/** compute URL for a background image based on current time and index
  * this routine returns a URL to be used as a background image. The
  * URL is different depending on the time of day and the $index parameter.
  * The latter is thought to be the position of the current item in the
  * main navigation (starting at 1) or 0 in case no item in the main
  * navigation is current.
  * Configuration is done via two parameters:
  * the path in $this->config['header_banners_directory'] and
  * the interval in $this->config['header_banners_interval'].
  * The interval is expressed in minutes. It means that a particular page
  * has the same background image for the duration of the interval and
  * another one in the next interval. The banners directory is supposed
  * to contain banner files of the correct dimensions, e.g. 980x170.
  * If the specified directory starts with a '/' it is assumed to start in
  * the data root, e.g. something like /areas/exemplum/banners. This will
  * eventually lead to a URL of the form
  * /file.php/areas/exemplum/banners/mentha-banner.jpg using
  * was_file_url()
  * If the specified directory does NOT start with a '/' it is assumed to
  * be a directory relative to the directory where index.php and friends
  * live, unless it starts with program/ in which case it is a static dir
  * somewhere in the program hierarchy. This is done via was_url().
  * @param int $index indicates current main navigation item or 0 for none
  * @param bool $fully_qualified if TRUE forces the URL to contain a scheme, authority etc.
  * @return string ready to use URL
  * @uses was_file_url()
  * @uses was_url()
 function cornelia_get_background_url($index, $fully_qualified = FALSE)
     global $CFG;
     // 0 -- sanity checks
     $path = trim($this->config['header_banners_directory']);
     $interval = intval($this->config['header_banners_interval']);
     if (empty($path) || $interval <= 0) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!utf8_validate($path) || strpos('/' . $path . '/', '/../') !== FALSE) {
         logger(sprintf("%s.%s(): invalid path '%s'; bailing out", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $path));
         return FALSE;
     // 1 -- where to find the files?
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') {
         $full_path = $CFG->datadir . $path;
     } elseif (substr($path, 0, 8) == 'program/') {
         $full_path = $CFG->progdir . substr($path, 7);
     } else {
         $full_path = $CFG->dir . '/' . $path;
     // get rid of trailing slash if any
     if (substr($full_path, -1) == '/') {
         $full_path = substr($full_path, 0, -1);
     if (($handle = @opendir($full_path)) === FALSE) {
         logger(sprintf("%s.%s(): cannot open directory '%s'", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $path));
         return FALSE;
     // 2 -- scan the directory for graphics files (skip the thumbnails)
     $prefix_len = strlen(THUMBNAIL_PREFIX);
     $extensions = explode(',', str_replace(array('.', ' '), '', $CFG->filemanager_images));
     $files = array();
     while (($entryname = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
         $full_entryname = $full_path . '/' . $entryname;
         if ($entryname == '.' || $entryname == '..' || $entryname == 'index.html' || is_link($full_entryname) || !is_file($full_entryname)) {
         // we are now fairly sure $entryname is a genuine file. check extension (if any)
         if (strpos($entryname, '.') === FALSE) {
             $ext = '';
         } else {
             $components = explode('.', $entryname);
             $ext = utf8_strtolower(array_pop($components));
         if (array_search($ext, $extensions) === FALSE) {
             // not an image file, next please
         if (substr($entryname, 0, $prefix_len) == THUMBNAIL_PREFIX) {
             // thumbnail, next please
         if (($image_info = @getimagesize($full_entryname)) === FALSE) {
             // not an image, next please
         $files[] = $entryname;
     // 3 -- is there any image at all?
     if (($n = sizeof($files)) <= 0) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($n == 1) {
         $entryname = $files[0];
         // Looks like Ford T: choice of 1
     } else {
         // use a different image every $interval minutes
         $entryname = $files[($index + time() / (60 * $interval)) % $n];
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') {
         return was_file_url($path . '/' . $entryname, $fully_qualified);
     } else {
         return was_url($path . '/' . $entryname, $fully_qualified);
/** validate and check values that were submitted via a user dialog
 * this steps through the definition of a dialog and retrieves the values submitted by
 * the user via $_POST[]. The values are checked against the constraints (e.g. minimum string length,
 * date range, etc.). If the submitted value is considered valid, it is stored in the corresponding
 * value of the dialogdef element, maybe properly reformatted (in case of dates/times/datetimes).
 * If there were errors, these are recorded in the dialog definition element, in the form of one or
 * more readable error messages. Also the error count (per element) is incremented. This makes it
 * easy to
 *  - inform the user about what was wrong with the input data
 *  - determine whether there was an error at all (if $dialogdef[$k]['errors'] > 0).
 * Note that this routine has the side effect of filling the dialog array with the data that
 * was submitted by the user via $_POST. If the validation is successful, the data is ready
 * to be saved into the database. If it is not, the data entered is still available in the
 * dialogdef which makes it easy to return to the user and let the user correct the errors without
 * losing all the data input because of a silly mistake in some input field.
 * Update 2009-03-17: We no longer validate the view-only fields because these fields are not POST'ed 
 * by the browser and hence cannot be validated. This also means that there is no value set from $_POST
 * for those fields.
 * Update 2011-09-29: added UTF-8 validation, replace with U+FFFD (Unicode replacement character) on fail
 * @param array &$dialogdef the complete dialog definition; contains detailed errors and/or reformatted values
 * @return bool TRUE if all submitted values are considered valid, FALSE otherwise
 * @todo add an error message to
function dialog_validate(&$dialogdef)
    $total_errors = 0;
    foreach ($dialogdef as $k => $item) {
        if (isset($item['name'])) {
            if (isset($item['viewonly']) && $item['viewonly']) {
            $name = $item['name'];
            $fname = isset($item['label']) ? str_replace('~', '', $item['label']) : $name;
            $dialogdef[$k]['errors'] = 0;
            $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'] = array();
            $f_type = isset($item['type']) ? $item['type'] : '';
            $value = isset($item['value']) ? $item['value'] : '';
            if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
                if (utf8_validate($_POST[$name])) {
                    $posted_value = magic_unquote($_POST[$name]);
                } else {
                    $posted_value = "�";
                    // UTF-8 encoded substitution character U+FFFD
                    $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_invalid', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname));
            } else {
                $posted_value = '';
                // should be NULL but empty string is more convenient here
            switch ($f_type) {
                case F_DATE:
                case F_TIME:
                case F_DATETIME:
                case F_ALPHANUMERIC:
                case F_INTEGER:
                case F_REAL:
                case F_PASSWORD:
                case F_RICHTEXT:
                    if ($f_type == F_DATE || $f_type == F_TIME || $f_type == F_DATETIME) {
                        $datetime_value = '';
                        $is_valid_datetime = valid_datetime($f_type, $posted_value, $datetime_value);
                        if (!$is_valid_datetime) {
                            $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_invalid_datetime', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname));
                        // else we have a valid date/time, and a properly reformatted copy for comparisons too
                    if (isset($item['minlength'])) {
                        $minlength = intval($item['minlength']);
                        if (strlen($posted_value) < $minlength) {
                            $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_short', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MIN}' => strval($minlength)));
                    if (isset($item['maxlength'])) {
                        $maxlength = intval($item['maxlength']);
                        if ($maxlength < strlen($posted_value)) {
                            $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_long', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MAX}' => strval($maxlength)));
                    if (isset($item['minvalue'])) {
                        switch ($f_type) {
                            case F_INTEGER:
                                if (intval($posted_value) < intval($item['minvalue'])) {
                                    $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_small', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MIN}' => $item['minvalue']));
                            case F_REAL:
                                if (floatval($posted_value) < floatval($item['minvalue'])) {
                                    $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_small', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MIN}' => $item['minvalue']));
                            case F_DATE:
                            case F_TIME:
                            case F_DATETIME:
                                if ($is_valid_datetime) {
                                    // there's no point in checking a value if the value itself is invalid
                                    if ($datetime_value < $item['minvalue']) {
                                        $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_small', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MIN}' => $item['minvalue']));
                    if (isset($item['maxvalue'])) {
                        switch ($f_type) {
                            case F_INTEGER:
                                if (intval($item['maxvalue']) < intval($posted_value)) {
                                    $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_large', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MAX}' => $item['maxvalue']));
                            case F_REAL:
                                if (floatval($item['maxvalue']) < floatval($posted_value)) {
                                    $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_large', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MAX}' => $item['maxvalue']));
                            case F_DATE:
                            case F_TIME:
                            case F_DATETIME:
                                if ($is_valid_datetime) {
                                    // there's no point in checking a value if the value itself is invalid
                                    if ($item['maxvalue'] < $datetime_value) {
                                        $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_too_large', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname, '{MAX}' => $item['maxvalue']));
                    // finally format the data
                    switch ($f_type) {
                        case F_INTEGER:
                            $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = strval(intval($posted_value));
                        case F_REAL:
                            $decimals = isset($item['decimals']) ? abs(intval($item['decimals'])) : 2;
                            $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = sprintf("%1." . $decimals . "f", floatval($posted_value));
                        case F_DATE:
                        case F_TIME:
                        case F_DATETIME:
                            $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = $is_valid_datetime ? $datetime_value : $posted_value;
                            $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = $posted_value;
                case F_CHECKBOX:
                    // there are two options:
                    // either $posted_value equals the value in the options list
                    // OR it does't. (well duh). However, it it doesn't match AND
                    // it is not an empty string (see above, should be NULL), it
                    // is an error nonetheless. OK. Here we go.
                    if (!empty($posted_value)) {
                        if (!isset($item['options'][$posted_value])) {
                            // oops, something rottenin the state of Denmark...
                            $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_invalid', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname));
                            $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = '';
                        } else {
                            $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = $posted_value;
                    } else {
                        $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = '';
                case F_RADIO:
                case F_LISTBOX:
                    // the value should exist in the options array
                    if (!isset($item['options'][$posted_value])) {
                        // oops, something rotten in the state of Denmark...
                        $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'][] = t('validate_invalid', '', array('{FIELD}' => $fname));
                        $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $dialogdef[$k]['value'] = $posted_value;
                case F_FILE:
                    // any value is OK, because
                    // 1. checking is done separately in the filemanager (including virusscan etc.)
                    // 2. if there is an error in 1 file, the other uploaded files could be perfectly
                    //    OK. Sending the user back to the upload dialog would be counter-productive
                    //    because the 'good' files would have to be uploaded again and she would have
                    //    to type in/browse the files again (and again and again...)
                case F_SUBMIT:
                    // any value is OK, no check needed
                    $dialogdef[$k]['errors'] = 1;
                    $dialogdef[$k]['error_messages'] = $item['name'] . ' - INTERNAL ERROR: unknown type';
    return $total_errors == 0;
/** display the content of the mailpage linked to node $node_id
 * @param object &$theme collects the (html) output
 * @param int $area_id identifies the area where $node_id lives
 * @param int $node_id the node to which this module is connected
 * @param array $module the module record straight from the database
 * @return bool TRUE on success + output via $theme, FALSE otherwise
function mailpage_view(&$theme, $area_id, $node_id, $module)
    // 0 -- basic sanity checks
    if (($config = mailpage_view_get_config($node_id)) === FALSE) {
        $theme->add_message(t('error_retrieving_config', 'm_mailpage'));
        return FALSE;
    } elseif (sizeof($config['addresses']) <= 0) {
        logger(sprintf('%s(): no addresses at node %d: is mailpage unconfigured?', __FUNCTION__, $node_id));
        $msg = t('error_retrieving_addresses', 'm_mailpage', array('{NODE}' => strval($node_id)));
        return FALSE;
    // 1 -- do we have a token already?
    $t0 = $t1 = 0;
    $ip_addr = '';
    $data = FALSE;
    $token_id = FALSE;
    if (isset($_POST['token'])) {
        // lookup valid UTF8 key (or fail with substitute U+FFFD instead)
        $token_key = utf8_validate($_POST['token']) ? magic_unquote($_POST['token']) : "�";
        $token_id = token_lookup(MAILPAGE_REFERENCE, $token_key, $t0, $t1, $ip_addr, $data);
    // 2 -- handle cases of expired tokens and Cancel first
    $now = time();
    if ($token_id !== FALSE && isset($_POST['button_cancel'])) {
        // visitor pressed [Cancel]
        $theme->add_message(t('cancelled', 'admin'));
        $token_id = FALSE;
    if ($token_id !== FALSE && $t1 < $now) {
        // token expired
        $theme->add_message(t('error_token_expired', 'm_mailpage'));
        $token_id = FALSE;
    // 3 -- handle the three remaining buttons from the two dialogs
    if ($token_id !== FALSE) {
        if (isset($_POST['button_preview'])) {
            // 3A -- Preview button
            $dialogdef = mailpage_view_get_dialogdef($config, $token_key);
            if (!mailpage_view_dialog_validate($dialogdef)) {
                foreach ($dialogdef as $k => $item) {
                    if (isset($item['errors']) && $item['errors'] > 0) {
                mailpage_show_form($theme, $config, $dialogdef);
            } else {
                if (!token_store($token_id, $dialogdef)) {
                    $theme->add_message(t('error_storing_data', 'm_mailpage'));
                    logger(sprintf('%s(): token store error in page %d: %s', __FUNCTION__, $node_id, db_errormessage()));
                    return FALSE;
                mailpage_show_preview($theme, $config, $dialogdef, $ip_addr);
        } elseif (isset($_POST['button_edit'])) {
            // 3B -- Edit button
            if ($data === FALSE) {
                $theme->add_message(t('error_retrieving_data', 'm_mailpage'));
                logger(sprintf('%s(): no data after token_lookup()? (page=%d)', __FUNCTION__, $node_id));
                $data = mailpage_view_get_dialogdef($config, $token_key);
            mailpage_show_form($theme, $config, $data);
        } elseif (isset($_POST['button_send'])) {
            // 3C -- Send button
            if ($data === FALSE) {
                $theme->add_message(t('error_retrieving_data', 'm_mailpage'));
                logger(sprintf('%s(): no data after token_lookup()? (page=%d)', __FUNCTION__, $node_id));
                $data = mailpage_view_get_dialogdef($config, $token_key);
            if ($now < $t0) {
                // the window of opportunity is still closed; go back to form a la Edit
                $msg = t('error_too_fast', 'm_mailpage');
                mailpage_show_form($theme, $config, $data);
                logger(sprintf('%s(): reply too fast (%ds) from %s', __FUNCTION__, $t0 - $now, $ip_addr));
            } elseif (!mailpage_send_message($config, $data, $ip_addr, $now - $t0)) {
                mailpage_show_form($theme, $config, $data);
            } else {
                mailpage_show_thankyou($theme, $config, $data, $ip_addr);
        } else {
            // 3D -- catch all: initiate a new round (shouldn't happen)
            $token_id = FALSE;
    // 4 -- Start with a clean slate
    if ($token_id === FALSE) {
        $token_key = '';
        if (($token_id = token_create(MAILPAGE_REFERENCE, $token_key, 20)) === FALSE) {
            // 20s delay
            $msg = t('error_creating_token', 'm_mailpage', array('{NODE}' => strval($node_id)));
            return FALSE;
        $dialogdef = mailpage_view_get_dialogdef($config, $token_key);
        mailpage_show_form($theme, $config, $dialogdef);
    return TRUE;
예제 #4
 /** return a valid (unquoted) UTF-8 string parameter typically from $_POST, or default value if none
  * this retrieves a parameter string, typically from $_POST, and checks basic properties.
  * 1. the string should not contain more than $maximum_length characters
  * 2. the string should be valid UTF-8
  * If it is not a valid UTF-8 string or the string is too long, $error_value
  * (default: empty string) is returned. If no string by the name $name is
  * present in $gpc, the default value $default_value is returned. If there WAS
  * a valid UTF-8 string, it is automagically UNquoted in the process.
  * Note that we check the stringlength in two steps. First we check the worst-case UTF-8 string
  * with 4-byte sequences for a length of 4 * $maximum_length. Then, after establishing that
  * the string is valid UTF-8 we make a more precise check of the length expressed in chars rather than bytes.
  * @param array &$gpc a reference to the array to search (usually $_POST, $_GET or $_COOKIE)
  * @param string $name the name of the variable to retrieve
  * @param mixed $default_value the value to return if parameter is not in $gpc
  * @param mixed $error_value the value to return if parameter is not valid UTF-8
  * @param mixed $maximum_length
  * @return mixed the value of the parameter or the default value if not specified
 function get_utf8_parameter_string(&$gpc, $name, $default_value = '', $error_value = '', $maximum_length = 255)
     $value = $default_value;
     if (isset($gpc[$name])) {
         $value = $this->magic_unquote($gpc[$name]);
         if (strlen($value) > $maximum_length << 2 || !utf8_validate($value) || utf8_strlen($value) > $maximum_length) {
             // extra test to check length more precise
             $value = $error_value;
     return $value;
 /** return the reconstructed URL in a single (indented) line
  * This constructs the exact URL (including the GET-parameters)
  * of the current script. This URL is returned as HTML so it
  * can be displyed. It is NOT meant to be a clickable link, but
  * as a documentation of the actual URL that was used. Note that
  * this URL can be suppressed by an appropriate 'display:none'
  * in the stylesheet, making it an item that only appears on
  * a hardcopy (media="print") and not on screen.
  * If somehow the input is invalid UTF-8, we replace the offending
  * strings witht the unicode substitution character U+FFFD in UTF-8
  * encode form (ie. the three character string 0xEF 0xBF 0xBD).
  * @param string $m left margin for increased readability
  * @return string reconstructed URL as text
 function get_address($m = '')
     global $CFG;
     $url = $CFG->www . '/index.php';
     if ($CFG->friendly_url && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
         $path_info = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
         $url .= utf8_validate($path_info) ? htmlspecialchars($path_info) : "/�";
     if (!empty($_GET)) {
         $item_count = 0;
         foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
             $url .= sprintf('%s%s=%s', $item_count++ == 0 ? '?' : '&amp;', utf8_validate($k) ? htmlspecialchars($k) : "�", utf8_validate($v) ? htmlspecialchars($v) : "�");
     return $m . 'URL:' . $url . "\n";
예제 #6
/** retrieve a named parameter from the friendly URL
 * This routine attempts to parse the PATH_INFO server variable
 * and extract the parameters and values stored in the path components.
 * (see also {@link was_node_url()}).
 * Example: the URL
 * <code>
 * /was/index.php/35/photo/5/Picture_of_our_field_trip.html
 * </code>
 * is broken down as follows:
 *  - /35 is the first non-empty parameter and also is completely numeric and hence
 *    interpreted as a node_id;
 *  - /photo/5 is considered a key-value-pair with key=photo and value=5;
 *  - /Picture_of_our_field_trip.html is the last component and is discarded
 * The static array which caches the results of the parsing will contain this:
 * $parameters = array('node' => 35, 'photo' => 5);
 * Note that all parameters are checked for valid UTF-8.
 * If either key or value is NOT UTF-8, the pair is silently discarded.
 * This prevents tricks with overlong sequences and other UTF-8 black magic.
 * Once the parsed friendly path is cached the parameter $name is looked up.
 * If found, the corresponding value is returned. If it is not found, $default_value
 * is returned.
 * The cache is rebuilt if $force is TRUE (should never be necessary)
 * Note: the parameter 'node' is a special case: if it is specified it is the first
 * parameter. This parameter otherwise is unnamed.
 * @param string $name the parameter we need to look for
 * @param mixed $default_value is returned if the parameter was not found
 * @param bool $force if TRUE forces the parsing to be redone
 * @return mixed either the $default_value or the value of the named parameter
function get_friendly_parameter($name, $default_value = NULL, $force = FALSE)
    global $CFG;
    static $parameters = NULL;
    if (is_null($parameters) || $force) {
        $parameters = array();
        if ($CFG->friendly_url && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
            $raw_params = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
            $n = sizeof($raw_params);
            $index = 0;
            while ($index < $n && empty($raw_params[$index])) {
            if ($index < $n && utf8_validate($raw_params[$index]) && is_numeric($raw_params[$index])) {
                $parameters['node'] = intval($raw_params[$index]);
            while ($index < $n - 1) {
                $key = utf8_validate($raw_params[$index]) ? strval($raw_params[$index]) : '';
                $val = utf8_validate($raw_params[$index]) ? strval($raw_params[$index]) : '';
                if ($key != '') {
                    $parameters[$key] = $val;
            // at this point there may be one last component ($raw_params[$n-1]); we'll ignore that unused parameter
    return isset($parameters[$name]) ? $parameters[$name] : $default_value;
 /** retrieve configuration data for this set of snapshots
  * this routine fetches the configuration from the snapshots table and stores
  * the sanitised information from the various fields in the object variables.
  * @param int $node_id this key identifies the snapshots series
  * @return void and information stored in object variables
  * @todo check for information leaks (private path) here?
 function get_snapshots_configuration($node_id)
     // 1 -- retrieve the relevant data for this series of snapshots from database
     $table = 'snapshots';
     $fields = array('header', 'introduction', 'snapshots_path', 'variant', 'dimension');
     $where = array('node_id' => intval($node_id));
     $record = db_select_single_record($table, $fields, $where);
     if ($record === FALSE) {
         logger(sprintf('%s.%s(): error retrieving configuration: %s', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, db_errormessage()));
         $record = array('header' => '', 'introduction' => '', 'snapshots_path' => '', 'variant' => 1, 'dimension' => 512);
     $this->header = trim($record['header']);
     $this->introduction = trim($record['introduction']);
     $this->variant = intval($record['variant']);
     $this->dimension = intval($record['dimension']);
     // 2 -- sanity checks (just in case); massage pathname
     $path = trim($record['snapshots_path']);
     if (!utf8_validate($path) || strpos('/' . $path . '/', '/../') !== FALSE) {
         logger(sprintf("%s.%s(): invalid path '%s'; using root path", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $path));
         $path = '/';
         // shouldn't happen
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
     if (substr($path, -1) == '/') {
         $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
     $this->snapshots_path = $path;
     // FIXME: check permissions here to prevent leaking a private area path to anonymous visitors?