function update_info()
    print update_page_header("AstBill database update");
    print "<ol>\n";
    print "<li>Use this script to <strong>upgrade an existing AstBill installation</strong>.  You don't need this script when installing AstBill from scratch.</li><BR>";
    print "<li>Before doing anything, backup your database. This process will change your database and its values, and some things might get lost.</li>\n<BR>";
    print "<li>WARNING: Opgrade to AstBill- and MySQL 5.0.16 For all the updates to happend MySQL need root. You need to have mysql root to update views. See AstBill forum and Wiki for more info. READ: <a href=\"\"></a> <BR>This is an last minute issue!!!!</li>\n<BR>";
    print "<li>Update your AstBill Files. This is normally the files in the modules/astbill directory the ajax directory and the agi-bin directory. Remember there may be more files to upgrade.</li>\n<BR>";
    print "<li><strong>WARNING:</strong> Only Update your AstBill Database when there is a version upgrade or instructed to do so by AstBill support. If your database files and your Module files is out of sync your AstBill installation will stop working.</li>\n<BR>";
    print "<li><a href=\"astbillupdatesvn.php?op=update\">Run the Database Upgrade Script</a>.</li>\n<BR>";
    print "<li>Don't upgrade your database twice as it may cause problems.</li>\n<BR>";
    print "<li><a href=\"\">The best way to get AstBill support is the Forum</a>.</li>\n<BR>";
    print "</ol>";
    print update_page_footer();
예제 #2
function update_info()
    print update_page_header("Drupal database update");
    print "<ol>\n";
    print "<li>Use this script to <b>upgrade an existing Drupal installation</b>.  You don't need this script when installing Drupal from scratch.</li>";
    print "<li>Before doing anything, backup your database. This process will change your database and its values, and some things might get lost.</li>\n";
    print "<li>Update your Drupal sources, check the notes below and <a href=\"update.php?op=update\">run the database upgrade script</a>.  Don't upgrade your database twice as it may cause problems.</p></li>\n";
    print "<li>Go through the various administration pages to change the existing and new settings to your liking.</li>\n";
    print "</ol>";
    print "Notes:";
    print "<ol>";
    print " <li>If you upgrade from Drupal 4.2.0, you have to create the <code>sessions</code> table manually before upgrading.  After you created the table, you'll want to log in and immediately continue the upgrade.  To create the <code>sessions</code> table, issue the following SQL command (MySQL specific example):<pre>CREATE TABLE sessions (\n  uid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n  sid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',\n  hostname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',\n  timestamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0',\n  session text,\n  KEY uid (uid),\n  KEY sid (sid(4)),\n  KEY timestamp (timestamp));</pre></li>";
    print "</ol>";
    print update_page_footer();
예제 #3
function update_info()
    print update_page_header("Drupal database update");
    print "<ol>\n";
    print "<li>Use this script to <strong>upgrade an existing Drupal installation</strong>.  You don't need this script when installing Drupal from scratch.</li>";
    print "<li>Before doing anything, backup your database. This process will change your database and its values, and some things might get lost.</li>\n";
    print "<li>Update your Drupal sources, check the notes below and <a href=\"update.php?op=update\">run the database upgrade script</a>.  Don't upgrade your database twice as it may cause problems.</p></li>\n";
    print "<li>Go through the various administration pages to change the existing and new settings to your liking.</li>\n";
    print "</ol>";
    print "Notes:";
    print "<ol>";
    print " <li>If you <strong>upgrade from Drupal 4.4.x</strong>, you will need to create the <code>users_roles</code> and <code>locales_meta</code> tables manually before upgrading. To create these tables, issue the following SQL commands:\n\n  <p>MySQL specific example:\n  <pre>\n  CREATE TABLE users_roles (\n    uid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n    rid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n    PRIMARY KEY (uid, rid)\n  );\n  CREATE TABLE locales_meta (\n    locale varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',\n    name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n    enabled int(2) NOT NULL default '0',\n    isdefault int(2) NOT NULL default '0',\n    plurals int(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n    formula varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',\n    PRIMARY KEY  (locale)\n  );\n  </pre>\n  </p>\n\n  <p>PostgreSQL specific example:\n  <pre>\n  CREATE TABLE users_roles (\n    uid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n    rid integer NOT NULL default '0',\n    PRIMARY KEY (uid, rid)\n  );\n  CREATE TABLE locales_meta (\n    locale varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',\n    name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',\n    enabled int4 NOT NULL default '0',\n    isdefault int4 NOT NULL default '0',\n    plurals int4 NOT NULL default '0',\n    formula varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',\n    PRIMARY KEY  (locale)\n  );\n  </pre>\n  </p>\n  </li>";
    print " <li>If you <strong>upgrade from Drupal 4.3.x</strong>, you will need to add the <code>bootstrap</code> and <code>throttle</code> fields to the <code>system</code> table manually before upgrading. To add the required fields, issue the following SQL commands:\n\n  <p>MySQL specific example:\n  <pre>\n  ALTER TABLE system ADD throttle tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';\n  ALTER TABLE system ADD bootstrap int(2);\n  </pre>\n  </p>\n\n  <p>PostgreSQL specific example:\n  <pre>\n  ALTER TABLE system ADD throttle smallint;\n  ALTER TABLE system ALTER COLUMN throttle SET DEFAULT '0';\n  UPDATE system SET throttle = 0;\n  ALTER TABLE system ALTER COLUMN throttle SET NOT NULL;\n  ALTER TABLE system ADD bootstrap integer;\n  </pre>\n  </p>\n  </li>";
    print " <li>If you <strong>upgrade from Drupal 4.2.0</strong>, you will need to create the <code>sessions</code> table manually before upgrading.  After creating the table, you will want to log in and immediately continue the upgrade.  To create the <code>sessions</code> table, issue the following SQL command:\n\n  <p>MySQL specific example:\n  <pre>\n  CREATE TABLE sessions (\n  uid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n  sid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',\n  hostname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',\n  timestamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0',\n  session text,\n  KEY uid (uid),\n  KEY sid (sid(4)),\n  KEY timestamp (timestamp));\n  </pre>\n  </p>\n  </li>";
    print "</ol>";
    print update_page_footer();