예제 #1
 ** takes a page test, and runs it and tests it for problems in the output.
 **        Returns: False on finding a problem, or True on no problems being found.
function runWikiTest(pageTest $test, &$testname, $can_overwrite = false)
    // by default don't overwrite a previous test of the same name.
    while (!$can_overwrite && file_exists(DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . DATA_FILE)) {
        $testname .= "-" . mt_rand(0, 9);
    $filename = DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . DATA_FILE;
    // Store the time before and after, to find slow pages.
    $before = microtime(true);
    // Get MediaWiki to give us the output of this test.
    $wiki_preview = wikiTestOutput($test);
    $after = microtime(true);
    // if we received no response, then that's interesting.
    if ($wiki_preview == "") {
        print "\nNo response received for: {$filename}";
        return false;
    // save output HTML to file.
    $html_file = DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . HTML_FILE;
    saveFile($wiki_preview, $html_file);
    // if there were PHP errors in the output, then that's interesting too.
    if (strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Warning</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Fatal error</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Notice</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Error</b>: ") !== false || strpos($wiki_preview, "<b>Strict Standards:</b>") !== false) {
        $error = substr($wiki_preview, strpos($wiki_preview, "</b>:") + 7, 50);
        // Avoid probable PHP bug with bad session ids; http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38224
        if ($error != "Unknown: The session id contains illegal character") {
            print "\nPHP error/warning/notice in HTML output: {$html_file} ; {$error}";
            return false;
    // if there was a MediaWiki Backtrace message in the output, then that's also interesting.
    if (strpos($wiki_preview, "Backtrace:") !== false) {
        print "\nInternal MediaWiki error in HTML output: {$html_file}";
        return false;
    // if there was a Parser error comment in the output, then that's potentially interesting.
    if (strpos($wiki_preview, "!-- ERR") !== false) {
        print "\nParser Error comment in HTML output: {$html_file}";
        return false;
    // if a database error was logged, then that's definitely interesting.
    if (dbErrorLogged()) {
        print "\nDatabase Error logged for: {$filename}";
        return false;
    // validate result
    $valid = true;
    if (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) {
        list($valid, $validator_output) = validateHTML($wiki_preview);
        if (!$valid) {
            print "\nW3C web validation failed - view details with: html2text " . DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".validator_output.html";
    // Get tidy to check the page, unless we already know it produces non-XHTML output.
    if ($test->tidyValidate()) {
        $valid = tidyCheckFile($testname . HTML_FILE) && $valid;
    // if it took more than 2 seconds to render, then it may be interesting too. (Possible DoS attack?)
    if ($after - $before >= 2) {
        print "\nParticularly slow to render (" . round($after - $before, 2) . " seconds): {$filename}";
        return false;
    if ($valid) {
        // Remove temp HTML file if test was valid:
    } elseif (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) {
        saveFile($validator_output, DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".validator_output.html");
    return $valid;
예제 #2
** @desc: takes a wiki markup string, and tests it for security or validation problems.
function testWikiMarkup($raw_markup, $testname)
    // don't overwrite a previous test of the same name.
    while (file_exists(DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".raw_markup.txt")) {
        $testname .= "-" . mt_rand(0, 9);
    // upload to MediaWiki install.
    $wiki_preview = wikiPreview($raw_markup);
    // save output files
    saveFile($raw_markup, $testname . ".raw_markup.txt");
    saveFile($wiki_preview, $testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
    // validate result
    $valid = true;
    if (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) {
        list($valid, $validator_output) = validateHTML($wiki_preview);
    $valid = $valid && checkOpenCloseTags($wiki_preview, $testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
    $valid = $valid && tidyCheckFile($testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
    if ($valid) {
        // Remove valid tests:
        unlink(DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".raw_markup.txt");
        unlink(DIRECTORY . "/" . $testname . ".wiki_preview.html");
    } elseif (VALIDATE_ON_WEB) {
        saveFile($validator_output, $testname . ".validator_output.html");
예제 #3
function printDetailed($xmlString)
    $xmlString = validateHTML($xmlString);
    $pos = stripos($xmlString, "</table>");
    $xmlString = substr($xmlString, 0, $pos - 6) . "</table>";
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
    $i = 0;
    $evaluation = array();
    foreach ($xml->tr as $tr) {
        if ($i >= 3) {
            $j = 0;
            $stats = array();
            foreach ($tr->td as $td) {
                if ($j == 1) {
                    $title = $td;
                // appends the statistics into an array
                if ($j > 1) {
                    if ($j == 2) {
                        $mean = $td;
                    } else {
                        if ($j == 3) {
                            $dev = $td;
                        } else {
                            array_push($stats, $td);
            array_push($evaluation, array('title' => $title, 'mean' => $mean, 'dev' => $dev, 'stats' => $stats));
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($evaluation as $evalu) {
        print "<p>";
        print "<div class='evalTitle full dgold'>{$i}) {$evalu['title']}</div>";
        print "<div class='left half gold'>1 - Strongly Disagree</div><div class='left half gold'>7 - Strongly Agree</div>";
        print "<div class='clear'></div>";
        print "<div class='left half gold'>Mean = {$evalu['mean']}</div><div class='left half gold'>Standard Deviation = {$evalu['dev']}</div>";
        print "<div class='clear'></div>";
        $data1 = implode(',', $evalu['stats']);
        foreach ($evalu['stats'] as &$val) {
            if ($val == 0.0) {
                $val = 0;
            //$val = (int)$val;
            //if($val != 0) $val .= "%";
        $data2 = implode('|', $evalu['stats']);
        $img_url = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvg&chd=t:{$data1}&chco=99873D&chls=2.0,0.0,0.0&chs=316x185&chg=12.5,25,3,3,0,0" . "&chxt=x,y,x&chxl=0:|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|NA|1:|0|25|50|75|100|2:|{$data2}&chf=bg,s,F1E6B8&chbh=21,15,15";
        print "<img src='{$img_url}' alt=''/>";
        print "</p>";
    $valid = false;
    $startTag = "<html>";
    $endTag = "</html>";
    if (strpos($html, $startTag) === 0) {
        $endPos = strlen($html) - strlen($endTag);
        if (strpos($html, $endTag) == $endPos) {
            $valid = true;
        } else {
            $valid = false;
    } else {
        $valid = false;
    return $valid;
$validatedHTML = validateHTML($htmlContent);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Oplossing Functions: Deel 2</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://web-backend.local/css/global.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://web-backend.local/css/facade.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://web-backend.local/css/directory.css">
if ($validatedHTML) {
    echo "<p> html string is valid </p>";