function validateDownloadLink( $url ) { if(!$url) { return array("no download link?!"); } $errormessage = validateLink( $url ); $myurl=parse_url($url); if(($myurl["scheme"]!="http")&&($myurl["scheme"]!="ftp")&&($myurl["scheme"]!="https")) $errormessage[] = "only http/https and ftp protocols are supported for the download link"; if(strstr($myurl["host"],"youtube") || strstr($myurl["host"],"")) $errormessage[] = "F**K YOUTUBE - BINARY OR GTFO"; // ** apparently this is needed for csdb - still think its a bad idea //if(strstr($myurl["path"],".php") && !strstr($myurl["host"],"")) // $errormessage[] = "please link to the file directly"; if(strstr($myurl["path"],".txt")) $errormessage[] = "NO TEXTFILES."; if(strstr($myurl["host"],"")) { for ($x=1; $x<=5; $x++) if(strstr($myurl["host"],"ftp".$x."")) $errormessage[] = "scamp says: link to not ftp".$x."!!"; if ($myurl["scheme"]=="http") $errormessage[] = "scamp says: no link to via http please!"; if(strstr($myurl["host"],"")) $errormessage[] = "scamp says: godverdom!! link to instead!"; } if(!basename($myurl["path"])) $errormessage[] = "no file? no prod!"; return $errormessage; }
static function ValidateRequest($input,&$output) { $errors = validateLink($input["newLink"]); if ($errors) return $errors; if (!$input["reason"]) return array("no changing without a good reason !"); $row = SQLLib::selectRow(sprintf_esc("select * from downloadlinks where prod = %d and id = %d",$_REQUEST["prod"],$input["linkID"])); if (!$row) return array("nice try :|"); if (strcmp($row->link,$input["newLink"])===0 && strcasecmp($row->type,$input["newLinkKey"])===0) return array("you didn't change anything :|"); $output["linkID"] = $input["linkID"]; $output["oldLink"] = $input["oldLink"]; $output["oldLinkKey"] = $input["oldLinkKey"]; $output["newLink"] = $input["newLink"]; $output["newLinkKey"] = $input["newLinkKey"]; $output["reason"] = $input["reason"]; return array(); }