$post['sheet-dir'] = The directory where the file(s) are saved, encoded by base64_encode() $post['sheet-fileName'] = The same value of $post['sheet'] */ ### The following commented section works with the sample database ### /* if (isset($post['photo-postId']) && $post['photo-postId']) { # Save file name in db # This is only needed when `onUpload` callback is not provided in view.php db_insert('post_image', array( 'pimgFileName' => $post['photo'], 'postId' => $post['photo-postId'] ), $useSlug=false); } # Save file name in db # This is only needed when `onUpload` callback is not provided in view.php db_insert('document', array( 'docFileName' => $post['doc'], ), $useSlug=false); */ $success = true; if ($success) { form_set('success', true); form_set('callback', 'postOutput(' . json_encode($post) . ')'); } } else { form_set('error', validation_get('errors')); } } form_respond('frmAsynFileUpload'); # Ajax response
/** * AJAX form responder * @param string $formId The HTML form ID * @param array $errors The array of the errors (it is used only for generic form processing) * @return void */ function form_respond($formId, $errors = null) { Form::set('id', $formId); $errorStr = ''; $ajaxResponse = true; form_set('error', validation_get('errors')); if (is_array($errors) && count($errors)) { Form::set('error', $errors); $ajaxResponse = false; # if no error message and no other message, no need to respond $message = Form::get('message'); if (count(Form::get('error')) == 0 && empty($message)) { return; } } $response = array('formId' => Form::get('id'), 'success' => Form::get('success') ? true : false, 'error' => Form::get('error'), 'msg' => Form::get('message'), 'redirect' => Form::get('redirect'), 'callback' => Form::get('callback')); if ($ajaxResponse) { echo json_encode($response); } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo 'LC.Form.submitHandler(' . json_encode($response) . ')'; echo '</script>'; } }
?> </h3> <p>This is an example page which shows generic file upload handling.</p> <p> <form id="frmUpload" method="post" class="no-ajax" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php echo flash_get('file-upload-success'); ?> <div class="message"></div> <div class="table"> <div class="row"> <input type="file" name="filImage" id="filImage" /> </div> <div class="row"> <input type="submit" name="btnUpload" value="<?php echo _t('Upload'); ?> " class="button green" /> </div> </div> <?php form_token(); ?> </form> <?php form_respond('frmUpload', validation_get('errors')); ?> </p> <?php include _i('inc/tpl/footer.php');
if (is_array($dimensions) && count($dimensions)) { foreach ($dimensions as $d) { $thumbFile = $uploadDir . $d . _DS_ . $post[$name]; if (is_file($thumbFile) && file_exists($thumbFile)) { unlink($thumbFile); } } } } } else { $error = $file->getError(); validation_addError($name, $error['message']); } } if (count(validation_get('errors'))) { $errors = validation_get('errors'); # if there is any validation error and if there was any uploaded file $data['error'] = array('id' => $errors[0]['htmlID'], 'plain' => $errors[0]['msg'], 'html' => _msg($errors, 'error', 'html')); $data['value'] = $post[$name]; } if (!$data['savedId'] && isset($post[$name . '-id']) && $post[$name . '-id']) { # if there was any saved data in db $data['savedId'] = $post[$name . '-id']; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>AsyncFileUploader</title>
echo _t('Re-type your email *'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="row"> <textarea name="txaComment" rows="7" cols="60" placeholder="<?php echo _t('Enter comment *'); ?> "><?php echo form_value('txaComment'); ?> </textarea> </div> <div class="row"> <input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="<?php echo _t('Post Comment'); ?> " class="button green" /> </div> </div> <?php form_token(); ?> </form> <?php form_respond('frmComment', validation_get('errors')); ?> </p> <?php include _i('inc/tpl/footer.php');