function ut_list_icons($content = null) { $output = '<div class="ut-icon-list">'; $counter = 1; foreach (ut_recognized_icons() as $icon) { $last = ''; $clear = ''; if ($counter == 5) { $last = 'ut-column-last'; $clear = '<div class="clear"></div>'; } $output .= '<div class="ut-one-fifth ' . $last . '"> <p> <i class="fa ' . $icon . ' icon-list-item" style="margin-right:5px;"></i> ' . $icon . ' </p> </div>' . $clear; if ($counter == 5) { $counter = 1; } else { $counter++; } } $output .= '</div>'; return $output; }
public function meta_box_content() { global $post_ID; ?> <div id="ut-option-switch-wrap"> <div id="ut-option-switch"></div> </div> <?php /* check if video background is active and check if current page is a section */ if (ot_get_option('ut_front_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body' && get_post_meta($post_ID, 'ut_page_type', true) == 'section' && get_post_type($post_ID) == 'page') { /* now check if current page has a background image */ $ut_parallax_image = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'ut_parallax_image', true); if (is_array($ut_parallax_image) && !empty($ut_parallax_image['background-image'])) { $bg_image = true; } elseif (!is_array($ut_parallax_image) && !empty($ut_parallax_image)) { $bg_image = true; } else { $bg_image = false; } /* now check if current page has a background color */ $bg_color = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'ut_section_video_bgcolor', true); /* now check if current page has a background image */ $ut_video_poster = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'ut_section_video_poster', true); if (is_array($ut_video_poster) && !empty($ut_video_poster['background-image'])) { $bg_poster = true; } elseif (!is_array($ut_video_poster) && !empty($ut_video_poster)) { $bg_poster = true; } else { $bg_poster = false; } /* display a message when none of these fields are available */ if (!$bg_image && empty($bg_color) && !$bg_poster) { echo '<div class="ut-notify-user">' . __('Video Background is active. Since this section has been configured to be transparent and the background video will not display on mobile devices, there is no visual output on these devices. Please set a poster image, it will be used as a poster image on mobile devices. Please switch to "Section Video Settings" tab and set a poster image.', 'unitedthemes') . '</div>'; } } ?> <div id="ut-panel-tabs"> <ul> <?php if (get_post_type($post_ID) == 'portfolio') { ?> <li class="ut-portfolio-details"><a href="#ut-portfolio-details"><?php _e('Portfolio Details', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-portfolio-format"><a href="#ut-portfolio-format"><?php _e('Portfolio Format', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <li class="ut-hero-type"> <a href="#ut-hero-type" data-portfolio="<?php _e('One Page Portfolio Type', 'unitedthemes'); ?> " data-page="<?php _e('Hero Type', 'unitedthemes'); ?> "> <?php if (get_post_type($post_ID) == 'portfolio') { ?> <?php _e('One Page Portfolio Type', 'unitedthemes'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php _e('Hero Type', 'unitedthemes'); ?> <?php } ?> </a> </li> <li class="ut-hero-settings"><a href="#ut-hero-settings"><?php _e('Hero Caption', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-hero-styling"><a href="#ut-hero-styling"><?php _e('Hero Styling', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-page-header-settings"><a href="#ut-page-header-settings"><?php _e('Header Settings', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-color-settings"><a href="#ut-color-settings"><?php _e('Color Settings', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <?php if (get_post_type($post_ID) == 'page') { ?> <li class="ut-section-settings"><a href="#ut-section-settings"><?php _e('Section Settings', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-section-parallax-settings"><a href="#ut-section-parallax-settings"><?php _e('Section Parallax Settings', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-section-video-settings"><a href="#ut-section-video-settings"><?php _e('Section Video Settings', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-section-overlay-settings"><a href="#ut-section-overlay-settings"><?php _e('Section Overlay Settings', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <li class="ut-manage-team"><a href="#ut-manage-team"><?php _e('Manage Team', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <li class="ut-contact-section"><a href="#ut-contact-section"><?php _e('Contact Section', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a></li> </ul> <div id="ut-hero-type"></div> <div id="ut-hero-settings"></div> <div id="ut-hero-styling"></div> <div id="ut-page-header-settings"></div> <div id="ut-color-settings"></div> <?php if (get_post_type($post_ID) == 'page') { ?> <div id="ut-section-settings"></div> <div id="ut-section-parallax-settings"></div> <div id="ut-section-video-settings"></div> <div id="ut-section-overlay-settings"></div> <div id="ut-manage-team"> <div class="format-settings ut-settings-heading"> <div class="format-setting type-textblock wide-desc "> <div class="description"><h2><span>Team /</span> Management</h2> <span class="ut-manage-team-info"><?php _e('In order to be able to manage your team members, please switch the template to "Team Template".', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (get_post_type($post_ID) == 'portfolio') { ?> <div id="ut-portfolio-details"></div> <div id="ut-portfolio-format"> <div class="format-settings ut-settings-heading"> <div class="format-setting type-textblock wide-desc"> <div class="description"><h2><span>Portfolio Post /</span> Format</h2> <?php _e('With Version 2.6 "Portfolio Post Formats" have been removed. Starting with this Version "Portfolio Post Formats" are defined by the chosen "Hero Type". The following Hero Types are similar to:', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="format-settings"> <div class="format-setting-label"> <h3 class="label"><?php _e('Standard Format', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="format-setting type-textblock wide-desc"> <div class="format-setting-inner"> <ul style="margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; list-style:disc;"> <li><?php _e('Single Background Image', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> <li><?php _e('Animated Single Background Image', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> <li><?php _e('Split Hero', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> <li><?php _e('Custom Shortcode', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> <li><?php _e('Dynamic Hero', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="format-setting-label"> <h3 class="label"><?php _e('Gallery Format', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="format-setting type-textblock wide-desc"> <div class="format-setting-inner"> <ul style="margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; list-style:disc;"> <li><?php _e('Background Image Slider', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> <li><?php _e('Fancy Image Slider', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> <li><?php _e('Tablet Slider', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="format-setting-label"> <h3 class="label"><?php _e('Video Format', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </h3> </div> <div class="format-setting type-textblock wide-desc"> <div class="format-setting-inner"> <ul style="margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; list-style:disc;"> <li><?php _e('Video Header', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="ut-contact-section"></div> </div> <?php if (function_exists('ut_recognized_icons')) { ?> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree"> <div class="ut-modal-box-option-tree ut-admin"> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree-header"> <div class="inner"> <h2><?php _e('Choose Icon', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree-body"> <div class="inner"> <ul class="ut-glyphicons"> <?php foreach (ut_recognized_icons() as $key => $icon) { $icondisplay = $icon == 'icon-noicon' ? 'no icon' : '<i class="fa ' . $icon . '"></i>'; echo '<li><span data-icon="' . $icon . '" class="ut-icon-option-tree">' . $icondisplay . '</span></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree-footer"> <div class="inner"> <a href="#" class="close-ut-modal-option-tree"><?php _e('Close', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } }
<div class="ut-modal-header"> <div class="inner"> <h2><?php _e('Choose Icon', 'ut_shortcodes'); ?> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="ut-modal-body"> <div class="inner"> <ul class="ut-glyphicons"> <?php foreach (ut_recognized_icons() as $key => $icon) { $icondisplay = $icon == 'icon-noicon' ? 'no icon' : '<i class="fa ' . $icon . '"></i>'; echo '<li><span data-icon="' . $icon . '" class="ut-glyphicon">' . $icondisplay . '</span></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ut-modal-footer"> <div class="inner"> <a href="#" class="close-ut-modal"><?php _e('Close', 'ut_shortcodes'); ?> </a>
/** * Loads the content for each page * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ public function display_page() { $screen = get_current_screen(); /* loop through settings */ foreach ((array) $this->options as $option) { /* loop through pages */ foreach ((array) $this->get_pages($option) as $page) { /* verify page */ if (!isset($page['hidden_page']) && $screen->id == $this->page_hook[$page['id']]) { $show_buttons = isset($page['show_buttons']) && $page['show_buttons'] == false ? false : true; /* update active layout content */ if (isset($_REQUEST['settings-updated']) && $_REQUEST['settings-updated'] == 'true') { $layouts = get_option('option_tree_layouts'); /* has active layout */ if (isset($layouts['active_layout'])) { $option_tree = get_option($option['id']); $layouts[$layouts['active_layout']] = ot_encode(serialize($option_tree)); update_option('option_tree_layouts', $layouts); } } echo '<div class="wrap settings-wrap" id ="page-' . $page['id'] . '">'; screen_icon(isset($page['screen_icon']) ? $page['screen_icon'] : 'options-general'); echo '<h2>' . $page['page_title'] . '</h2>'; echo ot_alert_message($page); settings_errors('option-tree'); /* Header */ echo '<div id="option-tree-header-wrap">'; echo '<ul id="option-tree-header">'; echo '<li id="option-tree-version"><span>' . UT_THEME_NAME . ' Version ' . UT_THEME_VERSION . '</span></li>'; echo '</ul>'; /* layouts form */ if ($page['id'] == 'ot_theme_options' && OT_SHOW_NEW_LAYOUT == true) { ot_theme_options_layouts_form(); } echo '</div>'; /* remove forms on the custom settings pages */ if ($show_buttons) { echo '<form action="options.php" method="post" id="option-tree-settings-api">'; settings_fields($option['id']); } else { echo '<div id="option-tree-settings-api">'; } /* Sub Header */ echo '<div id="option-tree-sub-header">'; if ($show_buttons) { //echo '<a href="" target="_blank" class="option-tree-ui-button blue right">View Documentation</a>'; echo '<button class="option-tree-ui-button blue right save-settings">' . $page['button_text'] . '</button>'; } echo '</div>'; /* Navigation */ echo '<div class="ui-tabs">'; /* check for sections */ if (isset($page['sections']) && count($page['sections']) > 0) { echo '<ul class="ui-tabs-nav">'; echo '<li class="ut-admin-branding"><img src="' . THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/admin/assets/images/ut-emblem.png" alt="UnitedThemes"></li>'; /* loop through page sections */ foreach ((array) $page['sections'] as $section) { echo '<li id="tab_' . $section['id'] . '"><a href="#section_' . $section['id'] . '">'; if (!empty($section['icon'])) { echo '<i class="fa ' . $section['icon'] . ' fa-3x"></i>'; } echo $section['title']; echo '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } /* sections */ echo '<div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder">'; echo '<div id="post-body">'; echo '<div id="post-body-content">'; $this->do_settings_sections($_GET['page']); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo $show_buttons ? '</form>' : '</div>'; echo '</div>'; if (function_exists('ut_recognized_icons')) { ?> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree"> <div class="ut-modal-box-option-tree ut-admin"> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree-header"> <div class="inner"> <h2><?php _e('Choose Icon', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree-body"> <div class="inner"> <ul class="ut-glyphicons"> <?php foreach (ut_recognized_icons() as $key => $icon) { $icondisplay = $icon == 'icon-noicon' ? 'no icon' : '<i class="fa ' . $icon . '"></i>'; echo '<li><span data-icon="' . $icon . '" class="ut-icon-option-tree">' . $icondisplay . '</span></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ut-modal-option-tree-footer"> <div class="inner"> <a href="#" class="close-ut-modal-option-tree"><?php _e('Close', 'unitedthemes'); ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } } } } return false; }