예제 #1
 function WriteHTML($html)
     //! @desc HTML parser
     //! @return void
     /* $e == content */
     $html = AdjustHTML($html, $this->usepre);
     //Try to make HTML look more like XHTML
     if ($this->usecss) {
         $html = $this->ReadCSS($html);
     //Add new supported tags in the DisableTags function
     $html = str_replace('<?php', '< ', $html);
     //Fix '<?XML' bug from HTML code generated by MS Word
     //$html = str_replace ("%2", "/", $html);
     $html = strip_tags($html, $this->enabledtags);
     //remove all unsupported tags, but the ones inside the 'enabledtags' string
     //Explode the string in order to parse the HTML code
     $a = preg_split('/<(.*?)>/ms', $html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
     foreach ($a as $i => $e) {
         if ($i % 2 == 0) {
             //Adjust lineheight
             //            $this->lineheight = (5*$this->FontSizePt)/11; //should be inside printbuffer?
             //Adjust text, if needed
             if (strpos($e, "&") !== false) {
                 if (strpos($e, "#") !== false) {
                     $e = value_entity_decode($e);
                 // Decode value entities
                 //Avoid crashing the script on PHP 4.0
                 $version = phpversion();
                 $version = str_replace('.', '', $version);
                 if ($version >= 430) {
                     $e = html_entity_decode($e, ENT_QUOTES, 'cp1252');
                 } else {
                     $e = lesser_entity_decode($e);
             $e = str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $e);
             //unify ascii code of spaces (in order to recognize all of them correctly)
             if (strlen($e) == 0) {
             if ($this->divrevert) {
                 $e = strrev($e);
             if ($this->toupper) {
                 $e = strtoupper($e);
             if ($this->tolower) {
                 $e = strtolower($e);
             //Start of 'if/elseif's
             if ($this->titulo) {
             } elseif ($this->specialcontent) {
                 if ($this->specialcontent == "type=select" and $this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] == true) {
                     $stringwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($e);
                     if (!isset($this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']) or $stringwidth > $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']) {
                         $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'] = $stringwidth;
                     if (!isset($this->selectoption['SELECTED']) or $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] == '') {
                         $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = $e;
                 } else {
                     $this->textbuffer[] = array("???" . $this->specialcontent . "???" . $e);
             } elseif ($this->tablestart) {
                 if ($this->tdbegin) {
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e, $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['text'][] = $e;
                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->GetStringWidth($e);
                 //Ignore content between <table>,<tr> and a <td> tag (this content is usually only a bunch of spaces)
             } elseif ($this->pbegin or $this->HREF or $this->divbegin or $this->SUP or $this->SUB or $this->strike or $this->buffer_on) {
                 $this->textbuffer[] = array($e, $this->HREF, $this->currentstyle, $this->colorarray, $this->currentfont, $this->SUP, $this->SUB, '', $this->strike, $this->outlineparam, $this->bgcolorarray);
             } else {
                 if ($this->blockjustfinished) {
                     $e = ltrim($e);
                 if ($e != '') {
                     $this->Write($this->lineheight, $e);
                     //Write text directly in the PDF
                     if ($this->pjustfinished) {
                         $this->pjustfinished = false;
         } else {
             $this->colorarray = array();
             $this->strike = false;
             if ($e[0] == '/') {
                 $this->CloseTag(strtoupper(substr($e, 1)));
             } else {
                 $regexp = '|=\'(.*?)\'|s';
                 // eliminate single quotes, if any
                 $e = preg_replace($regexp, "=\"\$1\"", $e);
                 $regexp = '| (\\w+?)=([^\\s>"]+)|si';
                 // changes anykey=anyvalue to anykey="anyvalue" (only do this when this happens inside tags)
                 $e = preg_replace($regexp, " \$1=\"\$2\"", $e);
                 //Fix path values, if needed
                 if (stristr($e, "href=") !== false or stristr($e, "src=") !== false) {
                     $regexp = '/ (href|src)="(.*?)"/i';
                     preg_match($regexp, $e, $auxiliararray);
                     $path = $auxiliararray[2];
                     $path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path);
                     //If on Windows
                     //Get link info and obtain its absolute path
                     $regexp = '|^./|';
                     $path = preg_replace($regexp, '', $path);
                     if ($path[0] != '#') {
                         if (strpos($path, "../") !== false) {
                             $backtrackamount = substr_count($path, "../");
                             $maxbacktrack = substr_count($this->basepath, "/") - 1;
                             $filepath = str_replace("../", '', $path);
                             $path = $this->basepath;
                             //If it is an invalid relative link, then make it go to directory root
                             if ($backtrackamount > $maxbacktrack) {
                                 $backtrackamount = $maxbacktrack;
                             //Backtrack some directories
                             for ($i = 0; $i < $backtrackamount + 1; $i++) {
                                 $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, "/"));
                             $path = $path . "/" . $filepath;
                             //Make it an absolute path
                         } elseif (strpos($path, ":/") === false) {
                             $path = $this->basepath . $path;
                         //Do nothing if it is an Absolute Link
                     $regexp = '/ (href|src)="(.*?)"/i';
                     $e = preg_replace($regexp, ' \\1="' . $path . '"', $e);
                 //END of Fix path values
                 //Extract attributes
                 $contents = array();
                 preg_match_all('/\\S*=["\'][^"\']*["\']/', $e, $contents);
                 preg_match('/\\S+/', $e, $a2);
                 $tag = strtoupper($a2[0]);
                 $attr = array();
                 if (!empty($contents)) {
                     foreach ($contents[0] as $v) {
                         if (ereg('^([^=]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?$', $v, $a3)) {
                             $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = $a3[2];
                 $this->OpenTag($tag, $attr);
     //end of   foreach($a as $i=>$e)
     //Create Internal Links, if needed
     if (!empty($this->internallink)) {
         foreach ($this->internallink as $k => $v) {
             if (strpos($k, "#") !== false) {
             $ypos = $v['Y'];
             $pagenum = $v['PAGE'];
             $sharp = "#";
             while (array_key_exists($sharp . $k, $this->internallink)) {
                 $internallink = $this->internallink[$sharp . $k];
                 $this->SetLink($internallink, $ypos, $pagenum);
                 $sharp .= "#";
예제 #2
function wan_pdf($atts)
    global $thisarticle, $sitename, $permlink_mode, $prefs, $txpcfg;
    extract(lAtts(array('class' => '', 'pdf_css_class' => 'article_pdf', 'name' => 'This article as a pdf', 'file_category' => 'article_pdf', 'show_excerpt' => 'y', 'show_body' => 'y', 'image' => '', 'debug' => 'n'), $atts));
    $pdf_exists = false;
    $pdf_up_to_date = false;
    $article_id = $thisarticle['thisid'];
    $title = $thisarticle['title'];
    $body = '';
    $excerpt = '';
    $tempdir = $prefs['tempdir'];
    $filedir = $prefs['file_base_path'];
    if ($show_body == 'y') {
        if ($thisarticle['body'] != "") {
            //$body = "<div class=\"article_body\">".$thisarticle['body']."</div>";
            $body = $thisarticle['body'];
    if ($show_excerpt == 'y') {
        if ($thisarticle['excerpt'] != "") {
            //$excerpt = "<div class=\"excerpt\">".$thisarticle['excerpt']."</div>";
            $excerpt = $thisarticle['excerpt'];
    // Read CSS-file for pdf-output
    $css = safe_field('css', 'txp_css', "name='" . doSlash($pdf_css_class) . "'");
    // Calculate hash-value for article
    $article_hash = md5($css . $title . $excerpt . $body);
    // Check if pdf already exists for this article
    $pattern = $article_id . "_%";
    $rs = safe_row("id, description, filename", 'txp_file', "category = '{$file_category}' AND description LIKE '{$pattern}'");
    if (count($rs) > 0) {
        $pdf_exists = true;
        $file_id = $rs['id'];
        $pdf_filename = $rs['filename'];
        // pdf exists, so check if it's up to date
        $description = explode("_", $rs['description']);
        if ($description[1] == $article_hash) {
            $pdf_up_to_date = true;
    // Delete old PDF
    if (file_exists($filedir . "/" . $title . ".pdf")) {
        unlink($filedir . "/" . $title . ".pdf");
        $pdf_up_to_date = false;
    // if pdf has to be generated (or re-generated)
    if (!$pdf_exists or !$pdf_up_to_date) {
        // generate identifier
        $identifier = $article_id . "_" . $article_hash;
        $pdf_filename = $article_id . "_" . $thisarticle['url_title'] . ".pdf";
        $pdf_filename = str_replace("'", "", $pdf_filename);
        $x_title = utf8_decode($title);
        // check if textile is on or off
        if (strcmp("<p>", substr($excerpt, 0, 3)) != 0) {
            $excerpt = "<p>" . $excerpt . "</p>";
            //$x_title = value_entity_decode($title);
        if (strcmp("<p>", substr($body, 0, 3)) != 0) {
            $body = "<p>" . $body . "</p>";
            $x_title = value_entity_decode($title);
        } else {
            $body = value_entity_decode($body);
        // change image-urls to http://...
        $excerpt = str_replace('<img src="/textpattern', '<img src="http://' . $prefs['siteurl'], $excerpt);
        $body = str_replace('<img src="/textpattern', '<img src="http://' . $prefs['siteurl'], $body);
        // generate HTML first
        if (is_writable($tempdir . "/")) {
            $file = fopen($tempdir . "/" . $identifier . ".html", "w");
            $xhtml_header = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"\n            \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n            <html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n            <head>\n            <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/HTML;\"  />\n            <title>" . $title . "</title>\n            </head>\n            <body>";
            //fwrite($file, utf8_decode($xhtml_header."<h1>".$thisarticle['title']."</h1>\n".$excerpt.$body."</body></html>"));
            fwrite($file, $xhtml_header . "<h1>" . $title . "</h1>\n" . $excerpt . $body . "</body></html>");
            // write CSS to file
            if ($css) {
                $cssfile = fopen($tempdir . "/csstemp.css", "w");
                fwrite($cssfile, base64_decode($css));
            // Define some variables for PDF
            define('X_PATH', $txpcfg['txpath'] . '/lib/xhtml2pdf');
            //define('X_NAME', utf8_decode($sitename));
            //define('X_TITLE', html_entity_decode(utf8_decode($thisarticle['title'])));
            //$x_name = utf8_decode($sitename);
            //$x_title = html_entity_decode(utf8_decode($title));
            $x_name = $sitename;
            include_once X_PATH . '/classes/x2fpdf.php';
            // Create new xhtml2pdf-object
            $xpdf = new xhtml2pdf($tempdir . "/" . $identifier . ".html", $tempdir . "/csstemp.css", $config);
            $xpdf->SetCreator('XHTML2PDF v0.2.5');
            // output pdf
            $xpdf->output($filedir . "/" . $pdf_filename, 'F');
            // remove HTML-file, remove CSS-file
            if ($debug != 'y') {
                unlink($tempdir . "/" . $identifier . ".html");
                unlink($tempdir . "/csstemp.css");
        if (!$pdf_exists) {
            // Add pdf to textpattern-db
            $file_id = safe_insert("txp_file", "filename = '{$pdf_filename}',\n\t\t\t       category = '{$file_category}',\n\t\t\t       permissions = '',\n\t\t\t       description = '{$identifier}'\n\t\t    ");
        } else {
            if (!$pdf_up_to_date) {
                // Update textpattern-db
                safe_update("txp_file", "description = '{$identifier}', filename = '{$pdf_filename}'", "id = '{$file_id}'");
    // Generate Link to PDF
    if ($class != '') {
        $class = " class=\"" . $class . "\"";
    if ($image != '') {
        $name = image(array('id' => $image));
    if ($permlink_mode == 'messy') {
        $url = '<a href="http://' . $prefs['siteurl'] . '/index.php?s=file_download&id=' . $file_id . '" title="download file ' . $pdf_filename . '"' . $class . '>' . $name . '</a>';
    } else {
        $url = '<a href="http://' . $prefs['siteurl'] . '/' . gTxt('file_download') . '/' . $file_id . '" title="download file ' . $pdf_filename . '"' . $class . '>' . $name . '</a>';
    return $url;