if ($_REQUEST["mc_currency"] != $secpayconf_currency_letters) { logPay("Currency is not {$secpayconf_currency_letters} !"); die("Incorrect currency!"); } if ($_REQUEST["payment_status"] != "Completed") { if ($_REQUEST["payment_status"] == "Pending") { setPaiemntAsPending(mysql_real_escape_string($item_number), mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["pending_reason"])); } else { logPay("Status is not completed or pending !"); die("Status not completed or pending..."); } } else { logPay("Calling validate()"); // validatePaiement($item_number,$refund_amount,"online","paypal",$txn_id,$_POST["payment_gross"]); // This should work better: if ($secpayconf_paypal_validate_with == "total") { $refund_amount = $_REQUEST["mc_gross"] - $_REQUEST["mc_fee"]; } else { // Ensure amount tally according to cost before adding the paypal fees $refund_amount = $_REQUEST["mc_gross"]; } validatePaiement(mysql_real_escape_string($item_number), $refund_amount, "online", "paypal", mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["txn_id"]), mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["mc_gross"])); } } elseif (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) { // log for manual investigation logPay("Recieved INVALID: sending mail to webmaster !!"); die("Invalid!"); } } fclose($fp); }
get_secpay_conf(); // Concatenate the strings and check for the md5sig $concat_str = $_REQUEST["merchant_id"] . $_REQUEST["transaction_id"] . strtoupper(md5($secpayconf_moneybookers_secret_word)) . $_REQUEST["mb_amount"] . $_REQUEST["mb_currency"] . $_REQUEST["status"]; if (strtoupper(md5($concat_str)) != $_REQUEST["md5sig"]) { die("md5sum not validated!"); } if ($secpayconf_moneybookers_sandbox == "yes") { // This is test sandbox site $moneybookers_host = "www.moneybookers.com"; $moneybookers_cgi = "/app/payment.pl"; $ze_moneybookers_email = $secpayconf_moneybookers_sandbox_email; } else { // This is production website $moneybookers_host = "www.moneybookers.com"; $moneybookers_cgi = "/app/payment.pl"; $ze_moneybookers_email = $secpayconf_moneybookers_email; } if ($_REQUEST["pay_to_email"] != $ze_moneybookers_email) { die("This is not our business moneybookers email!"); } if ($_REQUEST["mb_currency"] != $secpayconf_currency_letters) { die("Incorrect currency!"); } $item_number = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["transaction_id"]); $amount = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["mb_amount"]); if ($_REQUEST["mb_status"] != "0") { setPaiemntAsPending($item_number, mysql_real_escape_string("moneybookers")); } if ($_REQUEST["mb_status"] != "2") { validatePaiement($item_number, $amount, "online", "moneybookers", mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["mb_transaction_id"])); }
// TxnRef=13& // TxnDate=20060504& // TxnTime=20%3A34%3A26& // PayMethod=credit& // txnStatus=succ&errorCode=0000& // no_shipping=1& // mid=616& // item_name=Test+product1& // curCode=USD& // submit_x=116&submit_y=17& // currency_code=USD& // NETS_signature=icbfv62esnlCGylZya91VL8xy+6unH0SuSqute3CaN0dr5KeBt7xVTC69Q1BSet2myyMoaJpr%2FrY%0D%0AGUhUFVIRnm34omisbiSRsdGiM2Yblv%2Fhlo%2Fjn3zN+3Vn0nNi9FxX3r2Q5fbPyzpJMdiF7syXrzxw%0D%0An%2FkoynkXagSoL2b6H7I%3D $pay_id = $_REQUEST["TxnRef"]; $status = $_REQUEST["txnStatus"]; $error_code = $_REQUEST["errorCode"]; $amount = $_REQUEST["amount"]; if ($status != "succ") { logPay("Status not success line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . "\n"); die; } if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "" && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "") { logPay("Recieved notify from an unkonwn IP addr " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . "\n"); $content = "Recieved notify from an unkonwn IP addr " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; Mail($conf_webmaster_email_addr, "[DTC Robot]: Recieved notify from an unkonwn IP", $content); } $pay_fee = $amount * $secpayconf_enets_rate / 100; $amount_paid = $amount - $pay_fee; logPay("Payment success from enets: calling validate()\n"); // Todo: add more checkings to verify that the payment notify is originated by eNETS validatePaiement($pay_id, $amount_paid, "online", "enets", 0, $amount);