예제 #1
 function Follow()
     $member = $this->_member();
     if (!$member) {
         $this->Messager("链接错误,请检查", 'index.php?mod=plaza');
     $member_list = array();
     $per_page_num = 8;
     $page_link = "index.php?mod={$member['username']}&code=follow";
     $count = $member['follow_count'];
     if ($count > 0) {
         $page_arr = wap_page($count, $per_page_num, $page_link, array('return' => 'Array'));
         $p = array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'result_count' => $count, 'sql_limit' => " {$page_arr['limit']} ", 'sql_order' => ' `dateline` DESC ');
         $uids = get_buddyids($p);
         if ($uids) {
             $member_list = $this->_topicLogicGetMember($uids);
             $member_list = buddy_follow_html($member_list, 'uid', 'wap_follow_html');
     $this->Title = "{$member['nickname']}关注的人";
     include template('topic_follow');
예제 #2
 function View()
     $uid = MEMBER_ID;
     $member = $this->_topicLogicGetMember($uid);
     $params = array();
     $tag = get_safe_code($this->Code);
     if (!$tag) {
         $this->Messager("请输入正确的链接地址", null);
     $f_rets = filter($tag, 0, 0);
     if ($f_rets && $f_rets['error']) {
         $this->Messager("输入的话题  " . $f_rets['msg'], null);
     $sql = "select * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "tag` where `name`='" . addslashes($tag) . "'";
     $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql);
     $tag_info = $query->GetRow();
     $tag_id = $tag_info['id'];
     $total_record = $tag_info['topic_count'];
     $this->TopicLogic = jlogic('topic');
     if ($total_record > 0) {
         $params['tag_id'] = $tag_id;
         $query_link = "index.php?mod=" . ($_GET['mod_original'] ? get_safe_code($_GET['mod_original']) : $this->Module) . ($tag ? "&code=" . urlencode($tag) : "");
         $per_page_num = 10;
         $page_arr = wap_page($total_record, $per_page_num, $query_link, array('return' => "Array"));
         $sql = "select `item_id` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "topic_tag` where `tag_id`='{$tag_id}' order by `item_id` desc {$page_arr['limit']}";
         $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql);
         $topic_ids = array();
         while (false != ($row = $query->GetRow())) {
             $topic_ids[$row['item_id']] = $row['item_id'];
         $TopicListLogic = new TopicListLogic();
         $options = array('limit' => $per_page_num, 'order' => " dateline DESC ", 'type' => get_topic_type(), 'tid' => $topic_ids);
         $info = $TopicListLogic->get_data($options, 'wap');
         $topic_list = array();
         if (!empty($info)) {
             $topic_list = wap_iconv($info['list']);
         $topic_list_count = 0;
         if ($topic_list) {
             $parent_id_list = array();
             foreach ($topic_list as $row) {
                 if (0 < ($p = (int) $row['parent_id'])) {
                     $parent_id_list[$p] = $p;
                 if (0 < ($p = (int) $row['top_parent_id'])) {
                     $parent_id_list[$p] = $p;
             if ($topic_ids) {
                 $topic_ids_count = count($topic_ids);
                 $total_record = $total_record - $topic_ids_count;
                 $sql = "delete from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "topic_tag` where `item_id` in('" . implode("','", $topic_ids) . "')";
                 $sql = "update `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "tag` set `topic_count`=`topic_count`-{$topic_ids_count} where `id`='{$tag_info['id']}'";
                 if ($total_record >= 0 && $tag_info) {
             if ($parent_id_list) {
                 $parent_list = $this->_topicLogicGet($parent_id_list);
     $show_config = jconf::get('show');
     $is_favorite = false;
     if ($tag_info) {
         if (MEMBER_ID > 0) {
             $is_favorite = jlogic('tag_favorite')->info($tag, MEMBER_ID);
         $tag_favorite_list = jlogic('tag_favorite')->favorite_users($tag, 12, '`uid`, `username`, `nickname`, `face_url`, `face`, `ucuid`');
     $tag = wap_iconv($tag);
     $tag_value = '#' . $tag . '#';
     $topic_count = $tag_info['topic_count'];
     $this->Title = $tag;
     include template('tag_list_topic_box');
예제 #3
 function get_recd_list($param, $caller = 'web')
     $order_sql = ' tr.recd DESC,tr.dateline DESC  ';
     if (!empty($param['order_sql'])) {
         $order_sql = $param['order_sql'];
     $where_sql = " tr.tid>0 ";
     if (!empty($param['where'])) {
         $where_sql .= " AND {$param['where']} ";
     $where_sql .= " AND (tr.expiration>" . TIMESTAMP . " OR tr.expiration=0) ";
     $filter_sql = $this->filter($param['filter'], 't');
     $where_sql .= empty($filter_sql) ? '' : ' AND ' . $filter_sql;
     $total_record = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM " . DB::table('topic') . " AS t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('topic_recommend') . " AS tr\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  USING(tid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE {$where_sql} ");
     $limit_sql = '';
     $topic_list = array();
     if ($total_record > 0) {
         if ($param['perpage']) {
             if ($caller == 'wap') {
                 $page_arr = wap_page($total_record, $param['perpage'], $param['page_url'], array('return' => 'array'));
             } else {
                 $page_arr = page($total_record, $param['perpage'], $param['page_url'], array('return' => 'array'));
             $limit_sql = $page_arr['limit'];
         } else {
             if ($param['limit']) {
                 $limit_sql = ' LIMIT ' . $param['limit'];
         $query = DB::query("SELECT t.* FROM " . DB::table('topic') . " AS t LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('topic_recommend') . " AS tr USING(tid) WHERE {$where_sql} ORDER BY {$order_sql} {$limit_sql} ");
         $rec_tids = array();
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $rec_tids[$value['tid']] = $value['tid'];
         $topic_list = $this->TopicLogic->Get($rec_tids);
         $info = array('list' => $topic_list, 'count' => $total_record, 'page' => $page_arr);
         return $info;
     return false;