertEquals($original_label, get_post($entity_id)->post_title);
        // Notice that the uri is generated trough the original label
        // while the current label is the alternative one
        $fake = $this->prepareFakeGlobalPostArrayFromFile('/assets/fake_global_post_array_with_one_existing_entity_linked_as_what.json', array('CURRENT_URI' => $this->buildEntityUriForLabel($original_label), 'CURRENT_LABEL' => $alternative_label));
        $_POST = $fake;
        // Retrieve the entity uri (the first key in wl_entities associative aray)
        $original_entity_uri = current(array_keys($fake['wl_entities']));
        // Reference the entity to the post content trough its alternative label
        $content = <<<EOF
    <span itemid="{$original_entity_uri}">{$alternative_label}</span>
        // Create a post referincing to the created entity
        $post_id = wl_create_post($content, 'my-post', 'A post', 'draft');
        // Check that entity label is STILL properly mapped on entity post title
        $this->assertEquals($original_label, get_post($entity_id)->post_title);
        $expected_entity_uri = $this->buildEntityUriForLabel($original_label);
        $entity_uri = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_id);
        $this->assertEquals($entity_uri, $expected_entity_uri);
        // And it should be related to the post as what predicate
        $related_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id, array("predicate" => "what"));
        $this->assertCount(1, $related_entity_ids);
        $this->assertContains($entity_id, $related_entity_ids);
예제 #3
    function testRedlinkIsUpdatedWhenRelatedEntityIsTrashed()
        // Create draft entity
        $e_id = wl_create_post('ciao', 'entity-1', uniqid('entity', true), 'draft', 'entity');
        $e_uri = wl_get_entity_uri($e_id);
        $body = <<<EOF
            <span itemid="{$e_uri}">Entity 1</span>
        // Create draft post mentioning the entity
        $p_id = wl_create_post($body, 'post-1', uniqid('post', true), 'draft', 'post');
        // Publish the post (and related entities)
        wl_update_post_status($p_id, 'publish');
        // Verify the post triples contain a reference to the entity
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($p_id);
        $this->assertCount(9, $lines);
        // Trash the entity
        wl_update_post_status($e_id, 'trash');
        // Verify the post triples does no more contain a reference to the entity
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($p_id);
        $this->assertCount(8, $lines);