$gdivAtt->lTableWidth = 900; $gdivAtt->lUnderscoreWidth = 300; $gdivAtt->divID = 'groupDiv'; $gdivAtt->divImageID = 'groupDivImg'; $gdivAtt->bStartOpen = true; $gdivAtt->bAddTopBreak = true; $gdivAtt->bCloseDiv = false; echoT($strHTMLSummary); if ($utable->lNumEditableFields == 0 && !$bCProg) { echoT('<br><i>There are no editable fields in table <b>' . htmlspecialchars($utable->strUserTableName) . '.</b></i><br>'); return; } $glLabelWidth = 150; $clsForm = new generic_form(); openForm($clsForm, $lTableID, $lFID, $lRecID, $lEnrollRecID, $bUseReturnPath, $bCusVerification); userTable($clsForm, $utable, $errMessages, $strSafeAttendLabel, $strSafeEnrollLabel); buttonAndClose($clsForm); function openForm(&$clsForm, $lTableID, $lFID, $lRecID, $lEnrollRecID, $bUseReturnPath, $bCusVerification) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $gbShowHiddenVerifyError; $clsForm->strLabelClass = $clsForm->strLabelRowLabelClass = $clsForm->strLabelClassRequired = 'enpViewLabel'; $clsForm->strTitleClass = 'enpViewTitle'; $clsForm->strEntryClass = 'enpView'; $clsForm->bValueEscapeHTML = false; $attributes = array('name' => 'frmPTable', 'id' => 'frmPTable'); echoT(form_open('admin/uf_multirecord/addEditMultiRecord/' . $lTableID . '/' . $lFID . '/' . $lRecID . '/' . $lEnrollRecID . '/' . ($bUseReturnPath ? 'true' : 'false'), $attributes)); if ($bCusVerification) { echoT(form_hidden('hVerify', 'true') . "\n");
userTable($users, 2, $config); ?> </div> <div id="fragment-3"> <?php userTable($users, 3, $config); ?> </div> <div id="fragment-4"> <?php userTable($users, 4, $config); ?> </div> <div id="fragment-5"> <?php userTable($users, 5, $config); ?> </div> </div> <div id="tableBottom"> <div> <input type="button" value="Save Admins to Servers" class="button" onclick="location.href='index.php?page=uploadAdmins&adminPage=1'" /> </div> </div> </div> <h5>Resetting a password emails the user a new randomly generated password.</h5> <br/>
function displayUserManagement() { global $mysqli; if (ACCESS < ACCESS_USERDB) { redirect(BASEDIR); } echo '<h2>User management</h2>'; $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `compos` B WHERE A.`idhost` = B.`idhost`) AS `num_compos` FROM `hosts` A ORDER BY `access_level` DESC, `idhost` ASC") or die('query failed'); echo "<table>"; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "<tr><td style=\"width:28px;\">"; if (canDeleteUser($row)) { $nameJS = str_replace("'", "\\'", str_replace("\\", "\\\\", htmlspecialchars($row["hostname"]))); echo '<a href="{{BASE}}admin/deluser/', $row["idhost"], '" onclick="return confirm(\'Delete ', $nameJS, '?\')"><img src="{{BASE}}img/user_delete.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Delete" title="Delete"></a>'; } echo "</td><td style=\"width:20px;\">"; $editOpen = ""; $editClose = ""; if (canEditUser($row)) { $editOpen = '<a href="{{BASE}}admin/user/' . $row["idhost"] . '">'; $editClose = '</a>'; echo $editOpen, '<img src="{{BASE}}img/user_edit.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Edit" title="Edit">', $editClose; } echo "</td>"; echo '<td>', $editOpen, '<strong>', htmlspecialchars($row["hostname"]), '</strong>', $editClose, $row["idhost"] == $_SESSION["idhost"] ? " (you)" : "", '</td> <td><img src="{{BASE}}img/vcard.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Role:"> ', htmlspecialchars(getRoleName($row["access_level"])), '</td>'; if (ACCESS >= ACCESS_FULLADMIN) { echo '<td>', $row["num_compos"], ' compos</td>'; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; $result->free(); echo '<h2 id="addusertable">Add user</h2>'; if (isset($_GET["which"])) { switch ($_GET["which"]) { case 1: echo '<p>User name is missing!</p>'; break; case 2: echo '<p>No password specified or passwords did not match!</p>'; break; case 3: echo '<p>Invalid role specified!</p>'; break; case 4: echo '<p>User name is already taken!</p>'; break; } } userTable(NULL); }