public function getWikisList($limit = null, $batch = 1) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $cacheKey = $this->generateCacheKey(__METHOD__); $games = $this->loadFromCache($cacheKey); if (empty($games)) { $games = array(); $wikiFactoryRecommendVar = WikiFactory::getVarByName(self::WF_WIKI_RECOMMEND_VAR, null); if (!empty($wikiFactoryRecommendVar)) { $recommendedIds = WikiFactory::getCityIDsFromVarValue($wikiFactoryRecommendVar->cv_variable_id, true, '='); foreach ($recommendedIds as $wikiId) { $wikiName = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgSitename', $wikiId); $wikiGames = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgWikiTopics', $wikiId); $wikiDomain = str_replace('http://', '', WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgServer', $wikiId)); $wikiThemeSettings = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgOasisThemeSettings', $wikiId); $wordmarkUrl = $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-image-url']; $wordmarkType = $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-type']; //$wikiLogo = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName( "wgLogo", $wikiId ); $games[] = array('name' => !empty($wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-text']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-text'] : $wikiName, 'games' => !empty($wikiGames) ? $wikiGames : '', 'color' => !empty($wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-color']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-color'] : '#0049C6', 'backgroundColor' => !empty($wikiThemeSettings['color-page']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['color-page'] : '#FFFFFF', 'domain' => $wikiDomain, 'wordmarkUrl' => $wordmarkType == 'graphic' && !empty($wordmarkUrl) ? $wordmarkUrl : ''); } } else { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new WikiaException('WikiFactory variable \'' . self::WF_WIKI_RECOMMEND_VAR . '\' not found'); } $this->storeInCache($cacheKey, $games); } $ret = wfPaginateArray($games, $limit, $batch); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $ret; }
public function getBatch() { //see Category::newFromName for valid format $categoryName = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->request->getVal('category')); $index = $this->request->getVal('index'); $batch = $this->request->getInt('batch'); $err = false; if (!empty($categoryName) && isset($index) && !empty($batch)) { $category = Category::newFromTitle(Title::newFromText($categoryName, NS_CATEGORY)); if ($category instanceof Category) { $this->initModel(); $data = wfPaginateArray($this->model->getCollection($category)['items'][$index], WikiaMobileCategoryModel::BATCH_SIZE, $batch); if (!empty($data['items'])) { //cache response for 3 hours in varnish and browser $this->response->setCacheValidity(WikiaMobileCategoryService::CACHE_TIME); $this->response->setVal('itemsBatch', $data['items']); } else { $err = "No Data for given index or batch"; } } else { $err = "Wrong category"; } } else { $err = "Wrong values given"; } if ($err) { Wikia::log(__METHOD__, false, "Error loading batch {$batch} for index {$index} in Category {$categoryName}. Msg: {$err}"); header('Status: 404 Not Found', true, 404); } }
/** * Finds wikis which name or topic match a keyword optionally filtering by vertical (hub) and/or language, * the total amount of results is limited to 250 items * * @requestParam string $keyword search term * @requestParam string $hub [OPTIONAL] The name of the vertical (e.g. Gaming, Entertainment, Lifestyle, etc.) to use as a filter * @requestParam string $lang [OPTIONAL] The comma-separated list of language codes (e.g. en,de,fr,es,it, etc.) to use as a filter * @requestParam integer $limit [OPTIONAL] The number of items per each batch/page, defaults to 25 * @requestParam integer $batch [OPTIONAL] The batch/page index to retrieve, defaults to 1 * @requestParam bool $includeDomain [OPTIONAL] Wheter to include wikis' domains as search targets or not, * defaults to false * @requestParam string $expand [OPTIONAL] if set will expand result with getDetails data * * @responseParam array $items The list of wikis matching the keyword and the optional filtering * @responseParam integer $total The total number of results * @responseParam integer $currentBatch The index of the current batch/page * @responseParam integer $batches The total number of batches/pages * @responseParam integer $next The amount of items in the next batch/page * * @example */ public function getByString() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $keyword = trim($this->request->getVal(self::PARAMETER_KEYWORD, null)); $hub = trim($this->request->getVal('hub', null)); $langs = $this->request->getArray(self::PARAMETER_LANGUAGES); $limit = $this->request->getInt('limit', self::ITEMS_PER_BATCH); $batch = $this->request->getInt('batch', 1); $includeDomain = $this->request->getBool('includeDomain', false); $expand = $this->request->getBool('expand', false); if (empty($keyword)) { throw new MissingParameterApiException(self::PARAMETER_KEYWORD); } if (!empty($langs) && count($langs) > self::LANGUAGES_LIMIT) { throw new LimitExceededApiException(self::PARAMETER_LANGUAGES, self::LANGUAGES_LIMIT); } $results = $this->getWikiService()->getByString($keyword, $langs, $hub, $includeDomain); $results = $this->filterNonCommercial($results); if (is_array($results)) { $batches = wfPaginateArray($results, $limit, $batch); if ($expand) { $batches = $this->expandBatches($batches); } } else { throw new NotFoundApiException(); } //store only for 24h to allow new wikis //to appear in a reasonable amount of time in the search //results $this->setResponseData($batches, ['urlFields' => ['image', 'wordmark', 'url']], static::CACHE_1_DAY); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
* @var $collections Array * @var $requestedIndex Integer * @var $requestedBatch Integer * @var $total Integer */ ?> <section class="alphaSec noWrap"> <header> <?php echo wfMessage('wikiamobile-categories-items-total', $wg->ContLang->formatNum($total))->inContentLanguage()->text(); ?> </header> <?php foreach ($collections as $index => $collection) { $batch = $index == $requestedIndex ? $requestedBatch : 1; $itemsBatch = wfPaginateArray($collection, WikiaMobileCategoryModel::BATCH_SIZE, $batch); $currentBatch = $itemsBatch['currentBatch']; $nextBatch = $currentBatch + 1; $prevBatch = $currentBatch - 1; $urlSafeIndex = rawurlencode($index); $id = 'catAlpha' . $urlSafeIndex; ?> <h2 id="<?php echo $id; ?> " data-count="<?php echo $wg->ContLang->formatNum($itemsBatch['total']); ?> "><?php echo $index; ?>