function db1($x, $lv = 3, $die = 0) { static $t, $i; $i++; if (!$t) { echo "<link rel=stylesheet href='!c/syntax.css'><script src='!c/syntax.js'></script>"; $t = 1; } #if(!is_array($x))$x=[$x]; #@ob_start();var_debug($x);$x=ob_get_clean(); $x = var_debug($x); #\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($x, $lv) echo "<pre class=pre id='predb{$i}'>" . $x . "</pre>"; $_ENV['js'][] = "var x=document.getElementById('predb{$i}');window.onload=x.innerHTML=syntaxHighlight(x.innerHTML);"; if ($die) { die; } }
static function d($debug, $cond = 1, $dies = 0, $file = 0) { #returns single instance from static context to be used as an object : Debug::d($debug); if (!$cond) { return; } #@ob_start();\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($debug,4);$$debug=ob_get_clean();return pr1($debug);#doctrine way $obj = self::i(); init(); $bt = debug_backtrace(); if (count($bt) > 2) { array_shift($bt); } $call = array_shift($bt); $call = $call['file'] . ':' . $call['line']; #$tmp=explode('/',$call['file']);if(count($tmp)<2)$tmp=explode('\\',$call['file']);#nunows $debug = cleanRecursion($debug); cleanNullOrMaxDepthArrays($debug); if ($file) { file_put_contents($file, serialize(compact('call', 'debug'))); } #Keep a Memo if (0) { #*** $xt = (array) end($debug); $y = []; $y = array_keys($xt); $split = str_split($y[1]); foreach ($split as &$v) { $v .= '§' . ord($v); } unset($v); pr1(['line' => __LINE__, 'aborted', $split, isset($xt[PRIV . 'factetape'])] + $y, 1); #enfants,statut,data,*factetape ( public from proposition ); } #isSerializable, now ! #$debug=var_debug($debug); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])) { #AJAX if ($dies) { $debug = JSON_encode(compact('call', 'debug')); cleanOut($debug, 1); die($debug); } #return new JSON_response return compact('call', 'debug'); #return new JSON_response #return json_encode($debug); } if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $debug = print_r(compact('call', 'debug'), 1); die(CleanOut($debug)); } #Failsafe for first debug ( recursivity issues ) toggles advanced display -> is now flattened $debug = var_debug($debug); $debug = print_r(compact('call', 'debug'), 1); CleanOut($debug); /* know that #client referers to first client level $x = preg_replace("~\n[ ]+(bool|int)\(([a-z]*[0-9]*)\)~", "\\2", $x); $x = preg_replace("~\n[ ]+string\([0-9]+\)~", "", $x); #$x=preg_replace("~\n bool(false)~","0",$x); $x = preg_replace("~\n[ ]+([^\n]+\n[ ]+null|\[[^\n]+\] => null)~i", "", $x); $x = preg_replace("~\(([0-9]+)\) {\n[ ]+\.\.\.\n[ ]+}~", "(\\1)...", $x); */ if ($dies < 0) { file_put_contents(ini_get('error_log'), print_r($debug, 1)); return; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8', 1); echo "<link rel=stylesheet href='//ben/codes/debug.css'><script src='//ben/codes/debug.js' type='text/javascript'></script>"; # if ($dies) { die(pr1($debug)); } return pr1($debug); }