$output = "U"; } if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM) { cacti_log("Host[$host_id] DS[$data_source] CMD: " . $item["arg1"] . ", output: $output",$print_data_to_stdout); } break; case POLLER_ACTION_SCRIPT_PHP: /* script (php script server) */ if ($using_proc_function == true) { $output = trim(str_replace("\n", "", exec_poll_php($item["arg1"], $using_proc_function, $pipes, $cactiphp))); /* remove any quotes from string */ $output = strip_quotes($output); if (!validate_result($output)) { if (strlen($output) > 20) { $strout = 20; } else { $strout = strlen($output); } cacti_log("Host[$host_id] DS[$data_source] WARNING: Result from SERVER not valid. Partial Result: " . substr($output, 0, $strout), $print_data_to_stdout); $output = "U"; } if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM) { cacti_log("Host[$host_id] DS[$data_source] SERVER: " . $item["arg1"] . ", output: $output", $print_data_to_stdout); } }else{ if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM) {
} else { cacti_log("WARNING: PHP Script File to be included, does not exist", false, "PHPSVR"); } } } else { cacti_log("WARNING: PHP Script Server encountered errors parsing the command", false, "PHPSVR"); } if (function_exists($cmd)) { if ($parm == "") { $result = call_user_func($cmd); } else { $result = call_user_func_array($cmd, $parm); } if (!validate_result($result)) { $result = "U"; } if (strpos($result,"\n") != 0) { fputs(STDOUT, $result); fflush(STDOUT); } else { fputs(STDOUT, $result . "\n"); fflush(STDOUT); } if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { cacti_log("SERVER: " . $in_string . " output " . $result, false, "PHPSVR"); } } else {