function weaverx_admin_help()
    _e('Weaver Xtreme Help', 'weaver-xtreme');

<br />
    _e('This is the Weaver Xtreme Admin help button: ', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_help_link('help.html#top', __('Weaver Xtreme Help', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('Clicking the ? will open the Weaver Xtreme Help document.', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Please see our active ', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_site('', '//', __('Weaver Support Forum', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('Support Forum</a> for online help.', 'weaver-xtreme');
<br /><br />
    do_action('weaverxplus_admin', 'help');
<div style="float:left;width:50%;padding-right:2%">
	<div class="atw-help">
<h2 style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;")>
    weaverx_help_link('help.html', __('Weaver Xtreme Help', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Theme Documentation (Customizer)', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('Complete documentation for using the Weaver Xtreme Theme and the Customizer option interface.', 'weaver-xtreme');

<h2 style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;")>
    weaverx_help_link('legacy-help.html', __('Weaver Xtreme Help', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Theme Documentation (Legacy Admin)', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('Complete documentation for using the Weaver Xtreme Theme with the Legacy options interface.', 'weaver-xtreme');

<h2 style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;")>
    weaverx_help_link('css-help.html', __('Weaver CSS Help', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('CSS HELP', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('A short CSS Tutorial', 'weaver-xtreme');
<h2 style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;")>
    weaverx_help_link('font-demo.html', __('Examples of supported fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Font Examples', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('Example of Font Families supported by Weaver Xtreme and Weaver Xtreme Plus.', 'weaver-xtreme');
    // Following Release Notes are not wrapped in translation as they are highly veriable, and will
    // change with each update of the theme - even minor updates. Just doesn't make sense to translate them.

<h3 style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;")>
    _e('Release Notes', 'weaver-xtreme');
	<em>Weaver Xtreme Version 2.0</em> represents a significant upgrade over Version 1.3.
	The major change is the addition of Customizer based options. All of the options
	previously handled via the legacy Theme Options interface are now included in
	the WordPress Customizer. Legacy Theme Options still available with <em>Weaver Xtreme Theme Support</em>
	plugin. You can now preview your changes live and on the fly.
	This is a revolutionary change in how you can design your own site.
= Version 2.0 =
* New:     Added Customizer Option Interface - Setting options is now a WYSIWYG experience!
* New:     20+ Google Fonts included and integrated to free theme version.
*          -- Other additions and changes ---
* New:    Columns for post content
* New:    Added Header/Footer Center Content within HTML area option
* New:    Retain Menu Bar Hover BG Color option when open submenus
* New:    Top/Bottom margins on Primary, Secondary, Extra Menu bars
* New:    Character and Word spacing (Xtreme Plus)
* New:    Support for Cryllic, Greek, Hebrew, and Vietnamese character sets with some fonts.
* Change: Removed WP Appearance : "Theme Options" from core theme. (now included with theme support plugin)
* Change: Appearance "Theme Options" label changed to "Weaver Xtreme Admin"
* Change: No longer recommend WP Retina 2x plugin as that functionality is now in WP 4.4
* Tweak:  Default font changed to "Open Sans" from "Arial" to take advantage of Google Fonts.
* Tweak:  #header-html 100% width default
* Tweak:  Changed Footer Area, Container Area, and Info Bar to border-box.
* Tweak:  #content default margin bottom changed to 0. This works better with Customizer.
* Tweak:  Changed < hr > height to 2px for default.
* Tweak:  Mini Menu top margin default changed to 0em.
* Tweak:  Added .weaverx_inject_area class to all injection areas
* Fix:    Header/Footer HTML center alignment option
* Fix:    misc fixes/tweaks to Version 1.3

= Version 2.0.3 =
* New: Added Don't Use Customizer option for slow hosts/computers
* Fix: Container Max Width live update issue
* Fix: Switch to Customizer bad link on subdirectory installs
* Fix: Bug in menu bottom margin
* Fix: Header HTML would not hide if Centered
* Fix: Spelling error in Romanian translation file
* Fix: Customizer link color preview
* Tweak: new algorithm for Customizer Custom CSS live update
* Tweak: modified weaverx_site_title and weaverx_tagline filters to allow HTML
<div style="float:right;width:40%;padding-right:1%">

    _e('RECOMMENDED PLUGINS', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Some recommended plugins to use with your Weaver Xtreme Theme', 'weaver-xtreme');
<li style="font-size:120%;"><a href="//" target="_blank"><?php 
    _e('Weaver Xtreme Theme Support', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('- provides <strong>essential</strong> Weaver Xtreme theme options and useful shortcodes', 'weaver-xtreme');
<li><a href="//" target="_blank"><?php 
    _e('Weaver Show Posts', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('- adds the [show_posts] shortcode to selectively display posts filtered by category, tag, order, id, etc.
Also adds additional filtering options to the Weaver Xtreme Page with Posts page template.
This formerly was integrated with Weaver, and was considered an important part of the theme.', 'weaver-xtreme');
<li><a href="//" target="_blank"><?php 
    _e('Weaver Show Sliders', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('- good for any kind of slideshows - images, posts, [gallery] replacement', 'weaver-xtreme');
<li><a href="" target="_blank">WP Edit</a> -
    _e('WP Edit adds additional editing functionality to the default WordPress editor.
Allows content formatting without the need for extra HTML or CSS.
Also includes advanced features to manage your content such as post and page revision control.', 'weaver-xtreme');

</div><div style="clear:both;"></div>

function weaverx_tab_title($title, $help_link, $help_title)
    echo '<h3>' . $title;
    weaverx_help_link($help_link, $help_title);
    echo '</h3>';
     * Define the sections and settings for the General panel
    function weaverx_customizer_define_typography_sections($sections)
        $panel = 'weaverx_typography';
        $typography_sections = array();
         * Global
        $typography_sections['typo-global'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Global Typography Options', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Set base font values: Base font size, base line height, and more. The Font Size options for other areas are all derived from these base sizes.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array('site_fontsize_int' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'absint', 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'default' => 16), 'control' => array('control_type' => 'WeaverX_Range_Control', 'label' => __('Site Base Font Size (px)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __("Base font size of standard text. This value determines the default medium font size. Note that visitors can change their browser's font size, so final font size can vary, as expected. Default is 16px.", 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 2, 'max' => 50, 'step' => 1))), 'site_line_height_dec' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'weaverx_cz_sanitize_float', 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'default' => 1.5), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Site Base Line Height', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON, 'description' => __('Set the Base line-height. Line heights for various font sizes based on this multiplier. (Default: 1.5 - no units)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 0.1, 'max' => 10.0, 'step' => 0.1))), 'site_fontsize_tablet_int' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'absint', 'transport' => 'refresh', 'default' => 16), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Site Base Font Size - Small Tablets (px)', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Small Tablet base font size of standard text. (Default medium font size: 16px)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 2, 'max' => 50, 'step' => 1))), 'site_fontsize_phone_int' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'absint', 'transport' => 'refresh', 'default' => 16), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Site Base Font Size - Phones (px)', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Phone base font size of standard text. (Default medium font size: 16px)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 2, 'max' => 50, 'step' => 1))), 'custom_fontsize_a' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'weaverx_cz_sanitize_float', 'transport' => 'refresh', 'default' => 1.0), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Custom Font Size A (em)', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Font Size for Custom Font Size A on the Font Size selection options.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 0.5, 'max' => 20, 'step' => 0.5))), 'custom_fontsize_b' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'weaverx_cz_sanitize_float', 'transport' => 'refresh', 'default' => 1.0), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Custom Font Size B (em)', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Font Size for Custom Font Size B on the Font Size selection options.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => 0.5, 'max' => 20, 'step' => 0.5))), 'font_letter_spacing_global_dec' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'weaverx_cz_sanitize_float', 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'default' => 0.0), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Character Spacing (em)', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON, 'description' => __('Add extra spacing between characters. (Default: 0)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => -0.1, 'max' => 0.25, 'step' => 0.0025))), 'font_word_spacing_global_dec' => array('setting' => array('sanitize_callback' => 'weaverx_cz_sanitize_float', 'transport' => 'postMessage', 'default' => 0.0), 'control' => array('control_type' => WEAVERX_PLUS_RANGE_CONTROL, 'label' => __('Word Spacing (em)', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON, 'description' => __('Add extra spacing between words. (Default: 0)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'range', 'input_attrs' => array('min' => -0.5, 'max' => 1.0, 'step' => 0.05))), 'typo-google-font-opts' => weaverx_cz_group_title(__('Integrated Google Fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Weaver Xtreme integrates a selected set of Google Font families. You can disable them, or add differenet language support in this section.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'disable_google_fonts' => weaverx_cz_checkbox_refresh(__('Disable Google Font Integration', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('<strong>ADVANCED OPTION!</strong> <em>Be sure you understand the consequences of this option.</em> By disabling Google Font Integration, the Google Fonts definitions will <strong>not</strong> be loaded for your site, and the options will not be displayed on Font Family options subsequently. <strong style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">Please note:</strong> Any previously selected Google Font Families will revert to generic serif, sans, mono, and script fonts. Google Font Families WILL be displayed in the Customizer options until you manually refresh the Customizer page.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'typo-lang-intro' => weaverx_cz_heading(__('Google Font Language Character Sets', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('By default, integrated Google Fonts will include the <em>Latin Extended</em> character set. If you need a Crylic, Greek, Hebrew, or Vietnamese character set, these are currently supported by Google Fonts for <em>some</em> font families.
Google Fonts not supported for these character sets, and character sets for most other world languages will be displayed
using the default browser serif and sans fonts.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'font_set_cryllic' => weaverx_cz_checkbox_refresh(__('Cryllic', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Add Cryllic character set to Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Roboto (all), Arimo, and Tinos font families.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'font_set_greek' => weaverx_cz_checkbox_refresh(__('Greek', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Add Greek character set to Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Roboto (all), Arimo, and Tinos font families.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'font_set_hebrew' => weaverx_cz_checkbox_refresh(__('Hebrew', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Add Hebrew character set to Arimo and Tinos font families.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'font_set_vietnamese' => weaverx_cz_checkbox_refresh(__('Greek', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Add Greek character set to Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Roboto (all), Source Sans Pro, Alegreya Sans, Arimo, and Tinos font families.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'typo-intro' => weaverx_cz_group_title(__('Using Font Families', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('<em>Weaver Xtreme</em> includes support for over 30 font family choices: 16 <strong>Web Safe</strong> fonts, and the remaining from a carefully selected set of <strong>Google Fonts</strong>.
The <strong>Google Fonts</strong> will be displayed the same on every browser, <em>including</em> Android and iOS devices.
The <strong>Web Safe</strong> will be displayed as specified for most modern browsers, but will likely revert to
one of the three basic fonts supported by Android devices, or a limited set for iOS devices. <em>We highly recommend selecting <strong>Google Fonts</strong> for your site.</em><br/>
You can also add more Google Fonts, other free fonts, and even premium fonts using <em>Weaver Xtreme Plus</em>.<br />
You can see a demonstration of <em>Weaver Xtreme\'s</em> fonts here: ', 'weaver-xtreme') . weaverx_help_link('font-demo.html', __('Examples of supported fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Font Examples', 'weaver-xtreme'), false)), 'typo-font-family-note' => array('control' => array('control_type' => 'WeaverX_Misc_Control', 'label' => __('Add Font Families', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_PLUS_ICON, 'description' => sprintf(__('<p>The <strong>%s</strong> allows you add additional free fonts from
	<a href="//" target="_blank" title="Google Web Fonts"><strong>Google Web Fonts</strong></a>,
    <a href="//" target="_blank" title="Font Squirrel"><strong>Font Squirrel</strong></a>,
    or virtually any other free or commercial font source directly to all the
    <em>Font Family</em> selectors found in various text options.</p>
	<p>To define Font Families, please "Save &amp; Publish" options you may have set on this Optimizer, then click to open the
	<strong>%s</strong>, and open the <em>Fonts &amp; Custom</em> tab.
	Be sure to <em>Save Settings</em> before leaving the Legacy Weaver Xtreme Admin panel.</p>', 'weaver-xtreme'), weaverx_cz_get_admin_page(__('Weaver Xtreme Plus Font Control Panel', 'weaver-xtreme')), weaverx_cz_get_admin_page(__('Weaver Xtreme Plus Font Control Panel', 'weaver-xtreme'))), 'type' => 'HTML'))));
         * General
        $typography_sections['typo-wrapping'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Wrapping Areas', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Set font and other typography attributes. Add new fonts from the <em>Appearance &rarr; Weaver Xtreme Admin &rarr; Main Options &rarr; Fonts &amp; Custom</em> panel. Use Site Colors to set colors.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array('typo-heading-global' => array()));
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('wrapper', __('Site Wrapper &amp; Container Fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Default (wrapper) typography for site. Set font attributes here that will apply to the entire site. To override other items, set typography for individual items on other panels. (The inherited default Font Family is Open Sans.)', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-wrapping']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-wrapping']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('container', __('Container Fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Container typography for site. Wraps content and sidebars.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-wrapping']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-wrapping']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Links
        $typography_sections['typo-links'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_link_fonts('link', __('Global Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Global default for link typography (not including menus and titles). Set Bold, Italic, and Underline by setting those options for specific areas rather than globally to have more control.', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-links']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-links']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_link_fonts('ibarlink', __('Info Bar Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('<small>Typography for links in Info Bar (uses Standard Link colors if left inherit).', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-links']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-links']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_link_fonts('contentlink', __('Content Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('<small>Typography for links in Content (uses Standard Link colors if left inherit).', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-links']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-links']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_link_fonts('ilink', __('Post Meta Info Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('<small>Typography for links in post meta information top and bottom lines. (uses Standard Link colors if left inherit).', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-links']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-links']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_link_fonts('wlink', __('Individual Widget Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Typography for links in widgets (uses Standard Link colors if inherit).', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-links']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-links']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_link_fonts('footerlink', __('Footer Area Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Typography for links in Footer (Uses Standard Link colors if left inherit).', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-links']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-links']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Site Header
        $typography_sections['typo-header'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Header Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('header', __('Header Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-header']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-header']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('site_title', __('Site Title', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-header']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-header']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('tagline', __('Site Tagline', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-header']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-header']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('header_sb', __('Header Widget Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-header']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-header']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('header_html', __('Header HTML', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-header']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-header']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Main Menu
        $typography_sections['typo-menus'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Menus', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Set typography for Menus.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('m_primary', __('Primary Menu', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('m_secondary', __('Secondary Menu', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('m_header_mini', __('Header Mini Menu', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'], $new_opts);
        // current page
        $cur_page = array('typo-am-line1' => weaverx_cz_line(), 'typo-allmenus-heading' => weaverx_cz_group_title(__('Typography For All Menus', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('These options specify current page attributes for all menus.', 'weaver-xtreme')), 'menubar_curpage_bold' => array('setting' => array(), 'control' => array('label' => __('Bold Current Page', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Bold Face Current Page and ancestors.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'checkbox')), 'menubar_curpage_em' => array('setting' => array(), 'control' => array('label' => __('Italic Current Page', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Italic Current Page and ancestors.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'checkbox')), 'menubar_curpage_noancestors' => array('setting' => array(), 'control' => array('label' => __('Do Not Highlight Ancestors', 'weaver-xtreme') . WEAVERX_REFRESH_ICON, 'description' => __('Highlight Current Page only - do not also highlight ancestor items.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'checkbox')));
        $typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'], $cur_page);
        if (weaverx_cz_is_plus()) {
            $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('m_extra', __('Extra Menu', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        } else {
            $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_plus_message('typo_menus', __('Extra Menu', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Add extra menus with <strong>Weaver Xtreme Plus</strong>.', 'weaver-xtreme'));
        $typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-menus']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Info Bar
        $typography_sections['typo-info-bar'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Info Bar', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Info Bar with breadcrumbs and paged navigation displayed under Primary Menu.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('info_bar', __('Info Bar', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-info-bar']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-info-bar']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Content
        $typography_sections['typo-content'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Content', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Typography for general page and post content.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('content', __('Content Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-content']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-content']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('page_title', __('Page Title', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-content']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-content']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('archive_title', __('Archive Pages Title', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-content']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-content']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('content_h', __('Content Headings', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Headings (&lt;h1&gt;-&lt;h6&gt;) in page and post content.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'refresh', 'normal');
        $typography_sections['typo-content']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-content']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Post Specific
        $typography_sections['typo-post-specific'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Post Specific', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Post Specific Typography - override Content Typography.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('post', __('Post Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('post_title', __('Post Title', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('post_info_top', __('Top Post Info Line', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('post_info_bottom', __('Bottom Post Info Line', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-post-specific']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Sidebars
        $typography_sections['typo-sidebars'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Sidebars &amp; Widget Areas', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Main Sidebars and Widget areas. Header and Footer areas options under Header and Footer panels.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('primary', __('Primary Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('secondary', __('Secondary Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('top', __('Top Widget Areas', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Properties for all Top Widget areas (Sitewide, Pages, Blog, Archive).', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('bottom', __('Bottom Widget Areas', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Typography for all Bottom Widget areas (Sitewide, Pages, Blog, Archive).', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-sidebars']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Widgets
        $typography_sections['typo-widgets'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Individual Widgets', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('widget', __('Individual Widgets', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-widgets']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-widgets']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('widget_title', __('Individual Widgets Title', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-widgets']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-widgets']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Footer
        $typography_sections['typo-footer'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Footer Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array());
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('footer', __('Footer Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-footer']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-footer']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('footer_sb', __('Footer Widget Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-footer']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-footer']['options'], $new_opts);
        $new_opts = weaverx_cz_add_fonts('footer_html', __('Footer HTML', 'weaver-xtreme'), '', 'postMessage');
        $typography_sections['typo-footer']['options'] = array_merge($typography_sections['typo-footer']['options'], $new_opts);
         * Filter the definitions for the controls in the Color Scheme panel of the Customizer.
         * @since 1.3.0.
         * @param array    $typography_sections    The array of definitions.
        $typography_sections = apply_filters('weaverx_customizer_typography_sections', $typography_sections);
        // Merge with master array
        return array_merge($sections, $typography_sections);
function weaverx_custom_css($value = '')
    $css = weaverx_getopt('add_css');
    if (isset($value['id'])) {
        $icon = $value['id'];
    if (!isset($icon) || !$icon) {
        $icon = ' ';
    $dash = '';
    if ($icon[0] == '-') {
        // add a leading icon
        $dash = '<span style="padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-' . substr($icon, 1) . '"></span>';
<tr class="atw-row-header"><td colspan="3">
<a id="custom-css-rules"></a>
	<span style="color:black;padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-screenoptions"></span>
	<span style="font-weight:bold; font-size: larger;"><em>
    _e('Custom CSS Rules', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_help_link('help.html#CustomCSS', __('Custom CSS Rules', 'weaver-xtreme'));
<tr><td colspan="3">

	<!-- ======== -->
    _e('Rules you add here will be the <em>last</em> CSS Rules included by Weaver Xtreme, and thus override all other Weaver Xtreme generated CSS rules.
Specify complete CSS rules, but don\'t add the &lt;style&gt; HTML element. You can prefix your selectors with <code>.is-desktop, .is-mobile, .is-smalltablet, or .is-phone</code>
to create rules for specific devices.
<strong>NOTE:</strong> Because Weaver Xtreme uses classes on many of its elements, you may to need to use
<em>!important</em> with your rules to force the style override.
It is possible that other plugins might generate CSS that comes after these rules.', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_textarea(weaverx_getopt('add_css'), 'add_css', 12, '', 'width:95%;', 'wvrx-edit wvrx-edit-dir');

function weaverx_mainopts_widgets()
    $opts = array(array('type' => 'submit'), array('name' => __('Sidebar Options', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => '-screenoptions', 'type' => 'header', 'info' => __('Settings affecting main Sidebars and individual widgets', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'help' => 'help.html#WidgetAreas'), array('name' => __('Individual Widgets', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'widget', 'type' => 'widget_area', 'info' => __('Properties for individual widgets (e.g., Text, Recent Posts, etc.)', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('name' => __('Widget Title', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'widget_title', 'type' => 'titles', 'info' => __('Color for Widget Titles.', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('name' => __('Bar under Widget Titles', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'widget_title_underline_int', 'type' => 'val_px', 'info' => __('Enter size in px if you want a bar under Widget Titles. Leave blank or 0 for no bar.', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('name' => __('Widget List Bullet', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'widgetlist_bullet', 'type' => 'select_id', 'info' => __('Bullet used for Unordered Lists in Widget areas.', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'value' => array(array('val' => 'disc', 'desc' => __('Filled Disc (default)', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('val' => 'circle', 'desc' => __('Circle', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('val' => 'square', 'desc' => __('Square', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('val' => 'none', 'desc' => __('None', 'weaver-xtreme')))), array('name' => __('Widget Links', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'wlink', 'type' => 'link', 'info' => __('Color for links in widgets (uses Standard Link colors if left blank).', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('type' => 'submit'), array('name' => __('Primary Widget Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'primary', 'type' => 'widget_area_submit', 'info' => __('Properties for the Primary (Upper/Left) Sidebar Widget Area.', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('name' => __('Secondary Widget Area', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'secondary', 'type' => 'widget_area_submit', 'info' => __('Properties for the Secondary (Lower/Right) Sidebar Widget Area.', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('name' => __('Top Widget Areas', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'top', 'type' => 'widget_area_submit', 'info' => __('Properties for all Top Widget areas (Sitewide, Pages, Blog, Archive).', 'weaver-xtreme')), array('name' => __('Bottom Widget Areas', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'id' => 'bottom', 'type' => 'widget_area', 'info' => __('Properties for all Bottom Widget areas (Sitewide, Pages, Blog, Archive).', 'weaver-xtreme')));
<hr />
	<span style="color:blue;"><b>Define Per Page Extra Widget Areas</b></span>
    weaverx_help_link('help.html#PPWidgets', 'Help for Per Page Widget Areas');
    _e('You may define extra widget areas that can then be used in the <em>Per Page</em> settings, or in the <em>Weaver Xtreme Plus</em> [widget_area] shortcode.
Enter a list of one or more widget area names separated by commas.
Your names should include only letters, numbers, or underscores - no spaces or other special characters.
The widgets areas will then appear on the Appearance->Widgets menus.
They can be included on individual pages by adding the name you define here to the "Weaver Xtreme Options For This Page" box on the Edit Page screen. (&diams;)', 'weaver-xtreme');
<br />
    weaverx_textarea(weaverx_getopt('_perpagewidgets'), '_perpagewidgets', 1, ' ', $style = 'width:60%;', $class = 'wvrx-edit');
    do_action('weaverxplus_admin', 'widget_areas');
    function wvrx_ts_post_extras()
        global $post;
        $opts = get_option(apply_filters('weaverx_options', 'weaverx_settings'), array());
        // need to fetch Weaver Xtreme options
        if (!(current_user_can('edit_themes') || current_user_can('edit_theme_options') && !isset($opts['_hide_mu_admin_per']) || current_user_can('edit_pages') && !isset($opts['_hide_editor_per']) || current_user_can('edit_posts') && !isset($opts['_hide_author_per']))) {
            echo '<p>' . __('Weaver Xtreme Per Post Options not available for your User Role.', 'weaverx-theme-support') . '</p>';
            // don't show per post panel
<div style="line-height:150%;">
        echo '<strong>' . __('Per Post Options', 'weaverx-theme-support') . '</strong>';
        weaverx_help_link('help.html#PerPage', __('Help for Per Post Options', 'weaverx-theme-support'));
        echo '<span style="float:right;">(' . __('This Post\'s ID: ', 'weaverx-theme-support');
        echo ')</span>';
        _e('These settings let you control display of this individual post. Many of these options override global options set on the Weaver Xtreme admin tabs.', 'weaverx-theme-support');
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_force_post_excerpt', __('Display post as excerpt', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_force_post_full', __('Display as full post where normally excerpted', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 55, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_show_post_avatar', __('Show author avatar with post', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_show_post_bubble', __('Show the comment bubble', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_hide_post_format_label', __('Hide <em>Post Format</em> label', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_hide_post_title', __('Hide post title', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_hide_top_post_meta', __('Hide top post info line', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_hide_bottom_post_meta', __('Hide bottom post info line', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_masonry_span2', __('For <em>Masonry</em> multi-columns: make this post span two columns.', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 90, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_post_add_link', __('Show a "link to single page" icon at bottom of post - useful with compact posts', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 90);
        echo '<br style="clear:both;"/><br /><strong>Per Post Style</strong> (&starf;Plus)';
        weaverx_help_link('help.html#perpoststyle', __('Help for Per Post Style', 'weaverx-theme-support'));
        echo '<br />' . __('Weaver Xtreme Plus supports optional per post CSS style rules.', 'weaverx-theme-support');
<br />
<br />
        _e('<em>Single Page View:</em> Sidebars', 'weaverx-theme-support');

<br />
	<input type="text" size="4" id="_pp_category" name="_pp_sidebar_width"
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_sidebar_width", true));
" />
        _e("% &nbsp;- <em>Sidebar Width</em> - Post Single View Sidebar width (applies to all layouts)", 'weaverx-theme-support');
 <br /><br />
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_primary-widget-area', __('Hide Primary Sidebar, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_secondary-widget-area', __('Hide Secondary Sidebar, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_sitewide-top-widget-area', __('Hide Sitewide Top Area, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_sitewide-bottom-widget-area', __('Hide Sitewide Bottom Area, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_top-widget-area', __('Hide Blog Top Area, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_bottom-widget-area', __('Hide Blog Bottom Area, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_header-widget-area', __('Hide Header Area, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40);
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_footer-widget-area', __('Hide Footer Area, Single View', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 40, 1);
        _e('<em>Single Page View:</em> Widget Area Replacements', 'weaverx-theme-support');
        _e('Select extra widget areas to replace the default widget areas for <em>Single Page</em> view of this post.
To add areas to the widget area lists below, you <strong>must</strong> first define extra widget areas on the bottom of the <em>Main Options &rarr; Sidebars &amp; Layout</em> tab.', 'weaverx-theme-support');
        wvrx_ts_pp_replacement(__('Primary Sidebar', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 'primary-widget-area');
        wvrx_ts_pp_replacement(__('Secondary Sidebar', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 'secondary-widget-area');
        wvrx_ts_pp_replacement(__('Header Widget Area', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 'header-widget-area');
        wvrx_ts_pp_replacement(__('Footer Widget Area', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 'footer-widget-area');
        wvrx_ts_pp_replacement('Sitewide Top Widget Area', 'sitewide-top-widget-area');
        wvrx_ts_pp_replacement('Sitewide Bottom Widget Area', 'sitewide-bottom-widget-area');
<br style="clear:both;" /><p><strong><?php 
        _e('<em>Single Page View:</em> Featured Image', 'weaverx-theme-support');
        $opts3 = array('id' => '_pp_fi_location', 'info' => __('Override <em>Single Page</em> setting for where to display FI', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 'value' => array(array('val' => '', 'desc' => __('Default Single Page FI', 'weaverx-theme-support')), array('val' => 'content-top', 'desc' => __('With Content - top', 'weaverx-theme-support')), array('val' => 'content-bottom', 'desc' => __('With Content - bottom', 'weaverx-theme-support')), array('val' => 'title-before', 'desc' => __('Before Title', 'weaverx-theme-support')), array('val' => 'header-image', 'desc' => __('Header Image Replacement', 'weaverx-theme-support')), array('val' => 'post-before', 'desc' => __('Outside of Post', 'weaverx-theme-support')), array('val' => 'hide', 'desc' => __('Hide FI on Single Page', 'weaverx-theme-support'))));
<br />
<input type="text" size="30" id='_pp_fi_link' name='_pp_fi_link'
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pp_fi_link', true));
" />
        _e("<em>Featured Image Link</em> - Full URL for link from FI", 'weaverx-theme-support');
	<br style="clear:both;" />
        _e('Post Editor Options', 'weaverx-theme-support');

        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_hide_visual_editor', __('Disable Visual Editor for this page. Useful if you enter simple HTML or other code.', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 90, 1);
        if (weaverx_allow_multisite()) {
            wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_raw_html', __('Allow Raw HTML and scripts. Disables auto paragraph, texturize, and other processing.', 'weaverx-theme-support'), 90, 1);
        echo '<strong>Post Format</strong>';
        weaverx_help_link('help.html#gallerypost', __('Help for Per Post Format', 'weaverx-theme-support'));
        _e('Weaver Xtreme supports Post Formats. Click the ? for more info.', 'weaverx-theme-support');
	<input type='hidden' id='post_meta' name='post_meta' value='post_meta'/>
    function wvrx_ts_xp_perpoststyle_action()
        global $post;
        echo '<br />' . __('Enter optional per post CSS style rules. <strong>Do not</strong> include the &lt;style> and &lt;/style> tags.
Include the {}\'s. Don\'t use class names if rules apply to whole post, but do include class names
(e.g., <em>.entry-title a</em>) for specific elements. Custom styles will not be displayed by the Post Editor.', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br />
	<textarea placeholder=" " class="wvrx-edit" name="_pp_post_styles" rows=2 style="width: 95%"><?php 
        echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_post_styles", true);

<br /><input type="text" size="24" id="_pp_post_class" name="_pp_post_class"
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_post_class", true));
" />&nbsp;
        _e('Add Classes to this post', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br />
        // Weaver X Plus options for making horizontal bar layouts
        echo '<small>';
        _e('<em>Note:</em> The following options are especially useful for creating full-width stacked posts with different BG colors using the RAW page template and the Weaver Show Posts plugin.', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
        echo '</small><br />';
        wvrx_ts_page_color('_pp_bgcolor', __('Post BG Color', 'weaver-xtreme-plus'));
        echo '<span style="margin-left:40px;"></span>';
        wvrx_ts_page_color('_pp_bg_fullwidth', __('Extend BG color to full theme width on Desktop View', 'weaver-xtreme-plus'));
        echo '<br />';
        wvrx_ts_page_color('_pp_color', __('Post Text Color', 'weaver-xtreme-plus'));
<br />
<input type="text" size="4" id="_pp_lr_padding" name="_pp_lr_padding"
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_lr_padding", true));
" />
        _e('em &nbsp;- Left and Right Padding for post', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');

<input style="margin-left:3em;" type="text" size="4" id="_pp_tb_padding" name="_pp_tb_padding"
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_tb_padding", true));
" />
        _e('em &nbsp;- Top and Bottom Padding for post', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br /><input type="text" size="11" id="_pp_margin" name="_pp_margin"
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_margin", true));
" />&nbsp;
        _e('Margins - Use CSS "margin:t r b l" notation. Recommended 0 for stacked posts.', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
	<br /><br />

        _e('<em><strong>Background Image</strong></em> - Full URL for BG image - add <code>background: position/size repeat origin clip attachment</code> options to Per Post Style above in class-less {} rule. Example: <code>{background-repeat: no-repeat;}</code>', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br />
<input type="text" size="70" id='_pp_bgimg' name='_pp_bgimg'
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pp_bgimg', true));
" />
&nbsp;: <?php 
        _e('<strong>Desktop BG Image URL</strong>', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br />
<input type="text" size="70" id='_pp_mobile_bgimg' name='_pp_mobile_bgimg'
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pp_mobile_bgimg', true));
" />
&nbsp;: <?php 
        _e('<strong>Mobile BG Image URL</strong> - optional', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br />

        _e('<em>Parallax</em> ', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
        weaverxplus_help_link('plus-help.html#parallax', __('Help for Parallax', 'weaver-xtreme-plus'));
<br />
        _e('You can make a set of posts into a great looking Parallax page using a common tag/category,
custom BG images, and Page with Posts or [show_posts]. Create custom content to be displayed
over the BG image by creating a Manual Excerpt for this post. Do <em>not</em> specify any background
CSS options for the Parallax BG image. See Parallax Help!', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
<br />
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_use_parallax', __('Make this Post a Parallax post', 'weaver-xtreme-plus'));
        wvrx_ts_page_checkbox('_pp_parallax_not_wide', __('Do <em>not</em> make BG image full width of enclosing area.', 'weaver-xtreme-plus'), 'auto', 1);

<input type="text" size="4" id="_pp_parallax_height" name="_pp_parallax_height"
        echo esc_textarea(get_post_meta($post->ID, "_pp_parallax_height", true));
" />
        _e('px &nbsp;- Specify visible height of Parallax image. (Default:400px)', 'weaver-xtreme-plus');
        if (version_compare(WEAVER_XPLUS_VERSION, '2.90', '>=')) {
            echo '<hr /><br style="clear:both;"/><strong>' . __('Header Image Replacement HTML', 'weaver-xtreme-plus') . '</strong> (&starf;Plus)';
            _e('Replace Header image with arbitrary HTML for this post single page view only. Useful for slider shortcodes in place of image. FI as Header Image has priority over HTML replacement. This will work with [show_slider] or almost any other slider that supports a shortcode.', 'weaver-xtreme');
	<textarea class="wvrx-edit" placeholder=" " name="_pp_header_image_html_text" rows=1 style="width: 95%"><?php 
            echo get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pp_header_image_html_text', true);
        // new version
<hr />
<p style="line-height:1.3em;">
        echo '<strong>Per Page Code Insertion for Single Page View</strong>';
        weaverx_help_link('help.html#ExtraPP', 'Help for Extra Per Page Options');
Weaver Xtreme Plus supports code and HTML insertion for some areas of the Post Single View page. To add code, manually define the specified
<em>Custom Field Name</em> and <em>Value</em>. Click the help ? for more details.

     * Define the sections and settings for the Speed Test panel
     * causes execution time out at: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-setting.php near line 522
    function weaverx_customizer_define_starting_sections($sections)
        $panel = 'weaverx_starting';
        $starting_sections = array();
         * Intro
        $starting_sections['starting-intro'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Introduction to Weaver Xtreme', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('A concise introduction to Weaver Xtreme.', 'weaver-xtreme') . ' <br />(' . WEAVERX_THEMEVERSION . ')', 'options' => array('starting-intro-header' => array('control' => array('control_type' => 'WeaverX_Misc_Control', 'label' => __('Introduction', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('<p><em>Weaver Xtreme</em> allows you to customize virtually every aspect of your site.
The Customizer Options are organized as top level panels based on WHAT you want to customize, and a second level of sections
based on WHERE you want to make the customizations. Remember: <strong style="color:red;">WHAT</strong> and <strong style="color:red;">WHERE</strong>.</p>
<h4>First Level Options: WHAT to Set - Option Categories</h4>
        <p>The first level of Weaver Xtreme Customizer menus is organized around different categories of options that reflect different collections of related options. For example, all the Color settings are found on a single, top-level option panel called &quot;Colors&quot;. The other top level option panels represent similar groups of options:</p>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Colors</strong> - Specify all colors used on site - both text and backgroud colors. </li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Spacing, Widths, Alignment</strong> - Set margins, padding, spacing, heights, widths, and alignment.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Style</strong> -  Set borders, shadows, rounded corners, list bullet style, icons.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Typography</strong> - Set font family, font size, bold, italic, default base font information.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Visibility</strong> - Show or hide various elements - usually by device (phone, tablet, desktop).</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Layout</strong> - Specify element layout - sidebars, etc.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Images</strong> -  Set borders, placement, Featured Images, Header Images, Background Images.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Added Content</strong> - Define added content for extra HTML insertion areas.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Custom CSS</strong> - Advanced users can specify custom CSS for the whole site or specific areas.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Sidebars &amp; Widgets Content</strong> - the standard WordPress interface for widget areas and widgets.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Custom Menu Content </strong>- the standard WordPress interface for defining custom menus.</li>
        <p>The top level Customizer menu also has two additional menus:</p>
          <li><strong>&#9656; Weaver Xtreme: Start Here</strong> - access to getting started help and other documentation.</li>
          <li><strong>&#9656; General Options &amp; Admin</strong> - WordPress Site Identity and Static Front page options, and other theme admin options.</li>
<p>The basic logic behind this organization is that it is easy to remember the different kinds of things you want to customize, like color or spacing. The next level of menus specifies <em>where</em> you want to make those changes.</p>
<h4>Second Level Options: WHERE to Set - Areas</h4>
<p>Deciding <em>what</em> you want to customize is usually an obvious decision. Finding <em>where</em> to apply those settings take a bit more understanding just how a Weaver Xtreme WordPress site is organized. </p>
<p>We\'ve tried to make this second level step as easy and consistent as possible. Almost every one of the option categories can be applied to the same set of areas. The &quot;standard&quot; set of areas include:</p>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Wrapping Areas</strong> - the major outer areas that wrap the site\'s content. The main Wrapper Area wraps the entire site, while the Container Area wraps the page or post content and the main sidebars.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Links</strong> - Not all categories apply to links, but links are treated as a single element to style.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Header Area</strong> - the header area is displayed at the top of the site, and includes the site title and tagline, the primary and secondary menus, the site header image, a header widget area, and an extra area for arbitrary HTML.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Menus</strong> - there are a Primary and Secondary menu available in the Header Area. Weaver Xtreme Plus also supports Extra menus that can be displayed in different locations.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Info Bar</strong> - the Info Bar is displayed immediately below the Header Area, and shows navigation information, as well as other custom content.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Content</strong> - the content area displays page and post content.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Post Specific</strong> - the Content styling will be applied to both page and post content, but this section allows you to have specific styling for posts and blog views.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Sidebars &amp; Widget Areas</strong> - styling for the various Sidebars and Widget Areas.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Individual Widgets</strong> - styling for individual widgets displayed in the Widget Areas.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Footer Area</strong> - the footer area at the bottom of the site. This includes a widget area and an extra custom HTML insertion area.</li>
  <li><strong>&#9656; Global Options</strong> - some of the Option Categories can include other sections that can apply to global settings. Typography, for example, allows you to specify various global options such as base font size.</li>
</ul>', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'type' => 'html'))));
         * Subtheme
        $starting_sections['starting-subtheme'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Try a Pre-defined Subtheme', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array('load_subtheme' => array('setting' => array('transport' => 'postMessage'), 'control' => array('control_type' => 'WeaverX_Load_WX_Subtheme', 'label' => __('Predefined Weaver Xtreme Subthemes', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Get a quick start on your site by selecting on of these predefined subthemes.
Once you\'ve picked a subtheme, you can tweak it to look just like you want. The Legacy Weaver Xtreme Admin Subthemes tab
offers many additional subthemes to choose from.', 'weaver-xtreme')))));
         * Help links
        $starting_sections['starting-help'] = array('panel' => $panel, 'title' => __('Get Help using Weaver Xtreme', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => __('Read the Weaver Xtreme Documentation', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'options' => array('starting-help-header' => array('control' => array('control_type' => 'WeaverX_Misc_Control', 'label' => __('Get Help', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'description' => sprintf(__('<h3>Support Forum</h3><p>Please see our active %s <strong>Support Forum</strong></a> for online help.</p>
<h3>Theme Documentation</h3><p><strong>%s</strong><br />Complete documentation for using the Weaver Xtreme Theme.</p>
<h3>Theme Demo</h3><p>%s<strong>Weaver Xtreme Demo Site</a></strong><br />Live demo of Weaver Xtreme and Weaver Xtreme Plus features.</p>
<h3>CSS Tutorial</h3><p>Click for a short %s.</p>
<h3>Supported Fonts</h3><p>Click for demo of %s.</p>
', 'weaver-xtreme'), weaverx_site('', '//', __('Weaver Support Forum', 'weaver-xtreme'), false), weaverx_help_link('help.html', __('Weaver Xtreme Help', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Weaver Xtreme Theme Documentation', 'weaver-xtreme'), false), weaverx_site('', '//', __('Weaver Xtreme Demo Site', 'weaver-xtreme'), false), weaverx_help_link('css-help.html', __('Weaver CSS Help', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('CSS Tutorial', 'weaver-xtreme'), false), weaverx_help_link('font-demo.html', __('Examples of supported fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Font Examples', 'weaver-xtreme'), false)), 'type' => 'HTML'))));
        	<?php weaverx_help_link('font-demo.html', __('Examples of supported fonts', 'weaver-xtreme'), __('Font Examples', 'weaver-xtreme')) ?>
        <?php _e('Example of Font Families supported by Weaver Xtreme and Weaver Xtreme Plus.', 'weaver-xtreme'); ?>
         * Filter the definitions for the controls in the panel of the Customizer
        //$starting_sections = apply_filters( 'weaverx_customizer_starting_sections', $starting_sections );
        // Merge with master array
        return array_merge($sections, $starting_sections);
function weaverx_admin_admin()
<div class="atw-option-header"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-admin-generic"></span>
    _e('Basic Administrative Options', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_help_link('help.html#AdminOptions', 'Help for Admin Options');

    _e('These options control some administrative options and appearance features.', 'weaver-xtreme');

<br />

<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="disable_customizer" <?php 
    _e('<strong>Disable Weaver Xtreme Customizer Interface</strong> - If you have a slow host or slow computer, checking this option will disable loading the Weaver Xtreme Customizer interface. &diams;', 'weaver-xtreme');
	</label><br /><br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="hide_donate" <?php 
    _e('I\'ve Donated - <small>Thank you for donating to the Weaver Xtreme theme.
This will hide the Donate button. Purchasing Weaver Xtreme Plus also hides the Donate button.</small> &diams;', 'weaver-xtreme');
	</label><br /><br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_hide_editor_style" <?php 
    _e('Disable Page/Post Editor Styling - <small>Checking this box will disable the Weaver Xtreme subtheme based styling in the Page/Post editor.
If you have a theme using transparent backgrounds, this option will likely improve the Post/Page editor visibility. &diams;</small>', 'weaver-xtreme');
</label><br />

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="hide_auto_css_rules" <?php 
    _e('Don\'t auto-display CSS rules - <small>Checking this box will disable the auto-display of Main Option elements that have CSS settings.</small> &diams;', 'weaver-xtreme');
</label><br />

	<input name="<?php 
" id="css_rows" type="text" style="width:30px;height:20px;" class="regular-text" value="<?php 
" />
    _e('lines - Set CSS+ text box height - <small>You can increase the default height of the CSS+ input area (1 to 25 lines).</small> &diams;', 'weaver-xtreme');
<br />
 <br />
 <h3 class="atw-option-subheader"><?php 
    _e('Per Page and Per Post Option Panels by Roles<', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Single site Administrator and Multi-Site Super Administrator will always have the Per Page and Per Post options panel displayed.
You may selectively disable these options for other User Roles using the check boxes below.', 'weaver-xtreme');

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_hide_mu_admin_per" <?php 
    _e('Hide Per Page/Post Options for MultiSite Admins', 'weaver-xtreme');
</label> &diams;<br />
	   <label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_hide_editor_per" <?php 
    _e('Hide Per Page/Post Options for Editors', 'weaver-xtreme');
</label> &diams;<br />
	   <label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_hide_author_per" <?php 
    _e('Hide Per Page/Post Options for Authors and Contributors', 'weaver-xtreme');
</label> &diams;<br />
	<br />
	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_hide_author_per" <?php 
    _e('Show Per Post Options for Custom Post Types &diams; - <small>Shows the Per Post options box on "Custom Post Type Editor" admin pages', 'weaver-xtreme');
<br />
<br /><br />
	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><?php 
    _e('Theme Name and Description', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('You can change the name and description of your current settings if you would like to create a new theme
theme file for sharing with others, or for you own identification.', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Theme Name:', 'weaver-xtreme');
 <input name="<?php 
" id="themename" value="<?php 
    echo weaverx_getopt('themename');
" />
	<br />
    _e('Description:', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_textarea(weaverx_getopt('theme_description'), 'theme_description', 2, __('Describe the theme', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'width:65%;');
<br />
<br />
 <h3 class="atw-option-subheader"><?php 
    _e('Subtheme Notes', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('This box may be used to keep notes and instructions about settings made for a custom subtheme.
It will be saved in the both \'.wxt\' and \'.wxb\' settings files.', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_textarea(weaverx_getopt('subtheme_notes'), 'subtheme_notes', 2, __('Notes about theme', 'weaver-xtreme'), 'width:75%;');
    do_action('weaverxplus_admin', 'admin_options');
예제 #10
function weaverx_form_help($value)
    if (!empty($value['help'])) {
        weaverx_help_link($value['help'], 'Help for ' . $value['name']);
function weaverx_adv_site_opts()
	<div class="atw-option-header"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-admin-generic"></span>
    _e('Site Options', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_help_link('help.html#AdvSiteOptions', __('Help on Advanced Site Options', 'weaver-xtreme'));
</div><br />
    _e('These options are available to fine tune various aspects of your site.
Technically, these features	are not part of the theme styling, but cover other aspects of site functionality.', 'weaver-xtreme');
<br />
<hr />
   <!-- ======== -->
    if (weaverx_f_file_access_available()) {
        _e('Inline CSS - (Xtreme-Plus Option)', 'weaver-xtreme');

	<label><input type="checkbox" name="<?php 
" id="_inline_style" <?php 
        _e('Generate inline CSS code rather than using style-weaverxt.css file.
By default, Weaverx Xtreme Plus will use the style-weaverxt.css file. &diams;', 'weaver-xtreme');
	</label><br /><br />

	<br />
	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-format-image"></span><span style="color:blue;font-size:larger;">
    _e('FavIcon', 'weaver-xtreme');
</b></span></div></br />
    _e('You can add a FavIcon to your site with this option.
The preferred FavIcon is in the <code>.ico</code> format which has the most universal browser compatibility.
However, <code>.png, .gif, and .jpg</code> will	work for most modern browsers.
The standard sizes are 16x16, 32x32, or 48x48 px.
You can alternatively load a <code>favicon.ico</code> file to the root directory of your site. &diams;', 'weaver-xtreme');
    $icon = weaverx_getopt('_favicon_url');
    if ($icon != '') {
        echo '<img src="' . esc_url($icon) . '" alt="favicon" />&nbsp;';
    _e('FavIcon URL:', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_textarea(weaverx_getopt('_favicon_url'), '_favicon_url', 1, 'URL ', $style = 'width:350px;');
    _e('Full path to FavIcon', 'weaver-xtreme');
</p><br />

	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-admin-page"></span><span style="color:blue;font-size:larger;">
    _e('Exclude Pages from SiteMap', 'weaver-xtreme');
</b></span></div></br />
    _e('You can specify a comma separated list of Page IDs to be excluded from the SiteMap Page list.
To exclude pages from Search results, use a plugin such as "Search Exclude".
You can hide different sections of the SiteMap by adding rules to the "Custom CSS Rules" box.
To hide authors, for example, add the rule <code>#sitemap-authors{display:none;}</code>.
The IDs for the SiteMap sections are: <code>#sitemap-pages, #sitemap-posts, #sitemap-categories, #sitemap-tags, #sitemap-authors</code>', 'weaver-xtreme');
    $exclude = weaverx_getopt('_sitemap_exclude_pages');
    _e('Exclude Pages from SiteMap', 'weaver-xtreme');
: </strong>
    weaverx_textarea(weaverx_getopt('_sitemap_exclude_pages'), '_sitemap_exclude_pages', 1, '1,2,3', $style = 'width:350px;');
</p><br />

	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-hammer"></span>
		<span style="color:blue;font-size:larger;">
    _e('SEO - Search Engine Optimization', 'weaver-xtreme');
		</span></div><br />
    _e('The Weaver Xtreme Theme has been designed to follow the latest SEO guidelines.
Each non-home page will use the recommended "Page Title | Site Title" format, and the site is formatted using the appropriate HTML5 tags for optimal SEO performance.
An SEO plugin may help you optimize your site for SEO, but is not required.
See the <em>Help</em> tab for recommended SEO plugins.', 'weaver-xtreme');
</p><br />

	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-admin-home"></span>
		<span style="color:blue;font-size:larger;">
    _e('Home Page', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('WordPress allows you to specify what page is used for your home page - either the standard WordPress blog, or a static page (which can be a Weaver Xtreme "Page with Posts" page).
Please see the Weaver Xtreme Help topic for a more complete explanation.', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('You can set the front page on the Dashboard <em>Settings&rarr;Reading panel</em>:', 'weaver-xtreme');
<a href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(home_url('/') . 'wp-admin/options-reading.php');
    _e('Set Front Page Displays', 'weaver-xtreme');
</strong></a></p><br />

	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><span style="color:black; padding:.2em;" class="dashicons dashicons-admin-users"></span>
		<span style="color:blue;font-size:larger;">
    _e('Author Avatars', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('For the best look, your site should support Avatars - a small image associated with a contributors e-mail address. is probably the most popular Avatar support, and is closely associated with WordPress.
You should set up a Gravatar for the main authors of your blog.
For contributors without any avatar, WordPress will automatically generate an avatar.
See the <strong>Settings &rarr; Discussion</strong> admin page for avatar settings.', 'weaver-xtreme');
	<hr />
    do_action('weaverxplus_admin', 'site_opts');
function weaverx_ts_admin_saverestore()
    $saved = get_option(apply_filters('weaverx_options', 'weaverx_settings_backup'), array());
    $style_date = '';
    if (!empty($saved)) {
        $style_date = $saved['style_date'];
    if (!$style_date) {
        $style_date = __('No saved settings', 'weaver-xtreme');

<div class="atw-option-header" style="clear:both;"><?php 
    _e('Save/Restore Theme Settings', 'weaver-xtreme');
    weaverx_help_link('help.html#SaveRestore', _e('Help on Save/Restore Themes', 'weaver-xtreme'));
    _e('Note: if you have Weaver Xtreme Plus installed, then options marked with &starf;Plus will be included in saves and restores.', 'weaver-xtreme');
<div class="atw-option-subheader"><?php 
    _e('Save/Restore Current Theme Settings using WordPress Database', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('<p>This option allows you to save and restore all current theme settings using your host\'s WordPress database. Your options will be preserved across Weaver Xtreme theme upgrades, as well when you change to different themes. There is only one saved backup available. You can also download your setting to your computer with the options below.</p>
<p>Note: This save option saves <strong>all</strong> settings, including those marked with &diams;.</p>', 'weaver-xtreme');
<form name="save_mysave_form" method="post">
	<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="save_mytheme" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Current Theme Settings', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Backup all current theme settings using the WordPress database.', 'weaver-xtreme');
	<br /><br />
	<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="restore_mytheme" value="<?php 
    _e('Restore Settings', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Restore from saved settings.', 'weaver-xtreme');
</strong> <em><?php 
    _e('Last save date:', 'weaver-xtreme');
    echo $style_date;
    do_action('weaverxplus_admin', 'save_restore');

    // download/upload to computer
    // allow additional save/restore in child
	<div class="atw-option-subheader"><?php 
    _e('Reset Current Settings to Default', 'weaver-xtreme');
</div><br />
	<form name="resetweaverx_form" method="post" onSubmit="return confirm('<?php 
    _e('Are you sure you want to reset all Weaver Xtreme settings? This will include the [Saved Current Settings using WordPress Database].', 'weaver-xtreme');
    _e('Click the Clear button to reset all Weaver Xtreme settings, including &diams;, &starf;Plus, and Weaver Xtreme Plus shortcode settings, to the default values.', 'weaver-xtreme');
</strong><br >
<em style="color:red;"><?php 
    _e('Warning: You will lose all current settings, including settings from "Save Settings using the WordPress Database".', 'weaver-xtreme');
</em><br />
    _e('You should use the "Download Current Settings To Your Computer" option above to save a copy of your current settings before clearing!
If you have Weaver Xtreme Plus installed, you should also save shortcode settings from the Xtreme Plus Save/Restore tab.', 'weaver-xtreme');
<br />
<span class="submit"><input type="submit" name="reset_weaverx" value="<?php 
    _e('Clear All Weaver Xtreme Settings', 'weaver-xtreme');
	</form> <!-- resetweaverx_form -->
	<br /><hr />
