chmod($uploadfile, 0644); $result = check_upload($_FILES['userfile']['error']); $filnamn = strtolower($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $filnamn = $time_stamp_r . $filnamn; $filtyp = $_FILES['userfile']['type']; $filstorlek = $_FILES['userfile']['size']; $status = "ok"; //Get the exif data so we can store it. // what about files that don't have exif data?? include_once '../includes/functions_exif.php'; $exif_info_db = serialize_exif($uploadfile); if ($postdatefromexif == true) { // since we all ready escaped everything for database commit we have // strip the slashes before we can use the exif again. $exif_info = stripslashes($exif_info_db); $exif_result = unserialize_exif($exif_info); $exposuredatetime = $exif_result['DateTimeOriginalSubIFD']; if ($exposuredatetime != '') { list($exifyear, $exifmonth, $exifday, $exifhour, $exifmin, $exifsec) = split('[: ]', $exposuredatetime); $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($exifhour, $exifmin, $exifsec, $exifmonth, $exifday, $exifyear)); } else { $datetime = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + 3600 * $tz); } } // NEW WORKSPACE ADDED eval_addon_admin_workspace_menu('image_upload_succesful'); } else { // something went wrong, try to describe what if ($_FILES['userfile']['error'] != '0') { $result = check_upload($_FILES['userfile']['error']); } else {
function replace_exif_tags($language_full, $image_exif, $tpl) { global $cfgrow; // get exif $exif_result = unserialize_exif($image_exif); // get the language stuff require "language/lang-" . $language_full . ".php"; if ($exif_result !== null) { $empty_exif = "N/A"; if (array_key_exists("ExposureTimeSubIFD", $exif_result)) { $exposure = $exif_result['ExposureTimeSubIFD']; // exposure time } else { $exposure = $empty_exif; } if (isset($exposure) && $exposure != "") { $exposure = reduceExif($exposure); $exposure = "{$exposure} sec"; } if (array_key_exists("FNumberSubIFD", $exif_result)) { $aperture = $exif_result['FNumberSubIFD']; // Aperture $aperture = round(trim($aperture, ' f'), 1); $aperture = "f/{$aperture}"; } else { $aperture = $empty_exif; } if (array_key_exists("DateTimeOriginalSubIFD", $exif_result)) { $exif_result['DateTimeOriginalSubIFD'] = trim(str_replace('-', ':', $exif_result['DateTimeOriginalSubIFD'])); $exif_result['DateTimeOriginalSubIFD'] = str_replace(' ', ':', $exif_result['DateTimeOriginalSubIFD']); $ftime = explode(":", $exif_result['DateTimeOriginalSubIFD']); $unxTimestamp = mktime($ftime[3], $ftime[4], $ftime[5], $ftime[1], $ftime[2], $ftime[0]); $capture_date = date($cfgrow['dateformat'], $unxTimestamp); } else { $capture_date = $empty_exif; } if (array_key_exists("FlashSubIFD", $exif_result)) { $flash = $exif_result['FlashSubIFD']; // flash } else { $flash = null; } if (array_key_exists("FocalLengthSubIFD", $exif_result)) { $focal = $exif_result['FocalLengthSubIFD']; // focal length } else { $focal = $empty_exif; } if (array_key_exists("MakeIFD0", $exif_result)) { $info_camera_manu = trim($exif_result['MakeIFD0']); // camera maker } else { $info_camera_manu = $empty_exif; } if (array_key_exists("ModelIFD0", $exif_result)) { $info_camera_model = trim($exif_result['ModelIFD0']); // camera model } else { $info_camera_model = $empty_exif; } if (array_key_exists("ISOSpeedRatingsSubIFD", $exif_result)) { $iso = trim($exif_result['ISOSpeedRatingsSubIFD']); // } else { $iso = $empty_exif; } if (isset($flash) && $flash == "No Flash") { $flash = "{$lang_flash_not_fired}"; } elseif (isset($flash) && $flash) { $flash = "{$lang_flash_fired}"; } else { $flash = "{$lang_flash_not_detected}"; } if (isset($exposure) && $exposure != "0") { $exposure = "{$exposure}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_EXPOSURE_TIME>", $exposure, $tpl); } else { $exposure = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_EXPOSURE_TIME>", $exposure, $tpl); } $langexposure = "{$lang_exposure} {$exposure}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_EXPOSURE_TIME>", $langexposure, $tpl); if (isset($aperture) && $aperture != "") { $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_APERTURE>", $aperture, $tpl); } else { $aperture = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_APERTURE>", $aperture, $tpl); } $langaperture = "{$lang_aperture} {$aperture}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_APERTURE>", $langaperture, $tpl); if (isset($capture_date) && $capture_date != "") { $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_CAPTURE_DATE>", $capture_date, $tpl); } else { $capture_date = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_CAPTURE_DATE>", $capture_date, $tpl); } $langcapture_date = "{$lang_capture_date} {$capture_date}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_CAPTURE_DATE>", $langcapture_date, $tpl); if (isset($focal) && $focal != "") { $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_FOCAL_LENGTH>", $focal, $tpl); } else { $focal = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_FOCAL_LENGTH>", $focal, $tpl); } $langfocal = "{$lang_focal} {$focal}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_FOCAL_LENGTH>", $langfocal, $tpl); if (isset($info_camera_manu) && $info_camera_manu != "") { $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_CAMERA_MAKE>", $info_camera_manu, $tpl); } else { $info_camera_manu = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_CAMERA_MAKE>", $info_camera_manu, $tpl); } $langcamera_manu = "{$lang_camera_maker} {$info_camera_manu}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_CAMERA_MAKE>", $langcamera_manu, $tpl); if (isset($info_camera_model) && $info_camera_model != "") { $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_CAMERA_MODEL>", $info_camera_model, $tpl); } else { $info_camera_model = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_CAMERA_MODEL>", $info_camera_model, $tpl); } $langcamera_model = "{$lang_camera_model} {$info_camera_model}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_CAMERA_MODEL>", $langcamera_model, $tpl); if (isset($iso) && $iso != "") { $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_ISO>", $iso, $tpl); $iso = "{$iso}"; } else { $iso = "{$empty_exif}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_ISO>", $iso, $tpl); } $langiso = "{$lang_iso} {$iso}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<LANG_ISO>", $langiso, $tpl); $flash = "{$flash}"; $tpl = ereg_replace("<EXIF_FLASH>", $flash, $tpl); } return $tpl; }
//Gets the id of the last added image to use in the next "insert" } elseif ($_GET['x'] == 'update') { $query = "UPDATE " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "pixelpost set \n\t\tdatetime='{$newdatetime}', headline='{$headline}', body='{$body}', \n\t\tcategory='{$category}', alt_headline='{$alt_headline}', \n\t\talt_body='{$alt_body}', comments='{$comments_settings}', \n\t\texif_info='{$exif_info_db}' \n\t\tWHERE id='{$update_id}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) || die_logout("Error: " . mysql_error() . $admin_lang_ni_db_error); } /** * Support for the GooglemapAddon * * since we all ready escaped everything for database commit we have * strip the slashes before we can use the exif again. * * Not sure how the update is handled in this routine!! * TODO: check update routine. **/ $exif_info = stripslashes($exif_info_db); $exif_info = unserialize_exif($exif_info); // try to get the GPS exif data if (array_key_exists('LatitudeGPS', $exif_info)) { $_POST['imagePointLat'] = $exif_info['Latitude ReferenceGPS'] == "S" ? '-' . $exif_info['LatitudeGPS'] : $exif_info['LatitudeGPS']; $_POST['imagePointLng'] = $exif_info['Longitude ReferenceGPS'] == "W" ? '-' . $exif_info['LongitudeGPS'] : $exif_info['LongitudeGPS']; // add backwards compatibility with GooglemapAddon v2 $_POST['imagePoint'] = "({$_POST['imagePointLat']},{$_POST['imagePointLng']})"; } /** * Support for categories **/ if (isset($_POST['category'])) { if ($_GET['x'] == 'update') { // remove the categories from the table so we can insert them again $query = "delete from " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "catassoc where image_id='{$getid}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) || "Error: " . mysql_error();