 * Retrieve timeline events.
 * @uses wl_core_get_related_entity_ids() to retrieve the entities referenced by the specified post.
 * @param int $post_id The post ID.
 * @return array An array of event posts.
function wl_shortcode_timeline_get_events($post_id = null)
    // Build list of event-entities.
    if (is_null($post_id) || !is_numeric($post_id)) {
        // Global timeline. Get entities from the latest posts.
        $latest_posts_ids = get_posts(array('numberposts' => 50, 'fields' => 'ids', 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish'));
        if (empty($latest_posts_ids)) {
            // There are no posts.
            return array();
        // Collect entities related to latest posts
        $entity_ids = array();
        foreach ($latest_posts_ids as $id) {
            $entity_ids = array_merge($entity_ids, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($id, array('status' => 'publish')));
        if (empty($entity_ids)) {
            return array();
    } else {
        // Post-specific timeline. Search for entities in the post itself.
        $entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id);
    wl_write_log("wl_shortcode_timeline_get_events [ entity IDs :: " . join(', ', $entity_ids) . " ]");
    return get_posts(array('post__in' => $entity_ids, 'post_type' => WL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', array('key' => WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_CAL_DATE_START, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!='), array('key' => WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_CAL_DATE_END, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!='))));
 * Displays the meta box contents (called by *add_meta_box* callback).
 * @param WP_Post $post The current post.
function wl_entities_box_content($post)
    // wl_write_log( "wl_entities_box_content [ post id :: $post->ID ]" );
    // Angularjs edit-post widget wrapper
    echo '<div id="wordlift-edit-post-outer-wrapper"></div>';
    // Angularjs edit-post widget classification boxes configuration
    $classification_boxes = unserialize(WL_CORE_POST_CLASSIFICATION_BOXES);
    // Array to store all related entities ids
    $all_referenced_entities_ids = array();
    // Add selected entities to classification_boxes
    foreach ($classification_boxes as $i => $box) {
        // Build the proper relation name
        $relation_name = $box['id'];
        // wl_write_log( "Going to related of $relation_name" );
        // Get entity ids related to the current post for the given relation name (both draft and published entities)
        $draft_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post->ID, array('predicate' => $relation_name, 'status' => 'draft'));
        $publish_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post->ID, array('predicate' => $relation_name, 'status' => 'publish'));
        $entity_ids = array_unique(array_merge($draft_entity_ids, $publish_entity_ids));
        // Store the entity ids for all the 4W
        $all_referenced_entities_ids = array_merge($all_referenced_entities_ids, $entity_ids);
        // Transform entity ids array in entity uris array
        array_walk($entity_ids, function (&$entity_id) {
            // Retrieve the entity uri for the given entity id
            $entity_id = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_id);
        // Enhance current box selected entities
        $classification_boxes[$i]['selectedEntities'] = $entity_ids;
    // Json encoding for classification boxes structure
    $classification_boxes = json_encode($classification_boxes);
    // Ensure there are no repetitions of the referenced entities
    $all_referenced_entities_ids = array_unique($all_referenced_entities_ids);
    // Build the entity storage object
    $referenced_entities_obj = array();
    foreach ($all_referenced_entities_ids as $referenced_entity) {
        $entity = wl_serialize_entity($referenced_entity);
        $referenced_entities_obj[$entity['id']] = $entity;
    $referenced_entities_obj = empty($referenced_entities_obj) ? '{}' : json_encode($referenced_entities_obj);
    $default_thumbnail_path = WL_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_PATH;
    $dataset_uri = wl_configuration_get_redlink_dataset_uri();
    echo <<<EOF
    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery( function() {

        \tif ('undefined' == typeof window.wordlift) {
            \twindow.wordlift = {}
            \twindow.wordlift.entities = {}  \t\t

        \twindow.wordlift.classificationBoxes = {$classification_boxes};
        \twindow.wordlift.entities = {$referenced_entities_obj};
        \twindow.wordlift.currentPostId = {$post->ID};
\t\t\twindow.wordlift.defaultThumbnailPath = '{$default_thumbnail_path}';
\t\t\twindow.wordlift.datasetUri = '{$dataset_uri}';

  * Retrieve timeline events.
  * @since 3.1.0
  * @uses wl_core_get_related_entity_ids() to retrieve the entities referenced by the specified post.
  * @param int $post_id The post ID.
  * @return array An array of event posts.
 public function get_events($post_id = null)
     // Get the entity IDs either from the entities related to the specified post or from the last 50 published
     // posts if no post has been specified.
     $ids = is_numeric($post_id) ? wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id) : $this->entity_service->get_all_related_to_last_50_published_posts();
     // Add the post itself if it's an entity.
     if (is_numeric($post_id) && $this->entity_service->is_entity($post_id)) {
         $ids[] = $post_id;
     // If there's no entities, return an empty array right away.
     if (0 === sizeof($ids)) {
         $this->log_service->trace("No events found [ post id :: {$post_id} ]");
         return array();
     $this->log_service->trace("Getting events [ entity ids :: " . join(', ', $ids) . " ]");
     return get_posts(array('post__in' => $ids, 'post_type' => Wordlift_Entity_Service::TYPE_NAME, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', array('key' => Wordlift_Schema_Service::FIELD_DATE_START, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!='), array('key' => Wordlift_Schema_Service::FIELD_DATE_END, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!=')), 'tax_query' => array('taxonomy' => Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => 'event')));
 * Recursive function used to retrieve related content starting from a post ID.
 * @uses wl_core_get_related_post_ids() to get the list of post ids that reference an entity.
 * @param int $entity_id The entity post ID.
 * @param int $depth Max number of entities in output.
 * @param array $related An existing array of related entities.
 * @return array
function wl_shortcode_chord_get_relations($entity_id, $depth = 2, $related = null)
    // Search for more entities only if we did not exceed $depth or $max_size
    $max_size = 30;
    if (!is_null($related)) {
        if (count($related['entities']) > $max_size || $depth <= 0) {
            return $related;
    wl_write_log("wl_shortcode_chord_get_relations [ post id :: {$entity_id} ][ depth :: {$depth} ][ related? :: " . (is_null($related) ? 'yes' : 'no') . " ]");
    // Create a related array which will hold entities and relations.
    if (is_null($related)) {
        $related = array('entities' => array($entity_id), 'relations' => array());
    // Get related entities
    $related_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_id, array('status' => 'publish'));
    // Get related posts (only id the current node is an entity)
    $related_post_ids = array();
    if (get_post_type($entity_id) == WL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME) {
        $related_post_ids = wl_core_get_related_post_ids($entity_id, array('status' => 'publish'));
    // Merge results.
    $related_ids = array_merge($related_post_ids, $related_entity_ids);
    $related_ids = array_unique($related_ids);
    // TODO: List of entities ($rel) should be ordered by interest factors.
    // Now we have all the related IDs.
    foreach ($related_ids as $related_id) {
        // TODO: does it make sense to set an array post ID > related ID? The *wl_shortcode_chord_get_graph*
        // method is going anyway to *refactor* the data structure. So here the structure may be optimized in terms
        // of readability and performance.
        $related['relations'][] = array($entity_id, $related_id);
        if (!in_array($related_id, $related['entities'])) {
            //Found new related entity!
            $related['entities'][] = $related_id;
            $related = wl_shortcode_chord_get_relations($related_id, $depth - 1, $related);
    // End condition 2: no more entities to search for.
    return $related;
 * Retrieve geomap places. If $post_id is null the return places blog wide
 * @uses wl_core_get_related_entities() to retrieve the entities referenced by the specified post.
 * @param int $post_id The post ID.
 * @return array An array of place posts.
function wl_shortcode_geomap_get_places($post_id = null)
    // If $post_id is null or is not numeric it means this is a global geomap
    $is_global = is_null($post_id) || !is_numeric($post_id);
    // If the current one is not a global geomap, retrieve related entities ids
    if ($is_global) {
        $related_ids = array();
    } else {
        $related_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id, array('status' => 'publish'));
    // If is not a global geomap, an empty $related_ids means that no entities are related to the post
    // An empty array can be returned in this case
    if (!$is_global && empty($related_ids)) {
        return array();
    // Retrieve all 'published' places with geo coordinates defined
    // If $place_ids is not empty, it's used to limit query results to the current post related places
    // Please note that when $place_ids is an empty array, the 'post__in' parameter is not considered in the query
    $places = get_posts(array('post__in' => $related_ids, 'post_type' => WL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME, 'nopaging' => true, 'post_status' => 'published', 'meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', array('key' => WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_GEO_LATITUDE, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!='), array('key' => WL_CUSTOM_FIELD_GEO_LONGITUDE, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!='))));
    return $places;
 * Delete the specified post from the triple store.
 * @param array|int $post An array of post data
function rl_delete_post($post)
    $post_id = is_numeric($post) ? $post : $post->ID;
    // hide all entities that are not referenced by any published post.
    foreach (wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id) as $entity_id) {
        // check if there is at least one referencing post published.
        $is_published = array_reduce(wl_core_get_related_post_ids($entity_id), function ($carry, $item) {
            $post = get_post($item);
            return $carry || 'publish' === $post->post_status;
        // set the entity to draft if no referencing posts are published.
        if (!$is_published) {
            wl_update_post_status($entity_id, 'draft');
    // get the entity URI (valid also for posts)
    $uri_esc = wl_sparql_escape_uri(wl_get_entity_uri($post_id));
    wl_write_log("rl_delete_post [ post id :: {$post_id} ][ uri esc :: {$uri_esc} ]");
    // create the SPARQL statement by joining the SPARQL prefixes and deleting any known predicate.
    $stmt = rl_sparql_prefixes();
    foreach (wl_predicates() as $predicate) {
        $stmt .= "DELETE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . } WHERE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . };\n" . "DELETE { ?s {$predicate} <{$uri_esc}> . } WHERE { ?s {$predicate} <{$uri_esc}> . };\n";
    // if the post is an entity and has exported properties, delete the related predicates.
    if (WL_ENTITY_TYPE_NAME === $post->post_type) {
        $type = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_get_type($post->ID);
        if (isset($type['custom_fields'])) {
            foreach ($type['custom_fields'] as $field => $params) {
                // TODO: enclose in <> only if predicate starts with http(s)://
                $predicate = '<' . $params['predicate'] . '>';
                $stmt .= "DELETE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . } WHERE { <{$uri_esc}> {$predicate} ?o . };\n";
    // finally execute the query.
 * Retrieve geomap places. If $post_id is null the return places blog wide
 * @uses wl_core_get_related_entities() to retrieve the entities referenced by the specified post.
 * @param int $post_id The post ID.
 * @return array An array of place posts.
function wl_shortcode_geomap_get_places($post_id = null)
    // If $post_id is null or is not numeric it means this is a global geomap
    $is_global = is_null($post_id) || !is_numeric($post_id);
    // If the current one is not a global geomap, retrieve related entities ids
    if ($is_global) {
        $related_ids = array();
    } else {
        $related_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id, array('status' => 'publish'));
        // Also include current entity
        if (Wordlift_Entity_Service::get_instance()->is_entity($post_id)) {
            $related_ids[] = $post_id;
    // If is not a global geomap, an empty $related_ids means that no entities are related to the post
    // An empty array can be returned in this case
    if (!$is_global && empty($related_ids)) {
        return array();
    // Retrieve all 'published' places with geo coordinates defined
    // If $related_ids is not empty, it's used to limit query results to the current post related places
    // Please note that when $place_ids is an empty array, the 'post__in' parameter is not considered in the query
    return get_posts(array('post__in' => $related_ids, 'post_type' => Wordlift_Entity_Service::TYPE_NAME, 'nopaging' => true, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'meta_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', array('key' => Wordlift_Schema_Service::FIELD_GEO_LATITUDE, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!='), array('key' => Wordlift_Schema_Service::FIELD_GEO_LONGITUDE, 'value' => null, 'compare' => '!=')), 'tax_query' => array('taxonomy' => Wordlift_Entity_Types_Taxonomy_Service::TAXONOMY_NAME, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => 'place')));
    function testEntityMetadataAreProperlyUpdated()
        $fake = $this->prepareFakeGlobalPostArrayFromFile('/assets/fake_global_post_array_with_one_entity_linked_as_what.json');
        $_POST = $fake;
        // Retrieve the entity uri (the first key in wl_entities associative aray)
        $original_entity_uri = current(array_keys($fake['wl_entities']));
        // Reference the entity to the post content
        $content = <<<EOF
    <span itemid="{$original_entity_uri}">My entity</span>
        // Create a post referincing to the created entity
        $post_id = wl_create_post($content, 'my-post', 'A post', 'draft');
        // Here the entity should have been created
        $original_entity = wl_get_entity_post_by_uri($original_entity_uri);
        // Store entity type, images and sameAs (needed later)
        $original_type = wl_schema_get_types($original_entity->ID);
        $original_thumbnails = $this->getThumbs($original_entity->ID);
        $original_sameAs = wl_schema_get_value($original_entity->ID, 'sameAs');
        // Query the same entity using the Redlink URI
        $entity_uri = wl_get_entity_uri($original_entity->ID);
        $e = wl_get_entity_post_by_uri($entity_uri);
        $this->assertEquals($original_entity, $e);
        // The entity description should be the same we expect
        $raw_entity = current(array_values($fake['wl_entities']));
        $this->assertEquals($raw_entity['description'], $original_entity->post_content);
        // The entity is related as what predicate
        $related_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id, array("predicate" => "what"));
        $this->assertCount(1, $related_entity_ids);
        // Ensure there are no other relation instances
        $relation_instances = wl_tests_get_relation_instances_for($post_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $relation_instances);
        /* Now Post is saved again with the same mentioned entity:
         * - with different type
         * - with different description
         * - with one more image
         * - with one modified sameAs
         * - as WHO instead fo WHAT
        $fake = $this->prepareFakeGlobalPostArrayFromFile('/assets/fake_global_post_array_with_one_entity_linked_as_who_and_modified_data.json');
        $_POST = $fake;
        // The entity url should be the same we expect
        $raw_entity = current(array_values($fake['wl_entities']));
        $raw_entity_uri = $raw_entity['uri'];
        $new_content = <<<EOF
    <span itemid="{$raw_entity_uri}">My entity</span>
        // Update the post content (to force existing entities update)
        wp_update_post(array('ID' => $post_id, 'post_content' => $new_content));
        // Verify the mentioned entity was already into DB...
        $updated_entity = wl_get_entity_post_by_uri($raw_entity_uri);
        $this->assertEquals($original_entity->ID, $updated_entity->ID);
        $this->assertEquals($original_entity->post_title, $updated_entity->post_title);
        // ... but some properties changed!
        $this->assertNotEquals($original_entity, $updated_entity);
        // Verify entity type has been updated
        $updated_type = wl_schema_get_types($updated_entity->ID);
        $this->assertNotEquals($original_type, $updated_type);
        $this->assertEquals(array('http://schema.org/Organization'), $updated_type);
        // Verify entity description has been updated
        $this->assertEquals($raw_entity['description'], $updated_entity->post_content);
        // Verify entity images have been updated (one was added)
        $updated_thumbnails = $this->getThumbs($updated_entity->ID);
        $this->assertNotEquals($original_thumbnails, $updated_thumbnails);
        $this->assertContains($original_thumbnails[0], $updated_thumbnails);
        $this->assertCount(2, $updated_thumbnails);
        // There is one more
        $this->assertContains('Netherlands_vs_Ivory_Coast', $updated_thumbnails[1]);
        // ... about soccer
        // Verify entity sameAs have been updated
        $updated_sameAs = wl_schema_get_value($updated_entity->ID, 'sameAs');
        $this->assertNotEquals($original_sameAs, $updated_sameAs);
        $this->assertContains($original_sameAs[1], $updated_sameAs);
        $this->assertNotContains($original_sameAs[0], $updated_sameAs);
        $this->assertContains('http://sv.dbpedia.org/page/Reason', $updated_sameAs);
        // Verify the entity is now related as who predicate
        $related_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id, array("predicate" => "who"));
        $this->assertCount(1, $related_entity_ids);
        // Ensure there are no other relation instances
        $relation_instances = wl_tests_get_relation_instances_for($post_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $relation_instances);
* Find all posts related to a given $object_id
* If $predicate is omitted, $predicate filter is not applied 
* Not use it directly. Use wl_core_get_related_posts or wl_core_get_related_posts_ids instead.
* @param int $object_id The entity ID or the post ID.
* @param string $predicate Name of the relation: null | 'what' | 'where' | 'when' | 'who'
* @param string $post_status Filter by post status null | 'publish' | 'draft' | 'pending' | 'trash'. null means *any* post status
* @return (array) Array of objects.
function wl_core_inner_get_related_posts($get, $item_id, $predicate = null, $post_status = null)
    // Retrieve the post object
    $post = get_post($item_id);
    if (null === $post) {
        return array();
    if ("entity" === $post->post_type) {
        if ($results = wl_core_get_posts(array('get' => $get, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => $post_status, 'related_to' => $item_id, 'as' => 'subject', 'with_predicate' => $predicate))) {
            return $results;
    } else {
        if ($results = wl_core_get_posts(array('get' => $get, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post__not_in' => array($item_id), 'related_to__in' => wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post->ID), 'as' => 'subject', 'with_predicate' => $predicate))) {
            return $results;
    // If wl_core_get_posts return false then an empty array is returned
    return array();
 * Get the SPARQL fragment to set the dc:references statements.
 * @param int $post_id The post ID.
 * @return string The SPARQL fragment (or an empty string).
function wl_get_sparql_post_references($post_id)
    // Get the post URI.
    $post_uri = wordlift_esc_sparql(wl_get_entity_uri($post_id));
    // Get the related entities IDs.
    $related = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id);
    // Build the SPARQL fragment.
    $sparql = '';
    foreach ($related as $id) {
        $uri = wordlift_esc_sparql(wl_get_entity_uri($id));
        $sparql .= "<{$post_uri}> dct:references <{$uri}> . ";
    return $sparql;
예제 #11
 function create_MIT_Center_for_Collective_Intelligence($related_post_id)
     $uri = 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/MIT_Center_for_Collective_Intelligence';
     $label = 'MIT Center for Collective Intelligence';
     $type = 'http://schema.org/Organization';
     $description = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/mit_center_for_cognitive_intelligence.txt');
     $images = array();
     $same_as = array('http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/m.04n2n64');
     $entity_post = wl_save_entity($uri, $label, $type, $description, array(), $images, $related_post_id, $same_as);
     // Check that the type is set correctly.
     $types = wl_get_entity_rdf_types($entity_post->ID);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($types));
     //        $this->assertEquals( 'organization', $types[0]->slug );
     // Check that Tim Berners-Lee is related to this resource.
     $related_entities = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_post->ID);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($related_entities));
     $this->assertEquals($related_post_id, $related_entities[0]);
     return $entity_post->ID;
  * Calculate rating for a given entity
  * Rating depends from following criteria
  * 1. Is the current entity related to at least 1 post?
  * 2. Is the current entity content post not empty?
  * 3. Is the current entity related to at least 1 entity?
  * 4. Is the entity published? 
  * 5. There is a a thumbnail associated to the entity?
  * 6. Has the entity a sameas defined?
  * 7. Are all schema.org required metadata compiled?
  * Each positive check means +1 in terms of rating score
  * @since 3.3.0
  * @param int $post_id The entity post id.
  * @return int An array representing the rating obj.
 public function calculate_rating_for($post_id)
     // If it's not an entity, return.
     if (!$this->is_entity($post_id)) {
     // Retrieve the post object
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     // Rating value
     $score = 0;
     // Store warning messages
     $warnings = array();
     // Is the current entity related to at least 1 post?
     0 < count(wl_core_get_related_post_ids($post->ID)) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_HAS_RELATED_POSTS, 'wordlift'));
     // Is the post content not empty?
     !empty($post->post_content) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_HAS_CONTENT_POST, 'wordlift'));
     // Is the current entity related to at least 1 entity?
     // Was the current entity already disambiguated?
     0 < count(wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post->ID)) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_HAS_RELATED_ENTITIES, 'wordlift'));
     // Is the entity published?
     'publish' === get_post_status($post->ID) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_IS_PUBLISHED, 'wordlift'));
     // Has a thumbnail?
     has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_HAS_THUMBNAIL, 'wordlift'));
     // Get all post meta keys for the current post
     global $wpdb;
     $query = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(meta_key) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta}  WHERE post_id = %d", $post->ID);
     // Check intersection between available meta keys
     // and expected ones arrays to detect missing values
     $available_meta_keys = $wpdb->get_col($query);
     // If each expected key is contained in available keys array ...
     in_array(Wordlift_Schema_Service::FIELD_SAME_AS, $available_meta_keys) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_HAS_SAME_AS, 'wordlift'));
     $schema = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_get_type($post_id);
     $expected_meta_keys = null === $schema['custom_fields'] ? array() : array_keys($schema['custom_fields']);
     $intersection = array_intersect($expected_meta_keys, $available_meta_keys);
     // If each expected key is contained in available keys array ...
     count($intersection) === count($expected_meta_keys) ? $score++ : array_push($warnings, __(self::RATING_WARNING_HAS_COMPLETED_METADATA, 'wordlift'));
     // Finally return score and warnings
     return array('raw_score' => $score, 'traffic_light_score' => $this->convert_raw_score_to_traffic_light($score), 'percentage_score' => $this->convert_raw_score_to_percentage($score), 'warnings' => $warnings);
    function testEntityWithAlternativeLabelIsProperlyOverridden()
        $original_label = uniqid('entity-original', true);
        // Create an entity
        $entity_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity-1', $original_label, 'draft', 'entity');
        // Check that there are no related posts for the entity
        $related_post_ids = wl_core_get_related_post_ids($entity_id, array("predicate" => "what"));
        $this->assertCount(0, $related_post_ids);
        // Generate e label and set it as alternative label for the new entity
        $alternative_label = uniqid('entity-alternative', true);
        Wordlift_Entity_Service::get_instance()->set_alternative_labels($entity_id, $alternative_label);
        // Check that the alternative label is properly set
        $labels = Wordlift_Entity_Service::get_instance()->get_alternative_labels($entity_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $labels);
        $this->assertContains($alternative_label, $labels);
        // Force post status to publish: this triggers the save_post hook
        wl_update_post_status($entity_id, 'publish');
        // Check that entity label is properly mapped on entity post title
        $this->assertEquals($original_label, get_post($entity_id)->post_title);
        // Notice that the uri is generated trough the original label
        // while the current label is the alternative one
        $fake = $this->prepareFakeGlobalPostArrayFromFile('/assets/fake_global_post_array_with_one_existing_entity_linked_as_what.json', array('CURRENT_URI' => $this->buildEntityUriForLabel($original_label), 'CURRENT_LABEL' => $alternative_label));
        $_POST = $fake;
        // Retrieve the entity uri (the first key in wl_entities associative aray)
        $original_entity_uri = current(array_keys($fake['wl_entities']));
        // Reference the entity to the post content trough its alternative label
        $content = <<<EOF
    <span itemid="{$original_entity_uri}">{$alternative_label}</span>
        // Create a post referincing to the created entity
        $post_id = wl_create_post($content, 'my-post', 'A post', 'draft');
        // Check that entity label is STILL properly mapped on entity post title
        $this->assertEquals($original_label, get_post($entity_id)->post_title);
        $expected_entity_uri = $this->buildEntityUriForLabel($original_label);
        $entity_uri = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_id);
        $this->assertEquals($entity_uri, $expected_entity_uri);
        // And it should be related to the post as what predicate
        $related_entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_id, array("predicate" => "what"));
        $this->assertCount(1, $related_entity_ids);
        $this->assertContains($entity_id, $related_entity_ids);
 function testWlCoreGetRelatedEntityIdsForAnEntity()
     // Create 2 posts and 1 entities
     $entity_0_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity0', 'An Entity', 'draft', 'entity');
     $entity_1_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity1', 'An Entity', 'draft', 'entity');
     $entity_2_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity2', 'An Entity', 'draft', 'entity');
     // Insert relations
     wl_core_add_relation_instance($entity_0_id, WL_WHERE_RELATION, $entity_1_id);
     wl_core_add_relation_instance($entity_0_id, WL_WHO_RELATION, $entity_2_id);
     // Check relation are retrieved as expected
     $result = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_0_id);
     $this->assertCount(2, $result);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($entity_1_id, $result));
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($entity_2_id, $result));
     $result = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_0_id, array('predicate' => WL_WHERE_RELATION));
     $this->assertCount(1, $result);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($entity_1_id, $result));
     $result = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_0_id, array('predicate' => WL_WHO_RELATION));
     $this->assertCount(1, $result);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($entity_2_id, $result));
예제 #15
  * Check that the post is referencing the related entities.
  * @param int $post_id The post ID.
 function checkPostReferences($post_id)
     // Get the post.
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     // Get the post Redlink URI.
     $uri = wordlift_esc_sparql(wl_get_entity_uri($post->ID));
     // Prepare the SPARQL query to select label and URL.
     $sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?uri WHERE { <{$uri}> dct:references ?uri . }";
     // Send the query and get the response.
     $response = rl_sparql_select($sparql);
     $body = $response['body'];
     $matches = array();
     $count = preg_match_all('/^(?P<uri>[^\\r]*)/im', $body, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     $entity_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post->ID);
     //        wl_write_log( "[ entity IDs :: " . join( ', ', $entity_ids ) . " ][ size of entity IDs :: " . sizeof( $entity_ids ) . " ][ count :: $count ][ post ID :: $post->ID ]" );
     //        if ( $count !== ( 1 + sizeof( $entity_ids ) ) ) {
     //            wl_write_log( "[ sparql :: $sparql ][ body :: $body ]" );
     //        }
     // Expect only one match (headers + expected entities).
     $this->assertEquals($count, sizeof($entity_ids) + 1);
     $entity_uris = wl_post_ids_to_entity_uris($entity_ids);
     for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $entity_uri = $matches[$i]['uri'];
         // Check that the URI is in the array.
         $this->assertTrue(in_array($entity_uri, $entity_uris));
예제 #16
    function testPublishingUnpublishingPosts()
        // create two entities
        $entity_1_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity-1', uniqid('entity', true), 'draft', 'entity');
        $entity_2_id = wl_create_post('', 'entity-2', uniqid('entity', true), 'draft', 'entity');
        $entity_1_uri = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_1_id);
        $entity_2_uri = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_2_id);
        $body_1 = <<<EOF
            <span itemid="{$entity_1_uri}">Entity 1</span>
            <span itemid="{$entity_2_uri}">Entity 2</span>
        $body_2 = <<<EOF
            <span itemid="{$entity_2_uri}">Entity 2</span>
        // create a post as a draft.
        $post_1_id = wl_create_post($body_1, 'post-1', uniqid('post', true), 'draft', 'post');
        // check the post is not published on Redlink.
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($post_1_id);
        $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($lines));
        $this->assertCount(2, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_1_id));
        // TODO tmp assertions: check callback order
        wl_update_post_status($post_1_id, 'publish');
        wl_update_post_status($post_1_id, 'draft');
        $this->assertEquals('draft', get_post_status($entity_1_id));
        // publish the post.
        // wl_update_post_status( $post_1_id, 'publish' );
        $this->assertCount(2, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_1_id));
        // check the post is published on Redlink.
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($post_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(10, $lines);
        // check all entities published
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(4, $lines);
        $this->assertEquals('publish', get_post_status($entity_1_id));
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_2_id);
        $this->assertCount(4, $lines);
        $this->assertEquals('publish', get_post_status($entity_2_id));
        // unpublish the post.
        wl_update_post_status($post_1_id, 'draft');
        $this->assertCount(2, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_1_id));
        // check the post is not published on Redlink.
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($post_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $lines);
        // create another post
        $post_2_id = wl_create_post($body_2, 'post-2', uniqid('post', true), 'draft', 'post');
        // check all entities published
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $lines);
        // publish post 2
        wl_update_post_status($post_2_id, 'publish');
        $this->assertCount(1, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_2_id));
        // check post 2 is published on Redlink
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($post_2_id);
        $this->assertCount(9, $lines);
        // publish post 1
        wl_update_post_status($post_1_id, 'publish');
        $this->assertCount(2, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_1_id));
        // check post 1 is published on Redlink
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($post_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(10, $lines);
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(4, $lines);
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_2_id);
        $this->assertCount(4, $lines);
        // unpublish post 1
        wl_update_post_status($post_1_id, 'draft');
        $this->assertCount(2, wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($post_1_id));
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($post_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $lines);
        // check only entity 1 unpublished
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_1_id);
        $this->assertCount(1, $lines);
        $lines = $this->getPostTriples($entity_2_id);
        $this->assertCount(4, $lines);