$unitexcl = vatexcluding($paysubtotal); // auction price - tax $unitpriceincl = $paysubtotal; // auction price & tax $subtotal = vatexcluding($payvalue); // total invoice - tax $totalinc = $payvalue; // total invoice & tax } else { $unitexcl = $paysubtotal; // auction price - tax $unitpriceincl = vat($paysubtotal); // auction price & tax $subtotal = $payvalue; // total invoice - tax $totalinc = vat($payvalue); // total invoice & tax } } $totalvat = $totalinc - $subtotal; $unitpriceincl = $totalinc / $data['qty']; $unitexcl = $subtotal / $data['qty']; // auction specific details $template->assign_vars(array('AUCTION_TITLE' => strtoupper($title), 'ITEM_QUANTITY' => $data['qty'], 'UNIT_PRICE' => $system->print_money($unitexcl, true, false), 'UNIT_PRICE_WITH_TAX' => $system->print_money($unitpriceincl, true, false), 'TOTAL' => $system->print_money($subtotal, true, false), 'TOTAL_WITH_TAX' => $system->print_money($totalinc, true, false))); } else { $seller = getSeller($user->user_data['id']); // used as user: ?? $vat = getTax(true, $seller['country']); $winner_address = ''; $data['shipping_terms'] = ''; $shipping_cost = 0;
$cPono=$row->pono; $cPodate=$row->podate; $query1 = "SELECT * FROM company WHERE comcode = '$cComcode'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1)or die("Query failed"); $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1); if($row1){ $fax="( ".$row1['fax']." )"; } //¤Ó¹Ç¹¤èÒµèÒ§æ $nVat=$nNetprice - ($nNetprice /1.07); /// $nVat=number_format($nVat,2,'.',''); //convert to string ·È¹ÔÂÁ 2 µÓáË¹è§ »Ñ´àÈÉ /// $nVat=floatval ($nVat);// convert to float-number $nNetprice=$nNetprice-$nVat; $nVat=vat($nVat);//use function vat $nPriadvat=$nNetprice+$nVat; //format 2 decimal $nVat=number_format($nVat,2,'.',','); $nPriadvat=number_format($nPriadvat,2,'.',','); $nNetprice=number_format($nNetprice,2,'.',','); ///// po31.php/// print "<HTML>"; print "<script>"; print "ie4up=nav4up=false;"; print "var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();"; print "var major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);"; print "if ((agt.indexOf('msie') != -1) && (major >= 4))";
} //31 $cPrepono = $row->prepono; $cPrepodate = $row->prepodate; $cComcode = $row->comcode; $cComname = $row->comname; $nItems = $row->items; $nNetprice = $row->netprice; $cPono = $row->pono; $cPodate = $row->podate; $cBounddate = $row->bounddate; //�ӹǹ��ҵ�ҧ� $nVat = $nNetprice - $nNetprice / 1.07; /// $nVat=number_format($nVat,2,'.',''); //convert to string �ȹ��� 2 ���˹� �Ѵ��� ///$nVat=floatval ($nVat);// convert to float-number $nVat = vat($nVat); //use function vat $nNetprice = $nNetprice - $nVat; $nPriadvat = $nVat + $nNetprice; $cPriadvat = baht($nPriadvat); //����ѡ�� $nTax = 0.01 * $nNetprice; $nNetpaid = $nPriadvat - $nTax; $cNetpaid = baht($nNetpaid); //����ѡ�� ////�������3��, 1�� $cKumkan = "������õ�Ǩ�Ѻ��ʴ�"; $nKumkan = 3; $cBe = "��"; if ($nPriadvat < 10000) { $cKumkan = "����Ǩ�Ѻ��ʴ�";
<td align="center" valign="middle" style="padding-bottom: 50px;"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <tr style="font-family:'Myriad Pro', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#68696a; font-size:16px;text-align: left; height:40px;"> <td colspan="3"></td> <th width="20%" align="center" style="color: #000; border:0;padding: 15px 0;">Subtotal: </th> <td width="15%" align="center" style="border:1px solid #000000;border-top: 0;padding: 15px 0;">£<?php echo $invoice_detail["installment_fees"]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr style="font-family:'Myriad Pro', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#68696a; font-size:16px;text-align: left; height:40px;"> <td colspan="3"></td> <th width="20%" align="center" style="color: #000; border:0;padding: 15px 0;">VAT 20%: </th> <td width="15%" align="center" style="border:1px solid #000000;border-top: 0;padding: 15px 0;">£<?php echo vat($invoice_detail["installment_fees"]); ?> </td> </tr> <tr style="font-family:'Myriad Pro', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#68696a; font-size:16px;text-align: left; height:40px;"> <td colspan="3"></td> <th width="20%" align="center" style="background:#e3e3e3 none repeat scroll 0 0;color: #000;border:1px solid #333;border-right:0;">Total Due: </th> <td width="15%" align="center" style="border:1px solid #000000; border-top:none;color: #000;font-weight: 900;">£<?php echo $invoice_detail["total_amount"]; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>