예제 #1
파일: six_add_mn.php 프로젝트: bruce28/vip
 $country = $row[15];
 $ebaysales = $row[18];
 $date_s = $row[4]->format('Y-m-d');
 $price = $row[19];
 echo $date_s;
 $select = "SELECT * From Barcode Where Barcode='{$unique}'";
 $result = mysql_query($select) or die(mysql_error());
 $rek = mysql_fetch_array($result);
 $id_barcode = $rek['id_Barcode'];
 echo $id_Barcode;
 $insert = "INSERT INTO six_barcode(u_barcode, barcode_id_Barcode,ebayid, ebayref, tracking_num, parceler" . ",stock_number,date_ship,item_id,name,surname,address1,address2,address3,city,state,postalcode, country, ebaysales,price) VALUES('{$unique}','{$id_barcode}','{$ebaid}','{$ebairef}','{$tracking_number}','{$id_user}','{$u_barcode}','{$date_s}','{$item_id}','{$firstname}','{$lastname}','{$address1}','{$address2}','{$address3}','{$city}','{$state}','{$postalcode}','{$country}','{$ebaysales}','{$price}')";
 if ($_POST['ind'] == 1) {
     $insert = "INSERT INTO six_barcode(u_barcode, barcode_id_Barcode,ebayid, ebayref, tracking_num, parceler" . ",stock_number,item_id,name,surname,address1,address2,address3,city,state,postalcode, country,ind, ebaysales,price) VALUES('{$unique}','{$id_barcode}','{$ebaid}','{$ebairef}','{$tracking_number}','{$id_user}','{$u_barcode}','{$item_id}','{$firstname}','{$lastname}','{$address1}','{$address2}','{$address3}','{$city}','{$state}','{$postalcode}','{$country}','1','{$ebaysales}','{$price}')";
 $unq_val = validate_barcode($unique);
 if (empty($unq_val)) {
     echo "Barcode is wrong";
     echo $unq_val;
     $url = "six_manual.php?ebay=" . $ebaysales;
     redirect($url, 5);
 $select1 = "SELECT * From test Where Barcode_id_Barcode='{$id_barcode}'";
 $result1 = mysql_query($select1) or die(mysql_error());
 $rek1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
 if ($rek1[9] != 1) {
     echo "Item not tested";
     $url = "six_manual.php?ebay=" . $ebaysales;
     redirect($url, 5);
예제 #2
    echo "RIM ustawione" . $rin;
if (isset($fuse)) {
    if ($fuse == 0) {
        $v_fuse = 1;
    if ($fuse == 1) {
        $v_fuse = 2;
    if ($fuse == 2) {
        $v_fuse = 3;
    echo "FUSE ustawione" . $pat;
$barcode2 = validate_barcode($barcode);
echo '</br>barcode after validateing: ' . $barcode2;
$connect = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'krasnal') or die(mysql_error());
$user = $_SESSION['id_user'];
$tab = array();
for ($z = 0; $z <= 100; $z++) {
    $tab[$z] = 0;
//echo $barcode2;
//echo $_POST[$idd];
//echo " ";
echo $pat;
//echo $_POST[$name];
echo " EXI OR NOT";
//barcode not exist  v-pat set
예제 #3
    $s_serial = 1;
    //if part number is not empty
    $V_SERIAL = $serial;
// functions returns to a buffer that is not in use yet. Fun returns hash format. While barcode is still slash format. Thoough javna conversion is needed, before adding barcode
$barcode3 = check_unq($barcode);
if ($EXTENDED_MODULE == 1) {
    $barcode2 = validate_barcode($barcode);
    if (isset($_POST['barcode2'])) {
        echo "<BR />Container barcode set.";
        $barcode_cont = $_POST['barcode2'];
        $barcode_container = get_barcodes_from_db($barcode_cont);
} else {
    $barcode2 = validate_barcode(get_barcodes_from_db($barcode));
echo '</br>barcode after validateing: ' . $barcode2;
$connect = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'krasnal') or die(mysql_error());
//user is written as a session
$user = $_SESSION['id_user'];
echo "VBAR EXRR:" . $V_BAR_EX . "s_itemRR:" . $s_item . $s_brand . $s_serial . "sesjaRR:" . $sesja . "MESSAGERR:" . $MESSG_EX;
// if barcode does not exist in database or barcode read from db exist but doesnt fit the barcode inputed and everything else is set than
// if barcode does not exist in databse and everything is set and site place
if ($v_bar_exist == 0 and $s_item != 0 and $s_brand != 0 and $s_serial != 0 and isset($sesja) and $MESSG_EX != 0) {
    //HERE WE GIVE A MODUL FOR aggind slash format
    $item = add_db_format($item);
    $brand = add_db_format($brand);
예제 #4
파일: six_man.php 프로젝트: bruce28/vip
    } else {
        echo "Not tested";
    if ($added == 1) {
        echo $added;
        $MESG = "Item " . $barcode . " Sold.";
    } else {
        if ($added == 0) {
            $MESG = "Item failed to be sold.";
    if (empty($id_barcode)) {
        // $MESG="This is not valid barcode format";
        $MESG = " This item needs further attention. Please contact supervisor.";
        //if not there than check if used valid barcode format
        if ($val = validate_barcode($small_bar)) {
            $MESG = " This item is not valid barcode format ";
    } else {
        if ($TESTED == 1) {
        } else {
            $MESG .= " This item needs further attention. Please contact supervisor.";
    if (check_barcode_ebay($barcode) == 0 and $added == 0) {
        $MESG .= " Item already sold on ebay";
//if confirm posted than do this. Maybe here we fill put the query for adding to six barcode
예제 #5
if ($_SESSION['FOCUS'] == 1) {
    $foc_sign = "autofocus=''";
//echo "DEBUG: [Signature] - ".$signature;
//ready_to_dismantle = check_dismantle($signature);
echo "</BR>DEBUG: [Prepering Remove ]:  - Ready To Remove";
//here we must check:
// 1. If already item in barcode statuses. We dont want doubled strips of the same barcode
// 2. Item cant be added to be striped since is tested in main system
echo "VV: ";
echo $barcode;
echo validate_barcode($barcode);
//prepering for inserts
echo "</BR>VALIDATED BARCODE " . $barcode;
echo "VV";
echo "ebay check";
echo $ebay = check_ebay($barcode);
if ($ebay and $MOD_RM_EBAY == 0) {
    $MESG = "ITEM ON EBAY.Contact Supervisor";
$whl = check_wholesale($barcode);
if ($whl) {
    echo "on wholesale";
if (empty($ebay) or $MOD_RM_EBAY == 1) {
    if (empty($whl)) {