예제 #1
 function process_registration_upload($array, $upload_status, $params = array())
     $username = isset($params['username']) ? $params['username'] : '';
     /* File upload conditions */
     $this->allowed_extensions = array("image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png");
     $this->allowed_exts = array('gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'jpg');
     $this->allowed_non_image_extensions = apply_filters('upme_non_image_extensions', array());
     $this->allowed_non_image_exts = apply_filters('upme_non_image_exts', array());
     $settings = get_option('upme_options');
     // Set default to 500KB
     $this->max_size = 512000;
     $this->image_height = 0;
     $this->image_width = 0;
     // Setting Max File Size set from admin
     if (isset($settings['avatar_max_size']) && $settings['avatar_max_size'] > 0) {
         $this->max_size = $settings['avatar_max_size'] * 1024 * 1024;
     if (isset($_FILES)) {
         foreach ($_FILES as $key => $array) {
             if ($name) {
                 $clean_file = true;
                 if (in_array($type, $this->allowed_extensions)) {
                     // Security Check Start
                     // Checking for Image size. If this is a valid image (not tempered) then this function will return width and height and other values in return.
                     $image_data = @getimagesize($tmp_name);
                     if (!isset($image_data[0]) || !isset($image_data[1])) {
                         $clean_file = false;
                     } else {
                         $this->image_height = $image_data[1];
                         $this->image_width = $image_data[0];
                     // Security Check End
                 $clean_key = $key;
                 /* UPME action for adding restrictions before uploading files */
                 $before_upload_profile_files_params = array();
                 do_action('upme_register_before_upload_profile_files', $username, $clean_key, $before_upload_profile_files_params);
                 /* END action */
                 $field_label = $this->upme_fileds_meta_value_array[$clean_key];
                 // $upload_status 1 - Validation and $upload_status 2 - Uploading
                 if ($upload_status == '1') {
                     if (!in_array($type, $this->allowed_extensions) && !in_array($type, $this->allowed_non_image_extensions)) {
                         $this->errors[$clean_key] = sprintf(__('The file you have selected for %s has a file extension that is not allowed. Please choose a different file.', 'upme'), $field_label) . '<br/>';
                     } elseif ($size > $this->max_size) {
                         $this->errors[$clean_key] = sprintf(__('The file you have selected for %s exceeds the maximum allowed file size.', 'upme'), $field_label) . '<br/>';
                     } elseif ($clean_file == false) {
                         $this->errors[$clean_key] = sprintf(__('The file you selected for %s appears to be corrupt or not a real image file.', 'upme'), $field_label) . '<br/>';
                     } elseif (!preg_match("/.(" . implode("|", $this->allowed_exts) . ")\$/i", $name) && !preg_match("/.(" . implode("|", $this->allowed_non_image_exts) . ")\$/i", $name)) {
                         $this->errors[$clean_key] = sprintf(__('The file you have selected for %s has a file extension that is not allowed. Please choose a different file.', 'upme'), $field_label) . '<br/>';
                     } else {
                         $upload_file_custom_validation_params = array('username' => $username, 'key' => $key, 'height' => $this->image_height, 'width' => $this->image_width, 'field_label' => $field_label);
                         $custom_errors = apply_filters('upme_registration_upload_file_custom_validation', array('status' => false, 'msg' => ''), $upload_file_custom_validation_params);
                         if ($custom_errors['status']) {
                             $this->errors[$clean_key] = $custom_errors['msg'];
                 } else {
                     if ($upload_status == '2') {
                         /* Upload image */
                         // Checking for valid uploads folder
                         if ($upload_dir = upme_get_uploads_folder_details()) {
                             $target_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/upme/";
                             // Checking for upload directory, if not exists then new created.
                             if (!is_dir($target_path)) {
                                 mkdir($target_path, 0777);
                             $base_name = sanitize_file_name(basename($name));
                             $target_path = $target_path . time() . '_' . $base_name;
                             $nice_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upme/";
                             $nice_url = $nice_url . time() . '_' . $base_name;
                             move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $target_path);
                             /* Clean the previous file allocated for the current upload field */
                             $current_field_url = get_user_meta($this->userid, $clean_key, true);
                             if ('' != $current_field_url) {
                             /* Now we have the nice url */
                             /* Store in usermeta */
                             update_user_meta($this->userid, $clean_key, $nice_url);
                 /* UPME action for removing restrictions after uploading files */
                 $after_upload_profile_files_params = array();
                 do_action('upme_registration_after_upload_profile_files', $username, $clean_key, $after_upload_profile_files_params);
                 /* END action */
예제 #2
 function pic($id, $size)
     // Check the existance of image path in upload folder and remove the data
     // in case its not available
     $user_pic = get_the_author_meta('user_pic', $id);
     if ($upload_dir = upme_get_uploads_folder_details()) {
         $upme_upload_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/upme/";
         $upme_upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upme/";
         $user_pic_path = str_replace($upme_upload_url, $upme_upload_path, $user_pic);
         if (!file_exists($user_pic_path)) {
             delete_user_meta($id, 'user_pic');
             $user_pic = '';
     if ($user_pic != '') {
         return '<img id="upme-avatar-user_pic" src="' . $user_pic . '" class="avatar avatar-50" />';
     } else {
         return get_avatar($id, $size);
예제 #3
function upme_initialize_upload_box()
    global $current_user, $upme_save;
    $id = $_GET['upme_id'];
    $meta = isset($_GET['upme_meta']) ? $_GET['upme_meta'] : '';
    $disabled = isset($_GET['upme_disabled']) ? $_GET['upme_disabled'] : '';
    $settings = get_option('upme_options');
    $display = '<html>
                        ' . upme_crop_iframe_head() . '
                        <style type="text/css">
                                overflow: hidden;
                        <form id="upme-crop-frm" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
    $display .= '           <div class="upme-crop-wrap">';
    $display .= '           <div class="upme-wrap">';
    $display .= '               <div class="upme-field upme-separator upme-edit upme-clearfix" style="display: block;">' . __('Update Profile Picture', 'upme') . '</div>';
    $profile_pic_url = get_the_author_meta($meta, $id);
    if (is_array($upme_save->errors) && count($upme_save->errors) != 0) {
        if (($id == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('edit_users')) && is_numeric($id)) {
            $display .= upme_display_upload_box($id, $meta, $disabled, $profile_pic_url, 'block');
            $display .= upme_display_crop_box($id, $meta, $profile_pic_url, 'none');
    } elseif (isset($_POST['upme-upload-submit-' . $id]) || isset($_POST['upme-crop-request-' . $id])) {
        // Display crop area on file upload or crop link click
        if (($id == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('edit_users')) && is_numeric($id)) {
            $display .= upme_display_crop_box($id, $meta, $profile_pic_url, 'block');
    } elseif (isset($_POST['upme-crop-submit-' . $id])) {
        // Crop the image on area selection and submit
        $data_x1 = isset($_POST['upme-crop-x1']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-x1'] : 0;
        $data_y1 = isset($_POST['upme-crop-y1']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-y1'] : 0;
        $data_width = isset($_POST['upme-crop-width']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-width'] : 50;
        $data_height = isset($_POST['upme-crop-height']) ? $_POST['upme-crop-height'] : 50;
        $src = get_the_author_meta($meta, $id);
        $upme_upload_path = '';
        $upme_upload_url = '';
        if ($upload_dir = upme_get_uploads_folder_details()) {
            $upme_upload_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/upme/";
            $upme_upload_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upme/";
            $src = str_replace($upme_upload_url, $upme_upload_path, $src);
        if (is_readable($src)) {
            $result = wp_crop_image($src, $data_x1, $data_y1, $data_width, $data_height, $data_width, $data_height);
            if (!is_wp_error($result)) {
                $cropped_path = str_replace($upme_upload_path, $upme_upload_url, $result);
                update_user_meta($id, $meta, $cropped_path);
                $display .= upme_display_upload_box($id, $meta, $disabled, $profile_pic_url, 'block');
        update_crop_image_display($id, $meta, $cropped_path);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['upme-crop-save-' . $id])) {
        $src = get_the_author_meta($meta, $id);
        update_crop_image_display($id, $meta, $src);
    } else {
        if (($id == $current_user->ID || current_user_can('edit_users')) && is_numeric($id)) {
            $display .= upme_display_upload_box($id, $meta, $disabled, $profile_pic_url, 'block');
            $display .= upme_display_crop_box($id, $meta, $profile_pic_url, 'none');
    $display .= '           </div>';
    $display .= '           </div>';
    $display .= '       </form>
    echo $display;
예제 #4
 function upme_delete_uploads_folder_files($image_url)
     if ($upload_dir = upme_get_uploads_folder_details()) {
         $image_folder_link = $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upme/";
         $image_name = str_replace($image_folder_link, '', $image_url);
         $upme_upload_path = $upload_dir['basedir'] . "/upme/";
         if (unlink($upme_upload_path . $image_name)) {
             return true;
     return false;