/** * Returns an uri. * @return string */ function uriFull() { return uriSite(Router::getUriFull()); }
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@exidoengine.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade ExidoEngine to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize ExidoEngine for your * needs please refer to http://www.exidoengine.com for more information. * * @license http://www.exidoengine.com/license/gpl-3.0.html (GNU General Public License v3) * @author ExidoTeam * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, ExidoEngine Solutions * @link http://www.exidoengine.com/ * @since Version 1.0 * @filesource *******************************************************************************/ $form = '<script>$(function(){$("#welcome_dialog").dialog({height:140,modal:true,autoOpen:false,open:function(event,ui){$("button").attr("title","' . __('Close') . '");}});$("form").validate({rules:{username:"******",password:"******"},messages:{username:"******",password:"******"},submitHandler:function(form){$.post("' . uriSite('auth') . '",{uid:$("input[name=username]").val(),pwd:$("input[name=password]").val()},function(data){if(data.status == true){ $("#welcome_dialog p").html(data.text); $("#welcome_dialog").dialog("open"); setTimeout(function(){window.location.reload();},1000); } else { alert(data.text); form.reset(); }},"json");}});});</script>' . '<form class="-i-form" method="POST" action="">' . '<fieldset>' . '<legend>' . __('Username') . '</legend><input class="-i-text" type="text" name="username" value="exidoengine" maxlength="32" autocomplete="off" /><label for="username" generated="true" class="error"> </label>' . '</fieldset>' . '<fieldset>' . '<legend>' . __('Password') . '</legend><input class="-i-text" type="password" name="password" value="exidoengine" /><label for="password" generated="true" class="error"> </label>' . '</fieldset>' . '<fieldset>' . '<input class="-b-button" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . __('Sign in') . '" />' . '</fieldset>' . '</form>'; $msg1 = '<span>' . __('Welcome to administration panel') . '</span>' . '<span>' . __('Please authorize your person') . '</span>'; $msg2 = '<span>' . __('Please enter your credentials in the box above.') . '</span>' . '<span>' . __('You have 3 attempts to authorize yourself.') . '</span>' . '<span>' . __('After third incorrect attempt, you will be rejected for a some time.') . '</span>'; $dialogs = '<div id="welcome_dialog" title="' . __('Welcome') . '">' . '<p></p>' . '</div>'; $helper->doctype()->openHtml()->openHead()->base()->title(__('ExidoEngine administration panel'))->charset()->fav('exidoengine')->css('exido-bootstrap/bootstrap')->css('exido-bootstrap/bootstrap-green')->css('administrator/signin-form')->css('administrator/jqueryui')->js('administrator/jquery')->js('administrator/jqueryui')->js('administrator/form.validate')->js('administrator/common')->closeHead()->openBody()->open('wrapper', 'wrapper')->open('container')->open('form-text')->notifier($msg1, 'msg1 messages')->notifier($form, 'signin-form')->notifier($msg2, 'msg2 messages'); print $dialogs; $helper->close()->close()->close()->notifier('<a href="http://www.exidoengine.com" target="_blank">ExidoEngine Web-sites manager</a>', 'footer')->closeBody()->closeHtml();
function eavCreateFormValidationJS($id, array $attributes) { $script = '<script type="text/javascript">'; $script .= '$(function() {'; $script .= "\$('#" . $id . "').validate({"; $rules = array(); $messages = array(); foreach ($attributes as $field) { if ($field->backend_object != null) { if (!isset($field->entity_id)) { $field->entity_id = 0; } // Generate rules for JS validator switch ($field->data_type_key) { case 'text': // Text value // Text value case 'varchar': // Varchar value // Varchar value case 'bool': // Bool value if ($field->is_required) { $rules[$field->attribute_key]['required'] = 'true'; $messages[$field->attribute_key]['required'] = __('This field is required'); } if ($field->is_unique) { $rules[$field->attribute_key]['remote'] = '"' . uriSite(uriSegment(1) . '/ajax/unique?entity_id=' . (int) $field->entity_id) . '"'; $messages[$field->attribute_key]['remote'] = __('This field must be unique'); } break; case 'int': $rules[$field->attribute_key]['number'] = 'true'; $messages[$field->attribute_key]['number'] = __('Please enter a valid number'); if ($field->is_required) { $rules[$field->attribute_key]['required'] = 'true'; $messages[$field->attribute_key]['required'] = __('This field is required'); } if ($field->is_unique) { $rules[$field->attribute_key]['remote'] = '"' . uriSite(uriSegment(1) . '/ajax/unique?entity_id=' . (int) $field->entity_id) . '"'; $messages[$field->attribute_key]['remote'] = __('This field must be unique'); } break; case 'decimal': break; case 'datetime': break; } } } // Generate rules string if (!empty($rules)) { $script .= 'rules: {'; $c_rule = count($rules); $c = 1; foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { $script .= $key . ': {'; $b_rule = count($rule); $b = 1; foreach ($rule as $k => $v) { $script .= $k . ': ' . $v; if ($b < $b_rule) { $script .= ','; } $b++; } $script .= '}'; if ($c < $c_rule) { $script .= ','; } $c++; } $script .= '},'; } // Generate messages string if (!empty($messages)) { $script .= 'messages: {'; $c_msg = count($messages); $c = 1; foreach ($messages as $key => $message) { $script .= $key . ': {'; $b_msg = count($message); $b = 1; foreach ($message as $k => $v) { $script .= $k . ": '" . $v . "'"; if ($b < $b_msg) { $script .= ','; } $b++; } $script .= '}'; if ($c < $c_msg) { $script .= ','; } $c++; } $script .= '},'; } $script .= 'errorClass: "-i-error"'; //$script.= ",submitHandler: function(form){ $('input[name=submit]').attr('disabled', true).val('".__('Saving...')."');}"; $script .= '});});' . EXIDO_EOL; $script .= '</script>'; return $script; }
print __('Email is already exists'); ?> " }, role_name: '<?php print __('Please choose role'); ?> ' }, errorClass: "-i-error" }); }); </script> <? $helper->heading(__('Users - Create user')); print formOpen(uriSite('/user/action/create'), array( 'id' => '-x-user-add', 'class' => '-i-form', 'method' => 'POST' )); // Form fields print formFieldsetOpen(__('User name (login name)'), array( 'id' => '-x-field-user_name', 'is_required' => true )); print formInput(array( 'id' => '-x-input-user_name', 'name' => 'user_name', 'class' => '-i-text' ), '' );
/** * Returns an A tag. * @param string $url * @param string $title * @param string $class * @return string */ function htmlA($url, $title, $class = '') { Helper::load('uri'); return '<a' . (empty($class) ? '' : ' class="' . $class . '"') . ' href="' . uriSite($url) . '">' . $title . "</a>" . EXIDO_EOL; }