function execute($query) { global $wgOut; wfProfileIn('SpecialURIResolver::execute (SMW)'); if (is_null($query) || trim($query) === '') { if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'RDF')) { $wgOut->redirect(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('ExportRDF')->getFullURL(array('stats' => '1')), '303'); } else { $this->setHeaders(); $wgOut->addHTML('<p>' . wfMessage('smw_uri_doc', '')->parse() . '</p>'); } } else { $query = SMWExporter::decodeURI($query); $query = str_replace('_', '%20', $query); $query = urldecode($query); $title = Title::newFromText($query); // In case the title doesn't exists throw an error page if ($title === null) { $wgOut->showErrorPage('badtitle', 'badtitletext'); } else { $wgOut->redirect(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'RDF') ? SpecialPage::getTitleFor('ExportRDF', $title->getPrefixedText())->getFullURL(array('xmlmime' => 'rdf')) : $title->getFullURL(), '303'); } } wfProfileOut('SpecialURIResolver::execute (SMW)'); }
function doTagRow($tag, $hitcount) { static $sk = null, $doneTags = array(); if (!$sk) { $sk = $this->getSkin(); } if (in_array($tag, $doneTags)) { return ''; } global $wgLang; $newRow = ''; $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, Xml::element('tt', null, $tag)); $disp = ChangeTags::tagDescription($tag); $disp .= ' (' . $sk->link(Title::makeTitle(NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Tag-{$tag}"), wfMsgHtml('tags-edit')) . ')'; $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, $disp); $msg = wfMessage("tag-{$tag}-description"); $desc = !$msg->exists() ? '' : $msg->parse(); $desc .= ' (' . $sk->link(Title::makeTitle(NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Tag-{$tag}-description"), wfMsgHtml('tags-edit')) . ')'; $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, $desc); $hitcount = wfMsgExt('tags-hitcount', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($hitcount)); $hitcount = $sk->link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Recentchanges'), $hitcount, array(), array('tagfilter' => $tag)); $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, $hitcount); $doneTags[] = $tag; return Xml::tags('tr', null, $newRow) . "\n"; }
/** * @covers ApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat */ public function testErrorFormatterBC() { $mainpagePlain = wfMessage('mainpage')->useDatabase(false)->plain(); $parensPlain = wfMessage('parentheses', 'foobar')->useDatabase(false)->plain(); $result = new ApiResult(8388608); $formatter = new ApiErrorFormatter_BackCompat($result); $formatter->addWarning('string', 'mainpage'); $formatter->addError('err', 'mainpage'); $this->assertSame(array('error' => array('code' => 'mainpage', 'info' => $mainpagePlain), 'warnings' => array('string' => array('warnings' => $mainpagePlain, ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'warnings')), ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'assoc'), $result->getResultData(), 'Simple test'); $result->reset(); $formatter->addWarning('foo', 'mainpage'); $formatter->addWarning('foo', 'mainpage'); $formatter->addWarning('foo', array('parentheses', 'foobar')); $msg1 = wfMessage('mainpage'); $formatter->addWarning('message', $msg1); $msg2 = new ApiMessage('mainpage', 'overriddenCode', array('overriddenData' => true)); $formatter->addWarning('messageWithData', $msg2); $formatter->addError('errWithData', $msg2); $this->assertSame(array('error' => array('code' => 'overriddenCode', 'info' => $mainpagePlain, 'overriddenData' => true), 'warnings' => array('messageWithData' => array('warnings' => $mainpagePlain, ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'warnings'), 'message' => array('warnings' => $mainpagePlain, ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'warnings'), 'foo' => array('warnings' => "{$mainpagePlain}\n{$parensPlain}", ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'warnings')), ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'assoc'), $result->getResultData(), 'Complex test'); $result->reset(); $status = Status::newGood(); $status->warning('mainpage'); $status->warning('parentheses', 'foobar'); $status->warning($msg1); $status->warning($msg2); $status->error('mainpage'); $status->error('parentheses', 'foobar'); $formatter->addMessagesFromStatus('status', $status); $this->assertSame(array('error' => array('code' => 'parentheses', 'info' => $parensPlain), 'warnings' => array('status' => array('warnings' => "{$mainpagePlain}\n{$parensPlain}", ApiResult::META_CONTENT => 'warnings')), ApiResult::META_TYPE => 'assoc'), $result->getResultData(), 'Status test'); $I = ApiResult::META_INDEXED_TAG_NAME; $this->assertSame(array(array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'mainpage', 'params' => array($I => 'param')), array('type' => 'error', 'message' => 'parentheses', 'params' => array('foobar', $I => 'param')), $I => 'error'), $formatter->arrayFromStatus($status, 'error'), 'arrayFromStatus test for error'); $this->assertSame(array(array('type' => 'warning', 'message' => 'mainpage', 'params' => array($I => 'param')), array('type' => 'warning', 'message' => 'parentheses', 'params' => array('foobar', $I => 'param')), array('message' => 'mainpage', 'params' => array($I => 'param'), 'type' => 'warning'), array('message' => 'mainpage', 'params' => array($I => 'param'), 'type' => 'warning'), $I => 'warning'), $formatter->arrayFromStatus($status, 'warning'), 'arrayFromStatus test for warning'); }
public function execute($params = false) { $sEditLinkText = wfMessage('bs-widget-edit')->text(); $oTitle = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER, RequestContext::getMain()->getUser()->getName() . '/Widgetbar'); $sEditLink = Linker::link($oTitle, Html::rawElement('span', array(), $sEditLinkText), array('id' => 'bs-widgetbar-edit', 'class' => 'icon-pencil clearfix'), array('action' => 'edit', 'preload' => '')); $aOut = array(); $aOut[] = '<div id="bs-widget-container" >'; $aOut[] = ' <div class="icon-plus" id="bs-widget-tab" title="' . wfMessage('bs-widget-container-tooltip')->text() . '" tabindex="100">[+/-]</div>'; $aOut[] = ' <div id="bs-flyout">'; $aOut[] = ' <h4 id="bs-flyout-heading">' . wfMessage('bs-widget-flyout-heading')->text() . '</h4>'; $aOut[] = ' <div id="bs-flyout-content">'; $aOut[] = ' <div id="bs-flyout-content-widgets">'; $aOut[] = ' <h4 id="bs-flyout-content-widgets-header">' . wfMessage("bs-widget-flyout-heading")->plain() . $sEditLink . '</h4>'; foreach ($this->_mWidgets as $oWidgetView) { if ($oWidgetView instanceof ViewWidget) { $aOut[] = $oWidgetView->execute(); } else { wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ': Invalid widget.'); } } $aOut[] = ' </div>'; $aOut[] = ' </div>'; $aOut[] = ' </div>'; $aOut[] = '</div>'; return implode("\n", $aOut); }
static function formatLogEntry($type, $action, $title, $sk, $parameters) { $msg = "lqt-log-action-{$action}"; switch ($action) { case 'merge': if ($parameters[0]) { $msg = 'lqt-log-action-merge-across'; } else { $msg = 'lqt-log-action-merge-down'; } break; case 'move': $smt = new SpecialMoveThread(); $rightsCheck = $smt->checkUserRights($parameters[1] instanceof Title ? $parameters[1] : Title::newFromText($parameters[1]), $parameters[0] instanceof Title ? $parameters[0] : Title::newFromText($parameters[0])); if ($rightsCheck === true) { $parameters[] = Message::rawParam(Linker::link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('MoveThread', $title), wfMessage('revertmove')->text(), array(), array('dest' => $parameters[0]))); } else { $parameters[] = ''; } break; default: // Give grep a chance to find the usages: // lqt-log-action-move, lqt-log-action-split, lqt-log-action-subjectedit, // lqt-log-action-resort, lqt-log-action-signatureedit $msg = "lqt-log-action-{$action}"; break; } array_unshift($parameters, $title->getPrefixedText()); $html = wfMessage($msg, $parameters); if ($sk === null) { return StringUtils::delimiterReplace('<', '>', '', $html->inContentLanguage()->parse()); } return $html->parse(); }
function wfRelationshipRequestResponse($response, $requestId) { global $wgUser; $out = ''; $rel = new UserRelationship($wgUser->getName()); if ($rel->verifyRelationshipRequest($requestId) == true) { $request = $rel->getRequest($requestId); $user_name_from = $request[0]['user_name_from']; $user_id_from = User::idFromName($user_name_from); $rel_type = strtolower($request[0]['type']); $response = isset($_POST['response']) ? $_POST['response'] : $response; $rel->updateRelationshipRequestStatus($requestId, intval($response)); $avatar = new wAvatar($user_id_from, 'l'); $avatar_img = $avatar->getAvatarURL(); if ($response == 1) { $rel->addRelationship($requestId); $out .= "<div class=\"relationship-action red-text\">\n\t\t\t\t{$avatar_img}" . wfMessage("ur-requests-added-message-{$rel_type}", $user_name_from)->escaped() . '<div class="cleared"></div> </div>'; } else { $out .= "<div class=\"relationship-action red-text\">\n\t\t\t\t{$avatar_img}" . wfMessage("ur-requests-reject-message-{$rel_type}", $user_name_from)->escaped() . '<div class="cleared"></div> </div>'; } $rel->deleteRequest($requestId); } return $out; }
function efAddResourceSpecialPage($template, $links) { global $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgAddResourceTab; // return if we are not on the right special page if (!$wgTitle->isSpecial('AddResource')) { return true; } // parse subpage-part. We cannot use $wgTitle->getSubpage() because the // special namespaces doesn't have real subpages $prefixedText = $wgTitle->getPrefixedText(); if (strpos($prefixedText, '/') === FALSE) { return true; // no page given } $parts = explode('/', $prefixedText); $pageName = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; $title = Title::newFromText($pageName)->getSubjectPage(); $talkTitle = $title->getTalkPage(); // Get AddResource URL: $resourceCount = getResourceCount($title); $resourcesUrl = getResourcesUrl($title); $resourcesText = getResourceTabText($resourceCount); $resourcesClass = $resourceCount > 0 ? 'is_resources' : 'new is_resources'; $head = array($title->getNamespaceKey('') => array('class' => $title->exists() ? null : 'new', 'text' => $title->getText(), 'href' => $title->getLocalUrl()), 'resources' => array('class' => $resourcesClass, 'text' => $resourcesText, 'href' => $resourcesUrl)); $tail = array($title->getNamespaceKey('') . '_talk' => array('class' => $talkTitle->exists() ? null : 'new', 'text' => wfMessage('Talk')->text(), 'href' => $talkTitle->getLocalUrl())); $resourceCount = getResourceCount($title); $links['namespaces'] = array_merge($head, $links['namespaces'], $tail); $links['namespaces']['special']['text'] = '+'; return true; }
protected function getTypeProperties($typeLabel) { global $wgRequest, $smwgTypePagingLimit; if ($smwgTypePagingLimit <= 0) { return ''; } // not too useful, but we comply to this request $from = $wgRequest->getVal('from'); $until = $wgRequest->getVal('until'); $typeValue = SMWDataValueFactory::newTypeIDValue('__typ', $typeLabel); if (!$typeValue->isValid()) { return $this->msg('smw-special-types-no-such-type')->escaped(); } $store = smwfGetStore(); $options = SMWPageLister::getRequestOptions($smwgTypePagingLimit, $from, $until); $diWikiPages = $store->getPropertySubjects(new SMWDIProperty('_TYPE'), $typeValue->getDataItem(), $options); if (!$options->ascending) { $diWikiPages = array_reverse($diWikiPages); } $result = ''; if (count($diWikiPages) > 0) { $pageLister = new SMWPageLister($diWikiPages, null, $smwgTypePagingLimit, $from, $until); $title = $this->getTitleFor('Types', $typeLabel); $title->setFragment('#SMWResults'); // Make navigation point to the result list. $navigation = $pageLister->getNavigationLinks($title); $resultNumber = min($smwgTypePagingLimit, count($diWikiPages)); $typeName = $typeValue->getLongWikiText(); $result .= "<a name=\"SMWResults\"></a><div id=\"mw-pages\">\n" . '<h2>' . wfMessage('smw_type_header', $typeName)->text() . "</h2>\n<p>" . wfMsgExt('smw_typearticlecount', array('parsemag'), $resultNumber) . "</p>\n" . $navigation . $pageLister->formatList() . $navigation . "\n</div>"; } return $result; }
public function logFeedback($params, $itemId) { $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('FeedbackDashboard', $itemId); $reason = wfMessage('moodbar-log-reason')->params($params['type'], $params['comment'])->text(); $log = new LogPage('moodbar'); $log->addEntry('feedback', $title, $reason); }
/** * Render message box with system messages, e.g. errors or already logged-in notices * * @param string $action The type of action the page is used for ('login' or 'signup') * @param bool $register Whether the user can register an account */ protected function renderMessageHtml($action, $register = false) { $msgBox = ''; // placeholder for displaying any login-related system messages (eg errors) $message = $this->data['message']; $messageType = $this->data['messagetype']; // FIXME: Migrate this to a server-side Mustache template // If there is a system message (error, warning, or success) display that if ($message && $messageType) { $msgBox .= Html::openElement('div', array('class' => $messageType . 'box')); $msgBox .= $message; $msgBox .= Html::closeElement('div'); // Render already logged-in notice } elseif ($this->data['loggedin']) { $msg = $register ? 'mobile-frontend-userlogin-loggedin-register' : 'userlogin-loggedin'; $msgBox .= Html::openElement('div', array('class' => 'warningbox')); $msgBox .= wfMessage($msg)->params($this->data['loggedinuser'])->parse(); $msgBox .= Html::closeElement('div'); // Show default welcome message } else { // The warningbox class is used more for informational purposes than actual warnings. $msgBox .= Html::openElement('div', array('class' => 'warningbox')); $headerMsg = wfMessage('mobile-frontend-generic-login')->parse(); $msgBox .= Html::element('strong', array(), $headerMsg); $msgBox .= Html::element('br'); $msgBox .= wfMessage("mobile-frontend-generic-{$action}-action")->plain(); $msgBox .= Html::closeElement('div'); $msgBox .= $this->getLogoHtml(); } echo $msgBox; }
/** * @see SMWResultPrinter::getResultText * * @param SMWQueryResult $result * @param $outputMode * * @return string */ protected function getResultText(SMWQueryResult $result, $outputMode) { // Data processing // It is advisable to separate data processing from output logic $data = $this->getResultData($result, $outputMode); // Check if the data processing returned any results otherwise just bailout if ($data === array()) { // Add an error message to return method return $result->addErrors(array(wfMessage('srf-no-results')->inContentLanguage()->text())); } else { // Add options if needed to format the output // $outputMode can be specified as // SMW_OUTPUT_HTML // SMW_OUTPUT_FILE // SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI // For implementing template support this options has to be set but if you // manipulate data via jQuery/JavaScript it is less likely that you need // this option since templates will influence how wiki text is parsed // but will have no influence in how a HTML representation is altered // $this->hasTemplates = true; $options = array('mode' => $outputMode); // Return formatted results return $this->getFormatOutput($data, $options); } }
public function requireLoginAnonProvider() { $lang = 'en'; $expected1 = wfMessage('exception-nologin-text')->inLanguage($lang)->text(); $expected2 = wfMessage('about')->inLanguage($lang)->text(); return array(array($expected1, null, null), array($expected2, 'about', null), array($expected2, 'about', 'about')); }
function execute($category) { global $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgPageSchemasHandlerClasses; if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('generatepages')) { $wgOut->permissionRequired('generatepages'); return; } $this->setHeaders(); $param = $wgRequest->getText('param'); if (!empty($param) && !empty($category)) { // Generate the pages! $this->generatePages($param, $wgRequest->getArray('page')); $text = Html::element('p', null, wfMessage('ps-generatepages-success')->parse()); $wgOut->addHTML($text); return true; } if ($category == "") { // No category listed. // TODO - show an error message. return true; } // Standard "generate pages" form, with category name set. // Check for a valid category, with a page schema defined. $pageSchemaObj = new PSSchema($category); if (!$pageSchemaObj->isPSDefined()) { $text = Html::element('p', null, wfMessage('ps-generatepages-noschema')->parse()); $wgOut->addHTML($text); return true; } $text = Html::element('p', null, wfMessage('ps-generatepages-desc')->parse()) . "\n"; $text .= '<form method="post">'; $text .= Html::input('param', $category, 'hidden') . "\n"; $text .= '<div id="ps_check_all_check_none"> <input type="button" id="ps_check_all" value="' . wfMessage('powersearch-toggleall')->parse() . '" /> <input type="button" id="ps_check_none" value="' . wfMessage('powersearch-togglenone')->parse() . '" /> </div><br/>'; $wgOut->addModules('ext.pageschemas.generatepages'); // This hook will set an array of strings, with each value // as a title of a page to be created. $pageList = array(); foreach ($wgPageSchemasHandlerClasses as $psHandlerClass) { $pagesFromHandler = call_user_func(array($psHandlerClass, "getPagesToGenerate"), $pageSchemaObj); foreach ($pagesFromHandler as $page) { $pageList[] = $page; } } foreach ($pageList as $page) { if (!$page instanceof Title) { continue; } $pageName = PageSchemas::titleString($page); $text .= Html::input('page[]', $pageName, 'checkbox', array('checked' => true)); $text .= "\n" . Linker::link($page) . "<br />\n"; } $text .= "<br />\n"; $text .= Html::input(null, wfMessage('generatepages')->parse(), 'submit'); $text .= "\n</form>"; $wgOut->addHTML($text); return true; }
/** * Prepare data output * * @since 1.8 * * @param array $data label => value */ protected function getFormatOutput(array $data) { static $statNr = 0; $chartID = 'jqplot-' . $this->params['charttype'] . '-' . ++$statNr; $this->isHTML = true; // Prepare data objects if (in_array($this->params['charttype'], array('bar', 'line'))) { // Parse bar relevant data $dataObject = $this->prepareBarData($data); } elseif (in_array($this->params['charttype'], array('pie', 'donut'))) { //Parse pie/donut relevant data $dataObject = $this->preparePieData($data); } else { // Return with an error return Html::rawElement('span', array('class' => "error"), wfMessage('srf-error-missing-layout')->inContentLanguage()->text()); } // Encode data objects $requireHeadItem = array($chartID => FormatJson::encode($dataObject)); SMWOutputs::requireHeadItem($chartID, Skin::makeVariablesScript($requireHeadItem)); // Processing placeholder $processing = SRFUtils::htmlProcessingElement($this->isHTML); // Ensure right conversion $width = strstr($this->params['width'], "%") ? $this->params['width'] : $this->params['width'] . 'px'; // Chart/graph placeholder $chart = Html::rawElement('div', array('id' => $chartID, 'class' => 'container', 'style' => "display:none; width: {$width}; height: {$this->params['height']}px;"), null); // Beautify class selector $class = $this->params['charttype'] ? '-' . $this->params['charttype'] : ''; $class = $this->params['class'] ? $class . ' ' . $this->params['class'] : $class . ' jqplot-common'; // Chart/graph wrappper return Html::rawElement('div', array('class' => 'srf-jqplot' . $class), $processing . $chart); }
/** * @since 2.3 * * @param string $value * * @return Description * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function deserialize($value) { if (!is_string($value)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('value needs to be a string'); } if ($value === '') { $this->addError(wfMessage('smw_novalues')->text()); return new ThingDescription(); } $subdescriptions = array(); $values = $this->dataValue->getValuesFromString($value); $valueIndex = 0; // index in value array $propertyIndex = 0; // index in property list foreach ($this->dataValue->getPropertyDataItems() as $diProperty) { // stop if there are no values left if (!is_array($values) || !array_key_exists($valueIndex, $values)) { break; } $description = $this->getDescriptionForProperty($diProperty, $values, $valueIndex, $propertyIndex); if ($description !== null) { $subdescriptions[] = $description; } ++$propertyIndex; } if ($subdescriptions === array()) { $this->addError(wfMessage('smw_novalues')->text()); } return $this->getDescriptionFor($subdescriptions); }
public static function getParameters() { $params = parent::getParameters(); $params = array_merge($params, self::getValuesParameters()); $params[] = array('name' => 'show on select', 'type' => 'string', 'description' => wfMessage('sf_forminputs_showonselect')->text()); return $params; }
private function getList() { $data = array(); $result = $this->getResult(); $gadgets = Gadget::loadStructuredList(); foreach ($gadgets as $category => $list) { if (!$this->neededNames || isset($this->neededNames[$category])) { $row = array(); if (isset($this->props['name'])) { $row['name'] = $category; } if ($category !== "") { if (isset($this->props['title'])) { $row['desc'] = wfMessage("gadget-section-{$category}")->parse(); } } if (isset($this->props['members'])) { $row['members'] = count($list); } $data[] = $row; } } $result->setIndexedTagName($data, 'category'); $result->addValue('query', $this->getModuleName(), $data); }
public function addNewAccountMailPassword() { $u = $this->addNewAccountInternal(); if ($u == null) { return false; } // reset password $tempUser = TempUser::getTempUserFromName($this->mUsername); $tempUser->setPassword(''); $tempUser->updateData(); $u = $tempUser->mapTempUserToUser(false, $u); // add log $userLoginHelper = F::build('UserLoginHelper'); $userLoginHelper->addNewUserLogEntry($u, true); // mail temporary password $emailTextTemplate = F::app()->renderView("UserLogin", "GeneralMail", array('language' => $u->getOption('language'), 'type' => 'account-creation-email')); $result = $this->mailPasswordInternal($u, false, 'usersignup-account-creation-email-subject', 'usersignup-account-creation-email-body', $emailTextTemplate); if (!$result->isGood()) { $this->mainLoginForm(wfMessage('userlogin-error-mail-error', $result->getMessage())->parse()); return false; } else { $this->mainLoginForm(wfMsgExt('usersignup-account-creation-email-sent', array('parseinline'), $this->mEmail, $this->username), 'success'); return $u; } }
function __construct($params) { $params += array('require-match' => false); parent::__construct($params); if (array_key_exists('autocomplete-messages', $this->mParams)) { foreach ($this->mParams['autocomplete-messages'] as $key => $value) { $key = $this->msg($key)->plain(); $this->autocomplete[$key] = strval($value); } } elseif (array_key_exists('autocomplete', $this->mParams)) { foreach ($this->mParams['autocomplete'] as $key => $value) { $this->autocomplete[$key] = strval($value); } } if (!is_array($this->autocomplete) || !$this->autocomplete) { throw new MWException('HTMLAutoCompleteSelectField called without any autocompletions'); } $this->getOptions(); if ($this->mOptions && !in_array('other', $this->mOptions, true)) { if (isset($params['other-message'])) { $msg = wfMessage($params['other-message'])->text(); } elseif (isset($params['other'])) { $msg = $params['other']; } else { $msg = wfMessage('htmlform-selectorother-other')->text(); } $this->mOptions[$msg] = 'other'; } }
public function testNonParseForInvokedMessageParse() { $parserData = $this->getMockBuilder('\\SMW\\ParserData')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $parserData->expects($this->never())->method('getSemanticData'); $this->applicationFactory->registerObject('ParserData', $parserData); wfMessage('properties')->parse(); }
/** * Get a message, with optional parameters * Parameters from user input must be escaped for HTML *before* passing to this function * * @access public * @param integer Message ID * @return string */ public function msg() { $args = func_get_args(); $errorId = array_shift($args); $errorLevel = floor($errorId / 1000); $errorMessageId = $errorId % 1000; if (\DynamicPageListHooks::getDebugLevel() >= $errorLevel) { if (\DynamicPageListHooks::isLikeIntersection()) { if ($errorId == \DynamicPageListHooks::FATAL_TOOMANYCATS) { $text = wfMessage('intersection_toomanycats', $args)->text(); } elseif ($errorId == \DynamicPageListHooks::FATAL_TOOFEWCATS) { $text = wfMessage('intersection_toofewcats', $args)->text(); } elseif ($errorId == \DynamicPageListHooks::WARN_NORESULTS) { $text = wfMessage('intersection_noresults', $args)->text(); } elseif ($errorId == \DynamicPageListHooks::FATAL_NOSELECTION) { $text = wfMessage('intersection_noincludecats', $args)->text(); } } if (empty($text)) { $text = wfMessage('dpl_log_' . $errorMessageId, $args)->text(); } $this->buffer[] = '<p>Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version ' . DPL_VERSION . ': ' . $text . '</p>'; } return false; }
public function get_controller($_INPUT) { $return = array(); if (isset($_INPUT['request'])) { if ($this->get_request() == $_INPUT['request']) { if ($this->set_annuity($_INPUT)) { if (empty($_INPUT['value'])) { $return['formulae'] = $this->get_solution(); return $return; } else { $return['formulae'] = $this->get_interest_rate(); return $return; } } else { $return['warning'] = wfMessage('fm-exception-setting-annuity')->text(); return $return; } } } else { $render = new CT1_Render(); $return['form'] = $render->get_render_form($this->get_calculator(array("delta", "escalation_delta"))); return $return; } return $return; }
/** * @since 2.4 * * @param string $value * * @return Description * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function deserialize($value) { if (!is_string($value)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Value needs to be a string'); } if ($value === '') { $this->addError(wfMessage('smw_novalues')->text()); return new ThingDescription(); } $subdescriptions = array(); list($text, $languageCode) = $this->dataValue->getValuesFromString($value); foreach ($this->dataValue->getPropertyDataItems() as $property) { // If the DVFeature doesn't require a language code to be present then // allow to skip it as conjunctive condition when it is empty if ($languageCode === '' && $property->getKey() === '_LCODE' && !$this->dataValue->isEnabledFeature(SMW_DV_MLTV_LCODE)) { continue; } $value = $property->getKey() === '_LCODE' ? $languageCode : $text; $comparator = SMW_CMP_EQ; $this->prepareValue($value, $comparator); // Directly use the DI instead of going through the DVFactory to // avoid having ~zh-* being validated when building a DV // If one of the values is empty use, ? so queries can be arbitrary // in respect of the query condition $dataValue = DataValueFactory::getInstance()->newDataValueByItem(new DIBlob($value === '' ? '?' : $value), $property, false, $this->dataValue->getContextPage()); if (!$dataValue->isValid()) { $this->addError($dataValue->getErrors()); continue; } $subdescriptions[] = $this->newSubdescription($dataValue, $comparator); } return $this->getFinalDescriptionFor($subdescriptions); }
public function index() { $title = Title::newFromText('Version', NS_SPECIAL); $popts = ParserOptions::newFromContext(RequestContext::getMain()); $this->wg->Title = $title; $this->specialPage->setHeaders(); $softwareListPrepped = array(); foreach ($this->version->getSoftwareList() as $key => $val) { $softwareListPrepped[$this->wg->Parser->parse($key, $title, $popts)->getText()] = $this->wg->Parser->parse($val, $title, $popts)->getText(); } $this->setVal('copyRightAndAuthorList', $this->wg->Parser->parse($this->version->getCopyrightAndAuthorList(), $title, $popts)->getText()); $this->setVal('softwareInformation', $this->wg->Parser->parse($this->version->softwareInformation(), $title, $popts)->getText()); $this->setVal('extensionCredit', $this->wg->Parser->parse($this->version->getExtensionCredits(), $title, $popts)->getText()); $this->setVal('ip', str_replace('--', ' - ', htmlspecialchars($this->getContext()->getRequest()->getIP()))); $this->setVal('wikiaCodeMessage', wfMessage('wikia-version-code')->escaped()); $this->setVal('wikiaCodeVersion', $this->version->getWikiaCodeVersion()); $this->setVal('wikiaConfigMessage', wfMessage('wikia-version-config')->escaped()); $this->setVal('wikiaConfigVersion', $this->version->getWikiaConfigVersion()); $this->setVal('versionLicenseMessage', wfMessage('version-license')->escaped()); $this->setVal('versionLicenseInfoMessage', wfMessage('version-license-info')->parse()); $this->setVal('versionSoftwareMessage', wfMessage('version-software')->escaped()); $this->setVal('versionSoftwareProductMessage', wfMessage('version-software-product')->escaped()); $this->setVal('versionSoftwareVersionMessage', wfMessage('version-software-version')->escaped()); $this->setVal('versionSoftwareList', $softwareListPrepped); }
public function execute() { # get the current user. $context = $this->createContext(); $user = $context->getUser(); $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $action = $params['action']; // check the blacklist, the same way tbhooks does it. // // Some places check createpage, while others check create. // As it stands, upload does createpage, but normalize both // to the same action, to stop future similar bugs. if ($action === 'createpage' || $action === 'createtalk') { $action = 'create'; } $title = Title::newFromText($params['title']); if (!$title) { $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title'])); } $blacklisted = TitleBlacklist::singleton()->userCannot($title, $user, $action); if ($blacklisted instanceof TitleBlacklistEntry) { // this title is blacklisted. $result = array(htmlspecialchars($blacklisted->getRaw()), htmlspecialchars($params['title'])); $res = $this->getResult(); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'result', 'blacklisted'); // this is hardcoded to 'edit' in Titleblacklist.hooks.php, duplicating that. $message = $blacklisted->getErrorMessage('edit'); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'reason', wfMessage($message, $result)->text()); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'message', $message); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'line', htmlspecialchars($blacklisted->getRaw())); } else { // not blacklisted $this->getResult()->addValue('titleblacklist', 'result', 'ok'); } }
function execute($par) { /** * Some satellite ISPs use broken precaching schemes that log people out straight after * they're logged in (bug 17790). Luckily, there's a way to detect such requests. */ if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '&') !== false) { wfDebug("Special:Userlogout request {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} looks suspicious, denying.\n"); throw new HttpError(400, wfMessage('suspicious-userlogout'), wfMessage('loginerror')); } $this->setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader(); $user = $this->getUser(); $oldName = $user->getName(); $user->logout(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->addWikiMsg('logouttext'); // Hook. $injected_html = ''; wfRunHooks('UserLogoutComplete', array(&$user, &$injected_html, $oldName)); $out->addHTML($injected_html); $mReturnTo = $this->getRequest()->getVal('returnto'); $mReturnToQuery = $this->getRequest()->getVal('returntoquery'); $title = Title::newFromText($mReturnTo); if (!empty($title)) { $mResolvedReturnTo = strtolower(array_shift(SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias($title->getDBKey()))); if (in_array($mResolvedReturnTo, array('userlogout', 'signup', 'connect'))) { $titleObj = Title::newMainPage(); $mReturnTo = $titleObj->getText(); $mReturnToQuery = ''; } } $out->returnToMain(false, $mReturnTo, $mReturnToQuery); }
/** * Make sure the keys are defined. * * @throws Exception */ function efReCaptcha() { $wg = F::app()->wg; if ($wg->ReCaptchaPublicKey == '' || $wg->ReCaptchaPrivateKey == '') { throw new Exception(wfMessage('recaptcha-misconfigured')->escaped()); } }
public function execute() { $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $action = $params['action']; $override = true; if (isset($params['nooverride'])) { $override = false; } // createtalk and createpage are useless as they're treated exactly like create if ($action === 'createpage' || $action === 'createtalk') { $action = 'create'; } $title = Title::newFromText($params['title']); if (!$title) { $this->dieUsageMsg(array('invalidtitle', $params['title'])); } $blacklisted = TitleBlacklist::singleton()->userCannot($title, $this->getUser(), $action, $override); if ($blacklisted instanceof TitleBlacklistEntry) { // this title is blacklisted. $result = array(htmlspecialchars($blacklisted->getRaw()), htmlspecialchars($params['title'])); $res = $this->getResult(); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'result', 'blacklisted'); // there aren't any messages for create(talk|page), using edit for those instead $message = $blacklisted->getErrorMessage($action !== 'create' ? $action : 'edit'); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'reason', wfMessage($message, $result)->text()); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'message', $message); $res->addValue('titleblacklist', 'line', htmlspecialchars($blacklisted->getRaw())); } else { // not blacklisted $this->getResult()->addValue('titleblacklist', 'result', 'ok'); } }
/** * Filling property 'coordinates' * @global string $egMultiMaps_CoordinatesSeparator * @param string $coordinates * @param string $service Name of map service * @return boolean */ protected function parseCoordinates($coordinates, $service = null) { global $egMultiMaps_CoordinatesSeparator; $array = explode($egMultiMaps_CoordinatesSeparator, $coordinates); if ($service == 'leaflet' && count($array) == 1) { $value = $array[0]; $coord = Geocoders::getCoordinates($value, $service, array('polygon' => true)); if ($coord !== false && is_array($coord['polygon'])) { $this->coordinates = $coord['polygon']; } else { $this->errormessages[] = \wfMessage('multimaps-unable-parse-coordinates', $value)->escaped(); return false; } } else { foreach ($array as $value) { $point = new Point(); if ($point->parse($value, $service)) { $this->coordinates[] = $point; } else { $this->errormessages[] = \wfMessage('multimaps-unable-parse-coordinates', $value)->escaped(); return false; } } } return true; }
public static function getHTML($cur_value, $input_name, $is_mandatory, $is_disabled, $other_args) { global $sfgTabIndex, $sfgFieldNum, $sfgShowOnSelect; $className = $is_mandatory ? 'mandatoryField' : 'createboxInput'; if (array_key_exists('class', $other_args)) { $className .= ' ' . $other_args['class']; } $input_id = "input_{$sfgFieldNum}"; $disabled_text = $is_disabled ? 'disabled' : ''; if (array_key_exists('show on select', $other_args)) { $className .= ' sfShowIfCheckedCheckbox'; $div_id = key($other_args['show on select']); $sfgShowOnSelect[$input_id] = $div_id; } // Can show up here either as an array or a string, depending on // whether it came from user input or a wiki page if (is_array($cur_value)) { $checked_str = array_key_exists('value', $cur_value) && $cur_value['value'] == 'on' ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; } else { // Default to false - no need to check if it matches // a 'false' word. $vlc = strtolower(trim($cur_value)); if (in_array($vlc, explode(',', wfMessage('smw_true_words')->inContentLanguage()->text()), true)) { $checked_str = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $checked_str = ''; } } $text = <<<END \t<input name="{$input_name}[is_checkbox]" type="hidden" value="true" /> \t<input id="{$input_id}" name="{$input_name}[value]" type="checkbox" class="{$className}" tabindex="{$sfgTabIndex}" {$checked_str} {$disabled_text}/> END; return $text; }