function _login($forward = '') { global $_GPC, $_W; load()->model('user'); $member = array(); $username = trim($_GPC['username']); if (empty($username)) { message('请输入要登录的用户名'); } $member['username'] = $username; $member['password'] = $password = $_GPC['password']; if (empty($member['password'])) { message('请输入密码'); } $record = user_single($member); if (!empty($record)) { /*if($record['status'] == 1) { message('您的账号正在审核或是已经被系统禁止,请联系网站管理员解决!'); }*/ $founders = explode(',', $_W['config']['setting']['founder']); $_W['isfounder'] = in_array($record['uid'], $founders); if ($_W['siteclose'] && !$_W['isfounder']) { $settings = setting_load('copyright'); message('站点已关闭,关闭原因:' . $settings['copyright']['reason']); } $cookie = array(); $cookie['uid'] = $record['uid']; $cookie['lastvisit'] = $record['lastvisit']; $cookie['lastip'] = $record['lastip']; $cookie['hash'] = md5($record['password'] . $record['salt']); $session = base64_encode(json_encode($cookie)); isetcookie('__session', $session, !empty($_GPC['rember']) ? 7 * 86400 : 0); $status = array(); $status['uid'] = $record['uid']; $status['lastvisit'] = TIMESTAMP; $status['lastip'] = CLIENT_IP; user_update($status); if (empty($forward)) { $forward = $_GPC['forward']; } if (empty($forward)) { $forward = './index.php?c=index&a=index'; } $_W['user'] = $record; if (cly_isAdmin()) { message('', url('admin/index')); } else { message('', $forward); } //message("欢迎回来,{$record['username']}。", $forward); } else { message('登录失败,请检查您输入的用户名和密码!'); } }
function _login($forward = '') { global $_GPC; load()->model('user'); $member = array(); $username = trim($_GPC['username']); if (empty($username)) { message('请输入要登录的用户名'); } $member['username'] = $username; $member['password'] = $_GPC['password']; if (empty($member['password'])) { message('请输入密码'); } if ($_GPC['admin']) { $record = user_single($member); } else { $record = biz_login($username, $member['password']); if (!empty($record)) { $record['username'] = $record['UserName']; $record['uid'] = $record['UserGUID']; $record['password'] = $record['Password']; } } if (!empty($record)) { if ($record['status'] == -1) { message('您的账号正在核合或是已经被系统禁止,请联系网站管理员解决!'); } $cookie = array(); $cookie['uid'] = $record['uid']; $cookie['lastip'] = $record['lastip']; $cookie['token'] = $record['Token']; $cookie['hash'] = md5($record['password'] . $record['salt']); if ($_GPC['admin']) { $cookie['admin'] = 1; } $session = base64_encode(json_encode($cookie)); isetcookie('__session', $session, 86400); if (empty($forward)) { $forward = $_GPC['forward']; } if (empty($forward)) { $forward = './index.php?c=project&a=display'; } message("欢迎回来,{$record['username']}。", $forward); } else { message('登录失败,请检查您输入的用户名和密码!'); } }
<?php /** * @FreeGo Team 智慧游 * @url */ load()->model('user'); $_W['token'] = token(); $session = json_decode(base64_decode($_GPC['__session']), true); if (is_array($session)) { $user = user_single(array('uid' => $session['uid'])); if (is_array($user) && $session['hash'] == md5($user['password'] . $user['salt'])) { $_W['uid'] = $user['uid']; $_W['username'] = $user['username']; $user['currentvisit'] = $user['lastvisit']; $user['currentip'] = $user['lastip']; $user['lastvisit'] = $session['lastvisit']; $user['lastip'] = $session['lastip']; $_W['user'] = $user; $founders = explode(',', $_W['config']['setting']['founder']); $_W['isfounder'] = in_array($_W['uid'], $founders); unset($founders); } else { isetcookie('__session', false, -100); } unset($user); } unset($session); if (!empty($_GPC['__uniacid'])) { $_W['uniacid'] = intval($_GPC['__uniacid']); $_W['weid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
public function doMobileLogin() { global $_W, $_GPC; $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']); if ($_W['ispost']) { $member = array('username' => $_GPC['username'], 'password' => $_GPC['password']); load()->model('user'); $record = user_single($member); if (!empty($record)) { if ($record['status'] == 1) { exit(json_encode(array('status' => false))); } isetcookie('__xwz_session_' . $_W['uniacid'] . '_' . $rid, $record['uid'], 0); exit(json_encode(array('status' => true))); } exit(json_encode(array('status' => false))); } include $this->template('login'); }
cache_delete("cardticket:{$acid}"); load()->model('module'); module_build_privileges(); if (!empty($_GPC['from'])) { message('公众号权限修改成功', url('account/post-step/', array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'step' => 3, 'from' => 'list')), 'success'); } else { header("Location: " . url('account/post-step/', array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'acid' => $acid, 'step' => 4))); exit; } } $unigroups = uni_groups(); $settings = uni_setting($uniacid, array('notify')); $notify = $settings['notify'] ? $settings['notify'] : array(); $ownerid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT uid FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND role = 'owner'", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid)); if (!empty($ownerid)) { $owner = user_single(array('uid' => $ownerid)); $owner['group'] = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, name, package FROM " . tablename('users_group') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $owner['groupid'])); $owner['group']['package'] = iunserializer($owner['group']['package']); } $extend = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('uni_group') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid)); $extend['modules'] = iunserializer($extend['modules']); $extend['templates'] = iunserializer($extend['templates']); if (!empty($extend['modules'])) { $owner['extend']['modules'] = pdo_getall('modules', array('name' => $extend['modules'])); } if (!empty($extend['templates'])) { $owner['extend']['templates'] = pdo_getall('site_templates', array('id' => $extend['templates'])); } $extend['package'] = pdo_getall('uni_account_group', array('uniacid' => $uniacid), array(), 'groupid'); $groups = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, name, package FROM " . tablename('users_group') . " ORDER BY id ASC", array(), 'id'); $modules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT mid, name, title FROM " . tablename('modules') . ' WHERE issystem != 1', array(), 'name');
<?php /** * @FreeGo Team 智慧游 * @url */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); $_W['page']['title'] = '编辑用户 - 用户管理 - 用户管理'; load()->model('setting'); load()->func('tpl'); $do = $_GPC['do']; $dos = array('delete', 'edit'); $do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'edit'; $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']); $user = user_single($uid); $founders = explode(',', $_W['config']['setting']['founder']); if ($do == 'edit') { if (empty($user)) { message('访问错误, 未找到指定操作员.', url('user/display'), 'error'); } $extendfields = pdo_fetchall("SELECT field, title, description, required FROM " . tablename('profile_fields') . " WHERE available = '1' AND showinregister = '1'"); if (checksubmit('profile_submit')) { $_GPC['password'] = trim($_GPC['password']); if (!empty($record['password']) && istrlen($record['password']) < 8) { message('必须输入密码,且密码长度不得低于8位。'); } $_GPC['groupid'] = intval($_GPC['groupid']); if (empty($_GPC['groupid'])) { message('请选择所属用户组'); } load()->model('user');
function uni_setmeal($uniacid = 0) { global $_W; if (!$uniacid) { $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; } $owneruid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT uid FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND role = 'owner'", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid)); if (empty($owneruid)) { $user = array('uid' => -1, 'username' => '创始人', 'timelimit' => '未设置', 'groupid' => '-1', 'groupname' => '所有服务'); return $user; } load()->model('user'); $groups = pdo_getall('users_group', array(), array('id', 'name'), 'id'); $owner = user_single(array('uid' => $owneruid)); $user = array('uid' => $owner['uid'], 'username' => $owner['username'], 'groupid' => $owner['groupid'], 'groupname' => $groups[$owner['groupid']]['name']); if (empty($owner['endtime'])) { $user['timelimit'] = date('Y-m-d', $owner['starttime']) . ' ~ 无限制'; } else { if ($owner['endtime'] <= TIMESTAMP) { $add = ' <strong class="text-danger"> 已到期</strong>'; } $user['timelimit'] = date('Y-m-d', $owner['starttime']) . ' ~ ' . date('Y-m-d', $owner['endtime']) . $add; } return $user; }
} $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 10; $total = 0; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('uni_account') . " WHERE 1 {$condition} LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ",{$psize}"); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('uni_account') . " WHERE 1 {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize, '', array('ajaxcallback' => 'null')); $permission = pdo_fetchall("SELECT uniacid FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uid = '{$uid}'", array(), 'uniacid'); template('user/select'); } if ($do == 'menu') { $uniacid = intval($_GPC['uniacid']); $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']); load()->model('user'); load()->model('module'); $user = user_single(array('uid' => $uid)); if (empty($user)) { message('您操作的用户不存在或是已经被删除!'); } if (!pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uid = :uid AND uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uid' => $uid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid))) { message('此用户没有操作该统一公众号的权限,请选指派“管理者”权限!'); } $result = pdo_fetchall("SELECT url, id FROM " . tablename('users_permission') . " WHERE uid = :uid AND uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uid' => $uid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid)); $hasurls = array(); if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $row) { $hasurls[$row['id']] = $row['url']; } } if (checksubmit('submit')) { if (empty($_GPC['permurls'])) {
function _login($forward = '') { global $_GPC, $_W; load()->model('user'); $member = array(); $username = trim($_GPC['username']); pdo_query('DELETE FROM' . tablename('users_failed_login') . ' WHERE lastupdate < :timestamp', array(':timestamp' => TIMESTAMP - 300)); $failed = pdo_get('users_failed_login', array('username' => $username, 'ip' => CLIENT_IP)); if ($failed['count'] >= 5) { message('输入密码错误次数超过5次,请在5分钟后再登录', referer(), 'info'); } if (!empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['verifycode'])) { $verify = trim($_GPC['verify']); if (empty($verify)) { message('请输入验证码'); } $result = checkcaptcha($verify); if (empty($result)) { message('输入验证码错误'); } } if (empty($username)) { message('请输入要登录的用户名'); } $member['username'] = $username; $member['password'] = $_GPC['password']; if (empty($member['password'])) { message('请输入密码'); } $record = user_single($member); $now = time(); $now = date("Y-m-d", $now); //计算天数 $day1 = $now; $day2 = date("Y-m-d", $record['endtime']); $diff = diffBetweenTwoDays($day1, $day2); $oldday = 16 - $diff; if (0 >= $oldday) { $oldday = 0; } if (!empty($record)) { if ($record['status'] == 1) { message('您的账号正在审核或是已经被系统禁止,请联系网站管理员解决!'); } if ($record['status'] != 0) { if ($day1 >= $day2) { if ($oldday == 0) { message('您的账号已经过期15天了,不幸的是:您属于体验会员,已经自动了删除账号!'); } else { message('您的账号已经到期,不幸的是:您属于体验会员,' . $oldday . '天后将自动删除账号!'); } } } $founders = explode(',', $_W['config']['setting']['founder']); $_W['isfounder'] = in_array($record['uid'], $founders); if (!empty($_W['siteclose']) && empty($_W['isfounder'])) { message('站点已关闭,关闭原因:' . $_W['setting']['copyright']['reason']); } $cookie = array(); $cookie['uid'] = $record['uid']; $cookie['lastvisit'] = $record['lastvisit']; $cookie['lastip'] = $record['lastip']; $cookie['hash'] = md5($record['password'] . $record['salt']); $session = base64_encode(json_encode($cookie)); isetcookie('__session', $session, !empty($_GPC['rember']) ? 7 * 86400 : 0); $status = array(); $status['uid'] = $record['uid']; $status['lastvisit'] = TIMESTAMP; $status['lastip'] = CLIENT_IP; user_update($status); if (empty($forward)) { $forward = $_GPC['forward']; } if (empty($forward)) { $forward = './index.php?c=account&a=display'; } if ($record['uid'] != $_GPC['__uid']) { isetcookie('__uniacid', '', -7 * 86400); isetcookie('__uid', '', -7 * 86400); } pdo_delete('users_failed_login', array('id' => $failed['id'])); message("欢迎回来,{$record['username']},您还可以使用{$diff}天。", $forward); } else { if (empty($failed)) { pdo_insert('users_failed_login', array('ip' => CLIENT_IP, 'username' => $username, 'count' => '1', 'lastupdate' => TIMESTAMP)); } else { pdo_update('users_failed_login', array('count' => $failed['count'] + 1, 'lastupdate' => TIMESTAMP), array('id' => $failed['id'])); } message('登录失败,请检查您输入的用户名和密码!'); } }
<?php //定义你的访问密码后上传 $auth = 'xin123'; define('IN_SYS', true); require '../framework/'; load()->web('template'); load()->web('common'); load()->model('user'); if ($_W['ispost'] && $_GPC['auth'] == $auth && $auth != '') { $isok = true; $username = trim($_GPC['username']); $password = $_GPC['password']; if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) { $member = user_single(array('username' => $username)); if (empty($member)) { message('输入的用户名不存在.'); } $hash = user_hash($password, $member['salt']); $r = array(); $r['password'] = $hash; pdo_update('users', $r, array('uid' => $member['uid'])); exit('<script>alert("密码修改成功, 请重新登陆, 并尽快删除本文件, 避免密码泄露隐患.");location.href = "../"</script>'); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-cn"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
function module_build_privileges() { $uniacid_arr = pdo_fetchall('SELECT uniacid FROM ' . tablename('uni_account')); foreach ($uniacid_arr as $row) { $owneruid = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT uid FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND role = 'owner'", array(':uniacid' => $row['uniacid'])); load()->model('user'); $owner = user_single(array('uid' => $owneruid)); if (empty($owner)) { $groupid = '-1'; } else { $groupid = $owner['groupid']; } $modules = array(); if (empty($groupid)) { return true; } elseif ($groupid == '-1') { $modules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT name FROM " . tablename('modules') . ' WHERE issystem = 0', array(), 'name'); } else { $group = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, name, package FROM " . tablename('users_group') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $groupid)); $packageids = iunserializer($group['package']); if (empty($packageids)) { return true; } if (in_array('-1', $packageids)) { $modules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT name FROM " . tablename('modules') . ' WHERE issystem = 0', array(), 'name'); } else { $wechatgroup = pdo_fetchall("SELECT `modules` FROM " . tablename('uni_group') . " WHERE id IN ('" . implode("','", $packageids) . "') OR uniacid = '{$row['uniacid']}'"); if (!empty($wechatgroup)) { foreach ($wechatgroup as $li) { $li['modules'] = iunserializer($li['modules']); if (!empty($li['modules'])) { foreach ($li['modules'] as $modulename) { $modules[$modulename] = $modulename; } } } } } } $modules = array_keys($modules); $mymodules = pdo_fetchall("SELECT `module` FROM " . tablename('uni_account_modules') . " WHERE uniacid = '{$row['uniacid']}' ORDER BY enabled DESC ", array(), 'module'); $mymodules = array_keys($mymodules); foreach ($modules as $module) { if (!in_array($module, $mymodules)) { $data = array(); $data['uniacid'] = $row['uniacid']; $data['module'] = $module; $data['enabled'] = 1; $data['settings'] = ''; pdo_insert('uni_account_modules', $data); } } } return true; }
if (!empty($_GPC['s_account_type'])) { $where .= " AND account_type = :account_type"; $params[':account_type'] = intval($_GPC['s_account_type']); } if (!empty($_GPC['s_type_id'])) { $where .= " AND type_id = :type_id"; $params[':type_id'] = intval($_GPC['s_type_id']); } if (!empty($_GPC['s_account'])) { $where .= " AND account = :account"; $params[':account'] = $_GPC['s_account']; } if (!empty($_GPC['s_user_id'])) { $where .= " AND user_id = :user_id"; load()->model('user'); $user = user_single(array('username' => $_GPC['s_user_id'])); $params[':user_id'] = $user['uid']; } if (!empty($_GPC['s_starttime'])) { $where .= " AND time > :starttime"; $params[':starttime'] = strtotime($_GPC['s_starttime']); } if (!empty($_GPC['s_endtime'])) { $where .= " AND time < :endtime"; $params[':endtime'] = strtotime($_GPC['s_endtime']); } } $data = pdo_fetchall($select . $table . $where . $order . $limit, $params); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($count . $table . $where, $params); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); $type = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('report_type'), array(), 'id');
<?php defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); $_W['page']['title'] = '查看用户权限 - 用户管理 - 用户管理'; load()->model('setting'); $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']); $m = array(); $m['uid'] = $uid; $member = user_single($m); $founders = explode(',', $_W['config']['setting']['founder']); if (empty($member) || in_array($m['uid'], $founders)) { message('访问错误.'); } $do = $_GPC['do']; $dos = array('deny', 'delete', 'auth', 'revo', 'revos', 'select', 'role'); $do = in_array($do, $dos) ? $do : 'edit'; if ($do == 'edit') { if (!empty($member['groupid'])) { $group = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('users_group') . " WHERE id = '{$member['groupid']}'"); if (!empty($group)) { $package = iunserializer($group['package']); $group['package'] = uni_groups($package); } } $weids = pdo_fetchall("SELECT uniacid, role FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uid = '{$uid}'", array(), 'uniacid'); if (!empty($weids)) { $wechats = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('uni_account') . " WHERE uniacid IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($weids)) . ")"); } template('user/permission'); } if ($do == 'deny') {
exit; } if ($do == 'role') { $uid = intval($_GPC['uid']); $uniacid = intval($_GPC['uniacid']); $role = !empty($_GPC['role']) && in_array($_GPC['role'], array('operator', 'manager')) ? $_GPC['role'] : 'operator'; $state = pdo_update('uni_account_users', array('role' => $role), array('uid' => $uid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid)); if ($state === false) { exit('error'); } else { exit('success'); } } if ($do == 'user') { load()->model('user'); $post = array(); $post['username'] = trim($_GPC['username']); $user = user_single($post); if (!empty($user)) { $data = array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'uid' => $user['uid']); $exists = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('uni_account_users') . " WHERE uid = :uid AND uniacid = :uniacid", array(':uniacid' => $uniacid, ':uid' => $user['uid'])); if (empty($exists)) { $data['role'] = 'operator'; pdo_insert('uni_account_users', $data); } else { exit("{$post['username']} 已经是该公众号的操作员或管理员,请勿重复添加"); } exit('success'); } exit('用户不存在或已被删除!'); }
$rowCount = pdo_update($table, $newData, array('id' => $_GPC['id'])); if ($rowCount) { message('成功', url($url), 'success'); } } $data = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($table) . " WHERE id=:id", array('id' => $_GPC['id'])); $actionUrl = url($url . '/modify', array('id' => $_GPC['id'])); return template($url); } $psize = 20; $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $start = ($pindex - 1) * $psize; $select = "SELECT * FROM "; $count = "SELECT count(*) FROM "; $where = ' WHERE 1 '; $order = ' ORDER BY create_time DESC'; $limit = " LIMIT {$start},{$psize}"; $params = array(); if (!empty($_GPC['name'])) { $where .= " AND name like :name"; $params['name'] = "%{$_GPC['name']}%"; } if (!empty($_GPC['account'])) { $where .= " AND uid = :uid"; $uid = user_single(array('username' => $_GPC['account']))['uid']; $params['uid'] = $uid; } $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($count . tablename($table) . $where, $params); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); $data = pdo_fetchall($select . tablename($table) . $where . $order . $limit, $params); template($url);