/** * Checks whether an attack is legal or not. * * @return boolean **/ public function check($update_timer = true) { $attacker = $this->attacker; $target = $this->target; $possible = array('required_turns', 'ignores_stealth', 'self_use', 'clan_forbidden'); // *** Initializes all the possible param indexes. *** foreach ($possible as $loop_index) { ${$loop_index} = isset($this->params[$loop_index]) ? $this->params[$loop_index] : NULL; } if (!is_object($this->attacker)) { $this->error = 'Only Ninja can get close enough to attack.'; return FALSE; } elseif (!is_object($this->target)) { $this->error = 'No valid target was found.'; return FALSE; } elseif (!isset($this->params['required_turns'])) { $this->error = 'The required number of turns was not specified.'; return FALSE; } $second_interval_limiter_on_attacks = '.25'; // Originally .2 $sel_last_started_attack = "SELECT player_id FROM players\n\t\t\tWHERE player_id = :char_id\n\t\t\tAND ((now() - :interval::interval) >= last_started_attack) LIMIT 1"; // *** Returns a player id if the enough time has passed, or else or false/null. *** $attack_later_than_limit = query_item($sel_last_started_attack, array(':char_id' => intval($this->attacker->id()), ':interval' => $second_interval_limiter_on_attacks . ' second')); if ($attack_later_than_limit && $update_timer) { // *** If not too soon, update the attack limit. *** update_last_attack_time($attacker->id()); // updates the timestamp of the last_attacked column to slow excessive attacks. } // *** START OF ILLEGAL ATTACK ERROR LIST *** if (!$attack_later_than_limit) { $this->error = 'Even the fastest ninja cannot act more than four times a second.'; } else { if (empty($target->vo->uname)) { $this->error = 'Your target does not exist.'; } else { if ($target->id() == $attacker->id() && !$self_use) { $this->error = 'Commiting suicide is a tactic reserved for samurai.'; } else { if ($attacker->vo->turns < $required_turns) { $this->error = 'You don\'t have enough turns for that, wait for the half hour or use amanita mushrooms to gain more turns.'; } else { if (!$self_use && $this->sameDomain($target, $attacker)) { $this->error = 'You can not attack a ninja from the same domain.'; } else { if ($target->vo->active == 0) { $this->error = 'You can not attack an inactive ninja.'; } else { if ($attacker->vo->active == 0) { $this->error = 'You cannot attack when your ninja is retired/inactive.'; } else { if ($target->health() < 1) { $this->error = "They're already dead."; } else { if ($target->hasStatus(STEALTH) && !$ignores_stealth) { // Attacks that ignore stealth will skip this. $this->error = 'Your target is stealthed. You can only hit this ninja using certain techniques.'; } else { if ($clan_forbidden && $target->getClan()->getID() == $attacker->getClan()->getID() && $attacker->getClan() == null && !$self_use) { $this->error = 'Your clan would outcast you if you attacked one of your own.'; } else { if ($target->health() > 0) { $this->error = null; return true; // *** ATTACK IS LEGAL *** } else { // *** CATCHALL ERROR MESSAGE *** $this->error = 'There was a problem with your attack.'; error_log('The problem catch-all for attackLegal object was triggered, which should not occur.'); } } } } } } } } } } } return empty($this->error); }
/** * Checks whether an attack is legal or not. * * @return boolean **/ function check() { $sql = new DBAccess(); $attacker = $this->attacker; $target = $this->target; $possible = array('required_turns', 'ignores_stealth', 'self_use', 'clan_forbidden'); //Initializes all the possible param indexes. foreach ($possible as $loop_index) { ${$loop_index} = isset($this->params[$loop_index]) ? $this->params[$loop_index] : NULL; } if (!is_object($this->attacker)) { $this->error = 'Only Ninja can get close enough to attack.'; return FALSE; } elseif (!is_object($this->target)) { $this->error = 'No valid target was found.'; return FALSE; } elseif (!isset($this->params['required_turns'])) { $this->error = 'The required number of turns was not specified.'; return FALSE; } $target_status = $target->getStatus(); $second_interval_limiter_on_attacks = '.25'; // Originally .2 $sel_last_started_attack = "select player_id from players\n\t\t\twhere player_id = '" . intval($this->attacker->player_id) . "'\n\t\t\tand ((now() - interval '" . $second_interval_limiter_on_attacks . " second') >= last_started_attack) limit 1"; $attack_later_than_limit = $sql->QueryItem($sel_last_started_attack); // Returns a player id if the enough time has passed, or else or false/null. if ($attack_later_than_limit) { // If not too soon, update the attack limit. update_last_attack_time($attacker->vo->player_id, $sql); } // updates the timestamp of the last_attacked column to slow excessive attacks. switch (true) { // *** START OF ILLEGAL ATTACK ERROR LIST *** case !$attack_later_than_limit: $this->error = "Even the fastest ninja cannot act more than four times a second."; return false; break; case $target->vo->uname == "": $this->error = "Your target does not exist."; return false; break; case $target->player_id == $attacker->player_id && !$self_use: $this->error = "Commiting suicide is a tactic reserved for samurai."; return false; break; case $attacker->vo->turns < $required_turns: $this->error = "You do not have enough turns to perform this action in this way."; return false; break; case isset($_SESSION) && $target->vo->ip == $_SESSION['ip'] && $_SESSION['ip'] != '' && !$self_use: $this->error = "You can not attack a ninja from the same domain."; return false; break; case $target->vo->confirmed == 0: $this->error = "You can not attack an inactive ninja."; return false; break; case $target->vo->health < 1: $this->error = "Your target is a ghost."; return false; break; case $target_status['Stealth'] && !$ignores_stealth: // Attacks that ignore stealth will skip this. $this->error = "Your target is stealthed. You can only hit this ninja using certain techniques."; return false; break; case $clan_forbidden && ($target->vo->clan == $attacker->vo->clan && $attacker->vo->clan != "" && !$self_use): $this->error = "Your clan would outcast you if you attacked one of your own."; return false; break; case $target->vo->health > 0: return true; // *** ATTACK IS LEGAL *** break; default: // *** CATCHALL ERROR MESSAGE *** $this->error = "There was a problem with your attack."; error_log('The problem catch-all for attackLegal object was triggered, which should not occur.'); return false; break; } }