function action_ajaxrefresh($type)
    global $admin, $fullresult, $ajaxlogout;
    if ($admin["mode"] == "Active" && isset($admin["endtime"])) {
        $json["ajax-contest-time"] = $admin["endtime"] - time();
    } else {
        $json["ajax-contest-time"] = -1;
    $json["ajax-contest-status"] = $admin["mode"];
    if ($admin["lastjudge"] >= time() - 30) {
        $json["ajax-contest-judgement"] = "<a title='The Execution Protocol is active. Submissions will be judged as soon as they are the next in queue.'>Ongoing</a>";
    } else {
        $json["ajax-contest-judgement"] = "<a title='The Execution Protocol is currently not active. Submissions will be judged once it is initiated.'>Waiting</a>";
    if ($_SESSION["tid"] == 0) {
        $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $t = mysql_query("SELECT tid FROM teams WHERE (ip1='{$ip}' or ip2='{$ip}' or ip3='{$ip}')");
        $json["ajax-mysubmit"] = "<a href='?display=register'>New Team? Click here to Register.</a>";
    } else {
        if ($admin["mode"] == "Lockdown" && $_SESSION["status"] != "Admin") {
            $json["ajax-mysubmit"] = "<h3>My Submissions</h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
        } else {
            $json["ajax-mysubmit"] = "<h3><a href='?display=submissions&tid={$_SESSION['tid']}'>My Submissions</a></h3>";
            $json["ajax-mysubmit"] .= "<table><th title='Run ID'>RID</th><th>Problem</th><th>Language</th><th>Result</th></tr>";
            if (isset($admin["mysublist"]) && $admin["mysublist"] >= 0) {
                $limit = $admin["mysublist"];
            } else {
                $limit = 5;
            $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM problems,runs WHERE runs.tid='{$_SESSION['tid']}' AND AND runs.access!='deleted' AND problems.status='Active' ORDER BY rid DESC LIMIT 0," . $limit);
            if (is_resource($data)) {
                while ($temp = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
                    if ($_SESSION["status"] == "Admin") {
                        $t = mysql_query("SELECT name,code FROM problems WHERE pid={$temp['pid']}");
                    } else {
                        $t = mysql_query("SELECT name,code FROM problems WHERE pid={$temp['pid']} and status='Active'");
                    if (is_resource($t) && mysql_num_rows($t) == 1) {
                        $t = mysql_fetch_array($t);
                        $probname = $t['name'];
                        $probcode = $t['code'];
                    } else {
                    $result = $temp["result"];
                    if (isset($fullresult[$result])) {
                        $result = $fullresult[$result];
                    if ($temp["language"] == "Brain") {
                        $temp["language"] = "Brainf**k";
                    $json["ajax-mysubmit"] .= "<tr class='{$temp['result']}'><td><a href='?display=code&rid={$temp['rid']}' title='Link to Code'>{$temp['rid']}</a></td><td title=\"Link to Problem : {$probname}\"><a href='?display=problem&pid={$temp['pid']}'>{$probcode}</td><td>{$temp['language']}</td><td title='{$result}'>{$temp['result']}</td></tr>";
            $json["ajax-mysubmit"] .= "</table>";
    if ($admin["mode"] == "Lockdown" && $_SESSION["status"] != "Admin" || !isset($admin["cache-rankings"])) {
        $json["ajax-rankings"] = "<h3>Current Rankings</h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        $json["ajax-rankings"] = $admin["cache-rankings"];
    if ($admin["mode"] == "Lockdown" && $_SESSION["status"] != "Admin" || !isset($admin["cache-allsubmit"])) {
        $json["ajax-allsubmit"] = "<h3>All Submissions</h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        $json["ajax-allsubmit"] = $admin["cache-allsubmit"];
    if (!isset($admin["cache-problems"]) || $admin["cache-problems"] == "") {
        $admin["cache-problems"] = "<h3>Problems Index</h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    if ($admin["mode"] == "Lockdown" && $_SESSION["status"] != "Admin") {
        $json["ajax-problem"] = "<h3>Problems Index</h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        $json["ajax-problem"] = $admin["cache-problems"];
    if ($_SESSION["tid"] != 0) {
        $tid = $_SESSION["tid"];
        $t = mysql_query("SELECT teamname,score FROM teams WHERE tid={$tid}");
        if (is_resource($t)) {
            $t = mysql_fetch_array($t);
        $solvedn = mysql_query("SELECT count(distinct( as n FROM runs,problems WHERE runs.tid='{$tid}' and runs.result='AC' and and problems.status='Active'");
        if (is_resource($solvedn) && mysql_num_rows($solvedn) == 1) {
            $solvedn = mysql_fetch_array($solvedn);
            $solvedn = $solvedn["n"];
        } else {
            $solvedn = 0;
        $json["ajax-account"] = "<h3>Team Name : <a href='?display=submissions&tid={$tid}'>{$t['teamname']}</a></h3>";
        $json["ajax-account"] .= "<table><tr><th>Score</th><th>Solved</th><th><a href='?display=account'>Account</a></th></tr>";
        $json["ajax-account"] .= "<tr><td>{$t['score']}</td><td>{$solvedn}</td><td><a href='?action=logout'>Logout</a></td></table>";
    if ($admin["mode"] == "Lockdown" && $_SESSION["status"] != "Admin" || !isset($admin["cache-clarlatest"])) {
        $json["ajax-publicclar"] = "<h3><a href='?display=clarifications' title='Link to Clarifications Page'>Public Clarifications</a></h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        $json["ajax-publicclar"] = "<h3><a href='?display=clarifications' title='Link to Clarifications Page'>Public Clarifications</a></h3>" . $admin["cache-clarlatest"];
    if ($_SESSION["tid"] == 0) {
        $json["ajax-privateclar"] = "<h3><a href='?display=clarifications'>Private Clarifications</a></h3><table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        if (isset($admin["clarprivate"]) && $admin["clarprivate"] >= 0) {
            $limit = $admin["clarprivate"];
        } else {
            $limit = 2;
        $json["ajax-privateclar"] = "<h3><a href='?display=clarifications' title='Link to Clarifications Page'>My Clarifications</a></h3>";
        if (($d = mysql_getdata("SELECT * FROM clar WHERE tid={$_SESSION['tid']} and access='Private' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,{$limit}")) != NULL) {
            $json["ajax-privateclar"] .= "<table>";
            if (count($d) == 0) {
                $json["ajax-privateclar"] .= "<tr><td>Not Available</td></tr>";
            } else {
                foreach ($d as $c) {
                    if ($c["pid"] == 0) {
                        $probname = "General";
                    } else {
                        $probname = mysql_getdata("SELECT name FROM problems WHERE status='Active' AND pid={$c['pid']}");
                        $probname = "<a href='?display=problem&pid={$c['pid']}'>" . $probname[0]["name"] . "</a>";
                    $json["ajax-privateclar"] .= "<tr><td style='text-align:left;'><b><a href='?display=submissions&tid={$_SESSION['tid']}'>{$_SESSION['teamname']}</a> ({$probname})</b> : {$c['query']}</td></tr>";
                    if (!empty($c["reply"])) {
                        $json["ajax-privateclar"] .= "<tr><td style='text-align:left;'><i><b>Judge's Response</b> : {$c['reply']}</i></td></tr>";
            $json["ajax-privateclar"] .= "</table>";
        } else {
            $json["ajax-privateclar"] .= "<table><tr><td>Not Available</td></tr></table>";
    $json["refresh"] = 0;
    if ($_SESSION["tid"] != 0) {
        $temp = mysql_query("SELECT status FROM teams WHERE tid={$_SESSION['tid']}");
        if (is_resource($temp) && mysql_num_rows($temp) == 1) {
            $temp = mysql_fetch_array($temp);
            if ($temp["status"] != "Normal" && $temp["status"] != "Admin") {
                if (isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "ajaxrefresh") {
                unset($_SESSION["message"][count($_SESSION["message"]) - 1]);
                $_SESSION["message"][] = "Access Denied : You have been logged out as your account is no longer Active.";
                $json["refresh"] = 1;
    if ($type == 0 && $admin["ajaxrr"] == 0) {
        $json["refresh"] = 1;
    if ($ajaxlogout == 1) {
        $json["refresh"] = 1;
    $json["newclar"] = "";
    $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clar WHERE (access='Public' or tid=" . $_SESSION["tid"] . ") and access!='Delete' and time>" . $_SESSION["time"]);
    if (is_resource($data) && mysql_num_rows($data)) {
        $json["newclar"] = array();
        while ($temp = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
            if ($temp["pid"] == 0) {
                $prob = array("name" => "General");
            } else {
                $prob = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM problems WHERE pid=" . $temp["pid"]));
            $team = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT teamname FROM teams WHERE tid=" . $temp["tid"]));
            $json["newclar"][] = $team["teamname"] . " (" . $prob["name"] . ") : " . unfilter($temp["query"]) . (!empty($temp["reply"]) ? "\nJudge`s Response : " . unfilter($temp["reply"]) : "");
        $json["newclar"] = "Latest Clarification(s)\n\n" . implode($json["newclar"], "\n\n");
    $json["newclar2"] = "";
    if ($_SESSION["status"] == "Admin") {
        $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clar WHERE reply='' and time>" . $_SESSION["time"]);
        if (is_resource($data) && mysql_num_rows($data)) {
            $json["newclar2"] = array();
            while ($temp = mysql_fetch_array($data)) {
                if ($temp["pid"] == 0) {
                    $prob = array("name" => "General");
                } else {
                    $prob = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM problems WHERE pid=" . $temp["pid"]));
                $team = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT teamname FROM teams WHERE tid=" . $temp["tid"]));
                $json["newclar2"][] = $team["teamname"] . " (" . $prob["name"] . ") : " . unfilter($temp["query"]);
            $json["newclar2"] = "Clarification Request(s)\n\n" . implode($json["newclar2"], "\n\n");
    $_SESSION["time"] = time();
    return json_encode($json);
예제 #2
function renderXML($input, $argv, $parser)
    // parameters
    $feedURL = $argv["feed"];
    $escapedFeedURL = urlencode($argv["feed"]);
    $maxItems = (int) $argv["maxitems"];
    $addLineFeed = $argv["linefeed"];
    // retrieve the xml source from the cache before trying to fetch it
    // limits possible stress on other people's servers, reduces chance of DOS attacks
    global $wgMemc;
    $cachedSource = false;
    if (debugSwitch("forceload")) {
    if (!$cachedSource) {
        // Uses Http::get which is the prefered method to make requests from MediaWiki since it handles going through proxies, etc.
        $timeout = 5;
        // set to zero for no timeout
        $source = Http::get($feedURL, $timeout, array(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1));
        if (!$source) {
            return wfMsgExt("xml-feedfailed", array('parseinline'));
        // only cache newly fetched sources
        $wgMemc->set($escapedFeedURL, $source, strtotime("+2 hour"));
    } else {
        $source = $cachedSource;
    if (debugSwitch("source")) {
        echo $source . "\n";
    // parse
    $feed = new XmlDocument();
    if (!$feed->parse($source)) {
        return wfMsg("xml-parseerror", $feed->getError());
    // fill in the template with the fields from the xml file
    preg_match_all("#<item path=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</item>#", filter($input), $matches);
    $result = "";
    foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $text) {
        $path = $matches[1][$i];
        $template = filter(trim(unfilter($matches[2][$i])));
        $items = $feed->getItem($path);
        $count = min(count($items), $maxItems);
        if (!$items) {
            $result .= wfMsg("xml-pathnotfound", $path);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
            $item = $items[$i];
            // fill in the template (use standard template parameter format)
            $text = $template;
            if (preg_match_all("/{{{([a-zA-Z:]*)}}}/", $text, $fields)) {
                foreach (array_unique($fields[1]) as $field) {
                    // SWC 20061113 - Broke the accessing into two lines so that it parses
                    $tempArray = $item[strtoupper($field)];
                    $currValue = implode("", $tempArray[0]);
                    $text = str_replace("{{{{$field}}}}", $currValue, $text);
            // conditially add a line feed to the end of each item
            if ($addLineFeed) {
                $result .= $text . "\n";
            } else {
                $result .= $text;
    return sandboxParse($result);