public function LoginParticulier() { $this->mLayout = "empty"; $this->mTheme = 'login-page'; $this->mViewFile = 'loginparticulier'; if (validate_form()) { $username = $this->input->post('username'); $password = $this->input->post('password'); $this->load->model('User_model', 'user_model'); $user = $this->user_model->get_by('email', $username); // only admin and staff can login /*if ( verify_role(['admin', 'staff'], $user) ) {*/ // password correct if (verify_pw($password, $user['password'])) { // limited fields to store in session $fields = array('id', 'role', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'created_at'); $user_data = elements($fields, $user); login_user($user); // success set_alert('success', 'Connexion réussie'); redirect('home'); exit; } //} // failed set_alert('danger', 'Nom d\'utilisateur ou Mot de passe incorrect'); redirect('/login/Loginparticulier'); } }
public function index() { $this->mLayout = "empty"; $this->mTheme = 'login-page'; $this->mViewFile = 'login'; if (validate_form()) { $username = $this->input->post('username'); $password = $this->input->post('password'); $this->load->model('Backend_user_model', 'backend_users'); $user = $this->backend_users->get_by('username', $username); // only admin and staff can login if (verify_role(['admin', 'staff-1', 'staff-2', 'staff-3'], $user)) { // password correct if (verify_pw($password, $user['password'])) { // limited fields to store in session $fields = array('id', 'role', 'username', 'full_name', 'created_at'); $user_data = elements($fields, $user); login_user($user); // success set_alert('success', 'Login success'); redirect('home'); exit; } } // failed set_alert('danger', 'Invalid Login'); redirect('login'); } }
function add_report() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); #Get the report details if the user is editing if (!empty($data['i'])) { $editid = decryptValue($data['i']); $data['formdata'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('get_report_by_id', array('id' => $editid)); } #Save the report details if ($this->input->post('savereport')) { $required_fields = array('reportname'); $_POST = clean_form_data($_POST); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { $save_result = false; #Save/Update an existing report's details if (!empty($data['formdata']) && !empty($data['i'])) { $updateStr = ''; #check if report has changed if (!empty($_FILES['fileurl']['tmp_name'])) { $new_file_url = 'ny_' . strtotime('now') . generate_random_letter() . "." . end(explode('.', $_FILES['fileurl']['name'])); if (copy(str_replace("/kunden/", "/", $_FILES['fileurl']['tmp_name']), UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "reports/" . $new_file_url)) { #Delete the previous report from the server if it exists if (!empty($data['formdata']['fileurl'])) { @unlink(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "reports/" . $data['formdata']['fileurl']); } $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_report', array('updatestring' => ', fileurl = \'' . $new_file_url . '\' , uploadip = \'' . get_ip_address() . '\'', 'reportname' => $_POST['reportname'], 'id' => $editid))); } } else { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_report', array_merge($_POST, array('id' => $editid, 'updatestring' => '')))); } } else { $new_file_url = 'ny_' . strtotime('now') . generate_random_letter() . "." . end(explode('.', $_FILES['fileurl']['name'])); #First move the report to the correct folder and then add the report if (copy(str_replace("/kunden/", "/", $_FILES['fileurl']['tmp_name']), UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "reports/" . $new_file_url)) { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('add_report', array('fileurl' => $new_file_url, 'reportname' => $_POST['reportname'], 'uploadip' => get_ip_address()))); } } if ($save_result) { $data['msg'] = "The report has been saved."; $this->session->set_userdata('sres', $data['msg']); redirect(base_url() . "reports/manage_reports/m/sres"); } else { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The report was not saved. Please contact your administrator."; } } #VALIDATION end if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; $data['formdata'] = $_POST; } $this->load->view('reports/add_report_view', $data); }
function add_document() { # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); $this->session->set_userdata('local_allowed_extensions', array('.doc', '.docx', '.pdf', '.ppt', '.pptx')); if (!empty($data['i'])) { $_POST['editid'] = decryptValue($data['i']); } if ($this->input->post('editid')) { $data['formdata'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('get_document_by_id', array('id' => $_POST['editid'])); } #Get the document details if ($this->input->post('adddocument')) { $_POST['documenturl'] = !empty($_FILES['documenturlupload']['name']) ? $this->sysfile->local_file_upload($_FILES['documenturlupload'], 'Upload_' . strtotime('now'), 'documents', 'filename') : ''; $required_fields = array('documentname', 'description', 'section'); if (!$this->input->post('editid')) { array_push($required_fields, 'documenturl'); } $_POST = clean_form_data($_POST); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { #First remove the document record and file from the system if (!empty($data['formdata']) && $this->input->post('editid')) { if (!empty($data['formdata']['documenturl']) && !empty($_POST['documenturl'])) { @unlink(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "documents/" . $data['formdata']['documenturl']); } #Only update the document if the user uploaded a new document if (!empty($_POST['documenturl'])) { $_POST['urlscript'] = ", documenturl='" . $_POST['documenturl'] . "'"; } else { $_POST['urlscript'] = ""; } $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_document', $_POST)); } else { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('save_new_document', $_POST)); } if ($save_result) { $data['msg'] = "The document has been saved."; $this->session->set_userdata('sres', $data['msg']); redirect(base_url() . "documents/manage_documents/m/sres"); } else { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The document was not saved. Please contact your administrator."; } } #VALIDATION end if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; $data['formdata'] = $_POST; } #Get tabs and active links if given $data = get_tab_data_if_any($data); $this->load->view('documents/add_document_view', $data); }
function save_grading_scale() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i', 'a', 't')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); if ($data['save'] || $data['saveandnew']) { $data['formdata'] = $data; $required_fields = array('gradingname', 'classes'); foreach ($data as $key => $data_value) { $data[$key] = restore_bad_chars($data_value); } $_POST = clean_form_data($data); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); $feename_error = ''; #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { #Convert classes into strings if (is_array($_POST['classes'])) { $_POST['classes'] = stringify_array($_POST['classes'], '|'); } else { $_POST['classes'] = '|' . $_POST['classes'] . '|'; } if (!empty($data['editid'])) { $result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_grading_scale', array_merge($_POST, array('id' => $data['editid'])))); } else { #Add the school id and author to the data array $_POST = array_merge($_POST, array('school' => $this->myschool['id'], 'author' => $this->session->userdata('userid'))); $result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('add_grading_scale', $_POST)); #Check if grades have been added if (!empty($_POST['gradingdetails'])) { $grades = explode('|', trim($_POST['gradingdetails'])); #Format the data for the query $query_data = ''; foreach ($grades as $grade) { $grade_details = explode('^', $grade); $query_data .= $query_data == '' ? '(' . $this->db->insert_id() . ', "' . $grade_details[0] . '", "' . $grade_details[1] . '"' . ', "' . $grade_details[2] . '", "' . $grade_details[3] . '")' : ',(' . $this->db->insert_id() . ', "' . $grade_details[0] . '", "' . $grade_details[1] . '"' . ', "' . $grade_details[2] . '", "' . $grade_details[3] . '")'; } $papers_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('add_grading_details', array('rows' => $query_data))); } } #Format and send the errors if (!empty($result) && $result) { $data['msg'] = empty($data['editid']) ? $data['gradingname'] . ' has been added.' : 'Details for ' . $data['gradename'] . ' have been updated.'; $data['formdata'] = array(); } else { if (empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The grading scale could not be saved or was not saved correctly."; } } } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; } $data['classes'] = $this->classobj->get_classes(); $data['terms'] = $this->terms->get_terms(); $this->load->view('incl/grading_form', $data); }
function save_incident() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i', 's', 't')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); $data = restore_bad_chars($data); if ($_POST['save_incident']) { $data['formdata'] = $_POST; $required_fields = array('incidentdate', 'student', 'reportedby', 'response', 'incidentdetails', 'actiontaken'); $_POST = clean_form_data($_POST); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); #set status as editing on destination if updating if ($this->input->post('editid')) { $data['editid'] = $_POST['editid']; } #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool'] && !(empty($data['editid']) && !empty($user_details))) { if (!empty($_POST['editid'])) { #Add the school id and author to the data array $_POST = array_merge($_POST, array('author' => $this->session->userdata('userid'))); $result = $this->disciplineobj->update_incident(array_merge($_POST, array('id' => $data['editid']))); } else { #Add the school id and author to the data array $_POST = array_merge($_POST, array('author' => $this->session->userdata('userid'))); #decrypt student and reported by values $_POST['student'] = decryptValue($_POST['student']); $_POST['reportedby'] = decryptValue($_POST['reportedby']); $result = $this->disciplineobj->add_incident($_POST); } #Format and send the errors if (!empty($result) && $result) { $data['msg'] = "The incident data has been successfully saved."; $data['formdata'] = array(); } else { if (empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The incident could not be saved or was not saved correctly." . $classname_error . $rank_error; } } } else { if (empty($data['editid']) && !empty($class_details)) { #$addn_msg = (!empty($user_details['isactive']) && $user_details['isactive'] == 'N')? "<a href='".base_url()."admin/load_user_form/i/".encryptValue($user_details['id'])."/a/".encryptValue("reactivate")."' style='text-decoration:underline;font-size:17px;'>Click here to activate and edit</a>": "<a href='".base_url()."admin/load_user_form/i/".encryptValue($user_details['id'])."' style='text-decoration:underline;font-size:17px;'>Click here to edit</a>"; $data['msg'] = "WARNING: A class with the same name already exists.<br />"; } } if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; } #get the student info if (!empty($data['s'])) { $data['student_details'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('get_students_list', array('isactive' => 'Y', 'searchstring' => ' AND id=\'' . decryptValue($data['s']) . '\'', 'limittext' => '')); } $this->load->view('discipline/incident_form_view', $data); }
function module_try_buy(&$data) { list($data['page']) = explode('/', $data['__key']); $data['fields'] = form_fields(); if ($data['view'] == 'process') { $valid = validate_form($data['user']); if ($valid) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `try_buy_user` "; $sql .= "("; foreach ($data['fields'] as $k => $v) { $sql .= $k . ","; } // Lop off the last ',' $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); $sql .= ") VALUES ("; // (val1,val2,val3,) foreach ($data['fields'] as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'timestamp') { $sql .= time() . ","; continue; } elseif ($k == 'status') { $sql .= STATUS_LIVE . ","; continue; } else { $sql .= "'" . addslashes($data['user'][$k]) . "',"; } } // Lop off the last ',' $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); $sql .= ");"; $result = db_exec($sql); // $db_result = go_db ( $data ); // go_db ( $data ); } $json_send = array(); $json_send['user'] = $data['user']; header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($json_send, true); exit; // } } // elseif ( $data['view'] == 'process' ) // { // $json_send = array () ; // $json_send['user'] = $data['user']; // header ( 'Content-Type: application/json' ); // echo json_encode ( $json_send, true ); // exit; // } if ($data['__key'] == 'terms') { $data['terms'] = file_get_contents(SITE_ROOT . 'data/' . $data['__this'] . '/terms.html'); } core_set_template('try_buy'); core_head_add('jquery'); core_set_title('ODA Try Buy Promotion'); }
function save_sponsor() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i', 'a', 't')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); if ($data['save']) { $data['formdata'] = $data; $required_fields = array('firstname', 'lastname'); foreach ($data as $key => $data_value) { $data[$key] = restore_bad_chars($data_value); } $_POST = clean_form_data($data); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); $feename_error = ''; #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { #check if sponsor photo has changed if (!empty($_POST['photo'])) { #move photo to designated folder and add value to query string if (copy(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "temp/" . $_POST['photo'], UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "sponsors/" . $_POST['photo'])) { #move the thumb nail as well $temp_photo_arr = explode('.', $_POST['photo']); if (copy(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "temp/" . $temp_photo_arr[0] . '_thumb.' . $temp_photo_arr[1], UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "sponsors/" . $temp_photo_arr[0] . '_thumb.' . $temp_photo_arr[1])) { if (!empty($data['editid'])) { $_POST['UPDATESTRING'] = ',photo ="' . $_POST['photo'] . '"'; } } } } else { $_POST['UPDATESTRING'] = ''; } if (!empty($data['editid'])) { $result = $this->sponsorobj->update_sponsor(array_merge($_POST, array('editid' => decryptValue($data['editid'])))); } else { #Add the school id and author to the data array $_POST = array_merge($_POST, array('school' => $this->myschool['id'], 'author' => $this->session->userdata('userid'))); $result = $this->sponsorobj->add_sponsor($_POST); } #Format and send the errors if (!empty($result) && $result) { $data['msg'] = empty($data['editid']) ? $data['firstname'] . ' ' . $data['lastname'] . ' has been added to the sponsors list' : $data['firstname'] . '\'s details have been updated.'; $data['formdata'] = array(); } else { if (empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The sponsor could not be saved or was not saved correctly."; } } } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; } $this->load->view('sponsors/sponsor_form_view', $data); }
function update_school_info() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i', 'a', 't')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); $data = restore_bad_chars($data); if ($data['save']) { $data['schooldetails'] = $data; $required_fields = array('schoolname', 'emailaddress', 'telephone'); $_POST = clean_form_data($data); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); $classname_error = ''; $rank_error = ''; #set status as editing on destination if updating if ($this->input->post('editid')) { $data['editid'] = $_POST['editid']; } #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool'] && !(empty($data['editid']) && !empty($user_details))) { #Update school info $result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('user_update_school_data', array_merge($_POST, array('editid' => $this->myschool['id'])))); $data['schooldetails'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('search_schools_list', array('limittext' => '', 'searchstring' => ' AND id = ' . $this->myschool['id'])); #Format and send the errors if (!empty($result) && $result) { $data['msg'] = "The school data has been successfully saved."; #Copy school badge to designated folder if (!empty($_POST['photo'])) { $copy_image_result = copy(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "temp/" . $_POST['photo'], UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "schools/" . $_POST['photo']); #copy the thumb_nail as well $thumb_nail_ext = end(explode('.', $_POST['photo'])); $copy_image_thumb_result = copy(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "temp/" . str_replace('.' . $thumb_nail_ext, '_thumb.' . $thumb_nail_ext, $_POST['photo']), UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "schools/" . str_replace('.' . $thumb_nail_ext, '_thumb.' . $thumb_nail_ext, $_POST['photo'])); if (!$copy_image_result && !$copy_image_thumb_result) { $data['msg'] = 'WARNING: ' & $data['msg'] . '<br />' . 'An error occured while saving the school badge'; } else { @unlink(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "temp/" . $_POST['photo']); @unlink(UPLOAD_DIRECTORY . "temp/" . str_replace('.' . $thumb_nail_ext, '_thumb.' . $thumb_nail_ext, $_POST['photo'])); } } } else { if (empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The school data could not be saved or was not saved correctly." . $classname_error . $rank_error; } } } if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; } $this->load->view('schoolinfo/school_info_view', $data); }
function save_term() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i', 'a', 't')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); $data = restore_bad_chars($data); if ($data['save']) { $data['termdetails'] = $data; $required_fields = array('term', 'year', 'startdate', 'enddate'); $_POST = clean_form_data($data); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); #set status as editing on destination if updating //if($this->input->post('editid') || $data['editid']) $data['editid'] = $_POST['editid']; #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { if (!empty($data['editid'])) { #Check if another term other than the current one exists with the same name and year $term_details = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('search_terms_list', array('limittext' => '', 'searchstring' => ' AND term = "' . $data['termdetails']['term'] . '" AND id != ' . $data['editid'] . ' AND school =' . $this->myschool->cur_school_details['id'] . ' AND year = "' . $data['termdetails']['year'] . '"')); if (!count($term_details)) { $result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_term', $_POST)); } else { $termname_error = "WARNING: A term with the same name and year already exists."; } } else { $term_details = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('search_terms_list', array('limittext' => '', 'searchstring' => ' AND isactive ="Y" AND term = "' . $data['termdetails']['term'] . '" AND school =' . $this->myschool->cur_school_details['id'] . ' AND year = "' . $data['termdetails']['year'] . '"')); if (empty($term_details)) { #Add the school id $_POST = array_merge($_POST, array('school' => $this->myschool->cur_school_details['id'])); $result = $this->terms->add_term($_POST); } } #Format and send the errors if (!empty($result) && $result) { $data['msg'] = "The term data has been successfully saved"; $data['termdetails'] = array(); } elseif (empty($data['editid']) && !empty($term_details)) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: A term with the same name and year already exists.<br />"; } else { if (empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The term could not be saved or was not saved correctly."; } } } if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; } $this->load->view('incl/term_form', $data); }
/** * Submission of Change Password form */ public function change_password() { $form_url = 'account'; if (validate_form($form_url)) { // update db $password = $this->input->post('password'); $update_data = ['password' => hash_pw($password)]; $result = $this->backend_users->update($this->mUser['id'], $update_data); // success set_alert('success', 'Mot de passe changé.'); } // back to form redirect($form_url); }
function save_exam() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i', 'a', 't')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); if ($data['save'] || $data['saveandnew']) { $data['formdata'] = $data; $required_fields = array('exam', 'term', 'contribution', 'classes'); foreach ($data as $key => $data_value) { $data[$key] = restore_bad_chars($data_value); } $_POST = clean_form_data($data); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); $feename_error = ''; #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { #Convert classes into strings if (is_array($_POST['classes'])) { $_POST['classes'] = stringify_array($_POST['classes'], '|'); } else { $_POST['classes'] = '|' . $_POST['classes'] . '|'; } if (!empty($data['editid'])) { $result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_exam', array_merge($_POST, array('id' => $data['editid'])))); } else { #Add the school id and author to the data array $_POST = array_merge($_POST, array('school' => $this->myschool['id'], 'author' => $this->session->userdata('userid'))); $result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('add_exam', $_POST)); } #Format and send the errors if (!empty($result) && $result) { $data['msg'] = empty($data['editid']) ? $data['exam'] . ' has been added.' : 'Details for ' . $data['exam'] . ' have been updated.'; $data['formdata'] = array(); } else { if (empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The exam could not be saved or was not saved correctly."; } } } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; } $data['classes'] = $this->classobj->get_classes(); $data['terms'] = $this->terms->get_terms(); $this->load->view('incl/exam_form', $data); }
/** * Reset password for backend users */ public function reset_password($user_id) { $this->mTitle = "Backend Users"; $this->mViewFile = 'admin/reset_password'; $this->mViewData['target'] = $this->backend_users->get($user_id); if (validate_form('', 'admin/reset_password')) { // update db $password = $this->input->post('password'); $result = $this->backend_users->update($user_id, ['password' => hash_pw($password)]); // success or failed if ($result) { set_alert('success', 'Successfully updated.'); } else { set_alert('danger', 'Database error.'); } // refresh page to show alert msg redirect(current_url()); } }
/** * Builds a form from an array. */ function build_form($elements) { static $form_number; $output = ''; // For multiple forms, create a counter. $form_number = isset($form_number) ? 1 : $form_number + 1; // Check for submitted form and validate if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'submit_' . $form_number) { if (validate_form($elements)) { submit_form($elements); } } // Loop through each form element and render it. foreach ($elements as $name => $settings) { switch ($settings['type']) { case 'textarea': $input = '<textarea name="' . $name . '" ></textarea>'; break; case 'submit': $input = '<input type="submit" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $settings['title'] . '">'; $label = ''; default: $input = '<input type="' . $settings['type'] . '" name="' . $name . '" />'; break; } $output .= '<label>' . $settings['title'] . '</label><p>' . $input . '</p>'; } // Wrap a form around the inputs. $output = ' <form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="submit_' . $form_number . '" /> ' . $output . ' </form>'; // Return the form. return $output; }
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>富豪编辑</title> <?php include_once '../../frame.php'; judge_role(); css_include_tag('admin', 'autocomplete', 'jquery_ui'); use_jquery(); js_include_tag('autocomplete.jquery', 'admin/rich/main_edit', '../ckeditor/ckeditor.js', 'jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js'); validate_form("fhgl_edit"); ?> </head> <?php $db = get_db(); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $record = new table_class('fb_rich'); if ($id != '') { $record->find($id); } ?> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title><span style="cursor:pointer" class=rich_btn id=-1>基本信息管理</span> <span style="cursor:pointer; color:#cccccc" class=rich_btn id=-2>富豪公司管理</span> <span style="cursor:pointer; color:#cccccc" class=rich_btn id=-3>富豪财富管理</span></div> <a href="list.php" id=btn_back></a> </div> <div id="tabs-1" class=tabs> <div id="itable">
public function change_password() { if (validate_form('account')) { // check if current password match the record $user = $this->users->get($this->mUser['id']); $current_password = $this->input->post('current_password'); if (verify_pw($current_password, $user['password'])) { // change user password $new_password = $this->input->post('new_password'); $success = $this->users->update($this->mUser['id'], array('password' => hash_pw($new_password))); // (optional) send Password Changed email //$to_name = $user['first_name'].' '.$user['last_name']; //$subject = 'Password Changed'; //send_email($user['email'], $to_name, $subject, 'password_changed', $user); if ($success) { set_alert('success', 'Password changed successfully.'); } else { set_alert('danger', 'Database error.'); } } else { set_alert('danger', 'Incorrect current password.'); } } redirect('account'); }
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>富豪编辑</title> <?php require_once '../../frame.php'; css_include_tag('admin', 'autocomplete'); use_jquery(); validate_form("city_edit"); js_include_tag('admin/city/add', 'autocomplete.jquery'); ?> </head> <?php $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $list_id = $_REQUEST['list_id']; if ($id != '') { $city = new table_class('fb_city'); $city->find($id); } ?> <body style="background:#E1F0F7"> <form id="city_edit" action="" method="post"> <table width="795" border="0"> <tr class=tr1> <td colspan="2" width="795"> <?php if ($id != '') { echo '编辑榜单';
$db_choice = $input['db_choice']; $new_prefix = $input['new_prefix']; $input = $_SESSION['user_inputs']; switch ($db_choice) { case 'replace': // user wants to replace the existing tables with new ones create_tables(); break; case 'use': // user wants to use the existing tables // noting to do break; default: // user wants to use another table prefix $input['db_prefix'] = $new_prefix; validate_form(); break; } create_config_files(); require_once ''; add_first_user(); } else { // display the installation form if (file_exists("../commons/")) { include_once '../commons/'; } else { include_once '../commons/'; } if (!(isset($input['skip_ext']) && $input['skip_ext']) && !(isset($input['skip_srv']) && $input['skip_srv'])) { check_php_extensions(); }
function load_miscelleneous_form() { access_control($this); $schooldetails = $this->session->userdata('schoolinfo'); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i')); /*foreach($urldata as $key => $val) echo "$key -> $val<br>"; die(); */ # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); #Get the Student details if (!empty($data['s'])) { #$studentid = $data['s']; $studentid = decryptValue($data['s']); $data['studentdetails'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('get_student_by_id', array('id' => $studentid)); } #Get the transaction details if (!empty($data['i'])) { $editid = decryptValue($data['i']); $data['formdata'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('get_miscelleneous_by_id', array('id' => $editid)); } #Check if the user is simply viewing the deal #TODO: Add the force-users-without-other-permissions-to-view condition if (!empty($data['a']) && decryptValue($data['a']) == 'view') { $data['isview'] = "Y"; } if (!empty($data['u']) && decryptValue($data['u']) == 'update') { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('set_read', array_merge($_POST, array('id' => $editid)))); } if ($this->input->post('savemiscelleneous')) { $required_fields = array('subject', 'message'); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); if ($validation_results['bool']) { if (!empty($data['formdata']) && !empty($data['i'])) { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_miscelleneous', array_merge($_POST, array('id' => $editid)))); } else { #die($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('add_miscelleneous', array_merge($_POST, array('school' => $schooldetails['id'], 'student' => $_POST['student'], 'author'=>$this->session->userdata('userid'))) )); $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('add_miscelleneous', array_merge($_POST, array('school' => $schooldetails['id'], 'student' => $_POST['student'], 'author' => $this->session->userdata('userid'))))); } if ($save_result) { $data['msg'] = "The message has been saved."; #die($data['msg']); $this->session->set_userdata('sres', $data['msg']); redirect(base_url() . "students/manage_miscelleneous/m/sres"); } else { $data['msg'] = "ERROR: The message was not saved. Please contact your administrator."; //die($data['msg']); } } #Validation if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; $data['formdata'] = $_POST; } $this->load->view('students/miscelleneous_view', $data); }
$cate->find($id); $parent_id = $cate->parent_id; $level = $cate->level; } $type = $_REQUEST['type']; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>迅傲信息</title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); validate_form("category_form"); ?> </head> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title><?php if ($id) { echo "修改栏目"; } else { echo "添加栏目"; } ?> </div> <a href="category_list.php?type=<?php echo $type; ?>
function add_organization() { access_control($this); # Get the passed details into the url data array if any $urldata = $this->uri->uri_to_assoc(3, array('m', 'i')); # Pick all assigned data $data = assign_to_data($urldata); $this->session->set_userdata('local_allowed_extensions', array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.tiff', '.bmp')); if (!empty($data['i'])) { $data['formdata'] = $this->Query_reader->get_row_as_array('get_organization_by_id', array('id' => decryptValue($data['i']))); $data['isview'] = !empty($data['a']) && decryptValue($data['a']) == 'view' ? "Y" : ""; } #Save the document details if ($this->input->post('saveorgn')) { $required_fields = array('organizationname', 'datestarted', 'contactperson', 'contactemail*EMAILFORMAT', 'contactphone', 'contactaddressline1', 'contactcity', 'contactzipcode', 'contactstate'); $_POST = clean_form_data($_POST); $validation_results = validate_form('', $_POST, $required_fields); #Only proceed if the validation for required fields passes if ($validation_results['bool']) { $_POST['datestarted'] = empty($_POST['datestarted']) ? "" : date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['datestarted'])); $_POST['logourl'] = !empty($_FILES['logourl']['name']) ? $this->sysfile->local_file_upload($_FILES['logourl'], 'Upload_' . strtotime('now'), 'images', 'filename') : ''; $_POST['iconurl'] = !empty($_FILES['iconurl']['name']) ? $this->sysfile->local_file_upload($_FILES['iconurl'], 'iUpload_' . strtotime('now'), 'images', 'filename') : ''; #Use the old versions if no new ones are entered $_POST['logourl'] = empty($_POST['logourl']) && !empty($data['formdata']['logourl']) ? $data['formdata']['logourl'] : $_POST['logourl']; $_POST['iconurl'] = empty($_POST['iconurl']) && !empty($data['formdata']['iconurl']) ? $data['formdata']['iconurl'] : $_POST['iconurl']; #First remove the document record and file from the system if (!empty($data['formdata']) && !empty($data['i'])) { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('update_organization', array_merge($_POST, array('editid' => decryptValue($data['i']))))); } else { $save_result = $this->db->query($this->Query_reader->get_query_by_code('save_new_organization', $_POST)); } $data['msg'] = $save_result ? "The organization has been saved." : "ERROR: The organization was not saved. Please contact your administrator."; $this->session->set_userdata('sres', $data['msg']); redirect(base_url() . "user/manage_organizations/m/sres"); } #VALIDATION end if ((empty($validation_results['bool']) || !empty($validation_results['bool']) && !$validation_results['bool']) && empty($data['msg'])) { $data['msg'] = "WARNING: The highlighted fields are required."; } $data['requiredfields'] = $validation_results['requiredfields']; $data['formdata'] = $_POST; } $data = add_msg_if_any($this, $data); $this->load->view('user/add_organization_view', $data); }
$list_id = intval($_REQUEST['list_id']); if (!$list_id) { alert('invalid request'); redirect('file_list_list.php'); die; } $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $news = new table_class('fb_file_list_items'); if ($id) { $news = $news->find($id); } $news->list_id = $list_id; judge_role(); css_include_tag('admin', 'colorbox', 'autocomplete'); use_jquery(); validate_form("news_edit"); js_include_tag('category_class.js', 'admin/news_pub', 'admin/list/file_list_item_edit.js', 'jquery.colorbox-min.js', 'jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js', '../ckeditor/ckeditor.js', 'autocomplete.jquery', 'pubfun'); ?> </head> <body style="background:#E1F0F7"> <?php $category = new category_class('file_list'); $category->echo_jsdata(); if ($id) { $category_id = $news->category_id; } else { $category_id = -1; } if (empty($category_id)) { $category_id = -1; }
* * Download TextFile & Annahme Task * To Do: * - LOcalisation */ /****************************************************************************** * MAIN *****************************************************************************/ include "../application.php"; checklogin(); $session['notice'] = ''; /* form has been submitted */ if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS) and (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['taketask']) or isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['notake']))) { $frm = $HTTP_POST_VARS; //mydebug($frm); $errormsg = validate_form($frm, $errors); if (empty($errormsg)) { if (isset($frm['notake'])) { $session['notice'] = "Sie haben den Übersetzungsauftrag nicht angenommen - ok"; $goto = empty($session["wantsurl"]) ? "{$CFG->wwwroot}/main.php" : $session["wantsurl"]; header("Location: {$goto}"); die; } /* apply use for task */ if (applyTask($frm['textID'], $session['userid'])) { $session['notice'] = "Sie sind nun als Übersetzer für diesen Text eingetragen"; $id = $frm['otextID']; $DOC_TITLE = "Download"; include "{$CFG->templatedir}/header.php"; include "templates/"; include "{$CFG->templatedir}/footer.php";
* $Id: changepassword.php,v 1.3 2002/01/11 13:14:45 alexgn Exp $ * * To Do: * - * - */ /****************************************************************************** * MAIN *****************************************************************************/ include "../application.php"; /* $session['wantsurl']=me(); // Rücksprung (ggf) */ checklogin(); /* form has been submitted, changing user data */ if (match_referer() && isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $frm = $HTTP_POST_VARS; $errormsg = validate_form($frm, $errors, $session); if (empty($errormsg)) { $status = change_userPassword($session['username'], $frm); /* Obsolete Code */ /* $DOC_TITLE = "Password Change Successfull"; */ /* include("$CFG->templatedir/header.php"); */ /* include("templates/"); */ /* include("$CFG->templatedir/footer.php"); */ $session['notice'] = "Passwort erfolgreich geändert!"; $goto = empty($session["wantsurl"]) ? "{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/user_data.php" : $session["wantsurl"]; header("Location: {$goto}"); die; } else { $session['notice'] = $errormsg; } }
session_start(); include_once '../../frame.php'; judge_role(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title></title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); use_jquery(); validate_form("industry"); ?> </head> <?php $db = get_db(); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $record = new table_class('zzh_comment'); if ($id != '') { $record->find($id); } ?> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title><?php
<?php session_start(); include_once '../../frame.php'; judge_role(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title></title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); use_jquery(); validate_form("data_upload"); ?> </head> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title>公司数据导入</div> <a href="list.php" id=btn_back></a> </div> <div id=itable> <form id="data_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post"> <table cellspacing="1" align="center"> <tr class="tr4 add"> <td class=td1 width="15%">上传CSV</td> <td width="85%"> <input type="file" name="xls">
<?php require 'formhelpers.php'; if ($_POST['_submit_check']) { if ($form_errors = validate_form()) { show_form($form_errors); } else { process_form(); } } else { show_form(); } function show_form($errors = '') { if ($errors) { print 'You need to correct the following errors: <ul><li>'; print implode('</li><li>', $errors); print '</li></ul>'; } // the beginning of the form print '<form method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'; print '<table>'; // the search term print '<tr><td>Search Term:</td><td>'; input_text('term', $_POST); print '</td></tr>'; // form end print '<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Search News Feed"></td></tr>'; print '</table>'; print '<input type="hidden" name="_submit_check" value="1"/>'; print '</form>';
if ($form->duration == 1) { $form->timeduration = make_timestamp($form->endyr, $form->endmon, $form->endday, $form->endhr, $form->endmin) - $form->timestart; if ($form->timeduration < 0) { $form->timeduration = 0; } } else { if ($form->duration == 2) { $form->timeduration = $form->minutes * MINSECS; } else { $form->timeduration = 0; } } if (!calendar_add_event_allowed($form)) { error('You are not authorized to do this'); } validate_form($form, $err); if (count($err) == 0) { $form->timemodified = time(); /// Get the event id for the log record. $eventid = insert_record('event', $form, true); /// Use the event id as the repeatid to link repeat entries together if ($form->repeat) { $form->repeatid = $form->id = $eventid; update_record('event', $form); // update the row, to set its repeatid } /// Log the event entry. add_to_log($form->courseid, 'calendar', 'add', 'event.php?action=edit&id=' . $eventid, stripslashes($form->name)); if ($form->repeat) { for ($i = 1; $i < $form->repeats; $i++) { // What's the DST offset for the previous repeat?
} $db = get_db(); $roles = $db->query('select * from eb_role'); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>福布斯中文网</title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); ?> </head> <?php validate_form("menu_form"); if ($menu->id) { $title = "修改"; } else { $title = "添加"; } ?> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title><?php echo $title; ?> 菜单</div> <a href="menu_list.php" id=btn_back></a> </div> <div id=itable>
<?php // Logic to do the right thing based on // the hidden _submit_check parameter if (array_key_exists('_submit_check', $_POST)) { //入力値の検証 if (validate_form()) { //入力値が正しければ処理に進む process_form(); } else { //入力値に誤りがあればフォームを表示 show_form(); } } else { show_form(); } // Do something when the form is submitted function process_form() { print "Hello, " . $_POST['my_name']; } // Display the form function show_form() { print <<<_HTML_ <form method="POST" action="{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}"> Your name: <input type="text" name="my_name"> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Say Hello"> <input type="hidden" name="_submit_check" value="1"> </form>