function verifyVarsExist() { verifyPostVarExists('num_cart_items'); verifyPostVarExists('receiver_email'); verifyPostVarExists('payment_status'); verifyPostVarExists('payment_gross'); verifyPostVarExists('payment_fee'); verifyPostVarExists('txn_id'); verifyPostVarExists('txn_type'); verifyPostVarExists('payer_email'); }
$txt .= "<tr>\n"; $txt .= " <td> Password: </td>\n"; $txt .= ' <td> <input type="text" name="pwd" size="40" maxlength="80"> </td>'; $txt .= "</tr>\n"; $txt .= "<tr> <td> </td></tr>\n"; $txt .= "<tr>\n"; $txt .= ' <td> <input type="submit" value="download"> </td>'; $txt .= "</tr>\n"; $txt .= "</table>\n"; $txt .= "</form>\n"; return $txt; } verifyMethodPost(); # check if all the POST variables are present (login, pwd) verifyPostVarExists('login'); verifyPostVarExists('pwd'); $login = stripQuotes(myUrlDecode(getPostVar('login'))); $pwd = stripQuotes(myUrlDecode(getPostVar('pwd'))); $productList = getProductsForLoginPwd($login, $pwd); if (0 == count($productList)) { echo "<b><font color=\"red\">The login '{$login}' and password '{$pwd}' combination didn't match anything in our database.\n"; echo "Please try again. </font></b>\n"; echo "If problem persists, please e-mail <a href=\"\">ArsLexis</a>\n"; echo "<p>\n"; echo getLoginForm(); $subject = "[PAYPAL ERROR] failed login"; $body = "Failed attempt to login using login='******' and pwd='{$pwd}'\n"; $body .= getInterestingVars(); sendEmail(MYEMAIL, $subject, $body); } else { # display a list of products with links to download