wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This label control wraps words if they do not fit in the availble space.", 4, 195, 130, 45, IDC_SHAPE5065, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This one does not wrap anything.", 139, 195, 151, 16, IDC_SHAPE5066, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This one uses ellipsis to display the text.", 139, 219, 110, 21, IDC_SHAPE5067, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_ELLIPSIS, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "&Test", 364, 24, 76, 26, IDC_BUTTON5068, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_BORDER, 0, 2);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "&Test", 280, 24, 76, 26, IDC_BUTTON5068, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 2);
$_tmp_ctrl_ = wb_create_control($maintab, Frame, "up_arrow.bmp", 250, 134, 65, 50, IDC_STATIC5070, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_IMAGE | WBC_CENTER, 0, 2);
wb_set_image($_tmp_ctrl_, 'C:\\@desenv\\WinBinder\\phpcode\\examples/../resources/up_arrow.bmp', GREEN);
wb_create_control($maintab, Label, "This text is right-aligned.", 370, 79, 85, 35, IDC_STATIC5071, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_RIGHT, 0, 2);
// End controls
// Control identifiers
if (!defined("IDD_DLG6001")) {
    define("IDD_DLG6001", 6001);
if (!defined("IDC_EDIT6002")) {
    define("IDC_EDIT6002", 6002);
if (!defined("ID_LOWLEVEL")) {
    define("ID_LOWLEVEL", 6003);
if (!defined("ID_RESETHANDLER")) {
    define("ID_RESETHANDLER", 6004);
// Create window
wbtemp_create_item($maintab, "Low-level");
// Insert controls
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "Run &Tests", 10, 14, 80, 30, ID_LOWLEVEL, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 3);
wb_create_control($maintab, EditBox, "", 194, 9, 275, 216, IDC_EDIT6002, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_MULTILINE | WBC_READONLY, 0, 3);
wb_create_control($maintab, PushButton, "Reset &Handler", 10, 50, 80, 30, ID_RESETHANDLER, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 3);
// End controls
예제 #2
function wb_create_items($ctrl, $items, $clear = false, $param = null)
    switch (wb_get_class($ctrl)) {
        case ListView:
            if ($clear) {
                wb_send_message($ctrl, LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
            $last = -1;
            // For each row
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
                if (!is_scalar($items[$i])) {
                    $last = wbtemp_create_listview_item($ctrl, -1, -1, (string) $items[$i][0]);
                } else {
                    $last = wbtemp_create_listview_item($ctrl, -1, -1, (string) $items[$i]);
                wbtemp_set_listview_item_text($ctrl, -1, 0, (string) $items[$i][0]);
                // For each column except the first
                for ($sub = 0; $sub < count($items[$i]) - 1; $sub++) {
                    if ($param) {
                        $result = call_user_func($param, $items[$i][$sub + 1], $i, $sub);
                        wbtemp_set_listview_item_text($ctrl, $last, $sub + 1, $result);
                    } else {
                        wbtemp_set_listview_item_text($ctrl, $last, $sub + 1, (string) $items[$i][$sub + 1]);
            return $last;
        case TreeView:
            if ($clear) {
                $handle = wb_delete_items($ctrl);
            // Empty the treeview
            if (!$items) {
            $ret = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
                $ret[] = wbtemp_create_treeview_item($ctrl, (string) $items[$i][0], isset($items[$i][1]) ? $items[$i][1] : 0, isset($items[$i][2]) ? $items[$i][2] : 0, isset($items[$i][3]) ? $items[$i][3] : -1, isset($items[$i][4]) ? $items[$i][4] : -1, isset($items[$i][5]) ? $items[$i][5] : 0);
            return count($ret) > 1 ? $ret : $ret[0];
        case StatusBar:
            wbtemp_create_statusbar_items($ctrl, $items, $clear, $param);
            return true;
            if (is_array($items)) {
                foreach ($items as $item) {
                    wbtemp_create_item($ctrl, $item);
                return true;
            } else {
                return wbtemp_create_item($ctrl, $items);