<?php include 'functions.php'; // In this file we will update the values in the database. if (!empty($_POST["uid"])) { $uid = $_POST['uid']; updateValue("Name", $_POST["name"], $uid); updateValue("UserID", $_POST["username"], $uid); updateValue("Access", $_POST["Access"], $uid); updateValue("Phone", $_POST["Phone"], $uid); if ($_POST["Access"] == "Deactive") { updateValue("Active", "0", $uid); } else { updateValue("Active", "1", $uid); } } // Redirect to users.php header('Location: ./users.php'); // Updates a single value. function updateValue($valueName, $newValue, $valueID) { // Prevents writting an empty value to the table. if (empty($valueName) or empty($newValue) or empty($valueID)) { return; } $conn = connectTODB(); $sql = "UPDATE Users SET " . $valueName . "='" . $newValue . "' WHERE UID=" . $valueID; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo $valueName . "updated successfully"; } else { echo "Error updating record: " . $conn->error . "<br>";
include 'functions.php'; // In this file we will update the values in the database. if (!empty($_POST["vid"])) { $vid = $_POST['vid']; updateValue("VendorName", $_POST["venderName"], $vid); updateValue("Address", $_POST["address"], $vid); updateValue("City", $_POST["city"], $vid); updateValue("State", $_POST["state"], $vid); updateValue("Country", $_POST["country"], $vid); updateValue("Zip", $_POST["zip"], $vid); updateValue("UCRAccount", $_POST["UCRAccID"], $vid); updateValue("POC", $_POST["contact"], $vid); updateValue("Phone", $_POST["phone"], $vid); updateValue("Fax", $_POST["fax"], $vid); updateValue("Website", $_POST["website"], $vid); } // Redirect to venders.php header('Location: ./vender.php'); // Updates a single value. function updateValue($valueName, $newValue, $valueID) { // Prevents writting an empty value to the table. if (empty($valueName) or empty($newValue) or empty($valueID)) { return; } $conn = connectTODB(); $sql = "UPDATE ListOfVendors SET " . $valueName . "='" . $newValue . "' WHERE VID=" . $valueID; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo $valueName . "updated successfully"; } else {
function change_docx($file, $docname, $leadData) { // $dir = getcwd(); // echo $dir, "\n"; // echo $docname, "\n"; //file_put_contents("file.txt", "1"); // making a temp directory if (!is_dir("temp")) { mkdir("temp"); } else { recursive_remove_directory("temp", true); } file_put_contents("file.txt", "2"); //add for test //safeify the directory //$edir = escapeshellarg($dir); //unzip everything //system("unzip $file -d temp"); shell_exec("unzip {$file} -d temp"); // replace the tokens $c = file_get_contents("temp/word/document.xml"); $strres = updateValue($c, $leadData); unlink("temp/word/document.xml"); unlink("file.txt"); //@file_put_contents("temp/word/document1.xml",$c); @file_put_contents("temp/word/document.xml", $strres); // rezip if (is_file($docname)) { unlink($docname); } //выжные параметры для упаковки zip -> docx $toZip = array("_rels", "docProps", "word", "[Content_Types].xml", "customXml"); $cmd = "cd temp && zip -r ../files/{$docname} " . implode(" ", $toZip); shell_exec($cmd); //$fdocxname = "/files/$docname"; //rename($fdocxname,$fdocxname.'.docx'); //system($cmd); }
$data = array(); foreach ($user_list as &$value) { if (empty($value['email'])) { $value['email'] = 'ts_' . $value['uid'] . '@thinksns.com'; } $salt = rand(11111, 99999); $salt = mysql_escape_string($salt); $password = md5($value['password'] . $salt); $password = mysql_escape_string($password); $sex = $value['sex'] == 1 ? 1 : 2; $sex = mysql_escape_string($sex); $first_letter = getFirstLetter($value['uname']); $first_letter = mysql_escape_string($first_letter); $search_key = $value['uname'] . ' ' . $Py->Pinyin($value['uname']); $search_key = mysql_escape_string($search_key); $value = updateValue($value); $data[] = "('" . $value['uid'] . "','" . $value['email'] . "','" . $password . "','" . $salt . "','" . $value['uname'] . "','" . $value['email'] . "','" . $sex . "','" . $value['location'] . "','1','" . $value['is_active'] . "','" . $value['is_init'] . "','" . $value['ctime'] . "','1',null,'" . $value['domain'] . "','" . $value['province'] . "','" . $value['city'] . "','0', '', 'zh-cn', 'PRC', '0', '" . $first_letter . "', '', null, null, '0', '" . $search_key . "', null, 0, 0)"; // 添加用户组信息 - todo $user_group_link_sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $old_db_conf['DB_PREFIX'] . 'user_group_link` WHERE `uid` = ' . $value['uid'] . ' LIMIT 1'; $user_group_info = $old_db->query($user_group_link_sql); // 获取管理用户组 $admin_group_sql = 'SELECT p.* FROM `' . $old_db_conf['DB_PREFIX'] . 'user_group_popedom` AS p LEFT JOIN `' . $old_db_conf['DB_PREFIX'] . 'node` AS n ON p.`node_id` = n.`node_id` WHERE n.`app_name` = \'admin\' AND n.`mod_name` = \'*\' AND n.`act_name` = \'*\''; $admin_group_info = $old_db->query($admin_group_sql); if (empty($user_group_info) || $user_group_info[0]['user_group_id'] != $admin_group_info[0]['user_group_id']) { $user_group_data[] = "(null, '" . $value['uid'] . "', '3')"; } else { if ($user_group_info[0]['user_group_id'] == $admin_group_info[0]['user_group_id']) { $user_group_data[] = "('" . $user_group_info[0]['id'] . "', '" . $user_group_info[0]['uid'] . "', '1')"; } } }
// failed to update the value if (!updateValue($voteid, "votepoints", $votepoints, $server)) { $errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("FailedToUpdate"), "Vote Points"); } else { $hasUpdate = TRUE; } } } // imageurl value has changed if (is_null($errorMessage) && isChanged($voteid, "imgurl", $imageurl, $server) && $imageurl !== "") { // imageurl is not a valid url if (!filter_var($imageurl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("InvalidURL"), 'Image URL'); } else { // failed to update the value if (!updateValue($voteid, "imgurl", $imageurl, $server)) { $errorMessage = sprintf(Flux::message("FailedToUpdate"), "Image URL"); } else { $hasUpdate = TRUE; } } } // updating imagename if (is_null($errorMessage) && $imageurl === "" && $uploadimg['error'] === 0) { $ext = explode(".", $uploadimg['name']); $ext = end($ext); // invalid image type if (!preg_match("/image\\//", $uploadimg['type']) && !in_array(str_replace("image/", "", $uploadimg['type']), $imgtypes) && !in_array($ext, $imgtypes)) { $errorMessage = Flux::message("InvalidImageType"); } else { // invalid file size
include 'functions.php'; // In this file we will update the values in the database. if (!empty($_POST["fid"])) { $fid = $_POST['fid']; updateValue("FundName", $_POST["fundName"], $fid); updateValue("Activity", $_POST["activity"], $fid); updateValue("Fund", $_POST["fund"], $fid); updateValue("Function", $_POST["function"], $fid); updateValue("CostCenter", $_POST["costCenter"], $fid); updateValue("ProjectCode", $_POST["projectCode"], $fid); updateValue("Balance", $_POST["balance"], $fid); updateValue("Users", $_POST["users"], $fid); updateValue("Active", $_POST["active"], $fid); // Update the date on the fund, because the balance has been updated. updateValue("BalanceAsOf", date("m/d/y"), $fid); } // Redirect to funds.php header('Location: ./funds.php'); // Updates a single value. function updateValue($valueName, $newValue, $valueID) { // Prevents writting an empty value to the table. if (empty($valueName) or empty($newValue) or empty($valueID)) { return; } $conn = connectTODB(); $sql = "UPDATE ListOfFunds SET " . $valueName . "='" . $newValue . "' WHERE FID=" . $valueID; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo $valueName . "updated successfully"; } else {
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://ecommerce.aheadworks.com/AW-LICENSE.txt * * ================================================================= * MAGENTO EDITION USAGE NOTICE * ================================================================= * This software is designed to work with Magento community edition and * its use on an edition other than specified is prohibited. aheadWorks does not * provide extension support in case of incorrect edition use. * ================================================================= * * @category AW * @package AW_Mobile * @version 1.6.7 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2012 aheadWorks Co. (http://www.aheadworks.com) * @license http://ecommerce.aheadworks.com/AW-LICENSE.txt */ function updateValue(Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup $setup, $entityTypeId, $code, $key, $value) { $id = $setup->getAttribute($entityTypeId, $code, 'attribute_id'); $setup->updateAttribute($entityTypeId, $id, $key, $value); } $installer = $this; $installer->startSetup(); $setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup'); $setup->removeAttribute('catalog_product', 'mobile_description'); $setup->addAttribute('catalog_product', 'mobile_description', array('type' => 'text', 'backend' => '', 'frontend' => '', 'label' => 'Mobile Description', 'input' => 'textarea', 'class' => '', 'source' => '', 'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_STORE, 'visible' => true, 'group' => 'Mobile Options', 'required' => false, 'user_defined' => false, 'default' => '', 'searchable' => true, 'filterable' => false, 'comparable' => false, 'is_wysiwyg_enabled' => true, 'is_html_allowed_on_front' => true, 'visible_on_front' => false, 'visible_in_advanced_search' => false, 'unique' => false)); updateValue($setup, 'catalog_product', 'mobile_description', 'is_global', 0); updateValue($setup, 'catalog_product', 'mobile_description', 'is_wysiwyg_enabled', true); updateValue($setup, 'catalog_product', 'mobile_description', 'is_html_allowed_on_front', true); $installer->endSetup();