예제 #1
 public static function getUserGroupDisplayName($name)
     switch ($name) {
         case self::NOBODY:
             return $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_ugroup', 'ugroup_nobody');
         case self::ANON:
             return $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_ugroup', 'ugroup_anonymous_users');
         case self::AUTHENTICATED:
             $label = ForgeConfig::get(self::CONFIG_AUTHENTICATED_LABEL);
             if ($label == false) {
                 $label = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_ugroup', 'ugroup_authenticated_users');
             return $label;
         case self::REGISTERED:
             $label = ForgeConfig::get(self::CONFIG_REGISTERED_LABEL);
             if ($label == false) {
                 $label = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_ugroup', 'ugroup_registered_users');
             return $label;
         case self::PROJECT_MEMBERS:
             return $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_ugroup', 'ugroup_project_members');
         case self::PROJECT_ADMINS:
             return $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_ugroup', 'ugroup_project_admins');
             return util_translate_name_ugroup($name);
 public function getUgroups()
     if ($this->ugroups === null) {
         $result = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($this->group->getId(), array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_ANONYMOUS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_REGISTERED'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']));
         while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
             $this->ugroups[$row['ugroup_id']] = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
     return $this->ugroups;
 public function getContent()
     $content = '';
     // Import very long user group may takes very long time.
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $ugroupName = util_translate_name_ugroup($this->row['name']);
     $ldapGroup = $this->ldap_user_group_manager->getLdapGroupByGroupId($this->ugroup->getId());
     $clean_ugroupName = $this->purifier->purify($ugroupName);
     $clean_ldapGroupName = $this->purifyLDAPGroupName($ldapGroup);
     $btn_update = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_btn_update');
     $btn_unlink = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_btn_unlink');
     $content .= '<h2>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_editugroup', 'ug_admin', $clean_ugroupName) . '</h2>';
     if ($ldapGroup !== null) {
         $content .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_ugroup_linked', array($clean_ugroupName, $clean_ldapGroupName)) . '</p>';
     $content .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_you_can') . '</p>';
     $content .= '<ul>';
     if ($ldapGroup !== null) {
         $content .= '<li>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_resync') . '</li>';
         $content .= '<li>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_remove') . '</li>';
     $content .= '<li>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_link') . '</li>';
     $content .= '</ul>';
     $content .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_synchro') . '</p>';
     $content .= '<ul>';
     $content .= '<li>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_synchro_del', $GLOBALS['sys_name']) . '</li>';
     $content .= '<li>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_synchro_add', $GLOBALS['sys_name']) . '</li>';
     $content .= '</ul>';
     $content .= '<form name="plugin_ldap_edit_ugroup" method="post" action="">';
     $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="ugroup_id" value="' . $this->ugroup->getId() . '" />';
     $content .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit_directory" />';
     $content .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_bind_with_group') . ' <input type="text" name="bind_with_group" id="group_add" value="' . $clean_ldapGroupName . '"  size="60" /></p>';
     $preservingChecked = '';
     if ($this->ldap_user_group_manager->isMembersPreserving($this->ugroup->getId()) || $this->bindOption === LDAP_GroupManager::PRESERVE_MEMBERS_OPTION) {
         $preservingChecked = 'checked';
     $content .= '<p>';
     $content .= '<label class="checkbox" for="preserve_members"><input type="checkbox" id="preserve_members" name="preserve_members" ' . $preservingChecked . '/>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_preserve_members_option') . ' (' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_preserve_members_info') . ')</label></p>';
     $synchroChecked = '';
     if ($this->ldap_user_group_manager->isSynchronizedUgroup($this->ugroup->getId()) || $this->synchro === LDAP_GroupManager::AUTO_SYNCHRONIZATION) {
         $synchroChecked = 'checked';
     $content .= '<p>';
     $content .= '<label class="checkbox" for="synchronize"><input type="checkbox" id="synchronize" name="synchronize" ' . $synchroChecked . '/>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_synchronize_option') . ' (' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_synchronize_info') . ')</label></p>';
     $content .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $btn_update . '" />';
     if ($ldapGroup !== null) {
         $content .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
         $content .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $btn_unlink . '" />';
     $GLOBALS['Response']->includeFooterJavascriptFile($this->pluginPath . '/scripts/autocomplete.js');
     $js = "new LdapGroupAutoCompleter('group_add',\n            '" . $this->pluginPath . "',\n            '" . util_get_dir_image_theme() . "',\n            'group_add',\n            false);";
     $content .= '</form>';
     return $content;
 public function fetchCriteriaValue($criteria)
     $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $html = '';
     $criteria_value = $this->getCriteriaValue($criteria);
     $multiple = ' ';
     $size = ' ';
     $name = "criteria[{$this->id}][values][]";
     //Field values
     $permission_type = 'PLUGIN_TRACKER_ARTIFACT_ACCESS';
     $object_id = 0;
     $group_id = $this->getTracker()->getGroupId();
     //TODO :From permissions.php
     // Get ugroups already defined for this permission_type
     $res_ugroups = permission_db_authorized_ugroups($permission_type, $object_id);
     $nb_set = db_numrows($res_ugroups);
     // Now retrieve all possible ugroups for this project, as well as the default values
     $sql = "SELECT ugroup_id,is_default FROM permissions_values WHERE permission_type='{$permission_type}'";
     $res = db_query($sql);
     $predefined_ugroups = '';
     $default_values = array();
     if (db_numrows($res) < 1) {
         $html .= "<p><b>" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error') . "</b>: " . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_permissions', 'perm_type_not_def', $permission_type);
         return $html;
     } else {
         while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
             if ($predefined_ugroups) {
                 $predefined_ugroups .= ' ,';
             $predefined_ugroups .= $row['ugroup_id'];
             if ($row['is_default']) {
                 $default_values[] = $row['ugroup_id'];
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM ugroup WHERE group_id=" . $group_id . " OR ugroup_id IN (" . $predefined_ugroups . ") ORDER BY ugroup_id";
     $res = db_query($sql);
     $array = array();
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
         $name_ugroup = util_translate_name_ugroup($row[1]);
         $array[] = array('value' => $row[0], 'text' => $name_ugroup);
     //end permissions.php
     if ($criteria->is_advanced) {
         $multiple = ' multiple="multiple" ';
         $size = ' size="' . min(7, count($array) + 2) . '" ';
     $html .= '<select id="tracker_report_criteria_' . ($criteria->is_advanced ? 'adv_' : '') . $this->id . '" 
                       name="' . $name . '" ' . $size . $multiple . '>';
     //Any value
     $selected = count($criteria_value) ? '' : 'selected="selected"';
     $html .= '<option value="" ' . $selected . '>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'any') . '</option>';
     //None value
     $selected = isset($criteria_value[100]) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
     $html .= '<option value="100" ' . $selected . '>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'none') . '</option>';
     foreach ($array as $value) {
         $id = $value['value'];
         $selected = isset($criteria_value[$id]) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
         $html .= '<option value="' . $value['value'] . '">';
         $html .= $value['text'];
         $html .= '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     return $html;
예제 #5
    echo $Language->getText('project_admin_index', 'member_request_delegation_desc_private_group');
} else {
    echo $Language->getText('project_admin_index', 'member_request_delegation_desc_restricted_user');
echo '</p></td></tr>';
//Retrieve the saved ugroups for notification from DB
$dar = $pm->getMembershipRequestNotificationUGroup($group_id);
if ($dar && !$dar->isError() && $dar->rowCount() > 0) {
    $selectedUgroup = array();
    foreach ($dar as $row) {
        $selectedUgroup[] = $row['ugroup_id'];
} else {
    $selectedUgroup = array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']);
$ugroupList = array(array('value' => $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN'], 'text' => util_translate_name_ugroup('project_admin')));
$res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($group_id);
while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
    $ugroupList[] = array('value' => $row['ugroup_id'], 'text' => $row['name']);
echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">';
echo '<form method="post" action="permission_request.php">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="func" value="member_req_notif_group" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="group_id" value="' . $group_id . '">';
echo html_build_multiple_select_box_from_array($ugroupList, "ugroups[]", $selectedUgroup, 8, false, '', false, '', false, '', false);
echo '<br />';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $Language->getText('global', 'btn_update') . '" />';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><p>';
echo $Language->getText('project_admin_index', 'member_request_delegation_msg_desc');
  * Build a multi-select box of ugroups and roles selectable to fill the new date field reminder.
  * It contains: all dynamic ugroups plus project members and admins and the defined tracker roles
  * @params Integer $reminderId Id of the date reminder we want to customize its notified
  * @return String
 protected function getAllowedNotifiedForTracker($reminderId = Null)
     $res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($this->tracker->group_id, array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']));
     $selectedUgroups = '';
     $ugroups = array();
     $roles = array();
     if (!empty($reminderId)) {
         $reminder = $this->dateReminderFactory->getReminder($reminderId);
         $ugroups = $reminder->getUgroups(true);
         $roles = $reminder->getRoles();
         if ($roles) {
             foreach ($roles as $role) {
                 $selected[] = $role->getIdentifier();
     $output = '<select name="reminder_notified[]" multiple size=7 >';
     $output .= '<optgroup label="' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_utils', 'tracker_date_reminder_optgroup_label_ugroup') . '" >';
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
         if ($ugroups && in_array($row['ugroup_id'], $ugroups)) {
             $output .= '<option value="u_' . intval($row['ugroup_id']) . '" selected>' . util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']) . '</option>';
         } else {
             $output .= '<option value="u_' . intval($row['ugroup_id']) . '">' . util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']) . '</option>';
     $output .= '</optgroup>';
     $output .= '<optgroup label="' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_utils', 'tracker_date_reminder_optgroup_label_role') . '">';
     $all_possible_roles = array(new Tracker_DateReminder_Role_Submitter(), new Tracker_DateReminder_Role_Assignee(), new Tracker_DateReminder_Role_Commenter());
     $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     foreach ($all_possible_roles as $role) {
         if ($roles && in_array($role, $roles)) {
             $output .= '<option value="r_' . $purifier->purify($role->getIdentifier()) . '" selected>' . $purifier->purify($role->getLabel()) . '</option>';
         } else {
             $output .= '<option value="r_' . $purifier->purify($role->getIdentifier()) . '">' . $purifier->purify($role->getLabel()) . '</option>';
     $output .= '</optgroup>';
     $output .= '</select>';
     return $output;
예제 #7
            header('Content-Disposition: filename=' . $name);
            header('Content-Type: text/csv');
            echo build_csv_header($col_list, $lbl_list) . $eol;
            $ugs = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($group_id, array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']));
            while ($ugrp = db_fetch_array($ugs)) {
                if ($ugrp['ugroup_id'] <= 100) {
                    $sqlUsers = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($ugrp['ugroup_id'], false, $group_id);
                } else {
                    $sqlUsers = ugroup_db_get_members($ugrp['ugroup_id']);
                $users = db_query($sqlUsers);
                while ($user = db_fetch_array($users)) {
                    $r = array('group' => util_translate_name_ugroup($ugrp['name']), 'username' => $user['user_name'], 'realname' => $um->getUserById($user['user_id'])->getRealname());
                    echo build_csv_record($col_list, $r) . $eol;
        case 'user_groups_format':
            echo '<h3>' . $Language->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'exp_format') . '</h3>';
            echo '<p>' . $Language->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'exp_format_msg') . '</p>';
            // Pick-up a random project member
            $sqlUsers = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], false, $group_id);
            $users = db_query($sqlUsers);
            $uRow = db_fetch_array($users);
            $user = $um->getUserById($uRow['user_id']);
            $dsc_list = array('group' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'user_group_desc'), 'username' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'user_username_desc', array($GLOBALS['sys_name'])), 'realname' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_export_user_groups', 'user_realname_desc'));
            $record = array('group' => util_translate_name_ugroup('project_members'), 'username' => $user->getName(), 'realname' => $user->getRealName());
            display_exported_fields($col_list, $lbl_list, $dsc_list, $record);
 protected function getUgroupLabel($ugroup_id)
     return util_translate_name_ugroup($this->getUgroupName($ugroup_id));
예제 #9
파일: ugroup.php 프로젝트: nterray/tuleap
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    if ($project->usesDocman() || $row['name'] != 'ugroup_document_tech_name_key' && $row['name'] != 'ugroup_document_admin_name_key') {
        $ugroupRow[100] = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']) . ' *';
        $ugroupRow[200] = util_translate_desc_ugroup($row['description']);
        $ugroupRow[300] = array('value' => '-', 'html_attrs' => 'align="center"');
        $ugroupRow[400] = array('value' => '-', 'html_attrs' => 'align="center"');
        $em->processEvent('ugroup_table_row', array('row' => $row, 'html_array' => &$ugroupRow));
        format_html_row($ugroupRow, $row_num);
if ($group_id != 100) {
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM ugroup WHERE group_id={$group_id} ORDER BY name");
    if (db_numrows($result) > 0) {
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
            $ugroupRow[100] = '<a href="/project/admin/editugroup.php?group_id=' . $group_id . '&ugroup_id=' . $row['ugroup_id'] . '&func=edit">' . util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
            $ugroupRow[200] = util_translate_desc_ugroup($row['description']);
            $res2 = db_query("SELECT count(*) FROM ugroup_user WHERE ugroup_id=" . $row['ugroup_id']);
            $nb_members = db_result($res2, 0, 0);
            if ($nb_members) {
                $ugroupRow[300] = array('value' => $nb_members, 'html_attrs' => 'align="center"');
            } else {
                $ugroupRow[300] = array('value' => 0, 'html_attrs' => 'align="center"');
            $token = $csrf->getTokenName() . '=' . $csrf->getToken();
            $link = '?group_id=' . $group_id . '&ugroup_id=' . $row['ugroup_id'] . '&func=delete&' . $token;
            $warn = $Language->getText('project_admin_ugroup', 'del_ug');
            $alt = $Language->getText('project_admin_servicebar', 'del');
            $ugroupRow[400] = html_trash_link($link, $warn, $alt);
            $em->processEvent('ugroup_table_row', array('row' => $row, 'html_array' => &$ugroupRow));
예제 #10
 * Retrieve all dynamic groups' members except ANONYMOUS, NONE, REGISTERED
 * @param Integer $group_id
 * @param Integer $atid
 * @return Array
function ugroup_get_all_dynamic_members($group_id, $atid = 0)
    $members = array();
    $sql = array();
    $ugroups = array();
    //retrieve dynamic ugroups id and name
    $rs = db_query("SELECT ugroup_id, name FROM ugroup WHERE ugroup_id IN (" . implode(',', $GLOBALS['UGROUPS']) . ") ");
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($rs)) {
        $ugroups[$row['ugroup_id']] = $row['name'];
    foreach ($GLOBALS['UGROUPS'] as $ugroup_id) {
        if ($ugroup_id == $GLOBALS['UGROUP_ANONYMOUS'] || $ugroup_id == $GLOBALS['UGROUP_REGISTERED'] || $ugroup_id == $GLOBALS['UGROUP_NONE']) {
        $sql = ugroup_db_get_dynamic_members($ugroup_id, $atid, $group_id);
        $rs = db_query($sql);
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($rs)) {
            $members[] = array('ugroup_id' => $ugroup_id, 'name' => util_translate_name_ugroup($ugroups[$ugroup_id]), 'user_id' => $row['user_id'], 'user_name' => $row['user_name']);
    return $members;
  *  Display Date Field Notification Settings form
  * @param
  * @return void
 function displayDateFieldNotificationSettings(ArtifactType $at, ArtifactField $field)
     //get date field reminder settings from database
     $tdrArtifactField = new TrackerDateReminder_ArtifactField();
     $res = $tdrArtifactField->getDateFieldReminderSettings($field->getID(), $at->getID());
     $enabled = db_numrows($res) == 1;
     $start = db_result($res, 0, 'notification_start');
     $frequency = db_result($res, 0, 'frequency');
     $recurse = db_result($res, 0, 'recurse');
     $notified_people = db_result($res, 0, 'notified_people');
     $notified_groups = array();
     $notified_users = array();
     if (trim($notified_people) != "") {
         $notif = explode(",", $notified_people);
         foreach ($notif as $value) {
             if (preg_match("/^g/", $value)) {
                 array_push($notified_groups, $value);
             } else {
                 array_push($notified_users, $value);
     if (count($notified_groups) == 0) {
         $notified_groups[] = '100';
     if (count($notified_users) == 0) {
         $notified_users[] = '100';
     $notif_type = db_result($res, 0, 'notification_type');
     if ($notif_type == 1) {
         $after = "selected";
         $before = "";
     } else {
         $after = "";
         $before = "selected";
     $out = '';
     $baseActionUrl = '/tracker/admin/index.php?func=date_field_notification&group_id=' . $at->Group->getID() . '&atid=' . $at->getID() . '&field_id=' . $field->getID();
     if ($enabled) {
         $out .= '<H3>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'notif_settings_del_title') . '</H3>';
         $out .= '<FORM ACTION="' . $baseActionUrl . '&delete_reminder=true" METHOD="POST">';
         $out .= '<P>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'notif_settings_del_desc') . '</P>';
         $out .= '<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="reminder" VALUE="' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'notif_settings_del_button') . '" />';
         $out .= '</FORM>';
     $out .= '<FORM ACTION="' . $baseActionUrl . '" METHOD="POST" name="date_field_notification_settings_form">
         <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="field_id" VALUE="' . $field->getID() . '">
         <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="group_id" VALUE="' . $at->Group->getID() . '">
         <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="atid" VALUE="' . $at->getID() . '">';
     $out .= '<h3>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'notif_settings_field', array($field->getLabel())) . '</h3>';
     $out .= '<fieldset>
         <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="930px"><TR height="30"><TD>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part1', array($field->getLabel())) . '</TD><TD> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="start" SIZE="5" VALUE="' . $start . '"> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'days') . '</TD><TD colspan=3">
         <SELECT NAME="notif_type">
             <OPTION VALUE="0" ' . $before . '>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'notify_before') . '
             <OPTION VALUE="1" ' . $after . '>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'notify_after') . '
         </SELECT> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part2') . '</TD></TR><TR><TD valign="top">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part3') . ' <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="recurse" SIZE="5" VALUE="' . $recurse . '"> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part4') . '</TD><TD valign="top"> ';
     $artRoleNames = array(array('value' => '1', 'text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('tracker_common_types', 'role_SUBMITTER_short_desc')), array('value' => '2', 'text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('tracker_common_types', 'role_ASSIGNEE_short_desc')), array('value' => '3', 'text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('tracker_common_types', 'role_CC_short_desc')), array('value' => '4', 'text' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('tracker_common_types', 'role_COMMENTER_short_desc')));
     $out .= html_build_multiple_select_box_from_array($artRoleNames, 'notified_users[]', $notified_users, 4, true, '', false, '', false, '', false);
     $out .= '</TD><TD valign="top">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'and') . ' </TD>
         <TD valign="top">';
     $qry = sprintf('SELECT ugroup_id, name FROM ugroup' . ' WHERE (group_id = %d || group_id = 100)' . ' AND ugroup_id <> 1' . ' AND ugroup_id <> 2' . ' AND ugroup_id <> 100', db_ei($at->Group->getID()));
     $res = db_query($qry);
     while ($rows = db_fetch_array($res)) {
         $groupNames[] = array('value' => 'g' . $rows['ugroup_id'], 'text' => util_translate_name_ugroup($rows['name']));
     $out .= html_build_multiple_select_box_from_array($groupNames, 'notified_groups[]', $notified_groups, 8, true, '', false, '', false, '', false);
     $out .= '</SELECT></TD><TD valign="top">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part5') . ' <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="frequency" SIZE="5" VALUE="' . $frequency . '"> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'days') . '.</TD></TR></TABLE><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit_notif_settings" value="' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'btn_update') . '"></P></FORM></fieldset><P>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part6', array($field->getLabel())) . '<P>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_date_reminder', 'reminder_form_part7', array($field->getLabel())) . '</P>' . '<P>';
     echo $out;
예제 #12
	Delegate notifications
$HTML->box1_top($Language->getText('project_admin_index', 'member_request_delegation_title'));
//Retrieve the saved ugroups for notification from DB
$selectedUgroup = array();
$dar = $pm->getMembershipRequestNotificationUGroup($group_id);
if ($dar && !$dar->isError() && $dar->rowCount() > 0) {
    foreach ($dar as $row) {
        if ($row['ugroup_id'] == $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']) {
            $selectedUgroup[] = util_translate_name_ugroup('project_admin');
        } else {
            $selectedUgroup[] = ugroup_get_name_from_id($row['ugroup_id']);
} else {
    $selectedUgroup = array(util_translate_name_ugroup('project_admin'));
echo '<b>' . $Language->getText('project_admin_utils', 'selected_ugroups_title') . '</b>';
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($selectedUgroup as $ugroup) {
    echo '<li>' . $ugroup . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
$message = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_index', 'member_request_delegation_msg_to_requester');
$pm = ProjectManager::instance();
$dar = $pm->getMessageToRequesterForAccessProject($group_id);
if ($dar && !$dar->isError() && $dar->rowCount() == 1) {
    $row = $dar->current();
    if ($row['msg_to_requester'] != "member_request_delegation_msg_to_requester") {
        $message = $row['msg_to_requester'];
예제 #13
function permission_display_selection_frs($permission_type, $object_id = null, $group_id)
    $html = '';
    // Get ugroups already defined for this permission_type
    $res_ugroups = permission_db_authorized_ugroups($permission_type, $object_id);
    $nb_set = db_numrows($res_ugroups);
    // Now retrieve all possible ugroups for this project, as well as the default values
    $sql = "SELECT ugroup_id,is_default FROM permissions_values WHERE permission_type='" . db_es($permission_type) . "'";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    $predefined_ugroups = '';
    $default_values = array();
    if (db_numrows($res) < 1) {
        $html .= "<p><b>" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error') . "</b>: " . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_permissions', 'perm_type_not_def', $permission_type);
        return $html;
    } else {
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
            if ($predefined_ugroups) {
                $predefined_ugroups .= ' ,';
            $predefined_ugroups .= $row['ugroup_id'];
            if ($row['is_default']) {
                $default_values[] = $row['ugroup_id'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ugroup WHERE group_id=" . db_ei($group_id) . " OR ugroup_id IN (" . $predefined_ugroups . ") ORDER BY ugroup_id";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    $array = array();
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
        $name = util_translate_name_ugroup($row[1]);
        $array[] = array('value' => $row[0], 'text' => $name);
    $html .= html_build_multiple_select_box($array, "ugroups[]", $nb_set ? util_result_column_to_array($res_ugroups) : $default_values, 8, false, util_translate_name_ugroup('ugroup_nobody_name_key'), false, '', false, '', false);
    $html .= '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_permissions', 'admins_create_modify_ug', array("/project/admin/editugroup.php?func=create&group_id={$group_id}", "/project/admin/ugroup.php?group_id={$group_id}"));
    echo $html;
 protected function getUgroupLabel($u_group)
     $row = $this->getDao()->searchByUGroupId($u_group)->getRow();
     return util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
예제 #15
 * Display the retrieved reult set
 * @param Integer $group_id Id of the project
 * @param Array   $res      Contains the retrieved results
 * @param Boolean $export   Switch CSV export mode or HTML display
 * @param unknown_type $i   Line number indicator
 * @return string html
function displayProjectHistoryResults($group_id, $res, $export = false, &$i = 1)
    global $Language;
    $html = '';
    $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
    while ($row = $res['history']->getRow()) {
        $field = $row['field_name'];
        // see if there are any arguments after the message key
        // format is "msg_key ## arg1||arg2||...
        // If msg_key cannot be found in the localized message
        // catalog then display the msg has is because this is very
        // likely a legacy message (pre-localization version)
        if (strpos($field, " %% ") !== false) {
            list($msg_key, $args) = explode(" %% ", $field);
            if ($args) {
                $arr_args = explode('||', $args);
        } else {
            $msg_key = $field;
            $arr_args = "";
        $msg = $Language->getText('project_admin_utils', $msg_key, $arr_args);
        if (!(strpos($msg, "*** Unkown msg") === false)) {
            $msg = $field;
        if (!$export) {
            $html .= '<TR class="' . html_get_alt_row_color($i++) . '"><TD>' . $hp->purify($msg, CODENDI_PURIFIER_BASIC, $group_id) . '</TD><TD>';
        $val = $row['old_value'];
        //Translate dynamic ugroup name for permission entries
        if (strstr($msg_key, "perm_granted_for_") || strstr($msg_key, "perm_reset_for_") || strstr($msg_key, "membership_request_updated")) {
            $ugroupList = explode(",", $val);
            $val = '';
            foreach ($ugroupList as $ugroup) {
                if ($val) {
                    $val .= ', ';
                $val .= util_translate_name_ugroup($ugroup);
        } else {
            if ($msg_key == "group_type") {
                $template =& TemplateSingleton::instance();
                $val = $template->getLabel($val);
        if ($export) {
            $documents_body = array('event' => $hp->purify($msg, CODENDI_PURIFIER_BASIC, $group_id), 'val' => $hp->purify($val), 'date' => format_date($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('system', 'datefmt'), $row['date']), 'by' => UserHelper::instance()->getDisplayNameFromUserName($row['user_name']));
            $html .= build_csv_record(array('event', 'val', 'date', 'by'), $documents_body) . "\n";
        } else {
            $html .= $hp->purify($val);
            $user = UserManager::instance()->getUserByUserName($row['user_name']);
            $html .= '</TD><TD>' . format_date($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('system', 'datefmt'), $row['date']) . '</TD><TD>' . UserHelper::instance()->getLinkOnUser($user) . '</TD></TR>';
    return $html;
예제 #16
 public function getTranslatedName()
     return util_translate_name_ugroup($this->getName());
  * Build a multi-select box of ugroup selectable to fill the new date field reminder.
  * It contains: all dynamic ugroups plus project members and admins.
  * @params Integer $reminderId Id of the date reminder we want to customize its notified ugroups
  * @return String
 protected function getUgroupsAllowedForTracker($reminderId = Null)
     $res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($this->tracker->group_id, array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']));
     $selectedUgroups = '';
     if (!empty($reminderId)) {
         $reminder = $this->dateReminderFactory->getReminder($reminderId);
         $selectedUgroups = $reminder->getUgroups(true);
     $output = '<select name="reminder_ugroup[]" multiple>';
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
         if ($selectedUgroups && in_array($row['ugroup_id'], $selectedUgroups)) {
             $output .= '<option value="' . intval($row['ugroup_id']) . '" selected>' . util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']) . '</option>';
         } else {
             $output .= '<option value="' . intval($row['ugroup_id']) . '">' . util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']) . '</option>';
     $output .= '</select>';
     return $output;
  * Retrieve the reminder notified ugroups as string
  * @return String
 public function getUgroupsLabel()
     $ugroupsLabel = '';
     $ugroupManager = $this->getUGroupManager();
     $ugroups = explode(',', $this->ugroups);
     if (!empty($ugroups)) {
         foreach ($ugroups as $ugroup) {
             $ugroupsLabel .= ' "' . util_translate_name_ugroup($ugroupManager->getById($ugroup)->getName()) . ' "';
     return $ugroupsLabel;
예제 #19
function frs_display_release_form($is_update, &$release, $group_id, $title, $url)
    global $frspf, $frsrf, $frsff;
    $hp =& Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
    if (is_array($release)) {
        if (isset($release['date'])) {
            $release_date = $release['date'];
        $release = new FRSRelease($release);
    if ($is_update) {
        $files = $release->getFiles();
        if (count($files) > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
                if (!$frsff->compareMd5Checksums($files[$i]->getComputedMd5(), $files[$i]->getReferenceMd5())) {
                    $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'md5_fail', array(basename($files[$i]->getFileName()), $files[$i]->getComputedMd5())));
    file_utils_admin_header(array('title' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'release_new_file_version'), 'help' => 'frs.html#delivery-manager-administration'));
    echo '<H3>' . $hp->purify($title, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</H3>';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM frs_processor WHERE (group_id = 100 OR group_id = " . db_ei($group_id) . ") ORDER BY rank";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $processor_id = util_result_column_to_array($result, 0);
    $processor_name = util_result_column_to_array($result, 1);
    foreach ($processor_name as $key => $value) {
        $processor_name[$key] = $hp->purify($value, CODENDI_PURIFIER_JS_QUOTE);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM frs_filetype ORDER BY type_id";
    $result1 = db_query($sql);
    $type_id = util_result_column_to_array($result1, 0);
    $type_name = util_result_column_to_array($result1, 1);
    $url_news = get_server_url() . "/file/showfiles.php?group_id=" . $group_id;
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
    echo "var processor_id = ['" . implode("', '", $processor_id) . "'];";
    echo "var processor_name = ['" . implode("', '", $processor_name) . "'];";
    echo "var type_id = ['" . implode("', '", $type_id) . "'];";
    echo "var type_name = ['" . implode("', '", $type_name) . "'];";
    echo "var group_id = " . $group_id . ";";
    echo "var relname = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'relname') . "';";
    echo "var choose = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_file_utils', 'must_choose_one') . "';";
    echo "var browse = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'browse') . "';";
    echo "var local_file = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'local_file') . "';";
    echo "var scp_ftp_files = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'scp_ftp_files') . "';";
    echo "var upload_text = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'upload') . "';";
    echo "var add_file_text = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'add_file') . "';";
    echo "var add_change_log_text = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'add_change_log') . "';";
    echo "var view_change_text = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'view_change') . "';";
    echo "var refresh_files_list = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'refresh_file_list') . "';";
    echo "var release_mode = '" . ($is_update ? 'edition' : 'creation') . "';";
    if ($is_update) {
        $pm = PermissionsManager::instance();
        $dar = $pm->getAuthorizedUgroups($release->getReleaseID(), FRSRelease::PERM_READ);
        $ugroups_name = array();
        foreach ($dar as $row) {
            $ugroups_name[] = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
        echo "var ugroups_name = '" . implode(", ", $ugroups_name) . "';";
        echo "var default_permissions_text = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'release_perm') . "';";
    } else {
        echo "var default_permissions_text = '" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'default_permissions') . "';";
    echo '</script>';
    //set variables for news template
    $relname = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'relname');
    if (!$is_update) {
        echo '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'contain_multiple_files') . '</p>';
    <FORM id="frs_form" NAME="frsRelease" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<?php 
    echo $url;
" CLASS="form-inline">
        <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<? echo $GLOBALS['sys_max_size_upload']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="postReceived" value="" />
    if ($release->getReleaseId()) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" id="release_id" name="release[release_id]" value="' . $release->getReleaseId() . '" />';
        <TABLE BORDER="0" width="100%">
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'fieldset_properties');
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editpackages', 'p_name');
    $res =& $frspf->getFRSPackagesFromDb($group_id);
    $rows = count($res);
    if (!$res || $rows < 1) {
        echo '<p class="highlight">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_qrs', 'no_p_available') . '</p>';
    } else {
        echo '<SELECT NAME="release[package_id]" id="package_id">';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
            echo '<OPTION VALUE="' . $res[$i]->getPackageID() . '"';
            if ($res[$i]->getPackageID() == $release->getPackageId()) {
                echo ' selected';
            echo '>' . $hp->purify(util_unconvert_htmlspecialchars($res[$i]->getName()), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</OPTION>';
        echo '</SELECT>';
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'release_name');
: <span class="highlight"><strong>*</strong></span></B>
                    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" id="release_name" name="release[name]" onBlur="update_news()" value="<?php 
    echo $hp->purify($release->getName());
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'release_date');
    echo $GLOBALS['HTML']->getDatePicker('release_date', 'release[date]', isset($release_date) ? $hp->purify($release_date) : format_date('Y-m-d', $release->getReleaseDate()));
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'status');
    print frs_show_status_popup($name = 'release[status_id]', $release->getStatusID()) . "<br>";
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'fieldset_uploaded_files');
    $titles = array();
    $titles[] = $is_update ? $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'delete_col') : '';
    $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'filename');
    $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'processor');
    $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'file_type');
    $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'md5sum');
    $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'comment');
    $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'user');
    if ($is_update) {
        $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleasepermissions', 'release');
        $titles[] = $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'release_date');
    echo html_build_list_table_top($titles, false, false, false, 'files');
            <tbody id="files_body">
    $files =& $release->getFiles();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
        $fname = $files[$i]->getFileName();
        $list = split('/', $fname);
        $fname = $list[sizeof($list) - 1];
        $user_id = $files[$i]->getUserID();
        $userName = isset($user_id) ? UserManager::instance()->getUserById($files[$i]->getUserID())->getRealName() : "";
        echo '<TR>';
        echo '<TD><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="release_files_to_delete[]" VALUE="' . $files[$i]->getFileID() . '"</TD>';
        echo '<TD>' . $hp->purify($fname, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="release_files[]" VALUE="' . $files[$i]->getFileID() . '"></TD>';
        echo '<TD>' . frs_show_processor_popup($group_id, $name = 'release_file_processor[]', $files[$i]->getProcessorID()) . '</TD>';
        echo '<TD>' . frs_show_filetype_popup($name = 'release_file_type[]', $files[$i]->getTypeID()) . '</TD>';
        //In case of difference between the inserted md5 and the computed one
        //we dispaly an editable text field to let the user insert the right value
        //to avoid the error message next time
        $value = 'value = "' . $files[$i]->getReferenceMd5() . '"';
        if ($frsff->compareMd5Checksums($files[$i]->getComputedMd5(), $files[$i]->getReferenceMd5())) {
            $value = 'value = "' . $files[$i]->getComputedMd5() . '" readonly="true"';
        echo '<TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="release_reference_md5[]" ' . $value . ' SIZE="36" ></TD>';
        $comment = $files[$i]->getComment();
        echo '<TD><textarea NAME="release_comment[]" cols="20", rows="1" >' . $comment . '</textarea></TD>';
        echo '<TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="user" value = "' . $userName . '" readonly="true"></TD>';
        echo '<TD>' . frs_show_release_popup2($group_id, $name = 'new_release_id[]', $files[$i]->getReleaseID()) . '</TD>';
        echo '<TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="release_time[]" VALUE="' . format_date('Y-m-d', $files[$i]->getReleaseTime()) . '" SIZE="10" MAXLENGTH="10"></TD></TR>';
    echo '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" id="nb_files" NAME="nb_files" VALUE="' . count($files) . '">';
                        <tr id="row_0">
                                <input type="hidden" name="js" value="no_js"/>
                                <select name="ftp_file[]" id="ftp_file_0">
                                    <option value="-1"><?php 
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_file_utils', 'must_choose_one');
    //iterate and show the files in the upload directory
    $file_list = $frsff->getUploadedFileNames($release->getProject());
    foreach ($file_list as $file) {
        echo '<option value="' . $file . '">' . $hp->purify($file, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
    echo "var available_ftp_files = ['" . implode("', '", $file_list) . "'];";
    echo '</script>';
                                <span id="or">or</span>
                                <input type="file" name="file[]" id="file_0" />
    print frs_show_processor_popup($group_id, $name = 'file_processor');
    print frs_show_filetype_popup($name = 'file_type');
                                <input name="reference_md5" value="" size="36" type="TEXT">
    echo '<span class="small" style="color:#666"><i>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'upload_file_msg', formatByteToMb($GLOBALS['sys_max_size_upload'])) . '</i> </span>';
    echo '<div id=\'files_help\'><span class="smaller">';
    include $GLOBALS['Language']->getContent('file/qrs_attach_file');
    echo '</span></div>';
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'fieldset_notes');
            <TR id="notes_title">
                <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="10%">
                    <span id="release_notes"><B><?php 
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'release_notes');
:  </B></span>
            <TR id="upload_notes">
                    <input id="uploaded_notes" type="file" name="uploaded_release_notes"  size="30">
            <TR id="release_notes_area">
                <TD width="100%">
                    <TEXTAREA NAME="release[release_notes]" rows="7" cols="70"><?php 
    echo $hp->purify($release->getNotes(), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML);
            <TR id="change_log_title">
                <TD VALIGN="TOP" width="10%">
                    <span id="change_log"><B><?php 
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'change_log');
:  </B></span>
            <TR id="upload_change_log">
                    <input type="file" id="uploaded_change_log" name="uploaded_change_log"  size="30">
            <TR id="change_log_area">
                <TD width="40%">
                    <TEXTAREA ID="text_area_change_log" NAME="release[change_log]" ROWS="7" COLS="70"><?php 
    echo $hp->purify($release->getChanges(), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML);
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'fieldset_permissions');
                        <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2">
                            <TR id="permissions">
                                    <DIV id="permissions_list">
    if ($is_update) {
        permission_display_selection_frs("RELEASE_READ", $release->getReleaseID(), $group_id);
    } else {
        permission_display_selection_frs("PACKAGE_READ", $release->getPackageID(), $group_id);
    if (user_ismember($group_id, 'A') || user_ismember($group_id, 'N2') || user_ismember($group_id, 'N1')) {
        echo '
            <TR><TD><FIELDSET><LEGEND>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'fieldset_news') . '</LEGEND>
                <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2">
                        <TD VALIGN="TOP">
                            <B> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'submit_news') . ' :</B>
                            <INPUT ID="submit_news" TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="release_submit_news" VALUE="1">
                    <TR id="tr_subject">
                        <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="RIGHT">
                            <B> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'subject') . ' :</B>
                            <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="release_news_subject" NAME="release_news_subject" VALUE=" ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'file_news_subject', $relname) . '" SIZE="40" MAXLENGTH="60">
                    <TR id="tr_details">
                        <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="RIGHT">
                            <B> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'details') . ' :</B>
                            <TEXTAREA ID="release_news_details" NAME="release_news_details" ROWS="7" COLS="50">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'file_news_details', array($relname, $url_news)) . ' </TEXTAREA>
                    <TR id="tr_public">
                        <TD ROWSPAN=2 VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="RIGHT">
                            <B> ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('news_submit', 'news_privacy') . ' :</B>
                            <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" ID="publicnews" NAME="private_news" VALUE="0" CHECKED>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('news_submit', 'public_news') . '
                    </TR > 
                    <TR id="tr_private">
                            <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" ID="privatenews" NAME="private_news" VALUE="1">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('news_submit', 'private_news') . '
    $fmmf = new FileModuleMonitorFactory();
    $count = count($fmmf->getFilesModuleMonitorFromDb($release->getPackageId()));
    if ($count > 0) {
        echo '<TR><TD><FIELDSET><LEGEND>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'fieldset_notification') . '</LEGEND>';
        echo '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2">';
        echo '<TR><TD>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'users_monitor', $count) . '</TD></TR>';
        echo '<TR><TD><B>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'mail_file_rel_notice') . '</B><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="notification" VALUE="1" CHECKED>';
        echo '</TD></TR>';
        echo '</TABLE></FIELDSET></TD></TR>';
                <TD ALIGN="CENTER">
                    <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="create" VALUE="bla">
                    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" ID="create_release"  VALUE="<?php 
    echo $is_update ? $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_editreleases', 'edit_release') : $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('file_admin_qrs', 'release_file');
                    <input type="submit" ID="cancel_release" name="cancel" value="<?php 
    echo $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'btn_cancel');
" />
 protected static function fetchSelectUsers($select_name, $field, $value_function)
     $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $html = '';
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $select_name . '" value="" />';
     $html .= '<select multiple="multiple" name="' . $select_name . '">
               <option value="">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'none') . '</option>';
     $selected = "";
     if (in_array("artifact_submitters", $value_function)) {
         $selected = 'selected="selected"';
     $html .= '<option value="artifact_submitters" ' . $selected . '>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_tracker_include_type', 'submitters') . '</option>';
     $selected = "";
     $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_ugroup($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS']);
     $name = util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, 0, 'name'));
     if (in_array("group_members", $value_function)) {
         $selected = 'selected="selected"';
     $html .= '<option value="group_members" ' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify($name, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
     $selected = "";
     $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_ugroup($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']);
     $name = util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, 0, 'name'));
     if (in_array("group_admins", $value_function)) {
         $selected = 'selected="selected"';
     $html .= '<option value="group_admins" ' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify($name, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
     $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups(100);
     $rows = db_numrows($ugroup_res);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
         $ug = db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'ugroup_id');
         $selected = "";
         $ugr = "ugroup_" . $ug;
         if (in_array($ugr, $value_function)) {
             $selected = 'selected="selected"';
         $html .= '<option value="' . $ugr . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify(util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'name')), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
     $group_id = $field->getTracker()->getGroupId();
     if ($group_id != 100) {
         $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($group_id);
         $rows = db_numrows($ugroup_res);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
             $selected = "";
             $ug = db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'ugroup_id');
             $ugr = "ugroup_" . $ug;
             if (in_array($ugr, $value_function)) {
                 $selected = 'selected="selected"';
             $html .= '<option value="' . $ugr . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify(util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'name')), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     return $html;
  * Fetch the html code to display the field value in tooltip
  * @param Tracker_Artifact $artifact
  * @param Tracker_Artifact_ChangesetValue_PermissionsOnArtifact $value The changeset value for this field
  * @return string
 protected function fetchTooltipValue(Tracker_Artifact $artifact, Tracker_Artifact_ChangesetValue $value = null)
     $html = '';
     if ($value && $artifact->useArtifactPermissions()) {
         $ugroup_dao = $this->getUGroupDao();
         $perms = $value->getPerms();
         $perms_name = array();
         foreach ($perms as $perm) {
             $row = $ugroup_dao->searchByUGroupId($perm)->getRow();
             $perms_name[] = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
         $html .= implode(",", $perms_name);
     return $html;
예제 #22
$btn_update = $Language->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_btn_update');
$vSubmit = new Valid_WhiteList('submit', array($btn_update));
if ($request->isPost() && $request->valid($vSubmit)) {
    if ($request->get('submit') == $btn_update) {
        $vUserAdd = new Valid_String('user_add');
        if ($request->valid($vUserAdd)) {
// Display
$ugroupRow = ugroup_db_get_ugroup($ugroupId);
$ugroupName = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
$clean_ugroupName = $hp->purify($ugroupName);
project_admin_header(array('title' => $Language->getText('project_admin_editugroup', 'edit_ug'), 'group' => $group_id));
echo '<h2>' . $Language->getText('project_admin_editugroup', 'ug_admin', $clean_ugroupName) . '</h2>';
echo '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_add_users_help') . '</p>';
echo '<form name="plugin_ldap_edit_ugroup" method="post" action="">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="ugroup_id" value="' . $ugroupId . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="func" value="add_user" />';
echo '<p>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_ldap', 'ugroup_edit_group_add_users') . ' <textarea name="user_add" id="user_add" rows="2" cols="60" wrap="soft"/></textarea></p>';
echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $btn_update . '" />';
// JS code for autocompletion on "add_user" field defined on top.
$js = "new UserAutoCompleter('user_add',\r\n                        '" . util_get_dir_image_theme() . "',\r\n                        true);";
echo '</form>';
예제 #23
function plugin_tracker_permission_fetch_selection_field($permission_type, $object_id, $group_id, $html_name = "ugroups[]", $html_disabled = false, $selected = array())
    $html = '';
    // Get ugroups already defined for this permission_type
    if (empty($selected)) {
        $res_ugroups = permission_db_authorized_ugroups($permission_type, $object_id);
        $nb_set = db_numrows($res_ugroups);
    } else {
        $res_ugroups = $selected;
        $nb_set = count($res_ugroups);
    // Now retrieve all possible ugroups for this project, as well as the default values
    $sql = "SELECT ugroup_id,is_default FROM permissions_values WHERE permission_type='{$permission_type}'";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    $predefined_ugroups = '';
    $default_values = array();
    if (db_numrows($res) < 1) {
        $html .= "<p><b>" . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error') . "</b>: " . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_admin_permissions', 'perm_type_not_def', $permission_type);
        return $html;
    } else {
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
            if ($predefined_ugroups) {
                $predefined_ugroups .= ' ,';
            $predefined_ugroups .= $row['ugroup_id'];
            if ($row['is_default']) {
                $default_values[] = $row['ugroup_id'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ugroup WHERE group_id=" . $group_id . " OR ugroup_id IN (" . $predefined_ugroups . ") ORDER BY ugroup_id";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    $array = array();
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
        $name = util_translate_name_ugroup($row[1]);
        $array[] = array('value' => $row[0], 'text' => $name);
    if (empty($selected)) {
        if ($nb_set) {
            $res_ugroups = util_result_column_to_array($res_ugroups);
        } else {
            $res_ugroups = $default_values;
    $html .= html_build_multiple_select_box($array, $html_name, $res_ugroups, 8, false, util_translate_name_ugroup('ugroup_nobody_name_key'), false, '', false, '', false, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML, $html_disabled);
    return $html;
  * Return the list of ugroup selectable to fill the notification table.
  * It contains: all dynamic ugroups plus project members and admins.
 function getUgroupsAllowedForTable($groupId)
     $res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($groupId, array($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS'], $GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']));
     $ugroups = array();
     while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
         $r = array();
         $r['value'] = $row['ugroup_id'];
         $r['text'] = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
         $ugroups[] = $r;
     return $ugroups;
예제 #25
     *  Display the value function form
     *  @param field_id: the field id to edit
     *  @param value_function: the value function to bind to
     *  @param or_label: display an additionnal label to display "Or ..."
     *  @return void
    function displayValueFunctionForm($field_id, $value_function, $or_label = "")
        $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
        global $Language;
        if ($or_label) {
            echo '<h3>' . $hp->purify($or_label, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . ' ' . $Language->getText('tracker_include_type', 'bind_to_list') . ' ';
        } else {
            echo '<h3>' . $Language->getText('tracker_include_type', 'bind_to_list') . ' ';
        echo help_button('TrackerAdministration.html#TrackerBindingFieldToValueList') . '</h3>';
        echo '
	      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="func" VALUE="update_binding">
	      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="field_id" VALUE="' . (int) $field_id . '">
	      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="group_id" VALUE="' . (int) $this->Group->getID() . '">
	      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="atid" VALUE="' . (int) $this->getID() . '">
	      ' . $Language->getText('tracker_include_type', 'bind_to') . ': &nbsp; 
	      <select multiple name="value_function[]">
	          <option value="">' . $Language->getText('global', 'none') . '</option>';
        $selected = "";
        if ($value_function && in_array("artifact_submitters", $value_function)) {
            $selected = " selected";
        echo '<option value="artifact_submitters"' . $selected . '>' . $Language->getText('tracker_include_type', 'submitters') . '</option>';
        $selected = "";
        $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_ugroup($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_MEMBERS']);
        $name = util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, 0, 'name'));
        if ($value_function && in_array("group_members", $value_function)) {
            $selected = " selected";
        echo '<option value="group_members"' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify($name, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
        $selected = "";
        $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_ugroup($GLOBALS['UGROUP_PROJECT_ADMIN']);
        $name = util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, 0, 'name'));
        if ($value_function && in_array("group_admins", $value_function)) {
            $selected = " selected";
        echo '<option value="group_admins"' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify($name, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
        $selected = "";
        $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_ugroup($GLOBALS['UGROUP_TRACKER_ADMIN']);
        $name = util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, 0, 'name'));
        if ($value_function && in_array("tracker_admins", $value_function)) {
            $selected = " selected";
        echo '<option value="tracker_admins"' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify($name, CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
        $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups(100);
        $rows = db_numrows($ugroup_res);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
            $ug = db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'ugroup_id');
            $selected = "";
            $ugr = "ugroup_" . $ug;
            if ($value_function && in_array($ugr, $value_function)) {
                $selected = " selected";
            echo '<option value="' . $ugr . '"' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify(util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'name')), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
        if ($this->Group->getID() != 100) {
            $ugroup_res = ugroup_db_get_existing_ugroups($this->Group->getID());
            $rows = db_numrows($ugroup_res);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
                $selected = "";
                $ug = db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'ugroup_id');
                $ugr = "ugroup_" . $ug;
                if ($value_function && in_array($ugr, $value_function)) {
                    $selected = " selected";
                echo '<option value="' . $ugr . '"' . $selected . '>' . $hp->purify(util_translate_name_ugroup(db_result($ugroup_res, $i, 'name')), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</option>';
        echo '
	      &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="SUBMIT" VALUE="' . $Language->getText('tracker_include_type', 'bind') . '">
예제 #26
 private function getDocumentPermissions(DataAccessResult $results)
     $perms = $this->minimal_permissions;
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         if ($row['id'] < ProjectUGroup::PROJECT_ADMIN || $row['id'] > ProjectUGroup::NONE) {
             $ugroup_name = util_translate_name_ugroup($row['name']);
             $ugroup_id = $row['id'];
             $this->ugroups[$ugroup_id] = $ugroup_name;
             $perms[$ugroup_id][] = self::V2_SOAP_PERM_READ;
     return $perms;