예제 #1
* Arguments :  $conditions - An array containing all the validaiton information.
*				$show(Integer) - The value given here decides how the data should be returned - or printed.[OPTIONAL]
*						1 = Prints the errors as an HTML List
*						2 = Return the errors as a string(HTML list)
*						3 = Return the errors as an array 
*						4 = Return the errors as an array with field name as the key.
*						Defaults to 1
* Super powerful validaiton script for form fields. I may make this a class to do both serverside and 
*			client side validaiton - both in the same package
* :TODO: This function is not fully tested. It is not even partaily tested.
* :TODO: Documentation needed desperatly
* :TODO: Change this function to a class.
The first argument - $conditions is an array with all the validaiton rule
Each element of the array is one rule.
Each rule is an associative array. The following keys are supported

name	: The name of the field that should be checked. ($_REQUEST['date'] - here the name is 'date')
is		: What sort data should MAKE AN ERROR. If the given type is found as the field value, an error will be raised. Example 'empty'
title	: The human friendly name for the field (eg. 'Date of Birth')
error  : The message that should be shown if there is a validation error
value	: The programmer provided value. Some rules must have an additional value to be matched against. For example the '<' condition must have a value - the user inputed value and the value given in this index will be compared
when	: This is a method to short-circut the validation. If this is false, or '0' validaiton will NOT take place. The rule will just be ignored.

Example :
$conditions = array(
		'name'	=>	'username',
		'is'	=>	'empty',
		'error' =>	'Please provide a valid username'
		'name'	=>	'username',
		'is'	=>	'length<',
		'value'	=> 	3,
		'error' =>	'Make sure that then username has atleast 3 chars'
function check($conditions, $show = 1)
    $errors = array();
    $field_errors = array();
    foreach ($conditions as $cond) {
        unset($title, $default_error, $error, $when, $input, $is, $value, $name, $value_field);
        if (!isset($title)) {
            $title = format($name);
        if (!isset($name)) {
            $name = unformat($title);
        $input = '';
        if (!empty($_REQUEST[$name])) {
            $input = $_REQUEST[$name];
        if (isset($value_field)) {
            $value = $_REQUEST[$value_field];
        $default_error = "Error in '{$title}' field!";
        if (!isset($error)) {
            $error = $default_error;
        if (isset($when)) {
            if ($when === 0 or $when === false) {
                //Ok - don't validate this field - ignore erros if any
            } else {
                if ($when != "") {
                    //When error
                    $errors[] = $error;
        switch ($is) {
            case 'empty':
                if (!$input) {
                    if ($error == $default_error) {
                        $error = "The {$title} is not provided";
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'not':
                if ($error == $default_error) {
                    $error = "The {$title} should be '{$value}'";
                if ($input != $value) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'equal':
                if ($error == $default_error) {
                    $error = "The {$title} should field must not be '{$value}'";
                if ($input == $value) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
                //Numeric Checks
            //Numeric Checks
            case '>':
            case 'greater':
                if ($input > $value) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case '<':
            case 'lesser':
                if ($input < $value) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
                //Length Checks
            //Length Checks
            case 'length<':
                if (strlen($input) < $value) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'length>':
                if (strlen($input) > $value) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error . $value . ' : ' . strlen($input);
            case 'nan':
            case 'not_number':
                //Warning: Decimals will get through
                if ($input and !is_numeric($input)) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = "The " . $title . " should be a number";
            case 'not_email':
                //If the field does not match the email regexp, an error is shown
                if (!preg_match('/^[\\w\\-\\.]+\\@[\\w\\-\\.]+\\.[a-z\\.]{2,5}$/', $input)) {
                    if ($title) {
                        $error = "The " . $title . " should be a valid email address";
                    } else {
                        $error = "Invalid Email address provided";
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'has_weird':
                //Check for weird chars
                if (!preg_match('/^[\\w\\-]*$/', $input)) {
                    if ($title) {
                        $error = "The " . $title . " should not have weird characters";
                    } else {
                        $error = "Weird characters where found in the input";
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'not_name':
                //Check for chars that cannot appear in a title
                if (!preg_match("/^[\\w\\'\\(\\)\\,\\.\\/ ]*\$/", $input)) {
                    if ($title) {
                        $error = "The " . $title . " has invalid characters";
                    } else {
                        $error = "Invalid characters where found in the input";
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'dont_match':
            case 'not_match':
            case '!match':
                if (!preg_match("/{$value}/", $input)) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
            case 'match':
                if (preg_match("/{$value}/", $input)) {
                    $field_errors[$name][] = $error;
    //Put all errors into one array
    if ($field_errors) {
        foreach ($field_errors as $name => $arr) {
            $errors = array_merge($errors, $arr);
        $errors = array_values(array_diff($errors, array('')));
    if (!$errors) {
        return '';
    $error_message = "<ul class='validation-errors'>\n<li>";
    $error_message .= implode("</li>\n<li>", $errors);
    $error_message .= "</li>\n</ul>";
    if ($show == 1) {
        //Just show the errors as one list if the user wants it so
        print $error_message;
    } else {
        if ($show == 2) {
            //Return the errors as a string(HTML list)
            return $error_message;
        } else {
            if ($show == 3) {
                //Return the errors as an array
                return $errors;
            } else {
                //Return the errors as a array with field information
                return $field_errors;
예제 #2
  * Add a field that can only be seen when the data is being listed(list action). This field don't have to be in the database
  * Example: $admin->addListingField('User Posts','"<a href=\'$row[url]\'>View All Post of this User</a>"');
 function addListingField($title, $data)
     if ($this->action == 'list' or $this->action == 'add_save' or $this->action == 'edit_save') {
         $this->addField(unformat($title), $title, 'virtual', array(), array('html' => $data));