예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function view(OrderInterface $order, $view_mode)
     // @todo Simplify this or replace with Views
     if ($view_mode == 'customer') {
         $comments = uc_order_comments_load($order->id());
         $statuses = OrderStatus::loadMultiple();
         $header = array($this->t('Date'), $this->t('Status'), $this->t('Message'));
         $rows[] = array(array('data' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($order->created->value, 'uc_store'), 'class' => array('date')), array('data' => '-', 'class' => array('status')), array('data' => $this->t('Order created.'), 'class' => array('message')));
         if (count($comments) > 0) {
             foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                 $rows[] = array(array('data' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($comment->created, 'uc_store'), 'class' => array('date')), array('data' => array('#plain_text' => $statuses[$comment->order_status]->getName()), 'class' => array('status')), array('data' => array('#markup' => $comment->message), 'class' => array('message')));
         $build = array('#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('uc-order-comments')));
     } else {
         $build = array('#theme' => 'table', '#header' => array(array('data' => $this->t('Date'), 'class' => array('date')), array('data' => $this->t('User'), 'class' => array('user', RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW)), array('data' => $this->t('Notified'), 'class' => array('notified')), array('data' => $this->t('Status'), 'class' => array('status', RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW)), array('data' => $this->t('Comment'), 'class' => array('message'))), '#rows' => array(), '#attributes' => array('class' => array('order-pane-table uc-order-comments')), '#empty' => $this->t('This order has no comments associated with it.'));
         $comments = uc_order_comments_load($order->id());
         $statuses = OrderStatus::loadMultiple();
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $icon = $comment->notified ? 'true-icon.gif' : 'false-icon.gif';
             $build['#rows'][] = array(array('data' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($comment->created, 'short'), 'class' => array('date')), array('data' => array('#theme' => 'uc_uid', '#uid' => $comment->uid), 'class' => array('user')), array('data' => array('#theme' => 'image', '#uri' => drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_order') . '/images/' . $icon), 'class' => array('notified')), array('data' => array('#plain_text' => $statuses[$comment->order_status]->getName()), 'class' => array('status')), array('data' => array('#markup' => $comment->message), 'class' => array('message')));
     return $build;
예제 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(OrderInterface $order, array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $items = array();
     $comments = uc_order_comments_load($order->id(), TRUE);
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $items[] = ['username' => ['#theme' => 'uc_uid', '#uid' => $comment->uid, '#prefix' => '[', '#suffix' => '] '], 'message' => ['#markup' => $comment->message]];
     $form['comments'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, '#empty' => $this->t('No admin comments have been entered for this order.'));
     $form['admin_comment_field'] = array('#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Add an admin comment'));
     $form['admin_comment_field']['admin_comment'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#description' => $this->t('Admin comments are only seen by store administrators.'));
     return $form;
예제 #3
 * Builds and processes an order pane defined by hook_uc_order_pane().
 * @param $op
 *   The operation the pane is performing. Possible values are "view",
 *   "customer", "edit-form", "edit-theme" or "edit-process".
 * @param $order
 *   The order being viewed or edited.
 * @param $form
 *   The order's edit form. NULL for non-edit ops.
 * @param &$form_state
 *   The form state array of the edit form. NULL for non-edit ops.
 * @return
 *   Varies according to the value of $op:
 *   - view: A render array showing admin-visible order data.
 *   - customer: A render array showing customer-visible order data.
 *   - edit-form: $form with the pane grafted in.
 *   - edit-theme: The rendered portion of the $form that the pane added.
 *   - edit-process: An array of values to be modified on the order object,
 *     keyed by the object's property, or NULL to signify no change on the order
 *     object.
function uc_order_pane_callback($op, $order, &$form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL)
    global $user;
    switch ($op) {
        case 'view':
            $comments = uc_order_comments_load($order->order_id, TRUE);
            return tapir_get_table('uc_op_admin_comments_view_table', $comments);
        case 'edit-form':
            $form['admin_comment_field'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Add an admin comment'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE);
            $form['admin_comment_field']['admin_comment'] = array('#type' => 'textarea', '#description' => t('Admin comments are only seen by store administrators.'));
            return $form;
        case 'edit-theme':
            $comments = uc_order_comments_load($form['order_id']['#value'], TRUE);
            if (is_array($comments) && count($comments) > 0) {
                foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                    $items[] = '[' . theme('uc_uid', array('uid' => $comment->uid)) . '] ' . filter_xss_admin($comment->message);
            } else {
                $items = array(t('No admin comments have been entered for this order.'));
            $output = theme('item_list', array('items' => $items)) . drupal_render($form['admin_comment_field']);
            return $output;
        case 'edit-process':
            if (!empty($order['admin_comment'])) {
                uc_order_comment_save($order['order_id'], $user->uid, $order['admin_comment']);
예제 #4
function moysklad_uc_checkout_complete($order, $account)
    // dpm($order);
    // dpm($account);
    // dpm(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));
    $comment = uc_order_comments_load($order->order_id);
    $description = "Оформлен заказ номер: " . $order->order_id . "\n";
    // немного хардкода
    if (function_exists('uc_extra_fields_pane_value_load') && function_exists('_delivery_type_description')) {
        $dd = uc_extra_fields_pane_value_load($order->order_id, 12, 1);
        $description .= "Предпочтительный способ доставки: " . _delivery_type_description($dd->value) . "\n";
    $description .= "Адрес доставки: " . $order->delivery_city . " " . $order->delivery_street1 . " " . $order->delivery_street2 . "\n";
    $description .= "Комментарий клиента к заказу: " . $comment[0]->message;
    // если нет возможности получить auuid из почты пользователя, например новый
    // анонимный пользователь, то присваиваем дефолтное значение и пытаемся создать
    // нового пользователя в моем складе
    $mail = $order->primary_email;
    if (!($auuid = _moysklad_email_to_auuid($mail))) {
        $auuid = variable_get('default_auuid', '');
        $body = _moysklad_user_to_xml(array("first_name" => $order->delivery_first_name, "last_name" => $order->delivery_last_name, "company" => $order->delivery_company, "phone" => $order->delivery_phone, "email" => $order->primary_email, "street1" => $order->delivery_street1, "street2" => $order->delivery_street2, "city" => $order->delivery_city), variable_get('moysklad_login'));
        $respond = _moysklad_company_send($body) or die("Мой склад не отвечает");
        $respondXML = simplexml_load_string($respond);
        // если пользователь создался используем его auuid
        // и обновляем кеш пользователей с моего склада
        if ($respondXML->uuid) {
            $auuid = $respondXML->uuid;
            drupal_set_message(t('New user created successfully.'));
            drupal_set_message(t('User cache was renewed.'));
        } else {
            drupal_set_message(t('Can`t create new user, use default user auuid instead'), 'error');
    $items = $order->products;
    $coupons = false;
    if (isset($order->data['coupons'])) {
        $coupons = $order->data['coupons'];
    $body = _moysklad_user_order_to_xml($auuid, $items, $coupons, $description);