function asu_webspark_bootstrap_settings_submit($form, &$form_state)
    // Set the variables, need to use this instead of theme_get_settings
    // because the scop of the vars is more global.
    if ($form_state['values']['asu_brand_header_selector'] != 'custom') {
        variable_set('asu_brand_header_template', $form_state['values']['asu_brand_header_selector']);
    } else {
        variable_set('asu_brand_header_template', $form_state['values']['asu_brand_header_template']);
    variable_set('asu_brand_is_student', $form_state['values']['asu_brand_is_student']);
    variable_set('asu_brand_student_color', $form_state['values']['asu_brand_student_color']);
    variable_set('asu_brand_header_selector', $form_state['values']['asu_brand_header_selector']);
    if ($file = $form_state['values']['picture_upload']) {
        $filename = file_unmanaged_copy($file->uri);
        $form_state['values']['default_picture'] = 1;
        $form_state['values']['picture_path'] = $filename;
    // If the user entered a path relative to the system files directory for
    // a logo or favicon, store a public:// URI so the theme system can handle it.
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['picture_path'])) {
        $form_state['values']['picture_path'] = _system_theme_settings_validate_path($form_state['values']['picture_path']);
    // ASU header needs a cache_clear
    if (module_exists('asu_brand')) {
예제 #2
 * Initialize theme settings if needed
function fusion_core_initialize_theme_settings($theme_name)
    $theme_settings = theme_get_settings($theme_name);
    if (is_null($theme_settings['theme_font_size']) || $theme_settings['rebuild_registry'] == 1) {
        // Rebuild theme registry & notify user
        if ($theme_settings['rebuild_registry'] == 1) {
            drupal_set_message(t('Theme registry rebuild completed. <a href="!link">Turn off</a> this feature for production websites.', array('!link' => url('admin/build/themes/settings/' . $GLOBALS['theme']))), 'warning');
        // Retrieve saved or site-wide theme settings
        $theme_setting_name = str_replace('/', '_', 'theme_' . $theme_name . '_settings');
        $settings = variable_get($theme_setting_name, FALSE) ? theme_get_settings($theme_name) : theme_get_settings();
        // Skip toggle_node_info_ settings
        if (module_exists('node')) {
            foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $name) {
                unset($settings['toggle_node_info_' . $type]);
        // Retrieve default theme settings
        $defaults = fusion_core_default_theme_settings();
        // Set combined default & saved theme settings
        variable_set($theme_setting_name, array_merge($defaults, $settings));
        // Force theme settings refresh
        theme_get_setting('', TRUE);
예제 #3
 public function submit($form, &$form_state)
     variable_set('publisher_enabled', $form_state['values']['enabled']);
     variable_set('publisher_api_key', $form_state['values']['api_key']);
     variable_set('publisher_debug_mode', $form_state['values']['debug']);
     drupal_set_message('Publisher settings saved successfully!');
예제 #4
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     static::$cacheDir = DRUPONY_TEST_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cacheDir';
     variable_set('drupony_cachedir', static::$cacheDir);
     require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'drupony.module';
     require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '';
 public function save()
     foreach ($this->saveable as $property) {
         $save[$property] = $this->{$property};
     variable_set('ldap_profile_conf', $save);
  * Verify that date fields are imported correctly. When no timezone is
  * explicitly provided with the source data, we want the displayed time on the
  * Drupal site to match that in the source data. To validate that, we make
  * sure we have set a consistent timezone at the PHP and Drupal levels, and
  * that the format used on the page is not locale-dependent (no day or month
  * names). Then, we can just look for the desired date/time strings in the
  * node page.
 function testDateImport()
     variable_set('date_default_timezone', 'America/Los_Angeles');
     variable_set('date_format_medium', 'Y-m-d H:i');
     $migration = Migration::getInstance('DateExample');
     $result = $migration->processImport();
     $this->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Variety term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
     $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array('type' => 'date_migrate_example'), TRUE);
     $this->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 2, t('Two sample nodes created'));
     $node = reset($rawnodes);
     $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $node->nid);
     $this->assertText('2011-05-12 19:43', t('Simple date field found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-06-13 18:32 to 2011-07-23 10:32', t('Date range field found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-07-22 12:13', t('Datestamp field found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-08-01 00:00 to 2011-09-01 00:00', t('Datestamp range field found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-11-18 15:00', t('Datetime field with +9 timezone found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-10-30 14:43 to 2011-12-31 17:59', t('Datetime range field with -5 timezone found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-11-25 09:01', t('First date repeat instance found'));
     $this->assertText('2011-12-09 09:01', t('Second date repeat instance found'));
     $this->assertNoText('2011-12-23 09:01', t('Skipped date repeat instance not found'));
     $this->assertText('2012-05-11 09:01', t('Last date repeat instance found'));
     $node = next($rawnodes);
     $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $node->nid);
     $this->assertText('2012-06-21 15:32', t('First date value found'));
     $this->assertText('2012-12-02 11:08', t('Second date value found'));
     $this->assertText('2004-02-03 01:15', t('Start for first date range found'));
     $this->assertText('2005-03-04 22:11', t('End for first date range found'));
     $this->assertText('2014-09-01 17:21', t('Start for second date range found'));
     $this->assertText('2015-12-23 00:01', t('End for first second range found'));
function _scratchpadify_install_configure_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
    global $user;
    variable_set('site_name', $form_state['values']['site_name']);
    variable_set('site_mail', $form_state['values']['site_mail']);
    variable_set('date_default_timezone', $form_state['values']['date_default_timezone']);
    // Enable update.module if this option was selected.
    if ($form_state['values']['update_status_module'][1]) {
        // Stop enabling the update module, it's a right royal pain in the arse.
    // Turn this off temporarily so that we can pass a password through.
    variable_set('user_email_verification', FALSE);
    $form_state['old_values'] = $form_state['values'];
    $form_state['values'] = $form_state['values']['account'];
    // We precreated user 1 with placeholder values. Let's save the real values.
    $account = user_load(1);
    $merge_data = array('init' => $form_state['values']['mail'], 'roles' => array(), 'status' => 0);
    user_save($account, array_merge($form_state['values'], $merge_data));
    // Log in the first user.
    $form_state['values'] = $form_state['old_values'];
    variable_set('user_email_verification', TRUE);
    if (isset($form_state['values']['clean_url'])) {
        variable_set('clean_url', $form_state['values']['clean_url']);
    // The user is now logged in, but has no session ID yet, which
    // would be required later in the request, so remember it.
    $user->sid = session_id();
    // Record when this install ran.
    variable_set('install_time', time());
  * Test enumeration of anonymous and authenticated keys.
 public function testKeyEnumKeys()
     global $base_root;
     variable_set('authcache_roles', array());
     $expect = array($base_root);
     $result = authcache_enum_keys();
     $this->assertEqual($expect, $result);
     // Test anonymous and authenticated roles.
     $result = authcache_enum_keys();
     $anonymous_key = array_pop($result);
     $this->assertEqual($base_root, $anonymous_key);
     // Expect 1 additional key for authenticated users.
     $this->assertEqual(1, count($result));
     // Test additional roles.
     $rid1 = $this->drupalCreateRole(array());
     $rid2 = $this->drupalCreateRole(array());
     variable_set('authcache_roles', array(DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID => DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, $rid1 => $rid1, $rid2 => $rid2));
     $result = authcache_enum_keys();
     $anonymous_key = array_pop($result);
     $this->assertEqual($base_root, $anonymous_key);
     // Expect 4 keys for authenticated users:
     // * Only authenticated rid
     // * Only rid1
     // * Only rid2
     // * rid1 and rid2
     $this->assertEqual(4, count($result));
예제 #9
function drupalexp_form_system_theme_settings_submit(&$form, &$form_state)
    variable_set('drupalexp_settings_updated', REQUEST_TIME);
예제 #10
function csa_base_get_default_settings($theme)
    // Get node types
    $node_types = node_get_types('names');
    // The default values for the theme variables. Make sure $defaults exactly
    // matches the $defaults in the theme-settings.php file.
    $defaults = array('csa_base_move_sidebar' => 1, 'breadcrumb_display' => 0, 'breadcrumb_display_admin' => 1, 'breadcrumb_with_title' => 1, 'primary_links_display_style' => 'tabbed-menu', 'primary_links_allow_tree' => 0, 'secondary_links_display_style' => 'menu', 'secondary_links_allow_tree' => 0, 'search_snippet' => 1, 'search_info_type' => 1, 'search_info_user' => 1, 'search_info_date' => 1, 'search_info_comment' => 1, 'search_info_upload' => 1, 'mission_statement_pages' => 'home', 'hide_front_page_title' => 1, 'front_page_title_display' => 'title_slogan', 'page_title_display_custom' => '', 'other_page_title_display' => 'ptitle_slogan', 'other_page_title_display_custom' => '', 'configurable_separator' => ' | ', 'meta_keywords' => '', 'meta_description' => '', 'taxonomy_display_default' => 'only', 'taxonomy_display_vocab_name' => 1, 'taxonomy_format_default' => 'vocab', 'taxonomy_format_links' => 0, 'taxonomy_format_delimiter' => ', ', 'taxonomy_enable_content_type' => 0, 'submitted_by_author_default' => 0, 'submitted_by_date_default' => 0, 'submitted_by_enable_content_type' => 0);
    // Make the default content-type settings the same as the default theme settings,
    // so we can tell if content-type-specific settings have been altered.
    $defaults = array_merge($defaults, theme_get_settings());
    // Set the default values for content-type-specific settings
    foreach ($node_types as $type => $name) {
        $defaults["taxonomy_display_{$type}"] = $defaults['taxonomy_display_default'];
        $defaults["taxonomy_format_{$type}"] = $defaults['taxonomy_format_default'];
        $defaults["submitted_by_author_{$type}"] = $defaults['submitted_by_author_default'];
        $defaults["submitted_by_date_{$type}"] = $defaults['submitted_by_date_default'];
    // Get default theme settings.
    $settings = theme_get_settings($theme);
    // Don't save the toggle_node_info_ variables
    if (module_exists('node')) {
        foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $name) {
            unset($settings['toggle_node_info_' . $type]);
    // Save default theme settings
    variable_set(str_replace('/', '_', 'theme_' . $theme . '_settings'), array_merge($defaults, $settings));
    // Force refresh of Drupal internals
    theme_get_setting('', TRUE);
    return $defaults;
  * Check the enabled Garland blocks are correctly copied over.
 function testNewDefaultThemeBlocks()
     // Create administrative user.
     $adminuser = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer themes'));
     // Ensure no other theme's blocks are in the block table yet.
     $count = db_query_range("SELECT 1 FROM {block} WHERE theme NOT IN ('garland', 'seven')", 0, 1)->fetchField();
     $this->assertFalse($count, t('Only Garland and Seven have blocks.'));
     // Populate list of all blocks for matching against new theme.
     $blocks = array();
     $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {block} WHERE theme = 'garland'");
     foreach ($result as $block) {
         // $block->theme and $block->bid will not match, so remove them.
         unset($block->theme, $block->bid);
         $blocks[$block->module][$block->delta] = $block;
     // Turn on the Stark theme and ensure that it contains all of the blocks
     // that Garland did.
     variable_set('theme_default', 'stark');
     $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {block} WHERE theme='stark'");
     foreach ($result as $block) {
         unset($block->theme, $block->bid);
         $this->assertEqual($blocks[$block->module][$block->delta], $block, t('Block %name matched', array('%name' => $block->module . '-' . $block->delta)));
예제 #12
  * Apply default NextEuropa configuration to a specific content type.
  * This method is usually called into hook_install().
  * @param string $type
  *    Content type machine name.
  * @see nexteuropa_pages_install()
 public function applyDefaultConfigurationToContentType($type)
     // Replace title field.
     multisite_config_service('title')->replaceTitleField('node', $type, 'title');
     // Add Organic Group fields.
     multisite_config_service('og')->createOgGroupAudienceField('node', $type);
     multisite_config_service('og')->createOgContentAccessField('node', $type);
     // Enable Workbench Moderation.
     // Grant OG permissions if NextEuropa Editorial feature is enabled.
     if (module_exists('nexteuropa_editorial')) {
         $og_permissions = array();
         $og_permissions['contributor'] = array('create ' . $type . ' content', 'update own ' . $type . ' content', 'delete own ' . $type . ' content');
         $og_permissions['validator'] = $og_permissions['publisher'] = $og_permissions['administrator member'] = array('create ' . $type . ' content', 'update own ' . $type . ' content', 'delete own ' . $type . ' content', 'update any ' . $type . ' content', 'delete any ' . $type . ' content');
         foreach ($og_permissions as $role => $permissions) {
             multisite_config_service('og')->grantOgPermissions($role, $permissions, 'node', 'editorial_team', 'og');
     // Enable Linkchecker control for "Page" content type.
     // Enable default scheduling options for a specific content type.
     // Set unpublish moderation state to "expired".
     // This call cannot be included in the API method above since it is
     // a configuration specific to NextEuropa .
     variable_set('scheduler_unpublish_moderation_state_' . $type, 'expired');
예제 #13
 * Act on taxonomy vocabularies when updated.
 * Modules implementing this hook can act on the vocabulary object when updated.
 * @param $vocabulary
 *   A taxonomy vocabulary object.
function hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_update($vocabulary)
    $status = $vocabulary->synonyms ? TRUE : FALSE;
    if ($vocabulary->synonyms) {
        variable_set('taxonomy_' . $vocabulary->vid . '_synonyms', $status);
예제 #14
 * Respond to a custom menu deletion.
 * This hook is used to notify modules that a custom menu along with all links
 * contained in it (if any) has been deleted. Contributed modules may use the
 * information to perform actions based on the information entered into the menu
 * system.
 * @param $menu
 *   An array representing a custom menu:
 *   - menu_name: The unique name of the custom menu.
 *   - title: The human readable menu title.
 *   - description: The custom menu description.
 * @see hook_menu_insert()
 * @see hook_menu_update()
function hook_menu_delete($menu)
    // Delete the record from our variable.
    $my_menus = variable_get('my_module_menus', array());
    variable_set('my_module_menus', $my_menus);
예제 #15
function _validate_page_width($width)
    global $theme_key;
     * The default values for the theme variables. Make sure $defaults exactly
     * matches the $defaults in the theme-settings.php file.
    $defaults = array('pixture_width' => '85%');
    // check if it is liquid (%) or fixed width (px)
    if (preg_match("/(\\d+)\\s*%/", $width, $match)) {
        $liquid = 1;
        $num = intval($match[0]);
        if (50 <= $num && $num <= 100) {
            return $num . "%";
            // OK!
    } else {
        if (preg_match("/(\\d+)\\s*px/", $width, $match)) {
            $fixed = 1;
            $num = intval($match[0]);
            if (800 <= $num && $num < 1600) {
                return $num . "px";
                // OK
    // reset to default value
    variable_set(str_replace('/', '_', 'theme_' . $theme_key . '_settings'), array_merge($defaults, theme_get_settings($theme_key)));
    // Force refresh of Drupal internals
    theme_get_setting('', TRUE);
    return $defaults['pixture_width'];
예제 #16
 * Initialize theme settings if needed
function fusion_core_initialize_theme_settings($theme_name)
    $theme_settings = theme_get_settings($theme_name);
    if (!isset($theme_settings['primary_menu_dropdown']) || $theme_settings['rebuild_registry'] == 1) {
        static $registry_rebuilt = false;
        // avoid multiple rebuilds per page
        // Rebuild theme registry & notify user
        if (isset($theme_settings['rebuild_registry']) && $theme_settings['rebuild_registry'] == 1 && !$registry_rebuilt) {
            drupal_set_message(t('Theme registry rebuild completed. <a href="!link">Turn off</a> this feature for production websites.', array('!link' => url('admin/build/themes/settings/' . $GLOBALS['theme']))), 'warning');
            $registry_rebuilt = true;
        // Retrieve saved or site-wide theme settings
        $theme_setting_name = str_replace('/', '_', 'theme_' . $theme_name . '_settings');
        $settings = variable_get($theme_setting_name, FALSE) ? theme_get_settings($theme_name) : theme_get_settings();
        // Skip toggle_node_info_ settings
        if (module_exists('node')) {
            foreach (node_get_types() as $type => $name) {
                unset($settings['toggle_node_info_' . $type]);
        // Combine default theme settings from .info file & theme-settings.php
        $theme_data = list_themes();
        // get theme data for all themes
        $info_theme_settings = $theme_name ? $theme_data[$theme_name]->info['settings'] : array();
        $defaults = array_merge(fusion_core_default_theme_settings(), $info_theme_settings);
        // Set combined default & saved theme settings
        variable_set($theme_setting_name, array_merge($defaults, $settings));
        // Force theme settings refresh
        theme_get_setting('', TRUE);
예제 #17
 * Preprocess Page
function superhero_preprocess_page(&$vars)
    $theme = superhero_get_theme();
    $theme->page =& $vars;
    $vars['attributes_array']['class'] = array('body');
    // Primary nav
    $vars['primary_nav'] = FALSE;
    if ($vars['main_menu']) {
        // Build links
        $vars['primary_nav'] = menu_tree(variable_get('menu_main_links_source', 'main-menu'));
        // Provide default theme wrapper function
        $vars['primary_nav']['#theme_wrappers'] = array('menu_tree__primary');
    $default_preset = $theme->settings['default_preset'];
    $force = false;
    $superhero_base_url = variable_get('superhero_base_url', '');
    global $base_url;
    if ($superhero_base_url != $base_url) {
        $force = true;
    variable_set('superhero_base_url', $base_url);
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/superhero_scss.php';
    $scss = new Superhero_scss($theme);
    if (!file_exists('public://css')) {
    $file = $scss->outputFile('public://css/' . $theme->theme . '-theme-preset' . ($default_preset + 1) . '.css', $force);
    drupal_add_css($file, array('type' => 'file', 'group' => CSS_THEME));
예제 #18
  * Sets up a project and a files branch using API function calls.
  * @param $prefix
  *   Directory prefix to prepend on the data directories.
  * @param $default
  *   TRUE to set this as the default branch; FALSE to not set it as default.
  * @param $info
  *   Array of information to override the defaults (see function code to see
  *   what they are). Note that $prefix is applied after this information is
  *   read, and that only one directory and one excluded are supported in this
  *   function.
  * @return
  *   Array of information (defaults with overrides) used to create the
  *   branch and project.
 function setUpBranchAPICall($prefix = '', $default = TRUE, $info = array())
     // Set up defaults.
     $info += array('project' => 'test', 'project_title' => 'Project 6', 'project_type' => 'module', 'branch_name' => '6', 'title' => 'Testing 6', 'core_compatibility' => '7.x', 'update_frequency' => 1, 'directory' => drupal_get_path('module', 'api') . '/tests/sample', 'excluded' => drupal_get_path('module', 'api') . '/tests/sample/to_exclude', 'regexps' => '');
     $info['preferred'] = $default ? 1 : 0;
     // Create the project.
     $project = new stdClass();
     $project->project_type = $info['project_type'];
     $project->project_name = $info['project'];
     $project->project_title = $info['project_title'];
     if ($default) {
         // Make this the default project/compatibility.
         variable_set('api_default_project', $info['project']);
         variable_set('api_default_core_compatibility', $info['core_compatibility']);
     // Create the branch.
     $branch = new stdClass();
     $branch->project = $info['project'];
     $branch->branch_name = $info['branch_name'];
     $branch->title = $info['title'];
     $branch->preferred = $info['preferred'];
     $branch->core_compatibility = $info['core_compatibility'];
     $branch->update_frequency = $info['update_frequency'];
     $branch->data = array('directories' => $prefix . $info['directory'], 'excluded_directories' => $prefix . $info['excluded'], 'exclude_files_regexp' => $info['regexps']);
     if ($default) {
         $this->assertEqual(variable_get('api_default_branch', 99), $branch->branch_id, 'Variable for default branch is set correctly');
     return $info;
  * Method for defining a key's value in the caching mechanism.
  * @param string $key
  *   The unique name of the value to be stored. If not unique, the existing
  *   value will be replaced.
  * @param mixed $value
  *   The serializable value to be stored under the $key provided.
  * @return NULL
  *   Returns after corresponding set functionality finishes.
 public function vset($key, $value)
     if ($this->memcacheExists) {
         $this->mem->set($key, $value);
     variable_set($key, $value);
예제 #20
 * Respond to image style deletion.
 * This hook enables modules to update settings when a image style is being
 * deleted. If a style is deleted, a replacement name may be specified in
 * $style['name'] and the style being deleted will be specified in
 * $style['old_name'].
 * @param $style
 *   The image style array that being deleted.
function hook_image_style_delete($style)
    // Administrators can choose an optional replacement style when deleting.
    // Update the modules style variable accordingly.
    if (isset($style['old_name']) && $style['old_name'] == variable_get('mymodule_image_style', '')) {
        variable_set('mymodule_image_style', $style['name']);
  * Returns the next available member id.
 public function next($membership)
     $settings = $this->settings;
     $length = !empty($settings['length']) ? $settings['length'] : 5;
     $member_id = variable_get('membership_entity_next_member_id', 0);
     variable_set('membership_entity_next_member_id', ++$member_id);
     return str_pad($member_id, $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
 public function save()
     foreach ($this->saveable as $property) {
         $save[$property] = $this->{$property};
     variable_set('ldap_user_conf', $save);
 * Form submission handler for ec_resp_form_system_theme_settings_alter().
function ec_resp_theme_settings_submit($form, &$form_state)
    // The 'easy_breadcrumb-segments_separator' variable is used by
    // easy-breadcrumb module, to construct link separators.
    // For interinstituional template, we replace it by an image.
    $separator = $form_state['values']['enable_interinstitutional_theme'] == 0 ? '>' : ' ';
    variable_set('easy_breadcrumb-segments_separator', $separator);
예제 #24
파일: template.php 프로젝트: aakb/alice
function acquia_prosper_preprocess(&$vars)
    if (!function_exists('fusion_core_add_block')) {
        drupal_set_message(t('Error! <a href="!link">Fusion Core</a> base theme not found. Please install and enable Fusion Core first.', array('!link' => '')), 'error', false);
        variable_set('theme_default', 'garland');
        $vars['is_admin'] ? drupal_goto('admin/build/themes') : drupal_goto('');
예제 #25
  * @todo.
 public function setUp()
     // Create and log in our privileged user.
     $this->privileged_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer content types', 'administer nodes', 'bypass node access', 'administer date tools'));
     variable_set('date_format_long', 'D, m/d/Y - H:i');
예제 #26
function variable_move($old, $new)
    $val = variable_get($old, NULL);
    if (!is_null($value)) {
        variable_set($new, $val);
예제 #27
 public function flushMailSystem()
     if ($this->maillog) {
         db_query("TRUNCATE {maillog}");
     } else {
         variable_set('drupal_test_email_collector', array());
  * Renew the cache prefix, save it, and notify all observers.
 function renewCachePrefix()
     $this->prefix = Util::randomString();
     variable_set('xautoload_cache_prefix', $this->prefix);
     foreach ($this->observers as $observer) {
function configure_chosen()
    drush_log('Configuring chosen', 'ok');
    variable_set('chosen_minimum_multiple', '26');
    variable_set('chosen_minimum_single', '99');
    variable_set('chosen_disable_search_threshold', '32');
    variable_set('chosen_minimum_width', '300');
 public function setPlanType($type = 'unknown')
     variable_set('lingotek_account_plan_type', $type);
     $standard_types = array('cosmopolitan_monthly', 'cosmopolitan_yearly');
     // if in this list, then set to 'standard'
     $type = in_array($type, $standard_types) ? 'standard' : $type;
     $this->planType = $type;